ARTIGO SOBRE TMS E ALUCINAÇÕES AUDITIVAS Revista Schizofrenia Research, janeiro de 2008
Este descrição do caso demonstra a eficiência do TMS de alta freqüência, de curta-
duração na terapia de paciente com alucinação auditivas e o interesse de identificar o
local de estimulação usando ressonância magnética funcional Entretanto, as
experimentações clinicas são garantias de que o futuramente será estabelecida a
This case dcscription demonstrates the efficiency of
high-frequency, short-duration rTMS therapy in patient
with auditory hallucinations and the interest of identifying
the site ofstimulation using fMRI. However, clinicaI
trials are warranted to further establish the clinicaI
Schizophrenia Research 102 (2008) 348 - 351
Treatment of auditory hallucinations by combining
high-frequcncy rcpctitivc transcranial magnetic
stimulation and functional magnetic resonancc
Several studies showed an efficacy of low repetitive
transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS); at a frequency
of 1 Hz, in reducing the severity of auditory
verbal hallucinations (AVHs) in schizophrenia (Aleman
et aI., 2007). However, the results are controversial
(McIntosh et aI., 2004; Fitzgerald et aI., 2005; Lee et aI.,
2005). Two major factors, the site and the frequency of
the stimulation, could explain this discrepancy.
Here is reported a remarkable effect of rTMS, at a
high-frequency of20 Hz, guided by functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI) in a 56-year-old woman who
presented persistent AVHs. The AVHs started in 1985
fol1owing her divorce but stopped after one year. In
1989, the voices retumed after her husband died and
lasted four years. Since 1998, th~ voices have been
continuous as she became suspicious and unfriendly
toward her co-workers. She feels that her neighbours are
watching and spying on her. The voices are loud,
constant, threatening, and insulting; they also speak to
her in the third person. She perceives the voices as real
even while criticising them and considering them
absurdo She also presents bilateral tinnitus and has
hypochondriac hal1ucinations like electric shocks. Both
schizophrenic disorder (DSM-IV) and 'chronic hallucinatory
psychosis' can be suggested with the acknowledgement
that overlap between these diagnostic entities
has been described (Dollfus et aI., 1992).
She has received several antipsychotics, including
haloperidol, loxapine, amisulpride, sulpiride, penfluridol,
and finally risperidone (6 mg/day) prescribed
several months before rTMS. Because she felt depressed as a result of distressing voices'; lorazepam (7.5 mg/day)
also was started several months before.the first rTMS. An
antidepressanf drug (citalopram; 10 mg,/day) was added
0920-9964/$ - see front matter 2008 Elsevier B.V. Ali rights reserved.
15 days before the second rTMS. In February 2007, she
received low-frequency (I Hz) rTMS 20 min!day on lO
successive weekdays for a total of 12,000 pulses. lhe
intensity was 90% rest motor threshold (Ml) clinical1y
assessed. A conventional site was used in the lefi
temporoparietal cortex between T3 and P3, according to
. the 10-20 EEG electrodes position system.
With no observed effcct on the AVHs, 6 months latcr
we attempted a new high-frequency therapy guided by
anatomical and functional MRI. An anatomical Tl-MRI
with a3D IR-FFE sequence (matrix size=256x256x 180;
slice thickness= 1 mm, field ofview=256 mm), a 2Dn'2weighted
MRI with 70 axial slices (slice thickness=2 mm),
and functional imagcs (EPI-BOLD sequence; TR=2 s,
TE=35 mS,FA=80°, matrix size=64 x 64 x 31, 138
volumes, siices 3.75 mm thick) were acquired using a
Philips 3 Tesla. The stimulus, known to induce strong leU
activation in the left semantic network (Dol1fus et aI.,
2005) lasted 5 min and consisted oflistcning to a factual
story in French altemated with the same story in Tamil.
The patient was instructed to attentively listen to the story
with eyes closed. The pre-processing was built on the
basis of SPM5 subroutines 10cal1y developed and
encapsulated in an automatic processing pipeline. Data were analyzed using SPM5, generating a BOLO signal
contrast (French versus Tamil) map for the patient. With
the presumption that AVHs depend on the same brain
regions as those associated with language processing
(Hoffman et aI., 2007; Zhang et aI., 2007), we targeted
the stimulation site with a frameless stereotactic system
based on fMRI. The target was chosen as the highest
activation spot located in the left superior temporal
sulcus on SPM(t) maps (Fig. 1, red cross). rTMS
consisted of trains once per minute for 13 min!session
for a total of four sessions ovcr two days. Each rTMS
train consisted of200 pulses at 20 Hz for a total of I0,400
pulses. Intensity was 80% rest motor threshold (MT)
No side effects evaluated with UKU side effect rating
scale were reported. From the second through the eighth
days, progressive improvement ofAVH was observed, as
assessed using the Auditory Hal1ucination Rating Scale
Fig. . Loealization 01' lhe stimulation silc baseei on tMRI using a frameless
stereolactic system. Recl erosses on axial carona! and sagittal slices
inclicate the target useel c1uring high-frequeney therapy. In the 3D view, lhe reei dot
inelicates thc functional site useel c1uring high-frequency therapy,
and the green dot indicates lhe conventional P3T3 site uscd during low-frequency
therapy; the two sites are 2.5 cm apart.
