Prolactin elevation with antipsychotic medications: mechanisms of action and clinical consequences
Prolactin Elevation With Antipsychotic Medications: Mechanisms of Action and Clinical Consequences Gerald A. Maguire, M.D.
Antipsychotic agents differ in efficacy and side effects such as movement disorders and prolactin eleva-
tion because of varying mechanisms of action. A revised nomenclature for antipsychotic agents, which
Copyright 2002 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.
categorizes the drugs according to efficacy, risk of movement disorders, and risk of prolactin elevation, isdescribed. Prolactin elevation, a potential side effect of some antipsychotic medications, is underdiagnosedbut can have serious short-term and long-term consequences. Short-term problems include menstrual irregu-larities, sexual dysfunction, and depression. Long-term problems related to prolactin elevation includedecreased bone density and osteoporosis, relapse of psychosis because of poor compliance due to sexualdysfunction or depression, and perhaps cancer, although more research in this area is needed. Despite theserious nature of these effects, prolactin elevation is seldom detected because clinicians often fail to inquireabout sexual function or other symptoms that signal that a patient’s prolactin may be elevated. These areproblems that patients may not bring up with clinicians unless they are asked. Therefore, when patients aretaking antipsychotic medications, clinicians should regularly inquire about sexual dysfunction, depression,menstrual disturbances, galactorrhea, and gynecomastia. (J Clin Psychiatry 2002;63[suppl 4]:56–62)
ecause of varying mechanisms of action, antipsychotic
used to describe the 2 major classes of antipsychotics. Agents in
agents differ in efficacy and side effects such as move-
the newer, atypical antipsychotic class, which were designed to
ment disorders and prolactin elevation. Prolactin elevation is a
reduce the risk of movement disorders, should be used first-line.
potential side effect of some antipsychotic medications that is
These newer antipsychotics were first developed because the
underdiagnosed but can have serious short-term and long-term
older, typical drugs have a limited efficacy profile, a high risk of
consequences. Despite these serious adverse effects, prolactin
movement disorders such as extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS)
elevation is often not detected because of hesitance on the part
and tardive dyskinesia, and a tendency toward prolactin eleva-
of the patient to mention the types of problems that elevated pro-
tion. All the agents in the atypical class—clozapine, risperidone,
lactin causes, such as sexual dysfunction. However, clinicians
olanzapine, quetiapine, and ziprasidone—have been introduced
can treat patients with agents less likely to lead to elevated pro-
more recently than the other drugs and represent an improvement
lactin levels. Because the antipsychotic agents’ mechanisms of
over the typical agents in some way.
action affect both efficacy and safety profiles, an added advan-
Despite being grouped into the same class, the atypical
tage of using an antipsychotic that does not raise prolactin is that
agents differ in efficacy and safety. Some of the atypical agents
efficacy may be improved and the risk of movement disorders
are more similar to the typical agents than others. To improve the
may be lessened. These 3 factors—efficacy, risk of movement
categorization of these agents, a colleague and I1 have proposed
disorders, and risk of elevated prolactin—can be used to catego-
a revised nomenclature of antipsychotic agents, dividing them
into 3 classes rather than 2 (Table 1). In this revised nomencla-ture, we categorized the agents according to their efficacy, risk
of movement disorders, and risk of prolactin elevation, which all
result from the varying mechanisms of action of the agents.
Nemec and I1 have broken down the antipsychotic agents
Antipsychotic agents have been grouped into older and newer
into what we call first-generation, second-generation, and third-
classes of drugs. The terms typical and atypical are currently
generation groups. The category names are not linked to thechronology of when the agents came to market but instead repre-sent advances in antipsychotic technology. For example, cloza-
From the Department of Psychiatry/Neuro Psychiatry
pine was the first of the so-called atypical agents on the market,
Center, University of California, Irvine.
but, in our nomenclature, is in the third-generation class because
Presented at the roundtable meeting “Safety Profiles ofMood Stabilizers, Antipsychotics, and Broad-Spectrum
of its efficacy, low potential for EPS and tardive dyskinesia, and
Psychotropics,” which was held August 29–30, 2001, in Amelia
lack of prolactin elevation. Clozapine was a revolutionary agent
Island, Fla., and supported by an unrestricted educationalgrant from Eli Lilly and Company.
