"C" - Pharmacy Abstracts:

A new approach towards neuromodulation

A New Approach towards Neuromodulation 1. University of Western Ontario, London Health Sciences Centre 339 Windermere Road A10-026, London Health Sciences Centre 1. Introduction Many neurological disorders are determined by degeneration of specific groups of cells. Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by a loss of neurons from the substantia nigra which results in a deficiency of

Patient preparation for lab tests

LABORATORY SERVICES CRMC Laboratory Draw Station is located in the Out Patient Services area. We are available 6AM to 6PM daily. No appointment is necessary. (Please note that due to lower weekend and after hours staffing, your wait time may be longer on weekends and after stated hours.) We must have a copy of your physician’s orders for your lab work. Please ask your physician to fax a

Two easy ways to sleep better tonight

Two Easy Ways to Sleep Better Tonight by Charles PoliquinTwo of the most common questions I am asked are: “What can I do to help me sleep?” and “What is the best form of magnesium?” Not surprisingly, there is actually a connection between the two. First, let me specifically address the question of the best form of magnesium. The easy answer would be to tell everyone there is simply one

Al-risala 2002

Al-Risala 1994 Serendipity Man can discover the awesome splendour of the godhead only if he engrosses himself total y in his Creator. Horace Walpole (1717-1797), the renowned Englishman of letters, once finding himself at a loss for an exact expression for the faculty of making happy or unexpected discoveries by accident, coined the word serendipity, deriving it from the title of a fa


The facts about SYPHILIS What is syphilis? Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by a bacterium (bug) called Treponema pallidum. It enters the body through tiny breaks in the skin- mainly in the genital area or the mouth. How do you get syphilis? Syphilis is very infectious and is usually caught by having close sexual contact with an infected person. This m


No conviene tomar el poder. Si uno quiere hacer un mundo mejor, no hay quetomar el poder. Un grupo de personas accede al sillón de Rivadavia y al juego de sillas quecompletan el lote y se sientan con la esperanza de darle a ese poder unrumbo nuevo. Enseguida se advierte que, como en los mejores cuentos deterror, no son ellos los que mandan. El que manda es el sillón. ¿Qué pasa?Es que en ese si


Safety information Do not take VIAGRA if you take nitrates, often prescribed for chest pain, as this may cause a sudden, unsafe drop in blood pressure. Discuss your general health status with your doctor to ensure that you are healthy enough to engage in sexual activity. I f you experience chest pa in, nausea, or any other discomforts during sex, seek immediate medical help. In the rare e


#4 LAS INICIATIVAS DE ESPAÑA Y MÉXICO PARA COMBATIR TERRORISMO COMPRENSIÓN ORAL 1. Antes de escuchar : a) ¿Ha escuchado usted del movimiento zapatista en México o del grupo juvenil Haïka en España?Utilice el vocabulario siguiente para escribir una definición de ellos: Grupo juvenil – País Vasco español – "cachorros de ETA" – dirigir y fiscalizar – banda


Prise en charge médicale des personnes infectées par le VIH Rapport 2008 (recommandations du groupe d’experts) Addendum du 13 avril 2009 au chapitre 5 : Traitement antirétroviral Version 2 du 20 avril 2009 Cette version remplace celle du 13 avril 2009 ; elle prend en compte (page 5, 2éme alinéa) la prescription d’abacavir chez les patients naïfs de traitement anti

Getting ready for nasal surgery

GETTING READY FOR NASAL SURGERY What to expect - You can expect to have visible bruising and swelling for several weeks. You can expect to have drainage for a few days. 6 WEEKS BEFORE SURGERY Your surgeon may request abstinence from smoking and all tobacco products 6 weeks before and 6 weeks afterward. Failure to abstain from tobacco may result in your surgery being postponed or canceled


Prof. Juan A. Barcia is currently Head of the Department of Neurosurgery and Full professor of Neurosurgery at the University Hospital "Hospital Clínico San Carlos" in Madrid, Spain, and at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Board certified in Neurosurgery since 1992, he received his MD in 1987 and PhD in 1997. He has been Associate professor of Neurosurgery, at the University

Cfy wtc 2013.02.28

WTC PRESENTS LUNCH CONCERT Thursday February 28, 2013 at 12:30 p.m. in the Central Hall BACH with STEFANIE TRUE soprano & MUSICA AD RHENUM Jed Wentz – traverso flute, Igor Rukhadze & Sara DeCorso violins, Örzse Adam – viola, Job ter Haar – violoncello, Tomoki Sumiya – double bass and Marijn Slappendel - harpsichord Cantata “Ich habe Genug” (I ha

Microsoft word - document2

MALARIA - JAMAICA (KINGSTON) (04) ********************************** A ProMED-mail post <http://www.promedmail.org> ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases <http://www.isid.org> Date: Thu 8 Feb 2007 From: Brent Barrett <[email protected]> Source: CDC [edited] <http://www.cdc.gov/travel/outbreaks.htm> Update: Malaria i

¿qué es un acto sexual

www.cholonautas.edu.pe / Biblioteca Virtual de Ciencias Sociales ¿Qué es un acto sexual? Parece que cuando se les pide definir lo que es para ellos un acto sexual, dentro de su campo de experiencia, antropólogos y psicoanalistas se encuentran en una situación distinta, aunque similar en cierta forma. Porque ninguno de ellos suele observar directamente actos sexuales en el ejerci


STATE-BASED MANDATES REQUIRING REGISTRY AND REPORTING OF CLINICAL TRIALS AND RESULTS Overview: Currently, drug companies conduct clinical trials but may not release the final results to physicians and the public if the results do not reflect favorably on their product. The widely- reported problems of Vioxx and antidepressants in children are just two of several examples of this


What are cold sores? Cold sores are annoying, small, painful blisters on the lips and nearby skin, including in the nose and mouth. They usually appear when you are sick or stressed. They are also called fever blisters. How do they occur? Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus. This virus also causes genital herpes. The fluid in the blisters contains live virus. The virus in th

Why are you here today

Robert V. Kolbusz, M.D. Why are you here today? (If you are not here for Acne or a Rash, fill out as many questions as you can from this Questionnaire.) Please DO NOT MARK ON ANY UNUSED QUESTIONNAIRES 3825 Highland • Suite 5C • Downers Grove, IL 60515 • 630-964-2000 Fax 630-964-2033 Robert V. Kolbusz, M.D. ACNE QUESTIONNAIRE PATIENT :________________________

Microsoft word - 2_premio_3_colocado_monografia.doc

Monografia – 3º colocado Título do Trabalho: O cirurgião-dentista como peça fundamental na qualidade de vida do paciente irradiado Autor (a): Drª. Denize Rachel Nogueira Vasconcellos Orientador (a): Profª. Drª. Ellen Brilhante de Albuquerque Instituição Educacional: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ O CIRURGIÃO-DENTISTA COMO PEÇA FUNDAMENTAL NA QUALIDADE

Microsoft word - informatieboekje medicatie bij eetstoornissen 2012 11.doc

Medicatie in de behandeling van eetstoornissen Voor meer informatie over Curium-LUMC, kijk op onze website: Medicatie en omgeving Alle medicijnen die invloed hebben op de hersenen, kunnen de rijvaardigheid beïnvloeden. Dat geldt dus ook voor olanzapine en fluoxetine. Je moet dus voorzichtig zijn met autorijden, maar ook een fietser of bestuurder van een brommer of snorfiets m

April 2009.pub

One of the proudest and most significant achievements in Canadian history was the creation of the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) in 1933. 2008 marked the 75th anniversary of this event, when unions, farmers, church leaders and aca-demics joined to create for the first time, a Canadian national party of the left. To commemorate, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternative’s Sask

Microsoft word - vali y.doc

Professionalisation of interpreting in the community International Conference Critical Link 4 Adapting To Diversity Organizational Change at The Scarborough Hospital The Scarborough Hospital, Toronto, Canada Abstract Over the years the population changes in Scarborough, particularly with the broader diversity of ethnic and racial groups, have challenged The Scarborough


Special Topic Section Pharmacological Treatment of Addiction Eur Addict Res 2003;9:53–58DOI: 10.1159/000068808 Experiences with an Outpatient Relapse Program (Community Reinforcement Approach) Combined with Naltrexone in the Treatment of Opioid-Dependence: Effect on Addictive Behaviors and the Predictive Value of Psychiatric Comorbidity H.G. Roozen A.J.F.M. Kerkhof W. van den BrinkDepa

Normas general para la conservaciÓn administraciÓn y aprovechamiento de las carreteras y autopistas nacionales, incluyendo pue

REPUBLICA BOLIVARIANA DE VENEZUELA - MINISTERIO DE INFRAESTRUCTURA - ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ NORMAS Y PROCEDIMIENTOS TÉCNICOS EN MATERIA DE CONSERVACIÓN, ADMINISTRACIÓN Y APROVECHAMIENTO DE LA INFRAESTRUCTURA VIAL (Disposición Transitoria Sexta del Decreto 1.535) Administración directa de la recaudaci

Abstract title centered and bold in upper- and lowercase

Preparation and in vitro evaluation of tretinoin nano-emulsion system Mahsa Sabouri 1, Effat Sadat Farboud 2, Mansour Nasiri Kashani 3 Zahra Jafari Azar 1, Saman Ahmad Nasrollahi 3٭ 1. Department of Pharmaceutics, Islamic Azad University of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 2. Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, 3. Center for


1. Introduction An eZee electric bicycle looks exactly like a conventional bicycle, but is fitted with a state of the art electric motor, battery and controller system. It encourages cycling through providing all the gain of conventional cycling, but without the pain. Off course, at any time the bicycle can be peddled like a normal bicycle if desired, with the electric motor augmenting

1091297, digiovanni v. albertson's, inc.

CHARLES S. DiGIOVANNI as Special Administrator(Sachidananda D. Shastri and Gericare, Ltd., JUSTICE STEELE delivered the opinion of the court:This appeal arises from an order of the circuit court dismissing defendant Albertson’s,Inc., d/b/a Osco Drugs (Osco), from a suit filed by plaintiff, Charles DiGiovanni, as specialadministrator of the estate of Laverne DiGiovanni (the Estate), with pre

Microsoft word - tre 4000 proposta.doc

CLUB ALPINO ITALIANO Sezione di Castrovillari TRE QUATTROMILA del MASSICCIO del ROSA in un “COLPO SOLO” … PIU’ TANTO ALTRO ANCORA ! 27 LUGLIO – 1 AGOSTO 2010 Premesso che la sortita, comprende un programma “alpinistico”, con ascesa alla P.ta Zumstein – 4563 -, P.ta Gnifetti – 4554 – e Piramide Vincent – 4215 - nonchè uno “escursionistico”,

Hotline protocol documentation

By Virtual1, PDF'd by Wade Tregaskis (aka Sys)You can download the latest version of this document from the 2100 Software web site (http://2100sw.8m.com/), as well as the Pacific Media & Design Hotline server, hotline://pmd.dhs.org/This guide was generated during several days of intense use of OTSessionWatcher, to get the protocol figured out in preparation for the development of HotSocket


The Eye-Q Newsletter Vol. 8, No. 2 — Summer 2004 Examples: Application of Sunscreens: Tavist-1, Actifed, and Chlortimeton. Hats: Pick a hat you will feel comfortable wearing because if you feel foolish in it youand then subject it to further damage fromprobably won’t wear it. A broad brim hat ischronic ultraviolet (UV) light exposure. the best for protection. Try to

Microsoft word - carnegie fund simplified prospectus september 2011 (clean version)

SIMPLIFIED PROSPECTUS and its Sub-Funds (the "Portfolios") CARNEGIE FUND An FCP organised under the laws of Luxembourg (the “ Fund ”) This simplified prospectus contains key information about the Fund and its portfolios (the “Portfolios” and each a “Portfolio”). If you would like more information before you invest, please consult the Fund’s complete prospectus


DODE N. WASHINGTON, M.D., FACOG KAREN RUSHFORD, CNM, MSN, MA LINDA L. HARPER, APRN LINDA M. CRAWFORD, ADMINISTRATOR What Every OB Patient Needs to Know! Over the counter medications that are safe during pregnancy: Headache/Pain/Fever Diarrhea • Tylenol (regular or extra strength) • Kaopectate or Imodium AD Cold/Congestion Minor Rashes • Sudafed or Actifed


N e w s f o r t h e C o m m e r c i a l Te n a n t a n d B u y e rAnew or newly renovated offi ce building is built and quickly fi lls up becoming 100% occupied. Why? Is the demand for commercial offi ce space that strong in the Capital District? The answer is both “No” and “Yes”. No, due to the fact we are not enjoying a strong growth of companies moving to the Capital area, bu

La felicidad como indicador de calidad de vida

La felicidad como indicador de calidad de vida Por Alberto Chirif El autor explora el concepto de felicidad tal como se concibe desde la sociedad occidental y critíca con agudeza a quienes promueven un modelo económico “caótico y destructor”. Sin duda, cuando las futuras generaciones estudien cómo contabilizamos como desarrollo y felicidad nacional un crecimiento eco



Microsoft word - 032-036.doc

Acosta Gómez J, Alzaga Lizarralde A, Álvarez Mozos L, Gudiel Urbano M, Fernández-Llimós F. Análisis del proceso de dispensación y detección de interacción potencial en farmacias de Alcorcón (Madrid) y Bilbao. Seguim Farmacoter 2004; 2(1): 32-36. Comunicación breve / Short report Análisis del proceso de dispensación y detección de interacción potencial en farmacias de Al


PHYSICIAN'S ORDERS Mark in for desired orders. If is blank, order is inactive. SUPPORTIVE CARE ORDERS Agitation/ Anxiety/ Confusion/ Delirium LORazepam (ATIVAN) 1 mg every 2 hours PO, IV or sublingual as needed for anxiety or agitation. Do not exceed 6 mg in 24 hours. haloperidol (HALDOL) 2 - 4 mg PO or IM every 4 hours as needed for confusion or delirium; not to exceed 20 mg per


SENSIBILIDADE IN VITRO DE Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. malvacearum , AGENTE CAUSAL DA MANCHA ANGULAR DO ALGODOEIRO, A ANTIBIÓTICOS José O.M. Menten (Esalq -USP / [email protected]), Cleci Dezordi (Esalq -USP), Antonio C. Maringoni (Unesp), Sandra C. Vigo-Schultz (Unesp) RESUMO - O objetivo deste trabalho foi a determinação da sensibilidade de cinco isolados de Xa

Diclofenac gel - prospectos

alergia al principio activo. Debe ser aplicado únicamente sobre zonas de piel intacta. Debeevitarse el contacto con los ojos o mucosas. Reacciones adversas: A la dosis terapéuticas recomendadas, la medicación es generalmente bien tolerada y noprovoca efectos colaterales ni secundarios. En personas hipersusceptibles, pueden llegar a presentarse trastornos leves como prurito,rubelación,

Nobel laureate prof

Nobel Laureate Prof. Ferid Murad Hired as Honorary Chair Prof. of Asia Univ. Today, Nobel Laureate Professor Ferid Murad was presented the title of Honorary Chair Professor of Asia University. Following the ceremony, Professor Murad presented the speech about continuing researching new drugs curing brain cancers and diarrhea. He hopes that such research would be helpful for theworld


AS/400 Initiation – Exemple de Base de Données GENERALITES La Base de données de l’AS/400 est une base de données relationnelle (SGBDR). Si vous connaissez un autre SGBDR vous pouvez appliquer vos connaissances sur l’AS/400 Ce document n’est pas un cours sur les bases de données. Il montre simplement comment appliquer les principes de base d’une telle organisation. Les exemples cit�

Microsoft word - 30bautista

nº 9, abril de 2013 Entrevista Pia Petersen sous le signe de don Quichotte* Esther Bautista Naranjo Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Abstract Esta entrevista está motivada por la in-the Cervantean intertextuality of Pia Peter-sen’s (a French-speaking Danish author) francófona de origen danés, Le Chien de last novel, Le Chien de don Quichotte don Quichotte


US Product Ingredients This list is compiled based on product information provided by Subway® approved food manufacturers. Every effort is made to keep this information current however it is possible that ingredient changes and substitutions may occur before this list is updated. This list does not include regional or special promotional items as ingredients vary. BREADS 9-

Microsoft word - pdm.doc

SUMÁRIO Presidência do Conselho de Ministros Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 43/94: Ratifica o Plano Director Municipal de Idanha-a-Nova.3198 Ministério da Finanças Despacho Normativo n.º 450/94: Cria no quadro de pessoal dos serviços centrais da Direcção - Geral Do tesouro um lugar de assessor principal, a extinguir quando vagar.3211 Ministério das Finanças e

Medical device alert

Implantable drug pumps and accessories: SynchroMed II and SynchroMed EL (all models) Sutureless connector intrathecal catheter products (models 8709SC, 8731SC, 8596SC, 8578) Manufactured by Medtronic. Risk of drug under- or overdose due to various • Be aware that Medtronic has recently issued four Field Safety Notices concerning these products. The MHRA has summarised and prioritised the

Microsoft word - 2011 commercial pml_10 27 10_atm,spt_ v7_clean_final_.docx

Commercial Preferred Medication List (PML) January 2011 The Capital Health Plan (CHP) Commercial Preferred Medication List (PML) is a guide within select therapeutic categories for providing cost-effective care. CHP promotes the use of generic drugs when available, and these agents should be considered the first line of prescribing. When available, generic drugs will be dispensed. If t


Roskydal® 500 A Reactive, unsaturated polyester (wax-free) which cures to yield hard films Form supplied In the formulation of clear and pigmented, wax-free coatings for wood andfurniture, high-gloss to matt, with good chemical resistance and very goodflow properties and scratch resistance. Also in the formulation of spray andcurtain-coating fillers for wood, metal and plastic. Specific

