Emergency Contact Information
In case of a medical emergency, the ACU Champions Sports Camps staff will contact the
Emergency Contact(s) you designate below
First Contact Name ____________________________________________ Relationship _________________
Home Phone ___________________ Cell Phone ___________________ Work Phone __________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________________________
City ______________________________________________State ____________ ZIP ___________________
Second Contact Name _________________________________________ Relationship _________________
Home Phone ___________________ Cell Phone ___________________ Work Phone __________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________________________
City ______________________________________________State ____________ ZIP ___________________
Authorization of Treatment and Medical Release Form
In case of a medical emergency occurring during my participation in ACU Champions Sports Camps,
ACU (and its employees or agents) may (but is not obligated to) take any actions to secure whatever treatment it considers to be warranted under the circumstances regarding my health and safety. Such as do not create a special relationship between ACU and me. I agree to be solely responsible for any costs related to that treatment. I hereby give permission to the medical personnel selected by the camp director to order X-rays, routine tests or treatment; to release any records necessary for insurance purposes; and to provide or arrange necessary related transportation for my child; and I agree to be solely responsible for any costs related to that treatment. By signing my name below, I agree with terms outline in the authorization and give permission for this form to be printed as proof for ACU’s use. I certify that all of the information provided in the health history statement is correct as far as I know, and the student herein described has permission to engage in all prescribed camp Activity.
Camper’s Name/Signature ___________________________________________Date ___________________
Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________________Date ___________________
Healthcare Provider Information
Camper’s Name ____________________________________________Camp attending _________________
Name of Primary Care Physician ______________________________________________________________
Phone Number of PCP ______________________________________
Health Insurance Company _________________________________ Group ID No. ____________________
Medical History Information
Medication Allergies (Check all that apply/or add)
Any other allergies and/or Dietary Restrictions
Please check all medical conditions that this student experiences
or has experienced within the past year

Camper’s Name _______________________________________
Please list any and all medications this student will be taking during the hours of camp.
All medications should be delivered to ACU Champions Sports Camps staff upon check-in. The designated medical personnel will administer medications as prescribed per parent’s/guardian’s permission. Medicine will not be dispensed unless the following guidelines are met: • Prescription medications must be in the original pharmacy-labeled container or the original
manufacturer’s container, and must have the student’s name on the container.

• Any doctor’s office samples must be accompanied by a signed physician prescription.
• Please limit the amount of medication to only what is required for your student’s term
at camp.

• Our camp provides most common over-the-counter medications, which will be dispensed per
parent’s/guardian’s permission for each camper.

Please list all medications that will be administered at camp:
Name of Medication
Special Instructions
Has student been hospitalized in the past year? o Yes o NO If yes, please explain briefly:
Camper’s Name _______________________________________
Any additional concerns or conditions of which we should be aware?
Special Education Services
ACU is dedicated to removing barriers and opening access for students with disabilities in compliance with ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. If you have a disability that requires accommodations, please complete a specific request below.
Accommodations Needed
Please submit form by way of
• Check-in site at 120 Moody Coliseum
• Mail to (Camp Name), ACU Box 27916, Abilene, Texas 79699-7916 THE OFFICIAL SUMMER SPORTS CAMPS OF



Research on Tobacco and (contd.) Addiction Bill W., principal author of Alcoholics Anonymous , planned to write another book titled After Sobriety, What ? Unfortunately, that project was cut short • Between 80 and 95% of addicts smoke cigarettes , a Bill’s Question: After sobriety based on freedom from alcohol/drugs comes the issue of addressing tobacco addic

It's in the details. M I N E R A L G U I D E Reference Guide to Jost Mineral Compounds Additional factors that play a role in mineral of mineral compounds that are used in the selection are referenced at end of the guide. nutritional supplement, clinical nutrition, pharmaceutical and food markets. This reference Generally, the mineral salts in each chart are guide highlights

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