in its time but now is approved only for treatment-refractory
Reprint requests to: Gerald A. Maguire, M.D., Department
schizophrenia due to its potential for agranulocytosis. On the
of Psychiatry/Neuro Psychiatry Center, University ofCalifornia, Irvine, 101 South City Drive, Building 3, Orange,
other hand, ziprasidone, which is the latest antipsychotic agent
to be approved for use in the United States, is in our second-
Prolactin Elevation and Antipsychotic Medications
Table 1. Revised Nomenclature of Antipsychotic Agentsa Figure 1. Antipsychotic Agent Mechanisms of Action
Copyright 2002 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.
aData from Maguire and Nemec.1 Abbreviations: EPS = extrapyramidal
working memory better than clozapine and olanzapine, but
symptoms, TD = tardive dyskinesia, ? = few data available.
these third-generation agents improve verbal fluency better thanrisperidone.9,10
In our nomenclature, the third-generation antipsychotics are
generation class. Use of ziprasidone is limited to patients
clozapine, olanzapine, and quetiapine. The agents in the third
without a vulnerability for cardiovascular disease.2 Under our
generation have the lowest risk of movement disorders.11 These
system, the third-generation agents, which improved efficacy
drugs also spare the patient prolactin elevation, and the spectrum
and reduced EPS and tardive dyskinesia while maintaining
of efficacy of these agents includes negative symptoms as
normal prolactin levels, are the most beneficial.
well as positive symptoms.12 Cognition and mood also are im-
In the first-generation class are agents currently known as the
proved with these agents over the conventional first-generation
conventional or typical antipsychotic agents—haloperidol and
drugs10,13 (although further studies are needed for quetiapine,
chlorpromazine, for example. These agents cause patients to
have a high risk of EPS (which can predict later development oftardive dyskinesia3), they elevate prolactin, and their efficacy in
schizophrenia is limited to positive symptoms (delusions and
hallucinations).4 They have little effect on negative symptoms ofschizophrenia. In addition, they do not improve—and, in fact,
The 3 categories—efficacy, movement disorders, and pro-
may impair—mood symptoms and cognition.4
lactin—that distinguish the antipsychotic generations from one
Our second-generation class of antipsychotics includes
another in our revised nomenclature are effects of dopamine
atypical agents such as risperidone and ziprasidone, although
blockade in the brain (Figure 1). The dopamine pathways in the
ziprasidone is so new that studies are few and results are mixed.
brain that are relevant to efficacy and side effects of antipsychotic
Risperidone was the second atypical agent in the U.S. market,
agents are the mesolimbic tract, the tuberoinfundibular tract, and
following clozapine, and it has efficacy against both positive and
the nigrostriatal tract.14 Blockade of dopamine in the tuberoinfun-
negative symptoms but a pronounced propensity toward elevat-
dibular pathway causes prolactin elevation. Blockade of dopa-
ing prolactin levels and a dose-dependent risk of EPS.5 Weiser et
mine in the nigrostriatal pathway is the mechanism for extrapy-
al.6 found that in 76 patients receiving haloperidol, risperidone,
ramidal symptoms and also for tardive dyskinesia, which can be
or olanzapine, those with more severe EPS were taking haloperi-
attributed to an up-regulation of receptors over time. Dopamine
dol or risperidone. Risperidone may improve mood symptoms
blockade in the mesolimbic pathway causes the antipsychotic
and cognition, although studies are mixed. In terms of mood,
effect, and not all atypical antipsychotics are mesolimbic selec-
Peuskens et al.7 found in an analysis of double-blind trials of
tive. However, the third-generation antipsychotics—olanzapine,
risperidone that in patients with anxiety or depressive symptoms
clozapine, and quetiapine—are fairly mesolimbic specific in their
at baseline, these symptoms decreased significantly more and
blockade of dopamine. Because these drugs spare the tubero-
also faster with risperidone than with haloperidol. However,
infundibular pathway and the nigrostriatal pathway, they have a
Ashleigh and Larsen8 reported that in a 10-week trial of risperi-
lower risk of movement disorders and a lower risk of prolactin
done in patients with schizophrenia, an initial good response to
the medication was followed in 46% of the patients by intoler-able affect, including feelings of agitation and depression and
periods of crying and insomnia. The authors noted that at base-
Seeman and Tallerico15 studied how tightly the antipsychotic
line these patients had significantly higher anxiety scores on the
agents bind to the dopamine D receptors, and their work pro-
Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale. Regarding cognitive function,
vides understanding of the efficacy of different agents and their
risperidone has shown some improvement in certain areas.