M. mejorado - resume.pdf

MARIO MEJORADO, JR., MPA, CMR [email protected] • www.mariomejorado.com • 845.855.1999 h • 914.475.8265 c PHARMACEUTICAL SPECIALTY SALES EXECUTIVE Strategic Leadership & Planning / Key Customer Relationships / Formulary Acceptance High-performing pharmaceutical sales professional with 11 years of progressive success and stellar contributions in sales , market share

Microsoft word - treatment of pertussis infor for web.doc

Information for Clinicians on the Treatment of Pertussis There are limited data to guide a choice of the duration of clarithromycin (Biaxin) for pertussis treatment and prophylaxis. Based on available information, treatment for at least 7 days is acceptable although further studies are needed. The CDC’s Guidelines for the Control of Pertussis Outbreaks (1) state: “Although in vitro stud

Drugs associated with qt interval prolongation

DRUGS ASSOCIATED WITH QT INTERVAL PROLONGATION 2–65 Drugs by Class Associationa Torsadogenicb FDA Label ingc Comments Anesthetics Non-specific arrhythmias reported in PI. Anti-arrhythmics IV affects QTc less than oral; proarrhythmia infrequent. Rate appears lower than that of quinidine. Rate appears lower than that of quinidine. “Quinidine syncope” in 2–6% of patient


www.carlosperinfilho.net CPF nº 111.763.588-04 DECOLAGEM CERTA (DCERTA) para este Cidadão e Vocês Cidadanias RICARDO GALLO, em matéria sob o título “TAM usa pilotos reprovados no inglês em voo ao exterior – Medida contraria norma que exige nível mínimo do idioma para voar para fora – Mudança vigora desde maio; empresa diz que reprovados só operam quando aeronave está


Laser Tattoo Removal Consent Form and Patient Pre and Post Protocol This form is designed to give you information needed to make an informed choice about Laser Tattoo removal. Although Laser Tattoo Removal is effective in most cases, no guarantee can be made that you will benefit from the treatment. I, _____________________________ understand that several treatments


Fraktion im Rat der Stadt Bochum Stellungnahme der CDU-Ratsfraktion zum Schulentwicklungsplan – Teilplan Grundschulen – 2012 - 2017 Die CDU-Ratsfraktion hat in der Ratssitzung am 8. November 2012 der Fortschrei- bung des Schulentwicklungsplanes für die Grundschulen und einige der darin vorge- schlagenen schulorganisatorischen Maßnahmen abgelehnt. Die CDU erkennt aber ebenfa

Microsoft word - wchs enrollment front page.doc

Clark-Pleasant Community School Corporation Permission to Administer Medication and First Aid to Student School Year: 2009-10 This form is valid for one school year and must be renewed yearly. Student Name Home Phone Grade Student health alerts, medical conditions, or allergies: I am the parent/guardian of the above-named child whose date of birth is / / . I

Microsoft word - cats fact sheet 4 - giardiasis.htm

Occupational Health – Zoonotic Disease Fact Sheet #4 [Most common intestinal protozoan parasite of people in the U.S.] SPECIES: dogs, cats, NHP, most likely AGENT: Giardia lamblia Has both a cyst (infective) and trophozoite form RESERVOIR AND INCIDENCE: The parasite occurs worldwide and is nearly universal in children in developing countries. Humans are the reservoir for Giardia,


Pilot RCT of SSRI vs Bupropion: Effects on Suicidal Behavior, Ideation and Mood in MDD with Past Attempt or Current Ideation Michael F. Grunebaum; Steven Ellis; Naihua Duan; Ainsley Burke;This poster is presented in columns for online reading. You may also see the poster in it Pilot RCT of SSRI vs Bupropion: Effects on Suicidal Behavior, Ideation and Mood in MDD with P


BIJSLUITER: INFORMATIE VOOR GEBRUIKERS Crestor 5, 10, 20 en 40, filmomhulde tabletten 5, 10, 20, 40 mg Lees goed de hele bijsluiter voordat u dit geneesmiddel gaat gebruiken want er staat belangrijke informatie in voor u. - Bewaar deze bijsluiter. Misschien heeft u hem later weer nodig. - Heeft u nog vragen? Neem dan contact op met uw arts of apotheker. - Geef dit geneesmiddel niet

Transport de batteries au lithium / transportation of lithium batteries

TRANSPORT DE BATTERIES AU LITHIUM EXCEPTEES/ TRANSPORTATION OF LITHIUM BATTERIES POUR TOUTES INFORMATIONS COMPLEMENTAIRES, APPELER / FOR ANY INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT : Numéro de telephone obligatoire / phone number mandatory tel : (1) Indiquer le nombre le type de batterie c.a.d. METAL ou ION (indicate the number of (2) Indiquer le nombre total de batt

Curriculum vitae

Curriculum Vitae Place of birth Nationality Professional Experience Employer Position/Role Grauhaus Founder of boutique marketing consultancy Focusing on B2C business helping clients 1) on strategic projects shaping brands, marketing research, concept development 2) by roviding flexible temporay Recent Topics: Market entry plan, orga


Presentation The involvement of protein S100A1 in heart diseaseARC is required for cardioprotection in response to biomechanical andA novel mode of cardiac calcium signalling Murigande TNf-a and IGF-1 decrease MAFbx mRNA expression and increase cell viability 50, 61 through different pathways in adult rat cardiomyocytes . Ackermann The role of s100A1 in cardiac arrhythmias uncovere

Microsoft word - 07 05-09-11 pain.doc

And so it was that.pain. My husband had his cancerous voice box removed in November 2006. In April 2009 he had a related cancer removed under his jaw and the site was then treated with radiotherapy. Between the surgery and the start of radiotherapy we were linked with a Macmillan District Nurse who was a liaison with our GP and had many practical ideas which she had the experience and abi

Microsoft word - chi-cafe balance pressetext 26071

Das Novum: Chi-Cafe balance –rundum gesunder Kaffeegenuss– In aller Kürze: Der neue „ Chi-Cafe balance “ verbindet sanfte Anregung mit gesundem Genuss – eine optimale Gelegenheit für alle Kaffeeliebhaber, ihren Körper zu verwöhnen. „CHI“ heißt übersetzt „Lebenskraft“. Ganz nach diesem Motto setzt sich Chi-Cafe balance aus erlesenen Zutaten zusammen, welch

Portaria n.º 51/2011 de 1 de julho de 201

S.R. DA AGRICULTURA E FLORESTAS Portaria n.º 51/2011 de 1 de Julho de 2011 Ao abrigo do disposto do n.º 4 do artigo 32.º de Decreto Regulamentar Regional n.º 4/2009/A, de 5 de Maio, manda o Governo da Região Autónoma dos Açores pelo Secretário Regional da Agricultura e Florestas, o seguinte: Artigo 1.º 1 – É aprovado o calendário venatório da Ilha de S. Miguel, que cons

Preliminary scientific program

Thursday, October 17, 2013 Plenary Session: Opening Ceremony 16:00 - 17:25 Welcome on behalf of Alzheimer Hellas Welcome on behalf of ADI Welcome on behalf of WFN Research Group on Dementia Memory: to remember and to forget. History and theories Plenary Session: Plenary Session 01 17:30 - 19:00 Research Challenges in a 2013 Predementia World The relationshi


TENDER NOTICE N ° .02. 1. Introduction The Cooperative of savings and credit (COOPEDU) launches a tender for the purchase of different IT Equipments and generator for his new branch based in Rwamagana. The tender is open to all individuals or Companies registered with trade of IT products. The tender is dived into four (4) lots as follows:- Lot 1: Five (5) desktop computers -Lot 2: A (01)


The British Journal of Radiology, 78 (2005), 405–410 E 2005 The British Institute of RadiologyManagement of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the thyroid: theRoyal Marsden Hospital experience1,2K J HARRINGTON, MRCP, FRCR, 1V J MICHALAKI, MD, 3L VINI, FRCR, 1,2C M NUTTING, MD, MRCP, FRCR,1K N SYRIGOS, MD, 4R A’HERN, PhD and 3C L HARMER, FRCP, FRCR1Head and Neck Cancer Unit, Royal Marsden Hospita

Microsoft word - plan_restriction_reportfinal.doc


Publikationen (original articles 2002 - 2005)

PUBLIKATIONSLISTE - Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für COPD 1.) Publikationen (Originalarbeiten) 1. Valipour A, Koller H, Kreuzer A, Kössler W, Csokay A, Burghuber OC. A case of primary tularemic pneumonia presenting with necrotizing mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes WiKliWo 2003, 115/196-199, IF: 0.9 2. Petkov V, Mosgöller W, Ziesche R, Raderer M, Stiebellehner L, Vonbank K, Funk GC

“playgroup can be missional” part three

“PLAYGROUP CAN BE MISSIONAL” PART THREE The principles to playgroup being missional have been instrumental in many of the testimonies I have heard from community people who have come into a relationship with Jesus through playgroup. I am also encouraged by the increasing number of churches of all denominations who are not only seeing the impact possible, but who are also actively wo

Exelon is pleased to host the 19th annual configuration management benchmarking group conference in the chicago area june 24 -27, 2012

The 19th Annual CMBG Conference The Westin Lombard Yorktown Center June 24-27, 2012 Chicago, IL April 6, 2012 (2nd announcement) The deadline to register for the 19th annual Configuration Management Benchmarking Group Conference in Chicago, IL, June 24-27, 2012 will be here soon. If you plan to attend, please take a few minutes now to register for the conference and make travel

Sf424(r&r) biographical sketch format page

Audrey F. Saftlas Professor INSTITUTION AND LOCATION FIELD OF STUDY Positions and Employment 1979-1980 Research Associate, Michigan State Toxic Substance Control Commission, Lansing, MI Epidemiologist, Michigan Cancer Foundation Registry (SEER), Detroit, MI Epidemiologist (COSTEP), Occupational Studies Section, Environmental Epidemiology Branch, National Cancer Institute,

(microsoft word - edital final camara de s\343o jo\343o_completo_site)

CÂMARA MUNICIPAL DE SÃO JOÃO DA BARRA CONCURSO PÚBLICO PARA PROVIMENTO DE VAGAS NOS CARGOS PÚBLICOS DE NÍVEL MÉDIO E SUPERIOR EDITAL Nº 01/2010 A Câmara Municipal de São João da Barra, no uso de suas atribuições, torna público que fará realizar, por intermédio da FUNDAÇÃO EUCLIDES DA CUNHA ( FEC ), de Apoio Institucional à Universidade Federal Flumi


Regulator ICs Trickle-charge IC for two-cell, lithium-ion batteries BA3170 The BA3170 is a trickle-charge IC developed for two-cell, lithium-ion batteries.The IC includes a charge control circuit,a charge output transistor, and an LED driver for showing the charging status. FApplicationsLithium-ion (two cell) battery chargers, and charging circuitsFFeatures1) Output voltage can be v


MUSIQUES À RÉACTION 3.2 Du lundi 13 au jeudi 16 février 2012 Auditorium du CRR de Paris Compositeur invité Frédéric Acquaviva. Échange avec les classes de composition électroacoustique du CRR Perpignan Méditerranée, du Conservatorio Tito Schipa de Lecce en Italie, de l'Université des arts d'Osaka et de l'Université des Beaux-arts et de la musique d'Aichi au Japon. Semaine de

What are nsaids

What Are NSAIDs? Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs (pronounced en-said) are the most prescribed medications for treating conditions such as arthritis. Most people are familiar with over-the-counter, nonprescription NSAIDs such as aspirin and ibuprofen. NSAIDs are more than just pain relievers. They also help reduce inflammation and lower fevers. They prevent blood from clotting,

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (g6pd) deficiency

G6PD Deficiency capable of producing the G6PD enzyme, resulting is an important element (enzyme) in the glucose in more severe symptoms. Females, on the other oxidation (oxygen utilization) process of red blood hand, inherit two X chromosomes, one from each cells (RBCs) and for maintaining their normal life parent. A mutation in one copy is compensated for span. G6PD deficiency is an inh

Microsoft word - sara-vassallo-resume.doc

Sara Lynn Vassallo EMPLOYMENT: Research Asst/Lab Manager, George Church Lab, Dept of Genetics, Harvard Medical School Nov 2005 – August 2013 • Expertly performed 400+ plates of emulsion PCR (including post-PCR modifications, protocol development, troubleshooting, imaging, PowerPoint presentations, reagent ordering for the team) to support the development of our lab’s sequencing


Adolescent Use/Misuse of Prescription Over the Counter Medication Dr.  Jason  Baker,  UCC   The  Rev’d.  John  Runza,  LCS   •  Context – How and why this came to be a •  The Response – what our schools can and  Rev.  Runza  &  Dr.  Baker   •  Why is this an important topic for our -  Research says “What ill


CONTINUING EDUCATION Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Current Approach to Treatment by Chris Paxos, PharmD, BCPP, CGP; and Sara E. Dugan, PharmD, BCPP event. Similar to variations in exposure to traumatic events, the prevalence of PTSD also has been found to vary wide-ly. It is estimated that the lifetime prevalence of PTSD in the U traumatic stress disorder. general population is 5-

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ChangeWave Research: Should the FDA Force Drugs Over-the-Counter? ChangeWave Research Report: FDA Over-the-Counter Drug Initiative Agency Ready to Force Certain Proprietaries to OTC Abstract Speculation on whether the FDA will force certain drugs to be sold over-the -counter (OTC) has steadily increased in recent months. FDA Commissioner Mark McClellan has stated, quit


bulletin Class Actions Is This The End Of Quebec on this issue, Société canadienne des postes v. Lépine Exceptionalism In Class Action Matters? and Hocking v. Haziza and HSBC Bank Canada , both rendered by the Court of Appeal, have received a chilly reception to national class actions, especially those certified outside the province. In both Lépine and On May 28, 2008,

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ESORDIO PRECOCE DELLA SCHIZOFRENIA Che cos’è la schizofrenia? La Schizofrenia è la principale delle malattie psichiatriche. I sintomi comunemente iniziano nella tardaadolescenza o al principio dell’età adulta. Numerosi studi hanno evidenziato che circa 1 persona su 100 nel mondo soffre di questo disturbo. Comunque,la schizofrenia con un esordio nell’adolescenza (prima dei 18 anni)

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CONCURSO PÚBLICO FUA / UFAM CARDIOLOGIA CONHECIMENTOS ESPECÍFICOS b) Assincronismo ventricular, diminuição da pós –carga e atraso do processo de término da contração. Marque a resposta que melhor responde as questões c) Sincronismo ventricular, diminuição da pós –carga e atraso do processo de término da contração. Todos os seguintes encontram-se elevados em d)

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Uma guerra entre os dois países, além de massacrar, possivelmente, milhares de árabes e israelenses, bem como norte-americanos, elevaria o preço do gás e do petróleo a um nível inimaginável, catapultado para uma cifra superior a US$ 250, ou mesmo chegar US$ 500 o barril, interrompendo o comércio e causando um cataclismo na economia mundial, já abalada e deprimida, desde 2007-2008, pel


• In addition to a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, your doctormay recommend taking calcium and/or vitamin D supplements. by Janice Beatty, RN, BSN and Craig ButlerCheck with your doctor about the need for these supplements. What can be done to treat low bone mass? Following all of the above prevention measures is important in treating low bone mass, to help insure that there


For Immediate Release Torino, January 1st, 2010 PUBLIC DOMAIN DAY 2010 Traditionally New Year's Day is an occasion for great celebrations worldwide. However, there is a special reason to celebrate that goes sometimes neglected: Public Domain Day ! This day marks the expiration of copyright protection terms on creative works produced by authors who died several decades earlier. Therefo


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Fixed-dose single tablet antidiabetic combinationsSchool of Life and Health Sciences, Aston University, Birmingham, UKCombinations of two or more oral agents with different mechanisms of action are often used for the management ofhyperglycaemia in type 2 diabetes. While these combinations have customarily been taken as separate tablets, severalfixed-dose single tablet combinations are now availa


Eficacia terapéutica de diferentes regímenes antimaláricos en la región fronteriza de Costa Rica y Nicaragua Gustavo Bergonzoli 1 y Juan Carlos Rivers Cuadra 2 La búsqueda de tratamientos antimaláricos breves sigue siendo una necesidad en países con altaendemicidad de la malaria. La Organización Mundial de la Salud ha recomendado un régimenterapéutico de tres días para aquellas

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Supercritical Fluid Technology in Particle Engineering Ipar Nimet Uzuna*, Oya Sipahigilb, Salih Dincera a Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, 34210 Esenler, Istanbul, Turkey b Marmara University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, 34668 Abstract The combination of active s

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T ABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF AUTHORITIES STATEMENT OF INTEREST OF AMICUS CURIAE SUMMARY OF THE ARGUMENT ARGUMENT CONCLUSION TABLE OF AUTHORITIES Bowen v. Gilliard , 483 U.S. 587 (1987) Dandridge v. Williams , 397 U.S. 471 (1970) State v. Oakley , 629 N.W.2d 200 (Wis. 2002) N.B. v. Sybinski , 724 N.E.2d 1103 (Ind. Ct. App. 2000) Statutes 42 U.S.C. § 608(a)(3) (2002) WIS. STAT. ANN. § 49.22

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Publikationsverzeichnis / List of publications Dr. med. Katharina Erb-Zohar Originalarbeiten / Original publications 1. Kleinbloesem CH, Erb K, Essig J, Breithaupt K, Belz GG. Haemodynamic and hormonal effects of cilazapril in comparison with propranolol in healthy subjects and in hypertensive patients. Br J Clin Pharmacol 1989;27(Suppl.):S309-S315. Belz GG, Essig J, Erb K, Breit


EQUINE INTESTINAL PARASITE CONTROL Traditionally, deworming strategies for our horses has revolved around the thought that “one-size-fits-all”. The typical approaches have been either to employ a daily dewormer (e.g. pytantel pellets), or paste dewormers on a fixed schedule. The latter is done in a “slow rotation” or “fast rotation”. Slow rotation refers to changing dewormer on

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Classification of existing co-effects and factorsUniversity of Pecs, Faculty of Sciences, Institute of Biology, Department of Experimental Neurobiology and ZoologyCOST Action BM7040 WG 3 (in collaboration with WG4), Vienna, 28 Oct, 2011. Environmental factors: … ecological factor or ecofactor is any factor, abiotic or biotic, that influences living organisms (Wiki). Combined effec

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Sinus Wash The sinuses are a magnificent structure of tunnels and caves running throughout your head that connect to your respiratory system. They often become the site of what is called a ‘focal infection’. This is a type of infection becomes lodged in one part of your body that your immune system keeps under control, but because of its nature to “hide out”, you many not notice it


C&G Environmental Protection Holdings Limited NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at Sheraton Towers Singapore, 39 Scotts Road, Level 2, Topaz Room, Singapore 228230 on Tuesday, 24 April 2012 at 9:30am to transact the following business: AS ORDINARY BUSINESS To receive and adopt the Directors’ Report and

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IMPORT AND EXPORT THROUGH THE OVERLAND BORDER CROSSINGS AND INTERNAL CROSSING POINTS Border Crossings Customs House Headquarters Jordan River Customs House (Sheikh Hussein) King Hussein Border Crossing (Allenby Bridge) Rosh Hanikra Military International Border Crossing Kuneitra Military International Border Crossing Taxes Authority Administration Judea and Samaria including Jeru


Educación Médica Superior. 2010; 24(1)85-94 ARTÍCULO DE REVISIÓN Desarrollo metodológico de "análisis de casos" como estrategia de enseñanza Methodological development of "case studies" as learning strategy TM. Mónica Maldonado RojasI; TM. Marcela Vásquez RojasII; TM. Carla Toro OpazoIII IMagíster Salud Pública. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud.


