Azetekium, Epithelantha, Geohintonia, Pelecyphora
Ferocactus, Hamatocactus, Leuchtenbergia
Eriosyce,under 5” (incl. Neoporteria, Neochilenea)
Eriosyce, over 5” (incl. Neoporteria, Neochilenea)
Parodia- hooked spines (incl. Notocactus)
Parodia- w/o hooked spines (incl. Notocactus)
Collections, 5 to 12 plants (triple points)
Argyroderma, Dinteranthus, Faucaria, etc.
Other mesembs with prominent roots or stems
Milii type: beharensis, delphensis, duranii , etc.
Stem type: ankarensis, leuconeura, stenoclada, etc.
Caudiciform: capsaintemariensis, decaryi, francosii, etc.
Shrub type: bongolavensis, geroldii, millotii, etc.
Medusa type: caput-medusae, flanaganii, pugniformis, etc.
caudiciform type: groenewaldii, knuthii, stellata, etc.
Stem type w/o prominent thorns: abdulkuri, obesa, suzannae, etc.
stem type w/ prominent thorns: ferox, horrida, virosa, etc.
Shrub type: misera, obtusifolia, platyclada, etc.
Stapelieae: Hoodia, Pseudolithos, Whitesloanea, etc.
Stapelieae: Caralluma, Huernia, Stapeliopsis, etc.
Aloe: not endemic to madagascar or south africa
Haworthia, retuse forms, incl. maughanii, truncata
Haworthia: others, inc. Astroloba, Poellnitzia
Anacardiaceae/ Burseraceae: Bursera, Commiphora, Pachycormis
Bromeliaceae: Abromeitiella, Dyckia, Hechtia, etc.
Cucurbitaceae: Gerrardanthus, Ibervillea, Kedrostis, etc.
Didiereaceae: Alluaudia, Decaryia, Didierea, etc.
Geraniaceae: Pelargonium, Sarcocaulon, Monsonia
Portulacaceae: Anacampseros, Avonia, Ceraria, etc.
Bulbs: Bowiea, Ledebouria, Velthemia, etc.
Collections, 5 to 12 plants (triple points)
Specimen size cacti, 12” or more (double points)
Specimen size succulent, 12” or more (double points)
Exhibitors must be members of the Gates C&SS. Categories 1 through 113 must be individual potted specimens and must have been grown by the
Categories 122 through 124 must be individual entries that have been created by the exhibitor. Entry forms must be completed for each entry. Exhibitors are responsible for placing entries in
Measurements in category listing refer to inside pot diameter at soil level Depending upon the number of entries, categories may be divided or combined prior to being
judged. Entries may be rearranged for the good of the show.
The committee has the right to reject plants that are not pest free. Props, figurines, etc. may only be used in Planters and Arrangements. However, rocks or other
natural objects are permissible in any category if they are an incidental adjunct to the plant; i.e., adding stability or artistic balance.
Cristate, variegated and monstrous plants should be placed only in their specific categories.
They should contain no more than 30% of normal growth. Variegated Gasteria and Sanseviera may be shown in either.
Only authorized persons are permitted in the exhibit area while judging is in progress.
NOVICE: (Blue): exhibitors who have won fewer than 10 blue ribbons in a recognized plant show INTERMEDIATE (Pink): Exhibitors who have won more than 10 blue ribbons in a recognized plant show ADVANCED (White): Commercial exhibitors and any other exhibitors who have won more than 10 blue ribbons in a recognized plant show JUNIOR (Blue): Exhibitors 13 years of age and under. Note: Entry new Junior Division
Awards include ribbons in all Competitive Classifications as follows:
First (3 points), Second (2 points), Third (1 point), Honorable Mention (0 points, used for
Best Cactus, Intermediate Best Succulent, Intermediate
Best Cactus, Advanced Best Succulent, Advanced
Judges Choice (each judge will award a rosette to the plant of their choice)
The criteria by which plants are judged is not precisely prescribed and there is a certain degree of subjectivity involved. The judges are recognized authorities and experienced growers. However, there is always some disagreement with the results of judging. Exhibitors (both winners and non-winners) should bear in mind that a different group of judges (or the same judges on a different day) might come to different conclusions. If your plants look just the way you want them to look, that should be satisfaction enough even if they do not receive awards. Judges take into account many characteristics of the entry and will typically use the percentages below:
Size, maturity and difficulty of culture…….
Condition, size, and difficulty are considered in relationship to each other. For example, an old plant with a few blemishes would probably be rated higher than a virtually flawless seedling. A small plant that is difficult to grow might be judged better than a larger one that is relatively easy. Staging includes many things that are involved in presenting plants so they look their best – pot, top dressing, position of the plant in the pot, etc. This is a matter of individual taste, but conservative pots and subdued top dressing are generally preferred. Staging and grooming are a real art by which even a fairly ordinary plant can sometimes be made to look special. Nomenclature means accurate identification on the entry cards. Where differences of opinion exist between botanists regarding the “correct” name of a plant, or where revisions are recent and not generally available, nomenclature will not affect judging. TROPHIES Best Cactus, Novice Best Succulent, Novice Best Plant, Junior (donated by Helen Hughes) THE FOLLOWING TROPHIES ARE PERPETUAL TROPHIES AND REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF THE SOCIETY…
Best Plant in Show, The Leo and Lillian Pickoff Award Best Cactus in Show, Schrenkengast Award Best Succulent in Show, Schrenkgast Award Best Euphorbia: Donated by Diane Park Best Ferocactus: Art and Del Montague Trophy, donated by Mr & Mrs Marvin Montague Best Haworthia: Donated by Ric & Marilyn Newcomer Best Lithops: Donated by Ted & Marilyn Alford Best Mammillaria: Donated by Diane Park Best Mexican Cactus: Bill Low Memorial Trophy, donated by Leo & Lillian Pickoff Best South American Cactus: Argyl Smith Trophy, donated by Ric & Marilyn Newcomer Best Aloe, Donated by Joe Casey Best Agave, Donated by Buck & Yvonne Hemenway Best Echinocereus, The Mel Parks Memorial Trophy Odd-Ball Plant, The Lois Utter Memorial Trophy *High Points Cactus; High Points Succulent; Overall High Points (Sweepstakes Trophy) *Only Intermediate and Advanced categories compete for these trophies.
Autoa ondo aparkatu dut, horretarako ezarritako marren barruan, lasai lo egiteko. Gauaren erdian motorzale batek ustekabean auto geldiaren ertz bat jo, airean ziztubizian jaurtikia irten eta kaskezurra mila puskatan hautsiko balu ere, nik errurik ezdudala izan esateko moduan. “Todo hiere y todo duele, pero lo nuestro es matar.”Lantzean behin saltoki gune handi batean sartzen naiz, ezer eros