(Hoffman ct aI., 2007). From the ninth day through a 6month
follow-up, the voices have ceased entirely.
However, the persecutory delirious ideation, tinnitus,
and hypochondriac hallucinations persist. After 3 months
of follow-up, the dose of cilalopram was increased (to
40 mg/day) because of the persistent depressive syndrome,
although the AVHs had ceased. Afier 5 months of follow-up, citalopram was changed to venlafaxine
(150 mg/day), leading to an improvement in the mood
disorder. At the same time, she herselfdecreased the doses
of risperidone to 4 mg/day 5 months afier rTMS.
This case is the first demonstration of the spectacular
efficacy of high-frequency therapy following failure of
low-frequency therapy. At least two factors, the site and
the frequency of stimulation, can account for our resulls.
The use of fMRI can improve the 10calization of the
stimulation sitc, as suggested recently (Hoffrnan et
2007). As shown by individual electrical cortical
stimulalion studies, language area localization, especially
in the temporallobe, varies considerably from one
person to anolher (Ojernann et aI., 1989) and cannot be
accurately predicted by the 10-20 EEG system. In our
case, the question is whether the 2.S-cm separation
between the two selected silcs (Fig. ) can explain the
difference in treatrnent efficacy. In our opinion, this
distance between sites scems toa small to explain it
because the electric field was larger in the first session
than in the second. lndecd, MT assessed clinically in lhe
first session is usually at least 10% greater than MT
assessed with EMG and eonsequently could compensate
for lhe inaccuracy ofthe site location in the first session.
Moreover, the superiority of :fI\!IRI-guided compared to
non-guided TMS has not yet been proven. Indeed, the
use of fMRl scans of hallucinatory activation to guide
I Hz-TMS treatment has shown a trend to a decreasing severity of general psychosis but failed to demonstrate
any advantage in decreasing the severity of AVHs
The second faclor, high frequency, has to be strongly
considered. Based on sensory molor cortex research,
low frequency is usually considered to be inhibitory.
However, studies have found that high frequency can also suspend high cognitive functions or pathological
processes like speech production (Pascual-Leone et aL,
1991) or tinnitus (Fregni et aL, 2006; Khedr et aL,
2008). Consequently, rTMS focused on the language areas as in our study could interrupt an overactivated
circuit involved in the language network. This ovcractivation
several neuroimaging studies that have associated
occurrcnces of AVHs with activation in diversc brain
regions involved in speech generation and speech
Otherwise, it has been shown that rTMS increases
cortical inhibition, particularly with high frequcncy and in
individuaIs with reduced baseline inhibition (Daskalakis
et aL, 2006). Because -y-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is
involved in cortical inhibition, high-frequency rTMS may
afTect AVHs through GABAergic inhibitory neurotransmission
(Daskalakis et aL, 2007). This idea finds support
in the hypothesis ofa deficient inhibitory neurotransmission
of GABA in schizophrenia (Busatto et aL, 1997).
This hypothcsis does not, however, exclude the possibility
that an excess ofdopamine undcrlics positive symptoms
because DA and GABA neurons are interconnected.
In our case, high-frequency therapy was much more
efficient than low-frequcncy therapy in halting AVHs.
Morcovcr, high-freqllency TMS was less time consuming
(2 days) compared to low-frequency (2 weeks) and
well tolerated. Because rTMS was applied according to
present rTMS guidclines (Wassermaim, 1998), we
observed no side efTects, in particular no seizures or
impairments in concentration or memory. Moreover, a
reccnt review of rTMS applicd to non-motor cortical
areas including the temporal area showed that scizure
occurred only with supra-motor threshold intensity,
which was not the case in our study (Machii et aL,
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Départemellt Ulliversitaire de Psychiatrie, Celltre Esqllim/, Celltre Hospitalier Ulliversitaire de Caell, avelllle côte de llacre, Caell, 14000, Frallce
*Corresponding author. Département Universitaire de
Psychiatrie, Centre Esquirol, Centre Hospitalier
Universitaire de Caen, avenue côte de nacre,
Caen, 14 000, France. Centre d'Imagerie-Nellrosciellces et Appliqllation all:'( PatlzologieS, UMR 6232 CNRS CEA Ulliversités de Caell et Rellé Descartes, centre Cyceroll, bl H. Centre Hospitalier dll ROln'I'G}j 4 rue Palll Elllard, Sotteville les ROllen, 76301, Frallce Sen'ice d'exploratiolls jonctionllel/es dll syste,ne llen:ezn:, Centre Hospitalier Ulliversitaire de Caen, avelllle côte de llacre, Caell, 14000, Frallce 11 January 2008
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Supercritical Fluid Technology in Particle Engineering Ipar Nimet Uzuna*, Oya Sipahigilb, Salih Dincera a Yıldız Technical University, Faculty of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, 34210 Esenler, Istanbul, Turkey b Marmara University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, 34668 Abstract The combination of active s