Water Fluoridation:a Review of Recent Research and Actionsantifluoridation activists of promoting water fluoridation as a Joel M. Kauffman, Ph. D. method of toxic waste disposal. 2,3 Information concerning the ABSTRACT quantities of the waste and the proportion used in fluoridation hasbeen unobtainable. The purported value of fluoridation for dentalFluoridation of drinking water began 60


Roskydal® 500 A Reactive, unsaturated polyester (wax-free) which cures to yield hard films Form supplied In the formulation of clear and pigmented, wax-free coatings for wood andfurniture, high-gloss to matt, with good chemical resistance and very goodflow properties and scratch resistance. Also in the formulation of spray andcurtain-coating fillers for wood, metal and plastic. Specific


Lijst van verboden farmacologische groepen van stoffen en verboden methoden (“de dopinglijst”) I. Verboden groepen van stoffen A. Stimulantia B. 1. androgene anabole steroïden 2. ß2-agonisten D. Diuretica E. II. Verboden methoden A. Bloeddoping B. Toediening van kunstmatige zuurstofdragers of middelen die het plasmavolume vergroten Farmacologische, chemische en f

L’area delle colline interne del comune di capalbio può dirsi interessata da due principali tipi di clima: le colline a mare c

Quadro conoscitivo del Piano Strutturale Capitolo 11 Relazione sulla vegetazione L’area delle colline interne del Comune di Capalbio può dirsi interessata da due principali tipi di 1) le colline a mare che ricadono all’interno dell’area prettamente mediterranea con estati 2) 2) le colline interne interessate da un clima mesotermico con un moderato deficit idrico, che ri


CS 554/CSE 512 Homework Assignment 1 — Solutions1. (a) If one worker can dig a post hole in one hour, can sixty workers dig the postAnswer : No, because so many workers cannot effectively share such a confinedspace. In effect, there is insufficient “bandwidth” to support this level of con-currency, resulting in excessive contention for a shared resource, namely accessto the hole. Moreover,


GEMELLAGGIO MOLDE (NORVEGIA) 13.12.2002 Nel corso dell’anno 2002, sono iniziati i rapporti tra il Comune di Monterenzio ed il Comune di Molde (Norvegia) : il 13.12.2002, in occasione della visita di una delegazione capeggiata dal Sindaco Rolf Myhre, è stata firmata la “Carta programmatica di intenti di collaborazione” allo scopo di sviluppare scambi culturali tra i due paesi a favore d

Stein y leventhal, entre 1925 y 1935, fueron los primeros en reconocer una asociación entre los ovarios poliquísticos y signos de amenorrea, hirsutismo y obesidad

Síndrome de ovario poliquístico SÍNDROME OVARIO POLIQUÍSTICO Hugo César Arizaga 1ra Cátedra de Clínica Médica y Terapéutica Mayo de 2007 Síndrome de ovario poliquístico INTRODUCCIÓN Stein y Leventhal, entre 1925 y 1935, fueron los primeros en reconocer una asociación entre ovarios poliquísticos y signos de amenorrea, hirsutismo y obesidad. El síndrome del


International covenant on civil and RESTRICTED * political rights HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE Seventy-fifth session 8-26 July 2002 DECISION Communication No. 1087/2002 (initial submission) Documentation references: * Made public by decision of the Human Rights Committee. GE.02-43957 (E) 210802 DECISION OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE UNDER THE OPTIONAL PROTOCOL TO


Dementia especially Alzheimer’s disease is increasing in incidence among people age 65 andolder. It currently represents a major health problem for the United States because of itsimpact on individuals, families, healthcare, and our society as a whole. Experts estimate that 4million people currently suffer with the disease. In Columbia County over 1000 people haveIn light of these facts i


Bulletin of the CONNECTICUT ACADEMY OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING The following is excerpted from press releases of the National Academies and from Infocus Magazine, a news resource of the National Academies, which can be found at electrochemical reactions, form the heart of fuel cell power generation systems. They  Climate Change Plan Falls Short desirable emissions and


A LITTLE HELP TO STOP SMOKING Quitting smoking can sometimes feel like being on a roller coaster… Fortunately, more than ever, there are services and methods to help. Pharmacological aids: why? Pharmacological aids reduce the effects of physical withdrawal and the craving to smoke. It therefore becomes easier to learn to live without cigarettes on a day-to-day basis. By adding an aid


LA TERAPIA DEL DOLORE E DEI SINTOMI NEL PAZIENTE CON CANCRO DEL POLMONE IN FASE AVANZATA Dott. Angelo Virtuani INTRODUZIONE Spesso, avere a che fare con il cancro del polmone significa molto di più che vivere o morire in quanto il cancro del polmone è associato con sintomi invalidanti tumori localizzati nei bronchi principali sono spesso associati a tosse, emottisi, di

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PRESCRIPTION DRUG RIDER This Prescription Drug Rider (“Rider”) is made a part of Coventry Health and Life Insurance Company’s Certificate of Coverage (“COC”). The benefits provided by this Rider become effective on the date Coverage under the COC is effective. PRESCRIPTION DRUG BENEFITS Subject to the terms, conditions and scope of coverage, including all Exclusions, Limitati

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Exelon Leverages Metrics that Matter® to Evaluate and Test Thousands of Employees Company Overview : Exelon, through its subsidiaries, operates in three business segments: Energy Delivery, Generation, and Enterprises. Exelon employs nearly 25,000 people and is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. Description of Learning Program : Exelon made a strategic investment in a new Enterprise Reso


Autorisation d’Usage à des fins Thérapeutiques (AUT) Substances et méthodes interdites en permanence (en et hors compétition). Substances et méthodes interdites en compétition # Attention, elles peuvent entraîner un contrôle positif au cours de la compétition si leur prise est rapprochée de celle ci. nécessitant donc de votre part une grande attention ( * http://


Ronald A. Ripps, M.D. W hetherweuseourthumbsfor orsplints.Asthearthritisadvances,a writing, for video games, or for tender “knob” appears at the base ofcrafts, al the pinch forces we the thumb, and pinch becomes distortedgenerate are transmitted down from tip to side, as we usual y do, toto the base of the thumb, the joint just side to side. There ar

Summary report on research accreditation

Summary report in regard to research accreditation General information Research Institute High Education Institution Ministerial Research Institute The health care of the people of the Republic of Moldova by offering a qualified medical assistance based on high performance medical technologies. Elucidation of the mechanisms of cardiovascular disorders and elaboration of prevention, diag


CITY OF LEXINGTON REGULAR PARK BOARD MEETING August 6th, 2012 – 6:30 P.M. 9180 Lexington Avenue Lexington, MN 55014 1. Call to Order A. Roll Call Chairperson Mitlyng called to order (at the water garden) the Regular Park Board Meeting of the City of Lexington of August 6th, 2012. Commissioners Present: Ames, Cummings, Feider and Hylton. Also Present: Administrat


La cambiale di matrimonio FARSA GIOCOSA IN UN ATTO DI G. Interpreti: ROSA MORANDI , NICOLA (Tobia Mill in veste da camera, berretto Personaggi da notte, che porta con una mano un mappamondo e nell'altra tiene una TOBIA MILL, negoziante: basso comico (prende la lettera e, riconoscendo SLOOK, negoziante americano: basso CLARINA, cameriera di Fanny: soprano.


AMWAY SEES NUTRILITE SALES SURGING 150% NEXT YEAR Amway India, on Tuesday announced its entry into the kids' nutritional category by launching five products under Nutrilite. "Nutrilite will easily cross `1,000 crore by the end of this year. With the launch of the new products, we are targeting sales of `2,500 crore from the brand by 2012," Amway India managing director and chief execut

Acidentes de trabalho com exposição a material contaminado hiv

PROCEDIMENTOS FRENTE A ACIDENTES DE TRABALHO COM EXPOSIÇÃO À MATERIAL POTENCIALMENTE CONTAMINADO COM O VÍRUS DA AIDS (HIV)* * Extraído do Boletim Epidemiológico AIDS - Ministério da Saúde - ano IX No. 03 Semana Epidemiológica 23 a 35 -Jul a Ago 1996. (Modificado pela Portaria MS 874, de 3 de Julho de 1997) A prevenção de acidentes de trabalho com objetos perfuro-co

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Advance Access publication 29 October 2011Treatment of trigger finger: randomized clinical trialcomparing the methods of corticosteroid injection,percutaneous release and open surgeryEdson S. Sato1, Joa˜o B. Gomes dos Santos1, Joa˜o C. Belloti1,Walter M. Albertoni1 and Flavio Faloppa1Objective. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of CS injection, percutaneous pulleyrelease


SUCCESSO DELL’INIZIATIVA «ACCOGLIENZA COI FIOCCHI»Cantine Nicosia: il mondo del vino visto da vicino In onda «Società, ambiente, salute» E’ il marchio «Accoglienza coi fiocchi» a da-re la conoscenza del vigneto di Monte Gor-re il benvenuto quest’anno ai visitatori dina, ai piedi del vulcano, dove nascono i tan-A tutti è stata data, inoltre, la possibilità diSiracu

02--chapter 2-23-64

Capítulo 2 MARCO CONCEPTUAL DEL ENVEJECIMIENTO EXITOSO, DIGNO, ACTIVO, PRODUCTIVO Y SALUDABLE Tomás Engler “Todavía tengo casi todos mis dientes casi todos mis cabellos y poquísimas canas puedo hacer y deshacer el amor trepar una escalera de dos en dos y correr cuarenta metros detrás del ómnibus o sea que no debería sentirme viejo pero el grave problema es que antes no


Desde hace algunos años, cuando me piden una recomendación o cuando envío algún paciente con colegas suelo decirles, “es ético y, además, es bueno”. Con o sin ironía, en medicina, es fundamental regresar a la ética. El arte de urdir enfermedades o exagerar las ya existentes ( disease mongering), por parte de la industria farmacéutica y sus aliados, los medios informativos, es ot

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PAYING THE PRICE A 19-State Survey of the High Cost of Prescription Drugs CoPIRG Foundation July 2003 Acknowledgements Written by Rex Wilmouth, Director of CoPIRG Foundation, and Jennifer Thompson, Consumer Associate with CoPIRG Foundation. Edited by Alison Cassady, Research Director for CoPIRG Foundation. © 2003, CoPIRG Foundation The authors would like to thank all of t


Description Matrix of transition probabilities for any time-inhomogeneous multistate model with finite state spaceMaintainer Arthur Allignol <[email protected]>abortion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . clos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Press release Second Quarter 2010 Economic outlook and investment strategy I – Economic outlook  In the United States, the economic recovery is confirmed In the United States, economic growth has materialized and is turning into a sound recovery (growth of over 3% expected in 2010 and 2011). Recruitment resumed and corporate earnings (revised estimates of +27%) seem to be s


Technical Information Isotretinoin January 2004 Supersedes edition dated November 2002 crystalline Ph. Eur./USP Product No. 018933 Isotretinoin Synonyms Structural formula Description Pure crystalline isotretinoin is a yellow-orange powder whose faint odour resembles that of vitamin A. It melts at around 175 °C. Solubility The crystalline product is solubl

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A Double-blind, Randomized Trial of St John’s Wort,Fluoxetine, and Placebo in Major Depressive DisorderMaurizio Fava, MD,* Jonathan Alpert, MD, PhD,* Andrew A. Nierenberg, MD,*David Mischoulon, MD, PhD,* Michael W. Otto, PhD,* John Zajecka, MD,yHarald Murck, MD,z and Jerrold F. Rosenbaum, MD*icum extracts are rather complex mixtures, whose exactObjective: This study looks to compare the an


International Task Force for Prevention Of Coronary Heart Disease Clinical management of risk factors of coronary heart disease and stroke Major recent drug trials Losartan Intervention For Endpoint reduction in hypertension study International Task Force for Prevention of Coronary Heart DiseaseMajor recent drug trialsLosartan Intervention For Endpoint reduction in hypert


The Great Adventure: Week #4 “Which Way Did He Go?” Luke 18:9-14 “To some who were confident of their won righteousness and looked down on everybody else, Jesus told this parable: Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood up and prayed about himself. ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men - robbers, evil d


Prior authorization helps ensure that covered medications provide the best safety and value. It is needed when a medication has only been proven to benefit a limited number of people or if unusually large doses are requested for coverage. These medications require prior authorization Possible alternatives because alternatives may offer a better value Cholesterol atorvasta

Capitulo 7

Relaciones entre estructura e historia de la ciencia Dr. César Lorenzano Este artículo fue presentado en el Primer Congreso Latinoamericano de Historia de la Ciencia y la Tecnología que se realizó en Puebla, México, en 1982, y en el que se fundó la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Historia de la Ciencia y la Tecnología. Se encuentra publicado en la primera edición (1988) de La estruct

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Endura Manufacturing Co. Ltd. TEL 1-800-661-9930Endura’s one-day Oilfield Tank Lining System. This product has been tested and is recommended exclusively for 200 bbl and 400 bbl oilfield storage tanks. Used unde r normal operating conditions this coating system will provide excellent long term performance. Suitability Product Features Endura Oilfield Tank Lining syst

Repertorio biblioteca sottosezione cai gazzaniga gen 2011.xls

C.A.I. GAZZANIGA BIBLIOTECA SEZIONALE ELENCO DEI LIBRI Cod. Categoria Titolo Autore Editore Anno NOTE Masino - Bregaglia - Disgrazia volume n. 1Masino - Bregaglia - Disgrazia volume n. 2 Cod. Categoria Titolo Autore Editore Anno NOTE Appennino Meridionale - Campania, Basilicata, Calabria Cod. Categoria


BIBLIOGRAFÍA EDUCACIÓN INFANTIL (DIDÀCTICA, FILOSOFIA, EMOCIONES AFECTOS, MORAL Y ÉTICA, VALORES Y ACTITUDES, ESPIRITUALIDAD Y TRASCENDENCIA) - IBÁÑEZ SANDÍN, C: El proyecto de educación Infantil y su práctica en el aula. -TEVEROSKY, ANA: Proposta constructivista per a aprendre a llegir i escriure - DÍEZ NAVARRO,C: La oreja verde de la escuela . E

The calendar of religious festivals

The Calendar of Religious Festivals and Supplement The Catholic Institute of Education’s Religious Education Department makes the Calendar of Religious Festivals and the Supplement to the Calendar of Religious Festivals available to schools as a resource for planning assembly programs and Religious Education in relation to Life Orientation, other learning areas, the life of fait

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Recomendações para jejum pré-anestésico (Consenso de jejum pré-anestésico da Sociedade de Anestesiologia do Estado de São Paulo - Jornada Paulista de Anestesiologia 2001 - Jornada de Anestesiologia do Sudeste Brasileiro 2001) Dr. Antonio Vanderlei Ortenzi - coordenador A aspiração do conteúdo gástrico no período intraoperatório é um evento raro, mas uma das complicações mais

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“REGLAMENTO DEL CONSEJO ESTATAL ELECTORAL EN MATERIA DE DENUNCIAS POR ACTOS VIOLATORIOS AL CÓDIGO ELECTORAL PARA EL ESTADO DE SONORA” TÍTULO PRIMERO DE LAS DISPOSICIONES GENERALES CAPITULO PRIMERO Ámbito de aplicación y criterios de interpretación Artículo 1.- El presente Reglamento es de orden público, de observancia general en todo el Estado de Sonora