relative risk of causing EPS (Figure 2). Their conclusion was
While more effective than haloperidol and the other typical
that antipsychotic drugs that elicit movement disorders (such as
(or first generation) agents against cognitive dysfunction, ris-
haloperidol, chlorpromazine, fluphenazine, ziprasidone, and ris-
peridone and the atypical agents differ in areas of cognition
peridone) bind more tightly than dopamine to D receptors,
that they improve. For example, risperidone seems to improve
while those that elicit few or no movement disorders (such as
Figure 2. Relative Binding of Antipsychotic Agents to Dopamine D Table 2. Antipsychotics and Prolactina Receptorsa
Data from Dickson and Glazer46 and package inserts. Abbreviation: ? = few
Copyright 2002 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.
Ziprasidone is indicated for the treatment of schizophrenia, but because of its
greater capacity than other antipsychotic agents to prolong the QT interval
(which could lead to potentially fatal arrhythmias), other drugs should be tried
aAdapted with permission from Seeman and Tallerico.15
thisia by the Barnes Akathisia Scale, and dyskinesia by theAbnormal Involuntary Movement Scale. The lower rates ofEPS with olanzapine than risperidone likely are related to the
quetiapine, clozapine, and olanzapine) bind more loosely than
fact that olanzapine has more mesolimbic-specific action than
dopamine to the D receptors. Seeman and Tallerico concluded
that, compared with the tightly bound antipsychotic agents, the
Beasley and colleagues18 assessed the incidence of tardive
more loosely bound agents generally require fewer days for clini-
dyskinesia in patients with schizophrenia who were treated with
cal adjustment but require higher clinical doses, and they may
olanzapine or haloperidol during the 1-year double-blind phase
dissociate from the D receptor more rapidly, which could lead to
of their study. For olanzapine, the risk of tardive dyskinesia was
relapse earlier than the more tightly bound drugs.
0.52%, while the risk of tardive dyskinesia with haloperidol was
Quetiapine is the agent most loosely bound to the dopamine
7.45%. Although these patients were not naive to antipsychotic
receptor, which may explain why clinicians often have to admin-
treatment, making quantification of the risk of tardive dyskine-
ister higher doses of this agent to achieve efficacy. Clozapine is
sia to patients newly treated with olanzapine or haloperidol im-
about 3 times more tightly bound to the dopamine receptor than
possible in this study, these results reflect the incidence of this
quetiapine. Olanzapine demonstrates moderate binding and is
movement disorder in a clinically relevant population of patients
10-fold more tightly bound to the dopamine D receptor than clo-
in their mid-thirties with chronic symptomatology and histories
zapine. Even more tightly bound agents are the first- and second-
of treatment for more than 10 years.
generation antipsychotic agents. Ziprasidone, chlorpromazine,haloperidol, fluphenazine, and risperidone are tightly bound to
the D receptor, which may explain why these agents may have a
The normal range of prolactin levels in nonlactating subjects
greater risk of EPS. Because the second- and third-generation
is between 1 µg/L and 25 µg/L. Kuruvilla et al.19 found that pro-
antipsychotic agents have a lower risk of acute EPS than the first-
lactin levels in patients with schizophrenia are generally within
generation agents do, they may also have a lower risk of tardive
the normal range prior to receiving treatment for psychosis; the
dyskinesia, because early acute EPS can predict development of
schizophrenia itself does not appear to affect prolactin. It is the
tardive dyskinesia over the long term. Few clinical data are avail-
action of antipsychotic agents that causes the elevation of pro-
able on the EPS potential of quetiapine.
