Research on Tobacco and (contd.) Addiction
Bill W., principal author of Alcoholics Anonymous, planned to write another
book titled After Sobriety, What?
Unfortunately, that project was cut short
• Between 80 and 95% of addicts smoke cigarettes, a
Bill’s Question: After sobriety based on
freedom from alcohol/drugs comes the issue of addressing tobacco addiction.
• Nearly 70% of addicts are heavy smokers (smoking
satisfying sobriety even if they continue
alcoholics/addicts do try to quit tobacco,
diseases related to tobacco kill 430,000
term increases health risks more than using either of them alone.
(contd.) In addition, replacement therapy
provides nicotine without the toxins found in
cancer; drinkers are 6 times more likely;
nicotine medications to reduce withdrawal
Other research indicates that nicotine addiction is the number one killer for
commonly prescribed non-nicotine medication
people in recovery from other chemical addictions. Moreover,
clonidine and nortriptlyline, 2 second-line
research also indicates that people who continue to use nicotine while abstaining from alcohol or other drugs relapse twice as frequently as those who quitthe nicotine early in recovery.
seem to work best for young people, and that
the patches are ineffective if not dangerous.
For all of these reasons, successful Consult with your physician when considering any of these guidelines. nicotine too. My clients understand that Changes your body goes through when you they will not graduate from the addiction quit smoking. (NATAC 1998) treatment program successfully until Within 20 minutes of last cigarette: Blood pressure drops to normal Pulse drops to normal rate Options for Quitting increase Body temperature of hands and feet increases to normal Within 8 hours:
government’s latest guidelines for health
Carbon dioxide level in blood drops to normal Oxygen level in blood increases to normal
tobacco dependence offer the “greatest
Within 24 hours:
single opportunity to staunch the loss of
Chance of heart attack decreases Within 48 hours: Nerve endings start to regrow Ability to smell and taste enhances Within 48 - 72 hours:
kinds of nicotine replacement therapies:
Nicotine leaves the body Within 72 hours: Bronchial tubes relax, making breathing easier Lung capacity increases
to consume nicotine in highly controlled
Within 2 weeks to 3 months: Circulation improves Walking becomes easier Lung function increases up to 30%
Impact factor totale: 135.50 H-Index: 16 Citazioni totali (JCR 11/03/2011): 1093 Guerrisi M , Vannucci I, Toschi N Differential response of peripheral arterial elasticity indices to a vasoconstrictive stimulus PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT 2009, Vol 30, Iss 1, pp 81-100 Guerrisi M , Toschi N Ventricular interaction and cardiac pathologies in a thick shell model of cardiac chamber
CURRICULUM VITAE 1.- DATOS IDENTIFICATIVOS Apellidos y Nombre . RODRÍGUEZ PANADERO Francisco Fecha de nacimiento 25/05/1943 Sexo V 2.- FORMACIÓN ACADÉMICA Licenciatura Medicina Fecha 1969 Centro de expedición Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Granada Doctorado: Medicina, Universidad de Sevilla Fecha: 1985 Director/es de Tesis Prof. S. García Díaz y