Microsoft word - pgx highlights-volume 4 issue 1 march 2012.doc

PGx Highlights – A PGx Focus Group Newsletter, AAPS Volume 4; Issue 1, March 2012 Highlight 1 Regulatory Affairs: New FDA Draft Guidance -2011: Clinical Pharmacogenomics: Premarketing Evaluation in Early Phase Clinical Studies E. Jane Mitchell, PhD, RAC Regulatory Operations, Optum Insight E-mail: [email protected] In February 2011, FDA published a new Draft 1. “ Ident


Publication of the Connecticut Orthopedic SocietyPresident's Cor nerResearch Data vs. Marketing Hype Michael Marks,M.D.,M.B.A. - President A long held adage has been that probably only 10%of all patients with disk herniations ultimately needsurgery. It is also documented that with surgery, theinfection rate is roughly 1%. If we then start with apopulation of 1,000 patients, operate upon 100


Was this group of bright, articulate women from “The View?”… or maybe a conference of engineers exploring weather patterns and the physics of wind? Or perhaps they were attendees at a medical workshop, getting reoriented to the latest CPR mechanics?. No, this was the agenda enjoyed by 18 Lady Mariners at the annual Women’s Weekend Capable onshore instruction by Wendy O’Toole, Karin

The body keeps the score:

The Body Keeps The Score: Memory & the Evolving Psychobiology of Post Traumatic Stress by Bessel van der Kolk Bessel A. van der Kolk, MD. Harvard Medical School HRI Trauma Center 227 Babcock Street Boston, MA 02146 This is a version of an article first published in the Harvard Review of Psychiatry , 1994, 1(5), 253-265. Note that this online version may have minor differences from th


[Downloaded free from http://www.ojoonline.org on Saturday, February 28, 2009] Original Article Collagen cross-linking with riboflavin and ultraviolet-A light Maria Clara Arbelaez, Maria Bernardita Sekito, Camila Vidal, Sanak Roy ChoudhuryBackground: The aim of this study is to evaluate the pachymetry, posterior and anterior elevations from safety and effectiveness of riboflavin-ultravi

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The following information will help you to stay healthy on your trip. Please make sure you read it following on from your appointment with us. WATER Diseases can be caught from drinking contaminated water, or swimming in it. Unless you know the water supply is safe where you are staying, ONLY USE (in order of preference) 1. Boiled water 2. Bottled water or canned drinks 3. Water treated by a s

Pharmacology of dmso

http://www.dmso.org/articles/information/pherschler.htmDepartment of Surgery • Oregon Health Science University • Portland, Oregon 97201 Abstract A wide range of primary pharmacological actions of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) hasbeen documented in laboratory studies: membrane transport, effects on connectivetissue, anti-inflammation, nerve blockade (analgesia), bacteriostasis, diuresis,enhanc

818 41.44

International Clinical Psychopharmacology 2002, 17:41–44Relationship between neuroleptic dosage andsubjective cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenicpatients treated with either conventional oratypical neuroleptic medicationS. Moritza,b,c, T.S. Woodwarda,c, PERSIST Study Groupb, M. Krauszband D. NaberbaUniversity of British Columbia, Department of Psychology, Vancouver, BC, Canada,bUniversity

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STUDENT ALLERGY/ANAPHYLAXIS CARE PLAN Student Name _____________________ D.O.B. _________ Teacher ______________ Student School Nurse ______________________________ Phone Number ___________________ Health Care Provider ____________________ Preferred Hospital __________________ History of Asthma No Yes (Higher risk for severe reaction) ALLERGY : (check appropriate) TO


Corvettes and Caffeine January 5th, 2013 Corvettes and Caffeine January 5th, 2013 For the Ladies 'Great' time at Corvettes and Caffeine on Saturday, January 5th! 86 Corvettes, 190 cups of coffee, 8 dozen donuts and 3 dozen bagels! The weather was cold, but we had several PC's arrive 'in the dark', to make sure they got their 'usual' spot. Ea

Norma oficial mexicana de emergencia nom-em-006-pesc-2004, que establece los requisitos de sanidad acucola para la produccin



Turning good business into unique businesses COACHING BUSINESS Competitive Differentiation AN ISSUE of critical importance is that of competitive differentiation, and the result that it achieves in a company’s offering as providing distinctive value in the customer’s judgement – and indeed value better and preferable to any alternatives. Michael Porter, of Harvard Business School


What is Percutaneous Disc Decompression? Percutaneous Disc Decompression is a procedure performed to remove a portion of intradiscal tissue, which may relieve painful pressure on the surrounding nerves. Frequently Asked Questions Why is Percutaneous Disc Decompression helpful? This is a minimal y invasive, outpatient procedure that uses a 17 gauge auger to extract nucleus pulpous t

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PUBLIC HEALTH Head Lice FACT SHEET (Pediculosis) Massachusetts Department of Public Health, 305 South Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 What are lice? Lice (singular louse ) are tiny, wingless insects that survive by feeding on human blood. They cannot jump or fly, and they do not burrow under the skin. Adult head lice or their eggs (nits) are found in the hair and are most oft

Written report for cataract mission ange rev

(under the guidance of Mayor Bobot Umali) Surgical team: National Committee on Sight Preservation headed Talipanan, Puerto Galera Aninuan, Puerto Galera Balatero, Puerto Galera Poblacion, Puerto Galera Palangan, Puerto Galera Paraway, San Teodoro Saclag, San Teodoro Sipit Saburan, San Teodoro Ambang, San Teodoro Lantuyan, Baco San Lorenzo, Baco Katarata, Baco Paraiso, Baco Baras, Baco Matahimik

Microsoft word - imp information sheet _my edit_.doc

IMP Information Sheet Put simply, it is inflammation within multiple joints caused by an invasion of white cells from the immune system flooding the joints. This process causes pain and sometimes fever • Your Cavalier may be reluctant to stand and may cry when getting up, or walking. They will usually not stretch upon waking and may not bark as normal • Your Cavalier may walk very gent

Microsoft word - october 2013 flyer.doc

PRESENTS: “RESIDENT SEMINARS 2013” DATE AND TIME: 12 p.m. – 5:35 p.m. Doors open 15 minutes before the first program. Seating may be limited for some sessions. LOCATION: PARKING: St. Louis College of Pharmacy Parking Garage. TARGET AUDIENCE: REGISTRATION: www.stlcop.edu/ce (all participants are encouraged to register in advance) Thes


ZEALAND PUBLISHING HOUSE Private Bag 12029, Tauranga, New Zealand. ©2004 ZEALAND PUBLISHING HOUSE Portions of this Condensed Bible can be reproduced for non-profit purposes provided acknowledgment of the source is clearly stated . First published 2004 by Zealand Publishing House , New Zealand . Printed in Australia . Further copies of this Bible can be obtained by writing to :

Lfp print head warranty terms

PF-O3 & PF-04 Print Head Warranty Terms & Conditions The Canon companies listed beneath these warranty terms warrant the print head of the PF- O3 and PF-04 series (“Print Head”) sold in the EEA and Switzerland to be in good working order under normal use and service during the warranty period. In the event that a Print Head is found to be defective within the warranty period,


HIV and Pregnancy – Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV HIV is transmitted (passed) from one person to anotherUnprotected sex: sex without using a condom. through specific body fluids—blood, semen, genital fluids, and breast milk. Having unprotected sex or sharing needles Mother-to-child transmission of HIV: the passing of HIVfrom a woman infected

Microsoft word - health form - 2014

2014 Camper Health Form IMPORTANT: Health Form must be submitted to camp office by April 30th or upon registration if after that date Please ensure it is filled out completely and accurately. Campers cannot attend camp without a current health form on file prior to camp. CAMPER INFORMATION: (print clearly) Submit completed health form by email or mail, do not fax. Last Name :


A DOUBLE-BLIND, RANDOMIZED, PHASE 2 STUDY TO COMPARE THE SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF INTRAVENOUS CXA-101 (CXA) AND INTRAVENOUS CEFTAZIDIME (CTZ) IN COMPLICATED URINARY TRACT INFECTION (cUTI) O. UMEH1, D. CEBRIK2, I.R. FRIEDLAND1 1Cubist Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Lexington, MA ; 2Axistat, Inc., San Francisco, CA Background: CXA-101 is a novel parenteral broad-spectrum cephalosporin with

Janet m

Janet M. Miller, Ph.D. Office Address Mount Pleasant, MI [email protected] (989)774-2577 Education Bachelor of Science, 2000, Alma College, Alma, MI Doctor of Philosophy, 2005, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI Training 10/2006-present DNA Sequencing and Analysis Facility Supervisor, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Biology Central Michigan University, Mt. Plea

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N° 49 – Mai 2005 Actualités en Pharmacovigilance Rédigé chaque mois par Jean-Louis IMBS Le centre a pour mission de répondre à vos questions sur les médicaments (bon usage, effets indésirables, modifications de posologies ou d’indications, interactions, risques pendant la « ligne directe :16 480 (ou grossesse, l’allaitement ou selon d’autres ter


Collaborative Point of View Document Centric SOA Jeremy Deane, Technical Architect, [email protected] , October 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES Remote Procedure Call vs. Document-Literal Collaborative Point of View 1. Document Centric SOA Figure 1 Remote Procedure Call vs. Document-Literal 1.1 Background HTTP Request or Response HTTP Request or



Camp tamarack

Camp Tamarack CAMPER ANNUAL HEALTH HISTORY FORM ALL CAMPERS MUST FILE THIS FORM EACH YEAR An up-to-date Health History for all campers is required by State Law. This form must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian and presented to the Camp Health Officer upon arrival at camp. Name of Camper ________________________________________________________ Sex M - F Circle o


EFEITO DE BAP E 2,4 – D NA FORMAÇÃO DE CALOS EM DIFERENTESA. L. OLIVEIRA1 , L. M. HOULLOU-KIDO1, E. A. KIDO1 e A. M. BENKO-ISEPPON1Resumo - O feijão-caupi (Vigna unguiculata), por ser uma planta de valor significativo para a cultura desubsistência no Brasil, foi utilizado no presente trabalho com o objetivo de verificar o efeito dos hormôniosBAP e 2,4 – D na formação de calos com pot


Packs of runners in their spandex pants and balaclavas moving like a day-glow amoeba as they pound out the miles of their training regime. On the run, conversations go to intimate places, especially on those long three-hour tromps all over town: training tips, what to eat before a run, what to eat so you don’t get the runs while on a run, best flavours of Gatorade, how annoying a spouse was,

Anaplasmosis response - sept 28 09

Canadian Association of Bovine Veterinarians / Association Canadienne des Vétérinaires Bovins 112G – 116 Research Drive Saskatoon, SK S7N 3R3 Phone: (306)-956-3543 Fax: (306)-956-3542 Email: [email protected] September 28, 2009 Dr. Warren Skippon Manager, Animal Welfare & National Issues Canadian Veterinary Medical Association L'Association canadienn

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TEMA Dudosos resultados funcionales sobre la implantación de la bomba de baclofeno intratecal en niños con parálisis cerebral (PC). PREGUNTA Tras una mala experiencia a propósito de la implantación de una bomba de baclofeno intratecal en un niño con PC, y ante la posibilidad de implantársela a más pacientes, surge la duda de su efectividad. Interesa conocer más experiencias. Pregunta: ¿

Ccg fact sheet aug 2013

MEDIA CONTACTS Neva Geisler, [email protected], 208.860.7043 Tony Harrison, [email protected], 208.880.9814 Nonprofit social enterprise uses food to change lives • Create Common Good is a nonprofit social enterprise that provides training and work to refugees Social enterprise and others with barriers to employment. Based in Boise, Idaho, the 501(c)(3) organization


“ RELACION ENTRE EL TRATAMIENTO ANTIGIARDIÁSICO Y ESTADO NUTRICIONAL EN PREESCOLARES DEL ASENT AMIENTO HUMANO ALTO TRUJILLO DEL DISTRITO EL PORVENIR” Autores: Bazán Cayetano Johana, García Saucedo Sheyla, Campos Florián Julio Cátedra de Farmacología, Escuela de Farmacia y Bioquímica, Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú. El present

Revista semestre economico

Semestre Económico - Universidad de Medellín Recibido: junio 04 de 2007 Aprobado: septiembre 05 de 2007 La hipótesis central que se pretende argumentar es mostrar que ante una economía globalizada elfin principal de una empresa competitiva es satisfacer las necesidades del consumidor; de ellodependen sus resultados financieros y su vocación innovadora. Para comenzar se define lo que esl

Comments1012 - notepad

BUGATTI HANOVER 1st over 3/8s, led into far turn, opened up, nailed wire, ouch. Luke's choice over #5. JOEY HACKETTLet's watch one. COCOMARA 2nd over half, good lead up, 3wide to the lane, 3 vying for show honors. A gimmick must. SPUDCAM 1st over from half, began to labor far turn, stalled. Remains a longshot. YANK MY MISSILE Parked half turn to clear, 2nd behind winner past quarter, followed, urg


To appear in Proceedings of the 14th IEEE ITS Conference (ITSC 2011), Washington DC, USA, October 2011. Dynamic Lane Reversal in Traffic ManagementMatthew Hausknecht, Tsz-Chiu Au, Peter StoneSchool of Civil and Environmental Engineering { mhauskn,chiu,pstone } @cs.utexas.edu { davidfajardo2,s.travis.waller } @gmail.com Abstract — Contraflow

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Promising EU export markets for coffee The EU accounts for a considerable part of the global coffee consumption. Since coffee is not cultivated in the EU, the EU countries depend completely on imports from developing countries. The processing of green coffee is done within the EU and does not offer many opportunities for developing country producers. However, although consumption in many EU c


CARPAL TUNNEL RELEASE POST-SURGICAL FAQ’S • When do I see Dr. Berschback after surgery? You wil return to see Dr. Berschback for your post-op visit about 10-14 days after surgery. • When can I use my hand? You wil be able to begin using your hands for light activities usual y the night of surgery. You wil have a soft bandage on the hand that leaves your fingers and wrist f

university of north carolina

UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES FOR ADEX DENTAL EXAMINATIONS Revised: 1-23-2014 PLEASE READ! The intent of the information contained within this document is to assist the candidate with taking the American Board of Dental Examiners (ADEX) Dental Examination administered by Council of Interstate Testing Agencies Inc. (CITA). T


Published in the Winter 2012 CURE Childhood Cancer Newsletter Endocrine Problems after Childhood Cancer Treatment Brooke Cherven, RN, MPH, CPON and Lil ian Meacham, MD Survival rates for childhood cancer have grown greatly over the last few decades thanks to many advances in pediatric cancer treatment. Today the majority of children diagnosed with cancer will become long-term survivors. Su

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Praça da Liberdade, 130 – 11ºandar – cj 1101-1102 Tel: (0xx11) 3292-9240 Fax: (0xx11) 3292-9248 Cadastur 26.016389.10.0001-2 Abav 542 CNPJ: 50.273.416/0001-51 DICAS E CONDIÇÕES DE VIAGEM PARA TIBETE Consulte nosso site: www.chinatur.com.br 1. Vistos necessários para portadores de passaporte brasileiro: República Popular da China. É necessário informar o número do passapor


Scuol – Tarasp-Vulpera – Sent – Ftan – Guarda – Ardez – Lavin – Susch – Ramosch-Vnà – Tschlin – Samnaun – Val Müstair Expédition de bagages „domicil da vacanzas“ – Livraison à domicile inclu Allegra, chères hôtes A partir du 1er mai 2012 vos bagages seront expédiés par moyens de transports publics à destination de la région de vacances Engadine Scuol Sam


COMITÉ DE CRISIS CARITAS LA PLATA El comité de crisis de CARITAS LA PLATA adhiere a las recomendaciones emitidas por el Ministerio de Salud para los cuidados en el hogar: Medidas para disminuir la transmisión de la influenza en la casa Modificado de CDC. 1 de mayo del 2009 Este documento ofrece recomendaciones provisionales y se actualizará según sea necesario. Cuando

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ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the County of McKinley will receivecompetitive sealed bids until Thursday, May 6, 2010 at 2:00 P.M., Local Time for:At which time bids will be opened and publicly read aloud, as more particularly setout in the specifications, copies for such may be obtained from the PurchasingDepartment,www.co.mckinley.nm.us/purchasing. McKinley County

Lieber präsident,

GRANDE FESTIVAL CORALE VERONA GARDA ESTATE 2012 (ITALIA) Sehr geehrter Herr Präsident, Das Organisationskomitee des Festival Verona Garda Estate erlaubt sich ihren bekannten Chor einzuladen an unserem Festival im Jahr 2012 teilzunehmen! Das Festival findet in den Provinzen von Verona , Mantova Vicenza , Brescia und am Gardasee Juli 2012 statt. Das Festival gliedert sich

Cuaderno 12

Filosofia Andina Cuaderno de Investigación en Cultura y Tecnología Andina, Nº 12Impresión: Arte Serigráfico 4ta Poniente 2329 - Tocopilla, Chile FILOSOFIA ANDINA ELEMENTOS PARA LA REIVINDICACIÓN DEL PENSAMIENTO COLONIZADO INTRODUCCIÓN Cuando hace 500 años Cristóbal Colón pisó como primer europeola tierra del Nuevo Mundo, se sacudía el edificio intelectual de la AltaEsc


Agilent CaLan 8591C Cable TV Analyzer Data Sheet A complete test solution for your Agilent CaLan 8591C cable TV analyzer cable TV system All specifications apply over 0°C to +50°C. Theanalyzer will meet its specifications after 2 hoursThe Agilent Technologies CaLan 8591C is theof storage at constant temperature within the oper-industry’s only one-box tester for all RF and vi