lactin. Risperidone and the conventional antipsychotic agents
Tollefson et al.16 compared the third-generation antipsychotic
raise prolactin levels, but clozapine, quetiapine, and olanzapine
agent olanzapine with the first-generation agent haloperidol in
are not associated with significant prolactin increase because
patients with schizophrenia and related disorders (N = 1996). In
they spare dopamine blockade within the tuberoinfundibular
the 6-week study, the investigators found a lower risk of treatment-
emergent extrapyramidal adverse events among patients taking
In a fixed-dose study21 comparing quetiapine with haloperi-
olanzapine than in those taking haloperidol. Dystonic, parkinson-
dol and placebo in 361 patients with schizophrenia, the prolactin
ian, akathisia, and residual events were reported significantly less
levels remained essentially flat from baseline to endpoint with
often by those taking olanzapine than haloperidol.
quetiapine—even at the highest dosage range—while marked
Tran et al.17 conducted a long-term (28-week) study compar-
elevations were found with haloperidol.
ing olanzapine with the second-generation antipsychotic ris-
There may be a transient increase of prolactin with olanza-
peridone. The proportions of patients with treatment-emergent
pine in the first few weeks of use, but levels tend to remain
spontaneously reported dystonic and parkinsonian events were
within the normal range and then return to the baseline levels or
significantly smaller with olanzapine than with risperidone.
even lower. In the Tran et al. study17 comparing olanzapine with
When EPS were assessed by rating scales, significantly fewer
risperidone, a significantly (p < .001) lower proportion of pa-
patients taking olanzapine than taking risperidone were found
tients in the olanzapine treatment group experienced an eleva-
to have pseudoparkinsonism by the Simpson-Angus scale, aka-
tion above standard reference ranges in prolactin concentration
Prolactin Elevation and Antipsychotic Medications
other potential effect of elevated prolactin. These are side effects
Table 3. Potential Health Disturbances With Prolactin-Elevating Antipsychotic Agentsa
that men and women may be hesitant to mention when seeing
their physicians, so it is important to inquire about such possible
effects. Patients may not expect this type of side effect to occur
with medication, and they should be warned in advance if they
begin treatment with a prolactin-increasing agent.
Prolactin elevation may also cause sexual dysfunction in
both men and women.23 Men may experience prolonged erection
or priapism. Men and women may also experience loss of libido
Copyright 2002 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.
or fertility and an inability to reach orgasm or ejaculate due to
When we talk about improving the quality of life in our pa-
tients, we must remember that it is important to consider sexual
functioning as a measure of quality of life. Also, maintaining
aAbbreviation: ? = few data available.
patients on their medication is key to their achieving reintegra-tion, and their compliance with the medication will be better ifthey do not have sexual dysfunction caused by the medication.
at any time during the study (51.2% vs. 94.4%). In addition, theincreases of prolactin associated with risperidone were more per-
sistent than those associated with olanzapine; at endpoint, the
Prolactin levels inversely affect estrogen and testosterone
proportion of patients taking risperidone whose prolactin levels
levels in both men and women. If prolactin is increased, testos-
were still elevated was significantly (p < .001) higher than that of
terone and estrogen are decreased. This in turn is associated with
patients taking olanzapine (90.3% vs. 36%).
