
Mark in for desired orders. If is blank, order is inactive.
Agitation/ Anxiety/ Confusion/ Delirium
LORazepam (ATIVAN) 1 mg every 2 hours PO, IV or sublingual as needed for anxiety or agitation. Do not exceed 6 mg in 24 hours.
haloperidol (HALDOL) 2 - 4 mg PO or IM every 4 hours as needed for confusion or delirium; not to exceed 20 mg per 24 hours. traZODONE HCL (DESYREL) 50 mg PO every night as needed for sleeplessness For severe agitation use:
haloperidol (HALDOL) 5 mg PO or IM every 1 hour as needed for severe agitation; not to exceed 20 mg per 24 hours.
docusate sodium (COLACE) 100 mg PO twice a day as needed for constipation
If on opioids: add docusate-senna (SENOKOT-S) 50mg/8.6 mg (1 tablet) PO three times daily for constipation.
If no bowel movement in 2 days: add magnesium hydroxide (MILK OF MAGNESIA) 30 mL PO daily as needed for constipation.
If no bowel movement in 3 days: check for impaction.
If no impaction, administer: bisacodyl (DULCOLAX) 10 mg suppository times 1 for constipation.
If no results: sodium biphosphate-sodium phosphate (FLEET ENEMA) times 2 for constipation.
morphine 5 mg PO or sublingual OR 2 mg IV or subcutaneous every 1 hour as needed for dyspnea.
Hold if respiratory rate less than 8.
Supplemental oxygen as needed to maintain comfort. Start with 2 liters per minute per cannula. Titrate up to 4 liters per minute to achieve target respiratory rate of less than 25.
If bronchospasm audible: start albuterol (PROVENTIL) 2.5 mg nebulizer every 4 hours as needed for wheezing.
If no relief: ADD ipratropium (ATROVENT) 0.5 mg nebulizer every 4 hours as needed for wheezing.
Mouth / Throat Soreness
Use green swizzle sticks and/or glycerine swabs for mouth comfort.
Magic Mouthwash: (equal parts aluminum hydroxide/magesium hydroxide (MAALOX), diphenhydrAMINE (BENADRYL), lidocaine (XYLOCAINE)) 10 mL PO swish / expectorate three times a day before meals as needed for mouth pain.
Nausea and Vomiting
NPO until vomiting stops, then clear liquids. Advance as tolerated.
haloperidol (HALDOL) 0.5 - 1 mg PO/IV/SQ every 4 hours as needed for nausea and vomiting.
If no relief: administer ondansetron (ZOFRAN) 8 mg IV every 8 hours as needed for nausea and vomiting.
If no results: call physician.
Terminal Secretions
atropine ophthalmic (ISOPTO-ATROPINE) 1% 2 - 4 drops sublingual every 2 hours as needed for mild secretions.
If atropine given, apply scopolamine (TRANSDERM-SCOP) 1.5 mg transdermally; change every 72 hours.
glycopyrrolate (ROBINUL) 0.4 mg subcutaneous or IV every 4 hours as needed for severe secretions.
For Thick Secretions
guaiFENesin (ROBITUSSIN) 20 mL (100 mg/ 5 mL) PO every 4 hours for 48 hours as needed for thick secretions.
Suction as needed for thick secretions.
If no relief from above interventions , nebulized normal saline 2 - 3 mL every 4 hours as needed for thick secretions.
Date:____________ Time:_______________ _______________________________________
(Required) (Required) Prescriber's Signature
Cell/Pager:__________________________ _______________________________________ Printed Name Scanned to pharmacy / entered into TDS by: Orders verified by:_______________________Date_____________Time______ _______________________Date_____________Time______ PHYSICIAN ORDERS

Source: http://carenet.tmfhs.info/Forms/Supportive%20Care.pdf

Isonomía, revista de teoría y filosofía del derecho. número 12

CONSTITUCIONALISMO, MINORÍAS Y DERECHOS1. 1. Introducción E n los últimos años hemos asistido a la inserción, dentro de los debates sobre el contenido y papel de las Constituciones, del tema del multi-culturalismo. No se trata del clásico enfoque sobre la protección cons-titucional que debía darse a las minorías, sino de una posición que ha ve-nido a poner en crisis varios d

Microsoft word - cv

CURRICULUM VITAE RONALD K. WRIGHT BS, MD, JD         HIGHER EDUCATION: Southwest Missouri State University Springfield, Missouri Bachelor of Science, 1967 (Biology and Chemistry) St. Louis University School of Medicine St. Louis, Missouri Doctor of Medicine, 1971 University of Miami School of Law Miami, Florida Juris Doctor, 1980 POST DOCTORAL TRAINING : Homer G. Phillips Hos

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