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March 2005 Vol. 11 No. 5 The Development of Industrial Clusters Towards aThe aims of this study are to: (i) explore the factors contributing to thesuccessful formation of industrial clusters and the overall effects of industrialclustering on productivity; (ii) gain an understanding of the organization andnetworking of industrial clusters; (iii) examine the flow of human resources betweenclu

Recherche, prospective

Recherche, Prospective TRAVAUX ET RECHERCHE Psychiatrie Centre de recherche prospective en psychiatrie – UF 800 Année 2013, N°29 Avril, mai, juin cRPp, CH rue J.B. Perret 69450 St Cyr au Mt d’Or Dans ce n° : recherche inter-hôpitaux, visites médicales interdites ? APA à Philadelphie, les infiltrés, tabac et précarité, 14 millions d'Alzheimer en 2050 ? pali


ARTIGO SOBRE TMS E ALUCINAÇÕES AUDITIVAS Revista Schizofrenia Research, janeiro de 2008 Este descrição do caso demonstra a eficiência do TMS de alta freqüência, de curta-duração na terapia de paciente com alucinação auditivas e o interesse de identificar o local de estimulação usando ressonância magnética funcional Entretanto, as experimentações clinicas são garantias de que


Convergys® Rapid Tests – Product List 2013 Convergys® hCG Enhanced Sensitivity Rapid Test Strip Convergys® hCG Enhanced Sensitivity Rapid Test Strip Convergys® hCG Rapid Test Cassette Convergys® hCG Enhanced Sensitivity Rapid Test Cassette Convergys® hCG Rapid Test Cassette Convergys® hCG Enhanced Sensitivity Rapid Test Cassette Convergys® hCG Rapid Test Strip (Caniste


β-Cyclodextrin and Piroxicam Tablets NAME OF THE DRUG Generic Name: β-Cyclodextrin and Piroxicam Tablets Trade Name: Cycladol® English Name: β-Cyclodextrin and Piroxicam Tablets Chinese Phonetic Alphabets: Xidi Biluoxikang Pian Active ingredients as well as their chemical names: 4-hydroxy-2-methyl-N-2-piridinyl-1,2- benzothiazine-3-carboxamide-1,1-dioxide-β-cyclodextrin Struc


Sasol North America Inc. Technical Data Sheet ALFOL® Alcohol C10 -C20+ Blends Description Sasol North America’s ALFOL® Alcohols are blends of high purity petrochemical-based linear primary alcohols with even-numbered carbon chain lengths. These ALFOL® Alcohol blends, with carbon chain lengths ranging from C10 to C20, are either colorless liquids or white solids under amb

Full staff meeting

909 12th Street, Suite 200 Sacramento, California 95814 (916) 447-7063: fax (916) 447-7052 SACRAMENTO REGIONAL EMERGENCY FOOD AND SHELTER BOARD Jurisdictions 0824-00; 0938-00; 0816-00; 0670-00; 0650-00 Date; Time and Location: July 25, 2011, 10:30 AM, United Way Members Present: Representing: Members Absent Representing: Sacramento Co. Dept. of Human Assist

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CIPRO NORD Soggiorno in Hotel 5 stelle con escursioni incluse MONASTERO SAN BARNABA 17 – 24 settembre 2011 01 – 08 ottobre 2011 ITINERARIO: Bergamo, Istanbul, Ercan, Bellapais, Kyrenia, Nicosia, Penisola di Karpaz, Famagosta, San Barnaba, Ercan, Istanbul, Bergamo DURATA: 8 giorni/7 notti MEZZO DI TRASPORTO: Volo da Bergamo + Autopullman per le esc

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FINANCE COMMITTEE May 26, 2005 The meeting of the Finance Committee was called to order by Chair, Dan Priske at 4:30 PM on Thursday, May 26, 2005, in the Green Lake County Board Room. The requirements of the open meeting law were certified as being met. Present: AGENDA Motion/second(Brennan/Biesenthal) to approve the agenda. Motion carried. MINUTES Motion/second(Biesenthal/Bre

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PLAN VIP EMPRESARIAL Servicios con Cobertura Cantidad Cobertura Ambulatoria: • Estudios Laboratoriales de rutina (anexo I) • Estudios Laboratoriales especializados (anexo I) • Estudios Diagnósticos especializados (anexo III) • Ecografías Medicina Interna (anexo IV) • Honorarios Anestesiólogo en estudios diagnósticos o Procedimientos con médico de guardia: �


CLINICIAN’S CORNER Management of Intractable Nausea and Vomiting in Patients at the End of Life “I Was Feeling Nauseous All of the Time . . . Nothing Was Working” Nausea and vomiting, symptoms that occur commonly near the end of life, represent a substantial source of physical and psychological distress for patients and families. In the context of the case of Mr Q, a 50-year-


Application of treatment and disposal methods 9 Application of treatment and disposal methods tohealth-care waste categoriesSuitable treatment and disposal methods for the different categories ofhealth-care waste are summarized in Table 9.1 and discussed in moredetail in this chapter. Infectious waste and sharps Within the limitations mentioned in the relevant sections, almost all thetr

Loss of situational awareness

CMPA Good Practices Guide – TEXT CASE AND TRIGGER QUESTIONS TITLE: Loss of situational awareness DOMAIN AND TOPIC: Human factors > Situational awareness KEYWORDS situational awareness, emergency medicine, seizure, medication, infusion pump, CanMEDS Medical Expert, CanMEDS-FM Medical Expert ACTIVITY SUMMARY This text case describes an adverse event ( accident in Québec)


Hailed as “a brilliant cellist” by the legendary Mstislav Rostropovich, Sergey Antonov went on to prove his mentor’s proclamation when in 2007 he became one of the youngest cellists awarded the gold medal at the world’s premier musical Olympiad, the quadrennial Interna-tional Tchaikovsky Competition. Antonov’s entry into this elite stratum of sought-after classical artists has already p

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http://www.miamiherald.com/news/miami-dade/north-central/story/970237.html Miami Gardens Junior Council stands against neighborhood violence BY Wilma Hernandez March 27, 2009 Every other Wednesday the Miami Gardens Junior Council meets at City Hall to talk about what is affecting the youth. The top priority in several past agendas: stopping violence. ''Stop the violence has been our them

Senza titolo 2

MEDEA, Cherubini (1760-1842) (Presso la reggia di Creonte, in vista del mare a Corinto. Ancorata al fondo e la nave Argo)Quando già corona Amor i vostri sospir, Sugli occhi ancor vi sta si profonda tristezza?Su, venite a gioir della nostra allegrezza:Sul lieto patrio suol verrà compagna al sol,La rea vision crudel scordar farà l'Imene!Amor d'un cor fedel ben può sanar le pene. Imene

Hidradenitis supurativa

Hidradenitis supurativa Luis Charúa-Guindic, Rebeca Maldonado-Barrón, Octavio Avendaño-Espinosa, Teresita Navarrete-Cruces, Rosa Martha Osorio-Hernández, Billy Jiménez-Bobadilla Introducción: la hidradenitis supurativa es una enfermedad Background: Hidradenitis suppurativa is an inflammatory, chronic inflamatoria, crónica, recurrente, originada en las glándulasand recurre


Breast Biopsy What does it mean when your doctor recommends a breast biopsy? A small piece of breast tissue is taken out. The breast tissue is sent to a pathologist, a doctor who looks at the tissue under a microscope to see if there are cancer cells. A radiologist or surgeon may do the biopsy. There are three ways of doing a breast biopsy, excisional, stereotactic and ultrasound guided core. T


Collier Mosquito Control District 600 North Road, Naples, FL 34104-3464 Administration: (239) 436-1000 / (239) 436-1005 (fax) Hangar: (239) 436-1008 / (239) 436-1007 (fax) www.collier-mosquito.org BID #2009 - 02 “Mosquito Control Adulticides/Larvicides” The Collier Mosquito Control District Board of Commissioners (CMCD) desires to receive Sealed Bids f

Lithium saftey information

BATTERY ALERT - WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW SERIOUS SAFETY HAZARD! LITHIUM BATTERIES ALL Lithium batteries are classified as “Hazardous”. There is a serious safety issue concerning the use, and particularly the transporting of batteriesconstructed with re-chargeable lithium ion cells. New regulations specific to the transportationof lithium ion rechargeable cells and batteries that are

China pharma holdings, inc

China Pharma Holdings, Inc. Announces SFDA Approval For Production of Omeprazole Injections Broadens Product Offerings for Multiple Therapeutic Markets – HAIKOU CITY, China, August 18, 2009 - China Pharma Holdings, Inc. ("China Pharma") (OTC Bulletin Board: CPHI), which develops, manufactures, and markets specialty pharmaceutical products in China, today announced that

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Traveler's First Aid Kit A personal first aid kit is an efficient way to prepare for unexpected emergencies, both while traveling and at home. A standard kit canbe purchased at most pharmacies and department stores or you may wish to design a specialized first aid kit that meets your ownparticular needs. A tote bag is a convenient way to store all of the supplies in your kit. It allows enough r

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Hawaii Health Systems Corporation 1027 Hala Drive Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 Important Influenza 2009 H1N1 Information for Families and Visitors The following information will help you protect yourself, your family, other patients, and the staff of the hospital. Recognize the symptoms of Influenza (Flu) • fever (temperature >100º F) • cough • sore throat • tiredness


CALINIC Y The science of photodisinfection has a fascinating treatment alternative as a potential tool, and then history. Literature dates back to 1500 BC decide which of these tools are best suited for a describing therapy involving the placement of certain specific problem. A patient may benefit most from kinds of seeds on the skin which were then exposed to a “conservative” or


Practical file, Alim’Inter – Medic’Inter Symptomatic taking charge of systemic mastocitis Martine Morisset, Patricia Sergeant, Simone Widmer, Gisèle KannyMédecine Interne, Immunologie Clinique et Allergologie. Hôpital Central. 54035 NANCY Cedex Symptomatic treatment - H1 antihistamine - Sodium cromoglycate per os : to prevent degranulation of digestive mast cells - Biphosphona


edited by Beth Notzon and Edith Paal If you’re editing a manuscript on prophylac-tion for “basal metabolic rate”; its definition tic surgery and need to check the meaning is then provided under basal metabolic rate. of oophorectomy , if you’re watching a news Abbreviations about health-care manage-story on recent drugs used to treat Parkinson disease and can’t remember its sympto


Prüfung von Viagra Verreibungsprotokoll Die C1 hatte ich selbst vorbereitet; C2 und C3 ließ ich in meinem Kurs verreiben. Die Substanz war den 12 Verreibern nicht bekannt. Hier die Mitschrift der Aussagen der Teilnehmer: - Ich bin so richtig dabei. Jetzt muss es klappen! Koste es, was es wolle: Das wird jetzt Sind wir noch nicht fertig? (Nach zwei Minuten von sieben.) Sie erzählt v

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Select Over-the-Counter (OTC) If approved by the Medical Manager an effective 2014 Formulary Prescription Coverage date will be assigned based upon the date signed by the provider on the Medical Necessity Review medications are available at no cost to the of Excluded Drugs/ Override form. The Benefits The following is a listing of drugs broken down by Subscriber with a valid p


Vision Within Every Instructor - Potential Within Every StudentNewsletter of the HBCU College Algebra Reform Consortium*lege algebra is a pre-pre-calculus courseand intermediate algebra is a pre-pre-pre-calculus course, statistics from follow-oncourses clearly indicate that only a small per-centage of students successfully meet the tra-rary approach focuses on student develop-ment, mathemat

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TANZÁNIA Hasznos információk F ő város: Dar es Salaam Beszélt nyelv: kiswahili vagy swahili (szuahéli), angol Id ő eltolódás: + 2 óra télen és + 3 óra nyáron Turizmus: Turisztikai szempontból fejlődő ország. Amiért érdemes utazni: A nemzeti parkok gazdag vadvilága, a szavannák, a fennsíkból kiemelkedő vulkánok, a 7 UNESCO Világörökség, a

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Concurso Público (Aplicação: 02/04/2006) LEIA ATENTAMENTE AS SEGUINTES INSTRUÇÕES: ã Verifique, nos espaços devidos do CARTÃO-RESPOSTA, se o número de controle é o mesmo que está ao lado do seu nome na folha de chamada. Caso o número de controle não corresponda ao que está nessa folha, comunique imediatamente ao fiscal de prova. Não se esqueça de assinar ã Marque as respost

A4339 age male vol 5 no 2.vp

Color profile: Generic CMYK printer profileComposite Default screen Standards, Guidelines and Recommendationsof The International Society forThe Study of the Aging Male (ISSAM) Investigation, treatment and monitoring of late-onset hypogonadism in males Official Recommendations of ISSAM Department of Urology, Queen’s University Kingston, Ontario, Canada; * Faculty of Life Sciences Bar-Il

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11535 Sorrento Valley Blvd, San Diego, CA www.mpexpharma.com  Aeroquin (proprietary aerosol formulation of levofloxacin) a reduced risk clinical program; 100% of rights retained• Compelling results from Phase 2b trial in Cystic Fibrosis• Preparing to initiate Phase 3 trial in Cystic Fibrosis Separate broad technology platform focused on efflux pump inhibitors (EPIs) • Coll

Costa rica packing list

Costa Rica Packing Check List o Serious naturalists might want Janzen's Documents o amphibian hikers or river/reef sandals o hiking/walking shoes o money belt or passport pendant-somewhere to o dressy sandals or light-weight dress shoes o money, credit/debit card, traveler’s checks. o insurance card and contact information. o 3-5 T-shirts, one or two long sleeved for bushwhacking

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MEDIA RELEASE EMBARGOED UNTIL WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2009 Youth on antipsychotics at increased risk of metabolic side effects such as obesity and Type 2 diabetes Provincial Mental Health Metabolic Clinic to assess and treat youth, provide education (Vancouver – November 11, 2009) – Youth taking certain types of anti-psychotic medications have three times the ris


Hyperhydrosis is a condition in which the sweat glands are over-active, causing excessiveperspiration. The degree of perspiration can be so severe that the palms of the hands weep fluid,or the axillae are constantly wet. The condition most frequently affects the hands (palmarhyperhydrosis) and feet, but can also affect the axillae (armpits), face, scalp, groins, chest walland abdomen. The cond

Present manufacturers and exporters of

LIST OF HERBAL MEDICINES MANUFACTURERS SUPPLIERS, EXPORTERS, IMPORTERS MANUFACTURERS 1. Harshal Ayur Pharma Mr. Vimal Kumar Manufacturers of Herbal products, Herbal Medicines, Herbal Syrup And Cough Syrup. Address: Bambagher, Ram Nagar, Nanital, Uttaranchal Phone(S): 91 - 5947 - 251720/255055 Mobile : 09837057416 Fax(S) : 2. Shiva International Mr.B R RudraMuni Manufactur

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VARIANTE AL VIGENTE PRG PER IL RIEQUILIBRIO DELLA QUALITA' URBANA ATTRAVERSO IL REPERIMENTO DI STANDARDS URBANISTICI COMPLEMENTARI. L'anno Duemiladodici il giorno Venticinque del mese di Gennaio alle ore 17.30, nella sala delle adunanze consiliari della Sede Comunale a seguito di invito diramato dal Presidente in data 20/01/2012 n. 1858, si e' riunito il Consiglio Comunale, convocato per le or


CHET HIGHER EDUCATION CROSS-NATIONAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: EDUARDO MONDLANE UNIvERSIT yThis section deals with the Eduardo Mondlane’s student enrolments over the period 2000/01-2007/08. Data for the years 2008/09 to 2009/10 were not available. Graph 1 below shows how Eduardo Mondlane University’s head count student enrolments changed over the period 2000/1-2007/8. It should be noted that


INNOVATION by: Peter H. Nalen, President and CEO, Compass Healthcare Communications Everywhere in the industry these days, you hear talk about Healthcare Professional Relationship Innovation Lab Panelists Marketing (HCP RM), Non-personal Promotion • Alan G. Reicheg , SVP Commercial (NPP), and Channel Preference Marketing (CRM). • Devin Paullin , Ex. VP, Business on their �

Proyecto de ley


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Strategies and Tactics to Tackle Voice Mail: Ten Voice Mail Blunders By Jim Domanski It is not surprising that so many salespeople numbers. Next, come into the office early and complain about not having their voice mail start by calling them right away. You may messages returned. Judging by the dozen and typically work 9 to 5 but many of your prospects half voice mails I have rec


WHY PUT OFF TOMORROW WHAT YOU CAN DO TODAY? (Eight Steps to Overcoming Procrastination and Reclaiming Your Life)This article is easy for me to write because I see this in my daily life - from loved ones, co-workers, friends, and networking associates. Many people suffer from procrastination, and it can bring your life to a screeching halt unless you learn how to get a handle on the situation.