decreased bone density, which may predispose patients to osteo-
The prolactin increase with risperidone appears to be unre-
porosis.20 Patients with schizophrenia are already candidates for
lated to dosage. A recent analysis22 of 3 double-blind multicenter
osteoporosis because they tend to have other risk factors such as
trials in patients taking risperidone dosages of 4 to 12 mg/day,
sedentary lifestyle, smoking, poor nutrition, and pathologic
haloperidol dosages of 5 to 20 mg/day, or olanzapine dosages
water drinking. Therefore, use of an antipsychotic agent that is
of 5 to 20 mg/day did not consistently confirm a dose-response
unlikely to elevate prolactin levels is important for patients’
relationship for prolactin elevations with any of the drug treat-
ments. The authors concluded that risperidone strongly increases
Cardiovascular disease is also a risk when estrogen levels are
prolactin (by 45–80 µg/L), haloperidol intermediately increases
low. Shaarawy et al.26 found that hyperprolactinemia with estro-
prolactin (by 17 µg/L), and olanzapine moderately increases pro-
gen deficiency produced a significant decrease in nitric oxide
lactin (by 1–4 µg/L). Among patients taking risperidone and
production, which can predispose patients to certain cardiovas-
haloperidol, the mean change in prolactin levels was greater in
cular disorders. Elevated blood pressure was associated with the
Strungs and colleagues27 reported that animal data have sug-
gested that elevated prolactin can lead to breast carcinoma, but
studies in humans have been inconclusive. Some human studieshave found increased prolactin levels in patients with breast
Some clinicians say they do not see effects of prolactin eleva-
cancer and their daughters, but others have not. Strungs et al.
tion and do not understand its importance. They may think that
suggested that prolactin may work with stress or estrogen to
this side effect does not play a role in their practice. But, in fact,
induce breast cancer. Chen and coworkers28 described a human
elevated prolactin levels can have many effects on patients,
prolactin antagonist that inhibited proliferation of breast cancer
whether male or female, in both the short and long term (Table 3).
cells. Prolactin may play a role in endometrial cancer,29 but
Clinicians may simply not know about these effects unless they
much more research into the relationship between cancer and
inquire about them because patients can be reluctant to mention
prolactin levels in humans is needed.
them. The effects of hyperprolactinemia usually occur when thepatient’s prolactin level is between 30 µg/L and 60 µg/L or even
Comorbid depression can affect all the core symptom do-
mains in schizophrenia and can affect all outcome measures. The
core symptom domains may be affected in the following ways:
Prolactin elevation can cause amenorrhea or an irregular men-
positive symptoms may be manifested as mood-congruent
strual cycle.20,24 Essentially, typical antipsychotic agents and
delusions or hallucinations; negative symptoms may appear as
risperidone can induce early menopause.20,23,24 Galactorrhea may
apathy and social withdrawal; and cognitive symptoms may in-
occur along with menstrual dysfunction.25 Gynecomastia is an-
clude impaired concentration and memory. Outcome is affected
by depression in the following ways: compliance with treatment
agents that spare prolactin tend to have a better effect on depres-
may be compromised; social and vocational functioning and re-
sion. This may or may not be a cause-and-effect situation but at
integration are lessened; and the risk of suicide is increased.
Among patients with schizophrenia, about half will have met
There are data on haloperidol in the treatment of stuttering in
criteria for major depressive disorder in their lifetime, which is
which the drug improved fluency, but 2 to 3 months later
much greater than in the general population.30 In the course of
patients wanted to stop it because they got depressed.34 They felt
schizophrenia, depression can increase the rate of relapse and
dysphoric and slowed down. What clinicians have struggled
lead to a longer duration of hospitalization, poorer treatment
with is how to treat the psychosis without worsening the mood,
response, and chronicity of the schizophrenia. Depressive mood
and how to treat the mood without worsening the psychosis.
Copyright 2002 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.
in patients with chronic schizophrenia contributes substantially
Today, data support use of the third-generation agents for a
to overall social dysfunction.31 Management of depression in
mood disorder and a comorbid psychotic disorder. The third-
patients with schizophrenia is a treatment plan priority.
generation antipsychotics seem to not only avoid the dysphoric
Knowing how to treat depression in schizophrenia means
side effect of the older agents but also treat the depressive
understanding its possible origins. Depression in schizophrenia
is brought about by many different causes. One link to post-
In the Tollefson et al.35 blinded study of haloperidol versus
psychotic depression is difficult to separate from circumstances.
olanzapine in patients with schizophrenia (N = 1996), the total
When patients are treated for first-break schizophrenia, they are
scores on the Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale
often depressed 3 or 4 months later. It can be rationalized that
(MADRS) were significantly more improved in the olanzapine
they are looking ahead at their life and they realize that they are
group than in the haloperidol group (p = .001). The authors
no longer in school or in the home where they were, so they see
stated that mood improvement was indirectly related to im-
less potential and see what they have lost.
