properties, is also an effective inhibitor of MMP-2, -8 and-9 even at very low concentrations.4 Using contralateral
Adhesive dentistry has come a long way since the devel-
pairs of bonded and subsequently exfoliated primary mo-
opment of adhesive monomers by Dr. Oskar Hagger,
lars in children, Dr. Josimeri Hebling (Faculty of Dentistry,
which were first used by Kramer and McLean,7 and acid
UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil) has recently observed that dis-
etching of dental hard tissues by Dr. Michael Buono-
appearance of the collagen fibrils within the hybrid layer
core.1,2 The availability of dentin adhesives has profound-
in the control primary molars occurred as early as six
ly improved the quality of conservative work performed in
months in vivo. Conversely, collagen fibrils within the
pediatric and geriatric dentistry, prosthodontics, and late-
hybrid layer remained intact in the experimental primary
ly, in endodontics. Today, we salute the commercialization
molars that were pretreated with chlorhexidine prior to
of different classes of etch-and-rinse and self-etch adhe-
the placement of a simplified etch-and-rinse adhesive.
sives. Simplified versions of these adhesives have made
Thus, there appears to be a glimmer of hope. Can chlor-
bonding simpler, faster, and more user friendly. They rep-
hexidine or other synthetic, nontoxic MMP-inhibitors be the
resent remarkable scientific and entrepreneurial achieve-
ultimate saviors of contemporary dentin bonding by im-
ments by research scientists, clinicians, and manufactur-
proving the longevity of resin-dentin bonds? This practical
ers. In all the words spoken and written on dentin adhe-
question awaits clinical confirmation from research cen-
sives, one theme constantly recurs: how long do these
ters all over the world. We know that all clinicians are totally
man-made bonds last? Can resin-dentin bonds remain in-
committed to the improvement of the quality of service
tact in the hostile environment of the oral cavity?
delivered to their patients, and to the advancement of
Indeed, recent reports by our research colleagues
science in adhesive dentistry. We need the help of all our
around the world have shown that resin-dentin bonds are
colleagues in this exciting arena of dentin bonding re-
not as durable as we have perceived them to be, particu-
search. As we approach the Golden Jubilee of enamel etch-
larly when these bonds are made in the absence of
ing in year 2005, let us work together and continue the
surrounding enamel.3 The hybrid layer, for example, was
legacy of the late Dr. Michael Buonocore, by not simply pro-
found to be susceptible to hydrolytic degradation, with the
ducing faster and more user-friendly adhesives, but toward
disappearance of the collagen fibrillar component over
improving the quality of resin bonds created in dentin.
time in laboratory studies.5,6 Such a phenomenon has re-cently been confirmed clinically, using bonded human pri-mary teeth in function that were harvested upon exfolia-
tion and examined ultrastructurally for the integrity of thecollagen fibrils in the hybrid layer. In this study, what is in-
1. Buonocore MG. A simple method of increasing the adhesion of acrylic filling
materials to enamel surfaces. J Dent Res 1955;34:849-853.
triguing is that dentin hybrid layers can disappear beneath
2. Buonocore MG, Wileman W, Brudevold F. A report on a resin composition
bonded restorations with cavosurface margins that resid-
capable of bonding to human dentin surfaces. J Dent Res 1956;35:
ed completely in enamel, in the absence of the influence
3. DeMunck J, Van Meerbeek B, Yoshida Y, Inoue S, Vargas M, Suzuki K,
of salivary and bacterial enzymes. We now understand
Lambreschts P, Vanherle G. Four-year water degradation of total-etch
that matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) that are fossilized
adhesives bonded to dentin. J Dent Res 2003;82:136-140.
within the mineralized dentin can be released and activat-
4. Gendron R, Grenier D, Sorsa T, Maygrand D. Inhibition of the activities of
matrix metalloproteinases 2, 8, and 9 by chlorhexidine. Clin Diagn Lab
ed during bonding procedures.8 These endogenous col-
lagenolytic enzymes represent the “Darth Vaders” of den-
5. Hashimoto M, Tay FR, Ohno H, Sano H, Kaga M, Yiu C et al. SEM and TEM
tin bonding. They reside on the very collagen fibrils that
analysis of water degradation of human dentinal collagen. J Biomed MaterRes Part B (Appl Biomater) 2003a;66B:289-298.
are used for resin/composite retention. Their slow degra-
6. Hashimoto M, Ohno H, Sano H, Oguchi H. Degradation patterns of different
dative enzyme activities are beyond the control of even
adhesives and bonding procedures. J Biomed Mater Res Part B (ApplBiomater) 2003b;66B:324-330.
the most astute and meticulous clinician. Reflecting on
7. Kramer IRH, McLean JW. Alterations in the staining reactions of dentine
this latest insight into the degradation mechanism of res-
resulting from a constituent of a new self-polymerizing resin. Br Dent J
in-dentin bonds, one is compelled to ask, is there a future
8. Pashley DH, Tay FR, Hashimoto M, Breschi L, Carvalho RM, Ito S. Degra-
dation of dentin collagen by host-derived enzymes during aging. J Dent Res
Investigations on the use of synthetic inhibitors of
MMPs have been active in other branches of medicalscience, in particular, research on neoplastic diseases. Inperiodontal tissue destruction, host-derived MMPs havelong been recognized as tissue-destructive enzymes, andadjunctive MMP-inhibitor medication (Periostat) hasbeen shown to be effective in prevention of disease pro-gression. Chlorhexidine, better known for its disinfecting
nno Scolastico 1982 / 83 : maturità scientifica presso il Liceo Scientifico A. Tassoni di Modena con punti 39/60 3 Ottobre 1989 : laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l'Università Degli Studi di Modena con punti 110 su 110 (tesi di laurea: Perimetria automatica computerizzata e manuale: raffronto dei deficits del campo visivo nel glaucoma ad angolo aperto - relatore: Prof. E
Farmakoterapia reaktywnego zapalenia stawów Pharmacotherapy of reactive arthritis Edyta Biernat-KaÆuºa Streszczenie Summary: Reaktywne zapalenie stawów (ReA) jest nieropnymReactive arthritis (ReA) is an aseptic arthritis due tozapaleniem stawów rozwijajåcym siæ po przebytyminfection of alimentary, genitourinary or respiraatoryzakaºeniu przewodu pokarmowego, ukÆadu moczo