Interruption volontaire de grossesse Méthode médicamenteuse Sophie Omnès, Joëlle Boccara, hôpital Saint-Antoine, 184, rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine, 75012 Paris. L’interruption volontaire de grossesse (IVG), légale en France depuis 1975,reste un problème de santé publique, compte tenu du nombre de femmes concernéeschaque année. La loi du 4 juillet 2001 a été élaborée dans le s

Programma per giornali

Dicembre 2009 ore 16,00 Parco Don Puglisi – Officine ore 21,30 Beatrice Antolini in Concerto ore 16,00 “Ricerca e ambiente nella Regione Lazio” – dibattito con Filiberto Zaratti, Assessore all’Ambiente e Cooperazione della Regione Lazio; Mauro Alessandri, Sindaco del Comune di Monterotondo; Luigi Cavalli, Assessore Lavori Pubblici e Ambiente Sportello Kyoto; Vincenzo Na

Microsoft word - trattamenti.doc

TRATTAMENTI NEI DISTURBI GENERALIZZATI DELLO SVILUPPO A tutt’oggi non è stato individuato il trattamento d’elezione per l’autismo. Vi sono comunque molte ricerche che evidenziano come l’intervento precoce e intensivo, che coinvolga i genitori, includa l’insegnamento di abilità fondamentali e comporti l’opportunità di una integrazione con i pari, può produrre dei migliorame

Microsoft word - enfermedad de chagas _cardiologia 2002 mautner_.doc

ENFERMEDAD DE CHAGAS * Rubén Storino Problemática actual Como señala Morin (1), vivimos bajo el imperio de los principios de disyunción, reducción y abstracción, producto del “paradigma de simplificación” . De este modo no hay asociación entre los elementos disjuntos del saber, ni posibilidad de engranarlos y reflexionar sobre ellos. Se pierden así tanto la visión holíst


www.cmchobbies.co.za cell: 073 5007177 Prices current as at February 2011 - prices subject to change CMC Hobbies Price List Feb 2011 JR EquipmentTransmitters and receiversPlease Enquire for pricing options availableFutaba RecieversR617FS - 7 channel 2,4 Ghz Extension leads 10cm 22awg ext leads, jr type plug Y-leads 15cm 22awg Y-leads, jr type plug Futaba / JR extension lead safet

Microsoft word - purim fundraiser letter.2014

Chabad of Bradenton & Lakewood Ranch This year more people will experience the joy of Purim! Purim is one of the most joyous and fun holidays on the Jewish calendar. On Purim, we emphasize the importance of Jewish unity and friendship by sending gifts of food to friends and family. This Purim mitzvah is called Mishloach Manot. This year Chabad is sponsoring shared Mishloach Manot gift boxes


Better Reporting of Harms in Randomized Trials: An Extension of the CONSORT Statement John P.A. Ioannidis, MD; Stephen J.W. Evans, MSc; Peter C. Gøtzsche, MD, DrMedSci; Robert T. O’Neill, PhD; Douglas G. Altman, DSc; Kenneth Schulz, PhD; and David Moher, PhD, for the CONSORT Group * In response to overwhelming evidence and the consequences of examples to highlight specific aspects of prop

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ROLA AL DHAYBI, MD Adult & Pediatric Dermatology Contact Information 03/359154 [email protected] Medical Experience 2007-2010 : Subspecialty in Pediatric Dermatology, CHU Sainte-Justine, University of Montreal, Canada Diploma in electrolysis treatment for hair removal ( 2010 ), Montreal, Canada Laser & aesthetic skin therapy course ( Oct 2009 ), Harvard Medical

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A nervous mother calls you for her son, who recently broke his leg. Your 16-year-old patient is lying on the couch, complaining of severe right upper quadrant pain that has been worsening for the past two days. His mother tells you he has been vomiting frequently for "a while." A physical exam reveals abdominal tenderness and no signs of problems with the broken leg. The patient's heart r

Microsoft word - h1n1 policy document.doc

H1N1 ‘swine flu’ document In response to parental concern we have put together the following policy document on the H1N1 virus, more commonly known as ‘swine flu’. Parents should try to separate some of the hysterical media coverage of this illness from the reality: that the H1N1 virus is not dangerous for normal healthy children. The symptoms are much less severe than normal

Femoroplasty: a new option for femur metastasis

Ricardo Plancarte-Sanchez, MD, FIPP*; Jorge Guajardo-Rosas, MD†; OscarCerezo-Camacho, MSc‡; Faride Chejne-Gomez, MD†; Francisco Gomez-Garcia,MD§; Abelardo Meneses-Garcia, PhD¶; Cristopher Armas-Plancarte, MD†;Gustavo Saldan˜a-Ramirez, BSN†; Roberto Medina-Santillan, PhD***Escuela Superior de Medicina, Postgraduate Division, Instituto Politecnico Nacional. PainClinic and Palliativ

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Veelgestelde vragen over de grieppandemie De Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie heeft officieel verklaard dat er een grieppandemie is die zich verspreidt over alle continenten van de wereld (pandemie fase 6). Dit Nieuwe Influenza A virus (voorheen Mexicaanse Griep) gedraagt zich waarschijnlijk meer als een normaal winter griepvirus, dan aanvankelijk werd gedacht. Er worden dus veel mensen ziek, waarbij

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UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level Additional Materials: Multiple Choice Answer Sheet Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended) READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write in soft pencil. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. Write your name, Centre number and candidate number on the Answer Sheet in the


DRUG–EXCIPIENT INTERACTIONS Drug–Excipient Interactions Although considered pharmacologically inert, excipients can initiate, propagate or participate in chemical or physical interactions with drug compounds, which may compromise the effectiveness of a medication. Excipients may also contain impurities or form degradation products that in turn cause decomposition of drug substances.


Economía, Sociedad y Territorio, vol. II, núm. 6, 1999, 183-188En esta ocasión EST se presenta al lector con un formato renova-do; ni la miscelánea de trabajos que ofrecimos en otras ocasio-nes, ni el conjunto de artículos sobre un mismo tema, como tam-bién hemos hecho en otros números. Ahora tenemos dos secciones,cuyas temáticas no resultan azarosas, sino que responden a dosejes de


schwarezs_brett.5.0 07.02.2005 18:42 Uhr Seite 2Wenn, dann schon richtig verboten, dachte sich offen-bar ein 22-jähriger Mann aus dem Kosovo, der MitteJanuar in Freiburg-Haslach von einer Polizeistreife an-gehalten und kontrolliert wurde. Der junge Autofahreraus einer Wohnunterkunft in Littenweiler fuhr einenVW Golf, an dem so gut wie nichts echt war. LautFahrzeugbrief war die Karre bere

On the nonexistence of

President of the Consultative Council, Faculdade Pitágoras, Rua Timbiras 1532 Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil 30140-061 Lead Economist, the World Bank, 1818 H Street NW Abstract Education and health—or more precisely, schooling and health care —are often lumped together as the major components of something called “the social sector”. There are some important similarities, but they are

Boletin 2

Coca-Cola en busca de los “Locos de Bondad” Esta búsqueda es parte de su nueva campaña con la que arranca el 2013. Quito - 26 de diciembre - A partir de hoy, Coca-Cola lanza en el país la campaña que enmarca el reto más importante del 2013: encontrar a todos los “locos de bondad” del Ecuador. Esta búsqueda que abre el nuevo año, consiste en celebrar a todas esas persona

Papiloma vírus humano (hpv): sua relação com câncer de colo uterino

Papiloma vírus Humano (HPV): sua relação com câncer de colo Papiloma Human virus (HPV): your relationship with cancer of uterine lap 1. Discente do curso de enfermagem das Faculdades Integradas de Ourinhos. 2. Docente do curso de enfermagem das Faculdades Integradas de Ourinhos. O objetivo deste estudo foi através da descrição do HPV e seus principais subgrupos, identificar os p


Authorization for Medication Return form to school with Parent and Health Care Provider signatures Student Name ______________________________________________________ Date of Birth Parent’s Name Phone (home) Emergency Contact Name Phone (home)________________Cell___________________ When the district has received written orders from the student's physician and writt

Microsoft word - f6_phd_plan.doc

SAFE – Graduate School of Agriculture, Food and Environment Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Aarhus University ([email protected]) The PhD plan is jointly prepared by the student and the supervisors and a complete PhD plan must be submitted no later than 3 months after the beginning of the PhD study. Later amendments to the plan may be submitted in connection with the half-year evaluations.


Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Advance Access published September 23, 2010 or possible neoplasm, and extensive workup showed no evidenceof vascular abnormality or CNS vasculitis. The patient had no riskfactors for HIV infection and past medical history was unremark-able. The patient was transferred to our institution for furtherUpon admission, the patient presented with slurred speech

2007 emt-basic protocols proposed v


18me confrence annuelle de la copeam

18° Conferenza annuale della COPEAM Ayia Napa, Cipro, 12 -15 maggio 2011 "Uno spazio audiovisivo mediterraneo condiviso: Nuove sfide per la COPEAM dopo 15 anni di azione” Hotel Adams Beach Giovedì 12 maggio Arrivo dei partecipanti Cocktail di benvenuto Venerdì 13 maggio 9:30 – 13:00 Riunioni delle Commissioni e dei Gruppi di lavoro della COPEAM

Significant decision alert - no. 36

C A S E A L E R T , N O . 3 6 N O V E M B E R 6 , 2 0 0 8 Supreme Court Hears Preemption Arguments in Wyeth v. Levine On November 3, 2008, the Supreme Court offor its alleged failure to remove from Phen- Wyeth v. Levine , a case that many legal com-mentators have described as having the po-tential to reshape the landscape of pharma-Levine, the benefit of IV-push – fast

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NORMAS Y VALORES EN LAS CEREMONIAS CÍVICAS ESCOLARES: LAS VOCES DE LOS NIÑOS Esta ponencia presenta algunos resultados de la investigación realizada sobre los procesos de formación de identidades socioterritoriales en escuelas primarias, y particularmente el papel que tienen las ceremonias cívicas escolares como espacio formativo. Para efectos de la investigación, se conciben esta


National Specialised Commissioning Group Ref 20/11 Commissioning Policy Targeted therapies for the treatment of pulmonary hypertension in adults September 2011 September 2012 http://www.yhscg.nhs.uk/Downloads/CommissioningPolicies2011-2012/20-11 - Targeted therapies for pulmonary hypertension COMMISSSIONING POLICY TARGETED THERAPIES FOR THE TREATMENT OF PULMONAR

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Exploring the molecular basis of combination drugs using ToxWiz For further information: Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 1223 703 137 Fax: +44 1223 858 794 Drug combinations represent intriguing possibilities for new therapies. The basic principle is that two active compounds can lead to effects that are more than the sum of their parts, possibly by simultaneously blocking

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Product List Table Of Contents Index CFDs Treasury CFDs Commodity CFDs Share CFDs by Country Foreign Exchange CFDs Italian Share CFDs - BITSwiss Share CFDs - SWXUK Share CFDs - FTSEThis information, including details of the margin percentages, products offered and trading hours is provided as an indication and is for information only purposes. For the most up to date rate

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Occupational Health - Zoonotic Disease Fact Sheets #15 [Ringworm (Dermatophytosis, Tinea, Trichophytosis, Microsporosis, Jock Itch, Athlete's SPECIES: Dogs, cats, rodents, domestic animals AGENT: Organisms are subclassified into: 1. Geophilic - inhabit soil 2. Zoophilic - parasitic on animals 3. Anthropophilic - Primarily infects humans. All can produce disease in humans. Grouped in t

Plant hunting conference corrected 12point

THE NURSERYMAN AS PLANT HUNTER The text of a talk given by Michael Wickenden as part of a plant hunting conference at The Museum of Garden History, Lambeth, London, on 1st October 2012. We have had some wonderful descriptions of plant hunting from Roy Lancaster and Bleddyn Wynn-Jones, and Professor Hitchmough has explained its importance for increasing the range of ornamental plants. Th

We will be looking for the following things in each case study/policy brief:

CRY WOLF PROJECT Minimum Wages By Stephanie Luce January 25, 2011 The idea of minimum wage laws has been around for more than a century. As workers toiled in early factories, they fought for a floor wage that would allow them to meet their basic needs. In the U.S., the first minimum wage law was passed in Massachusetts in 1912. A number of other states followed suit, and then in 1938,

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Società per azioni capitale sociale Euro 56.160.000,00 interamente versatocodice fiscale, partita I.V.A. e n. di iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Bergamo: 02348370160iscritta all'Albo delle Banche presso la Banca d'Italia, Cod. ABI 3031.2,aderente al Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositiappartenente al gruppo bancario "VENETO BANCA" , iscritto all'Albo dei Gruppi Banca


PRESSEINFORMATION Verbrauchermagazin CHIP Test & Kauf testet Online-Apotheken Pillen per Mausklick: Wer rechnet, spart viel Geld München, 7. Januar 2009 – Das gefl ügelte Wort „Apothekerpreise“ sagt eigentlich CHIP COMMUNICATIONS alles: Wer in einer Apotheke einkauft, sollte nicht mit Discount-Angeboten rechnen. Aber das sprichwörtlich hohe Preisniveau gerät zunehme

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La desertificación El vandalismo Un daño que puede evitarse Nivel de aplicación Sector de aprendizaje Orientación, Historia, geografía y Ciencias sociales. Ciencias naturales (NB3, NB4). OBJETIVOS DE APRENDIZAJE Identificar los distintos tipos de actos vandálicos, y sus consecuencias para la comunidad. Proteger el entorno natural y promover sus recursos como contexto de


A Phase III Trial of 6 versus 12 Treatments of Adjuvant FOLFOX Plus Celecoxib or Placebo for Patients with Resected Stage III Colon This is a phase II , multi-center clinical trial that randomizes patients into 1 of 4 different treatment arms. Patients are first randomized to 6 or 12 cycles of mFOLFOX6 chemotherapy (the standard chemotherapy) and then to either Celecoxib or placebo to

Licenciatura en medicina veterinaria y zootecnia

LICENCIATURA EN MEDICINA VETERINARIA Y ZOOTECNIA FARMACOLOGÍA Y TERAPÉUTICA VETERINARIA Titular: Dr. Eduardo Gutiérrez Blanco Adjunto: Dr. Antonio Ortega Pacheco Apoyos: Dr. Roger Iván Rodríguez Vivas MVZ. Rita López Ancona Dr. Alberto Rosado Aguilar M en C. Melina Ojeda Chi M en C. Rosa Ramírez Porras MVZ Esp. Carlos M. Acevedo Arcique Km. 15.5 carretera Mérida-Xmatkuil,

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id2080373078 pdfMachine by Broadgun Software - a great PDF writer! - a great PDF creator! - http://www.pdfmachine.com http://www.broadgun.com Brief Summary GUIDELINE TITLE Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with bipolar disorder (revision). BIBLIOGRAPHIC SOURCE(S)  Practice guideline for the treatment of patients with bipolar disorder (revision). Am J Psychiatry 200

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Thursday, September 13 Registration 8:45-9:00 Opening Address (Main Hall) 9:00-10:45 Oral Session-1 (Main Hall) Intan Safinar Ismail, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia Constituents of selected Meliaceae species Wei-Lie Xiao, Kunming Institute of Botany, P. R. China Chemical and biological studies of Schisandra chinensis Li-Ming Sun, Dalian Polytechnic University


of the authors and THE JOURNAL and not those of Failure of Estrogen Plus Progestin Therapy for Prevention Suzanne W. Fletcher, MD, MSc The WHI is the first randomized primary prevention trialof postmenopausal hormones, and the part of the study thatcompared estrogen/progestin with placebo was terminatedearly. The data and safety monitoring board (DSMB) rec-PPROXIMATELY 38% OF POSTMENOPAUSAL


CASTLE POINT TAXI & PRIVATE HIRE NEWSLETTER ISSUE NO. 3 of 4 November, 2008 be able to assist by passing on sightings or Joint Meeting between Castle Point Borough information. It is hoped there will be a two way flow Council Licensing Members, Officers, the Hackney of information and that all will benefit from this Carriage /Private Hire Trade and Operators init


Dear Sir, For decades, Calcutta Rescue has been active in thefight against vitamin A deficiency in Kolkata, India. SIGHT AND LIFE’s contribution to this fight is ab-solutely essential and greatly appreciated by those dis-advantaged families that have benefited from it. Vitamin A supplementation is one of the pillars forimproving the health of malnourished children, and itscrucial role in


Testamento de Carnaval 2012 Amigos eu vou falar, e todos vão perceber, Ao escutar o testamento que hoje vos vou fazer Peço a vossa atenção, para este grande momento Porque a todos vou deixar, este grande testamento Espero que fiquem contentes, com o que vão receber Vai ser em partes iguais, para eu bem poder morrer Agora vamos às deixas, visto que é carnaval

Craig m

Craig M. Misch, DDS, MDS Specialist in Oral & Maxillofacial INSTRUCTIONS FOR LOCAL ANESTHESIA SURGERY PATIENTS 1. Increase your fluid intake following surgery and maintain a soft diet. If you have difficulty drinking fluids or swallowing contact the office. 2. Do not wear your dentures unless otherwise told by your doctor. Pressure from the denture can cause the sutures to l


Piazza Carlo Donegani 8 - 20133 Milano, Italy tel.:+39.02.70603113 | fax: +39.02.2663546 | [email protected] Partita IVA: 09221480156 | CCIAA: Milano 1279813 | Reg.Trib.Milano 282437/7229/37 www.sant-ambrogio.it Europe and the European Standardization System: Lights and Shadows When some European countries decided to withdraw their national currency and to replace it wit


ersatility reativity Knowledge Training Application TABLE OF CONTENTS About Cameron Jane Make-up Designery Welcome to Cameron Jane Make-up Designery (CJMD). CJMD is one of Australia’s leading make- up schools headed by Director/Principal Cameron-Jane Thomas. CJMD is situated on Cleveland St, Surry Hills – a ten minute walk from Central Train Station a


CH 7.2-1.05 FICHA TECNICA Producto: MOBEXVET SOLUCION INYECTABLE I. Nombre Comercial: MOBEXVET, SOLUCION INYECTABLE II. N° Registro SAG: III. Laboratorio Fabricante: Venus 26, Can Parellada Industrial 08228 Terrassa Bajo licencia de Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica IV. Laboratorio Distribuidor: San Ignacio 401-B, Parque Industrial Buenaventura V.