proved positive, negative, and/or extrapyramidal symptoms, but
However, some of this depression—besides reacting to their
most of the olanzapine effect on mood was a primary direct
new diagnosis—may have been induced by the antipsychotic
effect of the medication. In 300 patients with schizoaffective
medication. One reason is the extrapyramidal side effects of anti-
disorder, Tran et al.36 found that patients taking olanzapine expe-
psychotics. Parkinsonian symptoms lead to a greater risk of de-
rienced significantly (p ≤ .01) more improvement in depressive
pression, and massive dopamine blockade could be dysphoric in
symptomatology than those taking haloperidol, as measured by
and of itself. Bradykinesia can look like a depression. Akathisia
the MADRS total scores. Similarly, when Tran et al.17 compared
can lead to anxiety or panic and worsening depression as well.
olanzapine with risperidone in a 6-month trial, olanzapine-
But the drugs that have more risk of EPS also tend to cause pro-
treated patients improved more on the depression item of the
lactin elevation, so there seems to be a relationship between pro-
Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale.
lactin and depression. Beyond the menstrual irregularities, sexual
In a study37 comparing risperidone with haloperidol, there
dysfunction, and potential long-term health concerns that are
was a trend for risperidone to improve depressive symptoms
possible with hyperprolactinemia, a growing body of evidence
slightly more than haloperidol, but the difference was not statis-
suggests that prolactin elevation may be associated with depres-
tically significant. The mild effect of risperidone in improving
sion. Much of this evidence is taken not from the psychiatric
depressive symptoms was only statistically significantly greater
literature but from the reproductive literature and literature in
than that of placebo treatment (p ≤ .05).
endocrinology. For example, in Gynecological Endocrinology,
In an open-label study38 of 446 patients taking quetiapine
Panay and Studd32 reported that estrogen deficiency, which can
compared with 150 taking risperidone, quetiapine showed
occur with increased prolactin, mediates mood, cognition, and
significantly (p = .028) greater improvement in depressive
symptomatology as assessed with the Hamilton Rating Scale for
Another theory is that prolactin may have a direct effect on
mood, whether it is mediated through estrogen changes or not.
In a study39 comparing ziprasidone with haloperidol in 403
Kellner and colleagues33 reported the results of several studies
subjects, significant improvement in depressive symptoms on
that they conducted in women with hyperprolactinemia. The
the MADRS was found only against placebo, not between the
authors found increased depression, anxiety, and hostility, as
2 active drugs (p < .05 for haloperidol 15 mg/day, ziprasidone
well as decreased libido, in these women. Prolactin elevation in
40 mg/day, and ziprasidone 200 mg/day; p < .01 for ziprasidone
the postpartum stage especially was associated with greater rates
of hostility and depression. In these studies, men with hyperpro-
Using an agent that improves depression decreases the likeli-
lactinemia did not exhibit more hostility than male controls with
hood for suicide in patients with schizophrenia. Suicidal behav-
normal prolactin levels, and the investigators suggested that
ior in schizophrenia is impulsive and unpredictable, and depres-
hostility in women with hyperprolactinemia may be an evolu-
sion is closely linked to the risk for suicide.40 Close to half of
tionary remnant for protecting the young.
patients with schizophrenia attempt suicide, and around 10%
Many patients over the years have required both an antipsy-
unfortunately complete suicide.41 But olanzapine and clozapine,
chotic and an antidepressant; this fact is further indication of
as compared with conventional antipsychotics, have been shown
a dysphoric side effect of some antipsychotics. However, the
to provide a suicide prevention benefit.42 These are the only 2
Prolactin Elevation and Antipsychotic Medications
agents that have shown this effect in schizophrenia. When Tran
information about special circumstances that might be stressful
et al.17 followed 339 patients for 6 months, 1 olanzapine-treated
for the patient. If the patient is taking more than one agent, or
patient made a suicide attempt, while 7 risperidone-treated
if it is unclear whether her menstrual irregularity is caused
by stress or medication, it is wise to check the prolactin level. Ideally, the prolactin level should be tested a couple of times to
get a true reading. The measurement should be done in either a
nonfasting or a fasting state and at the same time of day bothtimes, so that the results are similar each time.
