BEECKtechn AGL2 engl.qxt 04.05.2001 18:26 Uhr Seite 25
Technical Information Sheet, Rev. 04/2001
AGLAIA RENOVATION PLASTER Ready-to-use, fiber-reinforced leveling plaster, especially for creating fine plaster-like surfaces indoors. Sound-absorbent and excellent absorption capacity regarding humidity and airborne pollutants. For application and texturing use a trowel. Natural white, ideal for glazing without further pretreatment. Exclusively made from natural raw materials. Ranges of Application: Water absorption and water-vapor diffusion characteristics:
For universal indoor use in private homes as well ascommercial and public buildings on all coatable walls
and ceilings. Provides fine-plaster wall coatings through
pleasant light scattering of quartz grain. Excellent room
Physical/Technical Characteristics:
climate properties. Recommended from a biological and
ecological building point of view. Due to filling capacity
and fiber reinforcement, especially suitable for renova-
ting walls in old buildings and designing light-weightbuilding boards. Color tone:
Natural white. For glazing technique and recoatability
product. Thoroughly stir up, apply an approx. 1 mm thick
Under normal conditions, completely dry and safe to
layer and texture, using a stainless steel trowel (smoothing
coat after 12 to 16 hours. Thick layers, high humidity
trowel). A fine modelling plaster structure with non-
and low temperatures delay the drying process. Therefore,
directional, barely visible edges is perfect. A uniform,
ensure proper ventilation and heat while drying. Minimum
structure-free application is achieved by leveling out
application temperature: 13°C air and surface.
the edges using a wet trowel. A possible second layer
may be applied, but no sooner than 12 hours after the
On moderately absorbent, smooth surfaces:
first one. May also be economically machine-processed
approx. 1.0 to 1.2 kg per layer and m2.
in large buildings (e.g. plaster machine: WAGNERPlastcoat PC5; 8 mm jet). After a minimum drying period
Available Sizes:
of 2 days, AGLAIA RENOVATION PLASTER may directly
be color glazed with AGLAIA BEESWAX GLAZE BINDER. Cleaning:
Because of the strong absorbency, the first glaze coat
Clean appliances, tools and clothes with water
should only be weakly pigmented. If required, can also
Lasts at least 12 months when stored cool and free
For more information on Surface and Pretreatment,
of frost in the airtight sealed original container. Once
see backside of this information sheet.
opened, cover with very little alcohol, re-seal container
Technical Features:
airtight and use up as soon as possible.
Easy and ready-use natural plaster for seamless wall
coating. Enriched with micro-fine quartz grains (0.4 mm).
Full declaration according to the quality standards of
Especially absorbent and abrasion-resistant. Remove
the Association for Natural Colors (AGN):
contaminations with sponge and water. Multiple after-
[1]: Tap water, Chalk; [2]: Titanium dioxide, Quartz sand,
treatments possible without producing stress. High
Beech cellulose, Carboxymethylcellulose, Boric salts;
absorption capacity regarding airborne contaminants
[3]: Turkey red oil, Citrus peel oil, Dehydrated castor
(stand) oil, Linseed (stand) oil, Lipophilic swelling clay,Zinc white, Milk casein, Shellac, Lecithin, Dammar resin,Colophonium glycerol esters, Aluminum silicate,Eucalyptus oil.
[1] . Raw material rate in product > 10%[2] . Raw material rate in product 1-10%[3] . Raw material rate in product < 1%
BEECKtechn AGL2 engl.qxt 04.05.2001 18:26 Uhr Seite 26
Technical Information Sheet, Rev. 04/2001
AGLAIA RENOVATION PLASTER Surface and Pretreatment: General Requirements:
Thoroughly remove remainders of molding oil from concrete with soap water. Wettability test with clear
The surface must be clean, dry, solid and coatable.
Check fresh plaster for sinterskin (glass-like glossy,waterproof surface). If necessary, sand to make the
plaster absorbent. Dry-brush any water marks,
Carefully brush and prime absorbent masonry with
efflorescing substances, etc. and seal spots with
AGLAIA PRIMER, thinned with 2 parts water. Level out
joints and indentations with e.g. AGLAIA FINE SURFACER
surface once or twice with AGLAIA INSULATING
and, if necessary, precoat with AGLAIA RESIN BONDING
WHITE. Samples are imperative when applying to tar/
nicotine/soot stained or efflorescing surfaces as fiber
reinforced plasters are sensitive to bleeding. Despite of
Carefully check for recoatability, efflorescing sub-
good filling properties, touch up open spaces, flaws and
stances and adhesion. Thoroughly clean old, dull,
indentations beforehand to match style and structure.
absorbent wall paint coats and precoat with AGLAIA
Smoothen rough surfaces by leveling out with filler and
RESIN BONDING COAT. Remove dense, smooth oil
sand or scrape off protruding plaster and edges.
or latex coats through sanding or stripping. Old non-
AGLAIA RENOVATION PLASTER is designed to produce
washable distempers will easily get soaked when in
a uniform surface and should not be used as a filler for
contact with water, and should be completely removed
leveling out coarse grained or structural plasters.
using water and a brush. Carefully brush chalking lime
Reinforce cross joints of light-weight building boards
and silicate coatings. Make samples.
with fabric, level out with filler and sand. Observe the
Paper and fabric wall papers are not suitable because
board manufacturer’s instructions.
of lacking recoatability. Carefully remove any remain-
Suitable surfaces:
ders of old wall paper, glue or adhesive.
̈ Lime plaster (PIc), Lime based cement plaster (PII):
Safety Instructions and Disposal:
Coat normally absorbent plaster directly with AGLAIARENOVATION PLASTER. Strongly absorbent plaster
̈ Hazard Class: not subject to identification
should first be primed with AGLAIA PRIMER, thinned
requirements under Toxic Chemicals Ordinance/
with 2 parts water. Solidify crumbly, sanding plasters
Chemically sensitive and environmentally ill persons,
̈ Gypsum plaster (PIV), Gypsum based lime plaster
please pay attention to the full declaration. Keep out of
(PIVc), Gypsum plaster boards and Fibrous plaster
reach of children. Do not dispose of organic coatings
into the sewage system. Disposal of product remaindersaccording to legal regulations. Disposal of empty con-
Precoat smooth surfaces with AGLAIA RESIN BONDING
tainers through resource collection points.
COAT for better adhesion and easy application.
̈ Waste Code: Product and Product Remainders
Surfaces with a good grip, such as fibrous plaster
(European Waste Code): 080199 (Coatings).
boards, may be primed with AGLAIA PRIMER, thinnedwith 2 parts water. Always check gypsum-based surfacesfor discoloration and bleeding substances and insulate,if required (see General Requirements). Gypsum plaster
It is our objective to provide, through this technical information, advicebased on our skills and practical experience. Any instructions given are
boards impregnated to become water-repellent
non-binding and do not release the user from his or her liability to check
(wettability test!) will not require priming. Precoating
for product suitability and application methods him/herself with regard tothe surface used. Technical modifications may result from product develop-
ment. Upon publication of a revised or new version, these instructions will
̈ Wood based materials, Chipboards and Wood based
automatically lose their validity. The details contained in the EU Safety DataSheets in their current form dictate liability for classification in terms of the
Hazardous Substances Regulation, disposal etc.
Water-soluble, bleeding substances from wood chipsand resins! Therefore, prime to saturation with AGLAIAPENETRATING PRIMER and, if required, precoat withAGLAIA INSULATING WHITE. Make samples!
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