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Patient Education Medications That May Increase Tendency to Bleed The list is to give patients and idea of what medications that could possibly cause you to bruise or bleed. Since there is always a new medication on the market, this list should not be considered complete, but simply a guideline. For a two week period prior to and after the scheduled date of your surgery, do not take

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Page 1/11 D. Paul, D.O., Ph.D. DEV PAUL-CURRICULUM VITAE Office Address & Telephone Biographical Data Office Phone: (303) 321-0302Fax: (303) 321-9296 Education D.O./Ph.D. Pathology, Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) Scholarship, Michigan State University, College of OsteopathicMedicine, E. Lansing, MI. 1984-1991. B.A./B.S. Biology, Summa Cum Laude (GPA 3.84)Universit


NOAX3® GEL Antiácido concentrado. II. DENOMINACIÓN GENÉRICA: Hidróxido de Aluminio, Hidróxido de Magnesio, Simeticona. III. FORMA FARMACÉUTICA Y FORMULACIÓN: SOBRE de 5 ml = 1 dosis FORMA FARMACÉUTICA: Gel FÓRMULA: Cada sobre contiene: Hidróxido de Aluminio . 0.800 g Hidróxido de Magnesio . 0.500 g Simeticona . 0.075 g Vehículo cbp . 5.0 mL IV. INDICACIONES TERAP


Concurrent Session Program Saturday 14 March 2009 9.00 to 10.30 am Session 1: Complementary Medicine and Disease Prevention Venue: Lazenby 9.00 to 9.30 am Genome health nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics: nutritional prevention of DNA damage at the population and individual level: 9.30 to 10.00 am Lipoic acid as an anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective drug for 10.00

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Analyzing a Mixture by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) Thin layer chromatography is a method for analyzing what compounds are present in a mixture. For example, it can be used to see whether a starting material has been converted to product during a reaction, to see what compounds are present in an unknown mixture, or to check the identity and purity of a final product. Chromatography in genera

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Chapter 8 Lipids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter Outline v Lipids: Compounds composed largely of reduced carbons and exhibiting low water solubility. Lipids may be completely hydrophobic or, if they contain polar groups, amphipathic v Fatty acids: Carboxyl head group and hydrocarbon tail å Typically even number of carbons (14 to 24) å Saturated f


ACTOS COMUNICATIVOS QUE PROMUEVEN NUEVAS MASCULINIDADES EN LOS CENTROS EDUCATIVOS. Autores: Juan Carlos Peña (Universitat de Barcelona);Oriol Ríos (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). CREA-UB. Centro Especial en Teorías y Prácticas Superadoras de Panel 4 . Coeducación y masculinidad Abstract La literatura científica sobre masculinidad ha puesto de relieve las consecuencias

Questions reponses - bromocriptine - parlodel

Questions - Réponses 1. A quoi sert la bromocriptine ? 2. Quels sont les complications associées à l’utilisation de la bromocriptine dans l’inhibition ou la prévention de la lactation et les facteurs augmentant le risque de complications ? 3. Pourquoi le rapport entre les bénéfices et les risques dans l’indication « inhibition ou prévention de la lactation » (et se

Insuficiencia cardiaca

Hospital San Pedro Servicio de Urgencias ATENCIÓN DE PACIENTES CON INSUFICIENCIA CARDIACA AGUDA EN EL SERVICIO DE URGENCIAS CRITERIOS DE INGRESO EN LA UCE Cristina Flaño Fernández Médico Adjunto de Urgencias Pedro Marco Aguilar Coordinador de Urgencias c/ Piqueras, 98 — 26006 — Logroño — La Rioja — Tel: 941.298.000 — www.riojasalud.es Hospital San Pedro Servicio


Kanchana Rungsihirunrat, Ph.D. Present address: College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330, THAILAND. Phone: (66) 02-218 8154 E-mail address: [email protected] [email protected] Education: 2003-2007 Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences, Thammasat University, Thailand. 1992-1995 MSc. in Zoology. Faculty of Science, Chulalokorn University, Thailand. 1988-1991

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STOPPING ESTROGEN TREATMENT (Sometimes called “HRT”) Dr. Jerilynn C. Prior, Scientific Director, Centre for Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation Research In July 2002 the largest randomized placebo-controlled study of “Hormone Replacement Therapy” for healthy menopausal women was stopped early because it showed that estrogen plus very low dose medroxyprogesterone therapy caused seriou

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S A F E T Y S U R V E I L L A N C E • Phone: 919.668.8624 • Fax: 919.668.7138 Date: 19 January 2005 To all investigators in TACT: RE: SAE Report # 10004, Serious Adverse Event: CARDIO-RESPIRATORY ARREST Dear Doctor, In accordance with the Good Clinical Practice and specific national regulatory requirements we wish to inform you of an unexpected, serious adverse event which occurred in


Oplossingen voor milieu, economie en technologie Although most of us are aware of the benefits of cycling many people arenot. When we want to develop and implement a bicycle plan it is useful whenwe can show them the economic benefits of cycling. It will enhance thechance that we find support and financial contributions for our plan. This pa-per is meant to give you some support o

High altitude illness

HIGH ALTITUDE ILLNESS Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine/Emergency Medicine The term “high-altitude illness” is used to describe the brain and lung problems that can develop in unacclimatized persons shortly after ascent to high altitude. Because millions of visitors travel to high-altitude locations each year, AMS is a public health problem and has economic consequences,

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Metformin improves survival in intensive careunit patients, but why?Niels P Riksen1,2*, Gerard A Rongen1,2 and Peter Pickkers3See related research by Christiansen et al., http://ccforum.com/content/17/5/R192We read with interest the study by Christiansen and col-tolerance of various organs against IRI and potentlyleagues in the previous issue of Critical Care. In a largemodulates inflammatio

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Please peruse the list below to see if your query can be addressed. If you still have questions, then you may use the live chat or contact us by e-mail at [email protected] and [email protected] or telephone number 592-222-0001/75. How do I use TradSys Online? First time users are required to register on the system before it can be used. Onc

Ipcd policy number 13

CARDIFF AND VALE NHS TRUST VANCOMYCIN RESISTANT ENTEROCOCCUS POLICY AND PROCEDURE Disclaimer When using this document please ensure that the version you are using is the most up to date either by checking on the Trust database for any new versions or if the review date has passed please contact the author. OUT OF DATE POLICY DOCUMENTS MUST NOT BE RELIED ON Vancomycin r


http://www.drugs.com/news/star-anise-spice-new-bird-flu-1631.html?pri. Star Anise Spice: New Treatment for Bird Flu?Tamiflu (oseltamivir) may have a new rival. Star anise, a licorice-flavored spice that is a staple of many Asian kitchens, may be a newweapon in the arsenal to fight global influenza. A key ingredient in Chinese cuisine's five-spice powder, star anise is also the primary source

Camp chen-a-wanda camper health history form

Camp Chen-A-Wanda Camper Health History Form Please complete pages 1-3 and 5 and have your child’s Name: __________________________________________________ physician complete and sign page 4 . All forms must be completed and submitted along with Dates of Attendance ___________ to __________ copies of your child’s health insurance cards by by June 1st for camp to give treatment


ก F 3 (Applied Pharmacotherapeutics I I) 3620 F 132 Email address: [email protected] Integration of epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical signs and symptoms, and principles of diagnosis and treatment of advanced cardiovascular disorders, disorders of skeletal, bone and joint systems, complicated infectious diseases including dengue fever, acid-base disorders, renal replacement therapy,


The Pontifical Anthem or Papal Anthem The Pontifical Anthem or Papal Anthem is the official anthem of the Pope, the Holy See and the Vatican City State. It is played at solemn occasions of the State and ceremonies in which the Pope or one of his representatives, such as a nuncio, is present. When the Vatican's flag is ceremonially raised, only the first eight bars are played. The music was c

Microsoft word - agenda del 8 al 17 de marzo de 2013.doc

Viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013 A partir de las 10:30 horas, en la Rambla de los Calderones, XI Encuentro de las Asociaciones de Mujeres de Molina de Segura. 10:30h. Bienvenida, a cargo de la Asociación de Mujeres “Ciudad de Molina”. 10:45-11:45h. Actividades deportivas. 12:00h. Celebración de misa, a cargo de D. Ramón Jara, cura párroco de la Iglesia “Ntra. Sra. de la Asunción”

Bases de la promociÓn

BASES DE LA PROMOCIÓN. CAMPAÑA COMPLEMENTARIA CAJA COMPENSACIÓN LOS ANDES - SALCOBRAND: PLAN DE SALUD PENSIONADOS 1.- Oferta: Los pensionados afiliados a Caja Los Andes, que pertenezcan al Plan de Salud para Pensionados de Caja Los Andes, podrán acceder a los beneficios de la “Campaña Complementaria Salcobrand”, desde el 01 de Septiembre hasta el 31 de octubre de 2013,


Bone Marrow Transplantation (2007) 39, 57& 2007 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0268-3369/07 $30.00Hyaluronate and risperidone for hemorrhagic cystitisBone Marrow Transplantation (2007) 39, 57. doi:10.1038/sj.bmt.1705546; published online 20 November20061 Miodosky M, Abdul-Hai A, Tsirigotis P, Or B, Bitan M,Resnick IB et al. Treatment of post-hematopoietic stem celltransplan

071201 prophylaxis with single-dose doxycycline for the prevention


Omeprazole granules

…………… (Child’s name) has been prescribed Omeprazole today with the aim of reducing the pain they suffer as a result of gastric reflux. They are to have .ml .time(s) per day. This may be increased to .ml .time(s) per day when they are .kgs / after …./…./…. if symptoms persist or reappear. (Delete those not applicable). More information on this medication and how best to give it

Biochemical monitoring

Drug Monitoring This guide is intended only as a quick reference, and is not exhaustive. It is based on common recommendations. The frequency of testing may need to be individualised to the patient, their condition and treatment. For more details see latest edition o shared care documents and the individualWithin 2 weeks of initiation or significant dose change, then 12 monthly. Monitor more

Microsoft word - february 2006 newsletter.doc

The information in this newsletter is merely a guide and is not a full explanation of the law. This firm cannot take responsibility forany action readers take based on this information. When making decisions that could affect your legal rights, please contact us forHave you resolved to get fit and healthy?The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) is urgingQueenslanders to do their homework beforecond


ORAP® (Pimozide) Tablets GATE 151 187 DESCRIPTION ORAP (pimozide) is an orally active antipsychotic agent of the diphenyl-butylpiperidine series. The structural formula of pimozide, 1-[1-[4,4-bis(4-fluorophenyl) butyl]-4-piperidinyl]-1,3-dihydro-2H-benzimidazole-2-one is: The solubility of pimozide in water is less than 0.01 mg/mL; it is slightly soluble in most organic solvent


Experiment 2 2/1 Inorganic Chemistry II THE OXIDATION STATES OF VANADIUM References 1. Folder entitled "The Chemistry of Vanadium" on your bench. 2. Cotton and Wilkinson "Basic Inorganic Chemistry" sections 24-9 to 24-12. 3. Huheey, "Inorganic Chemistry" (3rd edition) Appendix F. 4. Shriver, Atkins, and Langford, "Inorganic Chemistry" chapter 8 Background


5.2 Strategies to Optimize Delivery and Minimize risks of EN: Motility agents January 31st 2009 Recommendation: Based on 1 level 1 study and 5 level 2 studies, in critically ill patients who experience feed intolerance (high gastric residuals, emesis), we recommend the use of a promotility agent. Given the safety concerns associated with erythromycin, the recommendation is made fo

Microsoft word - pac093.doc

CELEBRAMOS EL DÍA DE LA ARMADA – 17/05/1814 1. A manera de prólogo 2. Efemérides 3. Noticias del Liceo 4. Noticias del Centro 5. Actualidad 6. Variedades 7. Consejos Útiles 8. Colaboraciones 9. Anécdotas Liceanas 10. Perfilex 11. Proa al Centro en el Recuerdo 12. Galería de Imágenes 13. Calendario de Actividades 14. Contactos Liceanos 15. Bolsa de Trabajo y de Servicios 16. Nuestra base

Legalizzazione atti estero

DESCRIZIONE Per essere validamente prodotti in Italia, i documenti formati all'estero da autorità estere devono essere legalizzati, a meno che non siano rilasciati da un paese con cui vigono accordi internazionali che prevedono l'esenzione dalla legalizzazione. Inoltre, se i documenti sono scritti in lingua straniera, devono essere muniti di traduzione ufficiale. Modalità di legalizzazi


Transport of Lithium Batteries in Accordance with the ICAO Technical Instructions Guidance Document Foreword The 2009-2010 ICAO Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air incorporated a number of revisions to requirements for the transport of lithium batteries. Revisions included: • Development of new Packing Instructions 965, 966, 967, 968, 96

Microsoft word - d039962.doc

COURT OF APPEAL, FOURTH APPELLATE DISTRICT APPEAL from judgments of the Superior Court of San Diego County, Luis R. Law Offices of Charles A. Bleiler, Charles A. Bleiler, Diane E. Bond; Vicky Jean Banks; and Audrey Powers Thornton for Plaintiffs and Appellants. Neil, Dymott, Perkins, Brown & Frank, Hugh A. McCabe and Michael Bishop for Defendant and Respondent Paradise Valley Hospital. M

Form approved:

KNAP SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE August, 2003 INTERVIEWER'S CODE NUMBER: DATE AND TIME INTERVIEW BEGAN: DATE: (MM:DD:YY) ____ | ____ | ___ TIME: (HH:MM) ____ | ____ AM=1 / PM=2: ____ [INTRODUCTION TO PERSON FIRST ANSWERING AND THE PERSON SELECTED TO BE INTERVIEWED. ] Hello, my name is ______________________, and I am calling from the Survey Research Center

International perspectives on the future of work, cardiff business school

International Perspectives on the Future of Work The International Perspectives on the Future of Work conference provided a platform for experts on mediation from Australia, Canada, Ireland, Great Britain, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, South Africa, and the USA to share and discuss approaches to mediation in the workplace. The event, hosted by Cardiff Business School, was attended not on

*crystal finance ltd

Crystal Finance Investments Ltd. (the “Company”) Terms of Business Agreement – Professional Clients Between the Customer and Crystal Finance Investments Ltd. An Agreement entered into this day of Between On the one part with ID Card No. who is appearing hereon in the name of and on behalf of Crystal Finance Investments Limited, a limited liability company registered in Malta

Microsoft word - suppressing the passion of anxiety overwhelm with drugs.doc

WARNING! When trying to withdraw from many psychiatric drugs, patients can develop serious and even life-threatening emotional and physical reactions. In short, it is dangerous not only to start taking psychiatric drugs but also can be hazardous to stop taking them. Therefore, withdrawal from psychiatric drugs should be done under clinical supervision. Principles of drug w

Formulario para captura de metadatos de las instituciones:

Nodo Nacional de Información sobre Biodiversidad (CRBIF) Metadatos de las instituciones que realizan actividades relacionadas con la biodiversidad de Costa Rica Formulario para captura de metadatos de las instituciones y sus conjuntos de datos: Adecuado y compatible con el estándar NCD propuesto por TDWG Concepto Descripción Grupo de Registro de Metadata Grupo que posee


EPU95-Montmorency Cardiologie FIBRILLATION AURICULAIRE – APPROCHE GERIATRIQUE Dr J. Boddaert Gériatre – Service du Pr. M. Verny (Hôpital Pitié - Salpêtrière) 1. Le raisonnement GÉRIATRIQUE En raison des particularités liées à l’âge, l’approche du sujet âgé repose sur un raisonnement quicherche :A faire la part des choses entre ce qui revient strictement au vi

Microsoft word - de l.doc

__________________ Fatigue extrême, douleurs articulaires et musculaires aigües et invalidantes sont les principaux symptômes de cette nouvelle maladie au nom barbare qui touche environ huit cents personnes en France : la myofasciite à macrophages. Cause établie : la présence dans les muscles d'hydroxyde d'aluminium, adjuvant des vaccins contre l'hépatite A et B, et le tétanos.