Prolactin levels can be reduced if they become raised during
Once the patient’s prolactin level returns to normal, the asso-
Copyright 2002 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.
antipsychotic treatment. Drugs that are not associated with pro-
ciated symptoms should resolve. In women, menses will resume,
lactin elevation can be used in patients who experience problems
libido should increase, and fertility may return to normal for the
related to increased prolactin. David et al.22 pointed out that
patient’s age and health.24 Estrogen levels should return to age-
when patients were switched from haloperidol to olanzapine,
appropriate levels, thereby reducing the risks of genitourinary
prolactin levels decreased significantly.
symptoms, decreased bone mineral density, and cardiovascular
Alternatively, other agents that lower prolactin can be used
disease. Psychiatric symptoms and cognitive function may also
to augment antipsychotic treatment if the patient should not
improve as estrogen levels rise. In men, impotence should
be switched from the antipsychotic medication he or she is
resolve as prolactin levels decrease.45 Even bone density will
taking. Bromocriptine has been an effective treatment for post-
improve as the prolactin level improves.
partum depression and hostility.33 Mattox et al.43 found that theprolactin-lowering agents bromocriptine and pergolide each im-
proved depression in women with tumors that produce prolactin(prolactinomas) who were studied over 20 weeks. In a case
Prolactin elevation is a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” side effect of
report44 describing a 28-year-old woman who had taken a
certain antipsychotic medications. Patients are unlikely to
conventional antipsychotic for 7 years and developed osteoporo-
voluntarily report symptoms they find embarrassing. During
sis, amenorrhea, and profuse galactorrhea, bromocriptine was
antipsychotic treatment check-ups, clinicians need to inquire
about galactorrhea and gynecomastia, depressive symptoms,
It appears that risperidone raises prolactin levels more than
and sexual dysfunction because many patients are reluctant to
any other atypical antipsychotic agent on the market does.11,20,24
raise these types of problems without being asked. Prolactin
Premenopausal females may have prolactin levels of 100 µg/L
elevation is underdiagnosed but can have serious consequences.
or even 200 µg/L when taking risperidone.24 There is less of
When selecting antipsychotic treatment for patients, clinicians
an absolute effect in males, but the change in prolactin is of
must consider the long-term consequences of prolactin elevation
concern, as well as the level it reaches.
with its potential effects on short-term and long-term health
Prolactin levels should be measured at baseline in patients
problems, poor compliance, and depression.
who are beginning treatment with agents that increase prolactinlevels. Then, if clinical symptoms emerge, prolactin levels can
Drug names: chlorpromazine (Thorazine and others), clozapine (Clozaril and
be remeasured to see if there has been a change. For example, a
others), haloperidol (Haldol and others), olanzapine (Zyprexa), pergolide(Permax), quetiapine (Seroquel), risperidone (Risperdal), ziprasidone
female patient may have a prolactin level of 35 µg/L, which al-
though above the normal range is not that severe. If this patient’sbaseline prolactin level was 10 µg/L, that would mean quite an
Disclosure of off-label usage: The author has determined that, to the best of
increase had taken place. If her normal level was 25 µg/L, that
his knowledge, no investigational information about pharmaceutical agentshas been presented in this article that is outside U.S. Food and Drug
would mean only a slight effect on prolactin had occurred. Only
the presence of clinical symptoms, not an elevated prolactinlevel alone, should dictate changing a patient’s treatment strat-
egy. However, if a patient’s prolactin level is above 100 µg/L, anMRI scan with fine cuts through the sellae should be considered
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levels, switching to a prolactin-sparing agent is the logical treat-
effects and tardive dyskinesia. Int Clin Psychopharmacol 1998;13
ment, without necessarily measuring the patient’s prolactin
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level. However, clinicians should remember that symptoms of
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causes and many different medications. If patients are unusually
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stressed or in a severe depression, their menstrual cycles can get
off course. The patient should be asked questions that will elicit
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