Microsoft word - ipy_inuit_health_survey_individual questionnaire-inuinnaqtun final.doc

Qanuippitali? How about us, how are we?
Inuit Health Survey 2008
Inuit Inuuhitigut Ilittuqhaut
Deciding to take part in the Inuit Health Survey Ihumaliuruvit ilauniarnik Inuit Inuuhitigut Ilitturhaunmi ƒ you are interested in knowing the state of your ƒ ilitturiumayutit qanurinnianik ilvit inuuhirnik, ƒ you are also interested in making health and ƒ ilitturiumayutit inuit inuuhiit aanniaqtailiniat wellness better for all Inuit in Nunavut. nakuuhiyumirahuarlugu Inungnut Nunavunmi. We would like you to feel empowered by this process. You should not feel embarrassed, violated or belittled Kanguhukhimaittumik, aanniqtauhimaittumik at any point during your participation in the Inuit ihuinaqtauhimaittumiglu qanuriliqaak ilautillutit Inuit Health Survey; instead you should feel proud of your Inuuhitigut Ilitturhaiyuni; kihimi pimmarilugu inmi timit own body and experiences and that we are honored to have you participate.
Note to interviewer: When you are ready to begin,
Titigaqhimayuq Apirhuiyimut: Apirhuinialiruvit,
please circle the number that corresponds to
kaimaluriktumik titigarlugu naahaut kiutjutingnut
your answer. Choose only one answer per
nalaumayuq. Atauhiinnarmik kiutjutiqarlutit
question unless indicated otherwise.
ahiagut uqaqhimanngitpat.
IND_Q1. What is your birth date? ____/____/_____ IND_Q3. In general, would you say your health is: SECTION 2 – DENTAL HEALTH
The following questions concern dental health. IND_Q4. Can you bite off a piece of fresh apple or IND_Q4. Kiihittaqqiit nutaamik aapumik uvvaluuniit IND_Q5. Do you have dentures or a partial plate? IND_Q6. Do you feel that your gums and teeth are: IND_Q6. Kigutitit mannguillu qanurinnahugivigit IND_Q7. When was your last dental assessment? SECTION 3 – MEDICAL INFORMATION
Now, I would like to ask you some medical questions Hadja, apiriumayagit aanniarnitigut pairhurlutit iliktigut Qatangutitit (angayuqqaatit, nukatit, angayutit) parents, brothers, sisters) been told by a uqautjauvakpaat taktimit munaqhimit allamilluuniit doctor, nurse or other health professional aanniaqtailiyimit ukuninga aanniarutiqaqtuut? that they have any of the following medical IND_Q14. Cancer, specify Kansa, qanurittumik Did a doctor or a nurse ever tell you Taktip munaqhipluuniit unniutivakpatiit ilvit
that you suffered from:
IND_Q18. Cancer. Specify Kansa, qanurittumit DIABETES
IND_Q19. Did a doctor or a nurse ever tell you that IND_Q19. Taktip munaqhipluuniit unniutivakpatiit you suffered from diabetes (other than
IND_Q20. Which treatment are you following now for IND_Q20. Hulivaliqqit hadja auklungnirnut? Tamaita diabetes? Circle all that apply:
turangayut kaimalluriktumik titigarlugit: HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE
IND_Q21. Did a doctor or a nurse ever tell you that IND_Q21. Taktip munaqhipluuniit unniutivakpatiit you suffered from high blood pressure?
IND_Q22. Which treatment are you following now for IND_Q22. Hulivaliqqit hadja uummatit high blood pressure? Circle all that
kayumikpallalirnianut? Tamaita turangayut HIGH CHOLESTEROL
IND_Q23. Did a doctor or a nurse ever tell you that IND_Q23. Taktip munaqhipluuniit unniutivakpatiit you suffered from high cholesterol
IND_Q24. Which treatment are you following now for IND_Q24. Hulivaliqqit hadja aungmi high cholesterol? Circle all that apply:
The next questions are about your reproductive
Tugliit apirhuutit turangayut hingainirnut
health and history.
IND_Q25. For the past 3 months have you had IND_Q25. Pingahuni kingullini tatqiqhiutini ___/___/___ tatqiqhiut/upluq/ukiuq Î Q29- Imannaq, titigarlugit kaffit tatqiqhiutit kingullirmit aunarnirnit _________/Tatqiqhiutit Ukiulluuniit (kaimalugikhilugu) IND_Q26. Is your lack of periods related to: 1- Hingailirnarigavit (Nalugaluaqtillutit) IND_Q27. Do you currently take replacement IND_Q28. Which treatment do you receive now for IND_Q29. How many pregnancies have you had? IND_Q31. Did a doctor or a nurse ever say you had IND_Q31. Taktip munaqhipluuniit unniutivakptiit 97- Not applicable (post-menopause (Aunaguiqtuq/iplaungiqhimayuq) SECTION 4.5 - SUN EXPOSURE
Think about a typical weekend or day off aniiqpakpit hiqinirmi 11-mit uplaami 4-mut IND_Q35. Ahiit, ihumagilugu havangnailarmi havanngitkuvilluuniit auyami. Aniruvit 30- minits avatqullugu, kaffiiqturhugu uviniit If applicable, what Sun Protection Factor IND_Q36. Turangakpat, kitu hiqinirmit nanuut SECTION 5 – PHYSICAL ACTIVITY
We are interested in finding out about the kinds of Ilitturiumayugut qanuq iqaiqhaqpariakhaita physical activities that people do as part of their hulivariakhaita inuit upluq tamaat inuuhirmingni. everyday lives. The questions will ask you about the Apirhuutauniaqtut qanuq timit iqaiqhariakhaa time you spent being physically active in the last 7