Microsoft word - 110-07-10-af.doc

Actualización Médica Periódica ACTUALIZACIÓN EN FARMACOTERAPIA ANTIAGREGANTES PLAQUETARIOS EN EL TRATAMIENTO Y EN LA PREVENCIÓN DE LA ENFERMEDAD VASCULAR CEREBRAL ISQUÉMICA Descripción general a formación del trombo plaquetario es un mecanismo fundamental para la reparación de las lesiones vasculares y la hemostasia; sin embargo, en algunas situaciones ese mism

List of medicinal products under additional monitoring

7 Westferry Circus ● Canary Wharf ● London E14 4HB ● United Kingdom Telephone +44 (0)20 7418 8400 Facsimile +44 (0)20 7418 8416 E-mail [email protected] Website www.ema.europa.eu EMA/245297/2013 Rev.2Patient Health ProtectionList of medicinal products under additional monitoring Related Information: pecial_topics/document_listing/document_listing_000365.jsp egulation

Spis dig gravid – hvordan

1. Svendsen, Pernille Fog et al.: Polycystisk ovariesyndrom. Ugeskr læger 2005;167(34):3147 2. Madsbad S et al.: Fedme, metabolisk syndrom og hjerte-kar-sygdom. Ugeskr Læger 3. Jørgensen N et al.: Coordinated European investigations of semen quality: results from studies of Scandinavian young men is a matter of concern. Int J Androl 2006; 29(1):54-61 4. Kort HI et al.: Impact of body mass i


PEER REVIEW Prophylactic Intracameral Antibiotics in Cataract Surgery Editor: Ming Wang, MD, PhD, Clinical Reviewer: Baseer U. Khan, MD, FRCS(C), fellow of glaucoma and anterior segment at the University ofDirector of the Wang Vision Institute inNashville, Tennessee Panel Members: Y. Ralph Chu, MD; Nina Goyal, MD; Wei Jiang, MD; Baseer Khan, MD; Patty Lin, MD, MBA; Co-Edit

Programa de introducciÓn al derecho procesal-3º cunef

PROGRAMA DE INTRODUCCIÓN AL DERECHO PROCESAL-3º CUNEF PARTE PRIMERA: CONCEPTOS BÁSICOS DEL DERECHO PROCESAL CAPÍTULO I: LA JURISDICCIÓN Lección 1ª: La jurisdicción como función del Estado Los conflictos jurídicos.- Sistemas autocompositivos de resolución de conflictos: autotutela y transacción.- Sistemas heterocompositivos de resolución de conflictos: arbitraje y ju


MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION 1 - IDENTIFICATION OF PRODUCT AND COMPANY Pfizer Inc Emergency telephone Pfizer Animal Health Hours of operation 235 East 42nd Street Telephone New York, NY 10017 Trade names Temaril-P® Tablets Product name Temaril-P® Tablets Therapeutic use Antitussive, Antipruritic, Antitussive, Anti-inflammatory Description SEC


GULAM MUSTAFA HASAN Liposome Mediated Delivery of Antimalarial Drugs for the Treatment of Malaria. Supervisor : Prof. Prahlad C. Ghosh Th 16651 Evaluates the efficacy of different formulation of stearylaminelipsome for the inhibition of growth of plasmodium falciparumin vitro. Incorporation of monensm in liposomal membranceand its effects on teh inhibition of growth of plasmodiumfalciparum in v

Microsoft word - 3.sarbatorile.doc

Dumnezeu le-a dat evreilor sase sarbatori simbolice (Lev. 23). Ele marcau trecerea unui an ceremonial si intretineau in popor memoria unor evenimente istorice de importanta majora. Pe de alta parte, calendarul evreiesc are si o insemnatate profetica, marcind cele sase etape in care-si va desfasura Dumnezeu planul mesianic de rascumparare a omenirii. Dintre cele sase sarbatori, Pastele, Cincizec

Microsoft word - 2da. reunión 6 de octubre 2010

En la ciudad de Concepción del Oro, municipio del mismo nombre del estado de Zacatecas, siendo las dieciséis horas del día seis de octubre de dos mil diez, se reunieron en la Sala de Cabildo de la Presidencia Municipal los CC. LIC. ROSA HUERTA BRIONES, PRESIDENTA MUNICIPAL, RICARDO ADRIAN URESTI LINARES, SINDICO MUNICIPAL, JULIO ABELARDO GONZALEZ PARDO, PROFRA. MINERVA CHAIREZ CRUZ, JOSE GUADA

Children and adolescents infected with <i>wuchereria bancrofti</i> in greater recife, brazil: a randomized, year-long clinical trial of single treatments with diethylcarbamazine or diethylcarbamazineÂŒalbendazole

Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology, Vol. 101, No. 5, 423–433 (2007)Children and adolescents infected with Wuchereriabancrofti in Greater Recife, Brazil: a randomized,year-long clinical trial of single treatments withdiethylcarbamazine or diethylcarbamazine–albendazoleˆ . RIZZO * ,{, C. BELO{, R. LINS{ and G. DREYER{,1*Rua do Sossego 715, CEP 50100-150, Recife, PE, Brazil{Centro

Negotiating / negotiation techniques

© Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ Library and Documentation Centre Negotiation, negotiation techniques and diplomatic relations Literature dating from 2010; the codes between brackets at the end of the title indicate the location of the books in the library of the Clingendael Institute. The series of Diplomacy literaturelists consists of: ‘Branding

Pii: s0006-2952(02)01121-8

Biochemical Pharmacology 64 (2002) 355±361Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Ligand Pharmaceuticals, 10275 Science Center Drive, San Diego, CA 92121, USAGlucocorticoids are the most effective anti-in¯ammatory agents known. However,the use of these powerful molecules is plagued by ahost of serious,sometimes life-threatening side-effects. The search for new compounds that maintai


Miércoles, 27 de febrero 2002 B.O.C. y L. - N.º 41 II. DISPOSICIONES GENERALES Segunda.– El presente Decreto entrará en vigor al día siguiente de supublicación en el «Boletín Oficial de Castilla y León». Valladolid, a 21 de febrero de 2002. DECRETO 26/2002, de 21 de febrero, por el que se aprueba el Regla - mento deColegios Profesionales de Castilla y León. La Ley 8/1

Cadre de référence

Meredith Centre Day Camp HEALTH SHEET Please return health sheet with the registration form. 1 sheet per child 1. GENERAL INFORMATION ON CHILD 2. EMERGENCY CONTACT 3. IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY Person to contact in case of an EMERGENCY : Father and mother  Mother  Father  Tutor  2 other people to contact in case of an EMERGENCY : Ful name : 4. MEDIC

Microsoft word - 1-regulamento cdo 2013

(Regulamento do Campeonato Divinopolitano de Orientação 2013) CLUBE DE ORIENTAÇÃO DE DIVINÓPOLIS - CODIV Rua Manoel Bandeira 100, Bairro Santa Luzia – CEP: 35501-199 Divinópolis - MG. Fundação: 21 de janeiro de 2010 CNPJ: 11.795.075/0001-22 Fones: (037) 88233628– (37) 3212 4506 (Enzio) www.codiv.org.br REGULAMENTO DO III - CAMPEONATO DIVINOPOLITANO DE ORIENTAÇÃO/2013

Optimal health – for you, your family & your friends

At best practice chiropractic our purpose achieve optimal health by providing advice, giving chiropractic treatment and encourage A dedicated strategy to achieve the best possible joint and muscle function throughout osteoarthritis and reduce the compromises of Symptom based The diagnosis is made on the basis of an X-cartilage thinning and the formatio


RAPID COMMUNICATION GABA and Trk Receptor Signaling Mediates Long-LastingVIBHAKAR C. KOTAK,1 CHRISTOPHER DIMATTINA,1 AND DAN H. SANES1,21 Center for Neural Science and 2 Department of Biology, New York University, New York, New York 10003 Received 27 November 2000; accepted in final form 23 March 2001 Kotak, Vibhakar C., Christopher DiMattina, and Dan H. Sanes. Stimulation of MNTB affer


M. Votava · M. Krsˇiak · J. Podhorná · K.A. Miczek Alprazolam withdrawal and tolerance measured in the social conflict test in mice Abstract Rationale: It is difficult to assess withdrawal locomotion while aggression tended to be increased. from benzodiazepines, and preclinical assessment of be- Conclusions: Tolerance to the alprazolam effects on ag-haviour during social conflict

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Mount Grove, Birkenhead, Merseyside, CH41 2UJ Inspection dates Overall effectiveness This inspection: Summary of key findings for parents and pupils This is a good school.  The headteacher, staff, governors and the  The teaching of reading is particularly effective local authority have worked wel together. and pupils achieve wel in reading across the They have improve

Tms durability (9b)

Summary and Comment | TMS in Psychiatry Fall, 2013 Patients with MDD treated with rTMS still improved after 6 months Geoffrey Grammer MD reviewing Janicak PG, Nahas Z, Lisanby SH, Solvason HB Brain Stimul. 2010 Oct Conclusion In patients pharmacotherapy-resistant MDD who received rTMS, after 6 months, 10% of patients relapsed, and if they did experience clinical worsening, the v

Microsoft word - curriculum incontro .doc

F O R M A T O E U R O P E O P E R I L C U R R I C U L U M INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI Via Pietro Nenni - VII^ trav.sa n. 6 - 96013Carlentini(Siracusa)dal 2004 ad oggi Direttore e responsabile Area Marina Protetta del Plemmirio• Nome e indirizzo del Consorzio Plemmirio, P.za Euripide N° 21, 96100 Siracusa• Tipo di azienda o Consorzio di Enti Pubblici (Comune e Provincia di Siracusa)�

Material safety data sheet

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Univar USA, Inc. Emergency Response Telephone Numbers I. Material Identification Product Name: Masterline Aqua-Kontrol Concentrate for Mosquitoes, Flies & Gnats EPA Reg. No: 73748-1 INGREDIENTS: Permethrin (CAS Reg. No. 52645-53-1) (3-phenoxyphenyl) methyl (±) cis, trans-3-(2,2-dichloroethenyl) -2,2-dimethylcyclopropane carboxylate 1


Juniper Networks Secure Access 2000 The Juniper Networks Secure Access 2000 (SA 2000) SSL VPN enables small-to-medium-sized companies to deploy cost effective remote and extranet access, as well as intranet security. Users can access the corporate network and applications from any standard Web browser. The SA 2000 uses SSL, the security protocol found in all standard Web browsers, as a secure

Data sheet, made-to-order program (pdf, 144 kb)

A F F Y M E T R I X ® P R O D U C T F A M I LY >R N A A R R AY S A N D R E A G E N T S >Affymetrix is dedicated to providingyou with high-quality, gene expressionprovided. Probe sets from any of theMade-to-Order expression arrays areare designed using Affymetrix rigorousprobe selection and manufacturingtured and shipped within four weeks. Select CustomExpress designs that areavailab

Newsletter erektile dysfunktion

NEWSLETTER PROF. DR. MED. CURT DIEHM - INTERNIST - KARDIOLOGE - ANGIOLOGE - PHLEBOLOGE Chefarzt Innere Medizin - SRH Klinikum Karlsbad-Langensteinbach gGmbH Akademisches Lehrkrankenhaus der Universität Heidelberg, Telefon: +49 (0) 72 02 / 61 - 33 40 - Telefax: +49 (0) 72 02 / 61 - 61 67Die Erektionsfunktion ist so intakt wie Ihre Gefäße! Erektile Dysfunktion (ED, Impotenz) bei Du

Sm 11.01.05 - factores eficacia materna.pmd

Salud Mental 2011;34:37-43 Factores asociados a la percepción de eficacia materna durante el pospartoFactores asociados a la percepción de eficaciaClaudia Navarro,1 Laura Navarrete,1 Ma. Asunción Lara1taken part in intervention (eight psycho-educational group sessionsoriented toward preventing postpartum depression)or control conditionsThe objective was to study maternal efficacy at two mom

Diabetes review winter 2011 - diabetes - people/team awards

Diabetes Centre Queen Alexandra Hospital Diabetes Review Winter 2011 Focus On: Oral Hypoglycaemics Learning From Recurrent Clinical Incidents Clinical Incident: Continuation of Pioglitazone following Drug and clinical management incidents patient admission with heart failure repeatedly occur within the day to day Learning Point: management of diabetes. The

Libretto di sala della serva ridotto.doc

ALFA Musicorum Convivium e La serva Padrona ALFA MC presenta l'ensemble Eptafon ne "La Serva Padrona", intermezzo buffo di G.B. Pergolesi con: Serpina Fausta Ciceroni, Uberto Alessio Magnaguagno, Vespone Ariele Vincenti, M.o concertatore Alessandro di Petrillo e la piccola orchestra da camera Eptafon. La Serva Padrona, ossia la storia infinita del primato di quella metà del ciel

Microsoft word - program at a glance_israel

CANADA TRADE MISSION TO ISRAEL Program at a glance TEL AVIV -- SATURDAY, JULY 6, 2013 AFTERNOON Business Briefing - Israel Embassy/DFAIT officials wil provide delegates with an economic, sector and political overview of Israel, review the program and highlight important logistical details. Service Provider arranging B2B meetings wil be present to distribute and discuss individu


LUCRĂ RI PUBLICATE ÎN EXTENSO ÎN REVISTE COTATE ISI SAU INDEXATE IN BAZE DE DATE INTERNAŢIONALE SAU recunoscute INFORMATII PERSONALE Nume: Ceck G. Cristina Doina Str. Trestiana7, bl. 10, ap. 29, sector 4, Bucuresti, Romania Nationalitate: Romana Data nasterii : 19.09.1961 ARTICOLE STIINTIFICE PUBLICATE IN COLABORARE 2011 – Traducerea ghidului ESC “Hipertensiune

Microsoft word - flex sig patient info sheet.doc

Carolina Medical Consultants Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Instructions Appointment __________________________________________ Arrive 30 minutes prior to your appointment. Please notify us 24 hours in advance if you can not keep this appointment to avoid a no show charge. FLEXIBLE SIGMOIDOSCOPY INSTRUCTIONS Your doctor has scheduled you for a flexible sigmoidoscopic examination. This te

Evandro catelão

Anais do IX Encontro do CELSUL Palhoça, SC, out. 2010 Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina TEXTOS ARGUMENTATIVOS SOB A ÓTICA SOCIODISCURSIVA JEAN-MICHEL ADAM: PRIMEIRAS APROXIMAÇÕES ABSTRACT: The experiment conducted by Adam in the surrounding text types and textual genres are comprehensive enough to show many points of view while relating different lines of research linke

Titre de la runion / cassette

Conseil national de l’Ordre des médecins Edgardo D. CAROSELLA, directeur de recherche au Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, chef du service de recherches en hémato-immunologie à l’Institut Universitaire d’Hématologie à l’Hôpital Saint-Louis Christian HERVE, Directeur du Laboratoire d’éthique médicale, Université René Descartes – Paris V. Emmanuel HIRSCH, directeur de l�

Microsoft word - fiche_identification_clientele_medecin_famille_ang.docx

Identification Form for clientele looking for a family doctor Family Name: _____________________ First Name: _______________________________ Town: ________________________________________ Postal Code: _________________ Telephone (Home): _____________________________ Day  Evening  Weekend  Telephone (Cell): _______________________________ Day  Evening  Weekend  Telep

Microsoft word - 001ho07992 mgd.doc

100% Registered Holstein Ancestry (RHA-NA) TPI 1HO07992 PALMER WELCOME OMAN PALMER CRI-ET +1846M 05/26/2004 MALE USA 61376366 100%RHA-NA TV TL GENESIS COOPERATIVE HERD 100 MBC DR BOX 469 MACE YIELD EVALUATION SHAWANO, WI 54166 PTA +927M +48F +51P 79%R 8/2009 715/526-2141 PTA +551NM +.05%F +.09%P 0%US PTA +3.7PL 2.85SCS +1.6DPR MACE TYPE EVALUATION PTA +1.22T +1.73UDC +1.89FLC 69%R


hours of onset of illness. Thus, prompt diagnosis of influenza viral infections may aid physicians in undertaking appropriate preventative and therapeutic intervention. For Detection of Resistance to Influenza Neuraminidase Inhibitors Influenza types A and B virus possess surface glycoproteins with neuraminidase activity, which hydrolyzes substrates that contain alpha-ketosidically link

Report pdf

The Montmorency Cherry Nutrition Report The Montmorency Cherry Nutrition Report is a summary of the scientific literature on the health benefits of Montmorency cherries and their compounds. It takes its content from a report commissioned by the Cherry Marketing Institute (CMI). The intent of the report is to provide an overview of the scientific evidence, not to provide individua


Corinth Dragons May 1, 2013 www.corinthdragons.com Ready, Set, HAVE A BLAST! The 10th Anniversary DRAGON DASH is this Saturday, May 4th. Everyone is welcome- students, parents, grandparents, neighbors and friends. Doesn’t matter who, just bring them along for a Saturday morning jammed packed with good old fashioned fun. The race and walk will start at the south parking lot. R

Microsoft word - 14-07-10_en.doc

International Morning News Wednesday, 14 July 2010 Market Commentary: U.S. stocks surged on Tuesday, extending the longest rally for the S&P 500 in 3 months, as improving outlook from Al- coa bolstered confidence in the economy. Alcoa gained 1.2% as sales and profit exceeded analysts’ estimates and the company forecast stronger global demand. Chevron led gains in energy companies,


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Diabetes, Síndrome Metabólico y Enfermedad CardiovascularHernán Prat M. Unidad de Factores de Riesgo, Depto. Cardiovascular, Hospital Clínico, Universidad de ChileEntre los factores de riesgo cardiovascular (FRC) más bió la conjunción de hipertensión, hiperglicemia y la gota como conocidos están la hipertensión arterial, el tabaquismo, la un síndrome.(4) Posteriormente, varias otra

7 cf und inhalation

Zerstörte Lungen sind das Hauptproblem der meisten CF-Betroffenen. Die Inhalation von Medikamenten stel t einen wirksamen und effizienten Weg dar, Lungenschäden vorzubeugen und zu bekämpfen, weil die Medikamente in hoher Konzentration genau dorthin gelangen, wo sie gebraucht werden, ohne dass der restliche Körper damit überschwemmt wird. Der/die Betroffene muss dadurch weniger Nebenwirkungen

Flu newsletter

Eye on Influenza January 26, 2007 Volume 3, Issue 9 Orange County Health Care Agency, Epidemiology & Assessment, 1719 W. 17th St. Santa Ana, CA 92706, (714) 834-8180Influenza activity has increased in Orange County. Consider influenza in your patients presenting with fever and/or respiratory symptoms. Several types of influenza testing are available; see http://www.cdc.gov/fl

United states of america.doc


No job name

Total Synthesis of ( − )-Minquartynoic Vol. 4, No. 15 Acid: An Anti-Cancer, Anti-HIV Natural 2517 - 2519 Benjamin W. Gung* and Hamilton Dickson Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Miami Uni V ersity, Oxford, Ohio 45056 Received May 7, 2002 ABSTRACT The tetraacetylenic compound, ( S )-minquartynoic acid (1), is synthesized in seven linear steps and 17% overall

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