kingullirni 7-ni upluni. Kiunahuarlugit apirhuutit
days. Please answer each question even if you do
iqaiqhaqattanngitkaluaruvit. Ihumagilugit not consider yourself to be an active person. Please hulilukaarutitit havaarni, iglup iluani hilami think about the activities you do at work, inside and humunngaugangavit, tuninnguiqtirangavit, outside your house, to get from place to place, and in your spare time for recreation, exercise or sport. IND_Q37. During last 7 days, on how many
IND_Q37. Kingullini 7-ni upluni, kaffiqturhutit
days did you walk for at least 20 minutes
_____ uplut santunirmi ÎTaki apirhuqhimaarlugu IND_Q38. How much time did you usually spend IND_Q38. Qanuq hivituyumik pihuliqpakpit Now, think about all the vigorous activities which take Hadjattauq, ihumagilugit tamaita akhuqhutit hulitjutitit
hard physical effort. Vigorous activities make you
breathe much harder than normal and may include aniqhaqtarnaqpiaqhutik ukuatut uqumaittunik
heavy lifting, digging, shovelling snow, fast
qanngattaqhiqattaqhuni, algaktuq, pualrihaqtuq,
bicycling, or running.
kayumiktumik paisikaktuq, aqpattuq.
IND_Q39. During the last 7 days, on how many days IND_Q39. Kingullini 7-ni upluni, kaffini upluni ilauvit did you engage in vigorous activities for at 1- ___uplut/santiunirmi Î Taki apirhuqhimaarlugu IND_Q40. How much time did you usually spend IND_Q40. Qanuq hivituyumik akhuqpakpit ukunani IND_Q41. During the last 7 days, on how many days IND_Q41. Kingullini 7-ni upluni, kaffiqturhutit upluni did you engage in moderate activities for activities can include biking at a leisurely pace, dancing, carrying small children, or many activities out on the land and they IND_Q42. How much time did you usually spend in IND_Q42. Qanuq hivituyumik hulilukakpakpit ukunani SECTION 6 – SMOKING
I would like to ask you some questions about
Apirhurumayagit higarnikkut
IND_Q43. At the present time, do you smoke IND_Q43 Hadja, higaqpakpiit higaaniik? IND_Q44. On average, how many cigarettes do you IND_Q44 Uplurmi, kaffinik higanik higaqakpit? IND_Q46. How old were you when you began to IND_Q46 Kaffinik ukiuqaqhutit higaaliqqit? IND_Q47. If applicable, at what age did you stop IND_Q47 Turangakpat, kaffinik ukiuqaliqhutit
IND_Q48. At the present time are you considering IND_Q48 Hadja higaguiqniaqhimaviit? SECTION 7 – SOCIO DEMOGRAPHIC
IND_Q50. What is the highest level of schooling you IND_Q50 Qanuraalik kulvahiktumik sikuqhimavit have completed (even if you are still in iniqhugu (hadjaluuniit sikuraluaruvit)? Angayukhiit sikuurviat: gurit 7-mit 10-mut Partial training in community college,
Diploma or certificate from a
IND_Q51. Thinking about your total income, from which IND_Q51 Ihumagilugit atauttimut maniliugahi, kitunit of the following sources have you received manikhakpakpit kingullini 12-ni tatqiqhiutini
any income in the past 12 months? Circle all Kaimaluriktumik titigarlugit turangayut
that apply
Havakpaktut havagungnaqtut akiliuhiagainnik Arnaq nutaganiktuq/angut aippaa nutaganiktuq Havaguiqtup inutquaqhakhautait, havaaraluaminit Retirement pensions, superannuation & annuities 16- Benefits from Canada/Nunavut pension plan 17- Dividends and interest (such as on bonds, savings) 17- Maniliugat nauvalliayunit (Maniliurutinit) 19- Other (such as rental income, scholarships), 19- Aallanit (iglumit akiliqtuqtauyumit, sikuqtunut ) uqarlugu: ______________________________ IND_Q52 From above, what was your main source of IND_Q52 Kulaaniittunit, kitumit manikhaktarluaqqit?
income? Circle only one
Kaimaluriktumik titigarlugit turangayut. HAVAAMNIT
3- Havakpaktut havagungnaqtut akiliuhiagainnik 5- Arnaq nutaganiktuq/angut aippaa nutaganiktuq 7- Havaguiqtup inutquaqhakhautait, havaaraluaminit Retirement pensions, superannuation & annuities Benefits from Canada/Nunavut pension plan Dividends and interest (such as on bonds, Maniliugat nauvalliayunit (Maniliurutinit) Other (such as rental income, scholarships), Aallanit (iglumit akiliqtuqtauyumit, sikuqtunut ) IND_Q53 What is your best estimate of your total IND_Q53. Huna nalaunniaqlugu atuattimut ilvit
personal income from all taxed and
maniliugatit tamainnit taksiyaqtauyunit taksiiyaqtaunngittunillu, kingullini 12-ni (before taxes and other deductions)?
tatqiqhiutini (taksiiyaqtautinagit aallallu
IND_Q54 Which of the following best describes your IND_Q54 Kitu uqattiaqqa hadja havaarnik? present job status? 3- Ilaani havakpaktunga (ukiup ilangani, End, Thank you!
Nunnguvuq, quanaqqutit!

Interview language (circle):

Apirhuutauyuq uqauhiq (kaimalurikhilugu)
3- Inuinnaqtun and English Ending Time: ____/____ 3- Inuinnaqtun/Qablunaatun Nutqaqvia:____/____


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