Microsoft word - flu facts _3_.doc

The Grafton Health Department wishes to offer the information below regarding seasonal and H1N1 influenza. We understand there is a lot of information being circulated by several sources and can be very confusing. Hopefully this information will help to better prepare you to fight the flu. Seasonal Influenza Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Is a respiratory virus spread through droplets. Respiratory virus that is new to all in 2009. Several strains seen every year. Usually occurs Spread through droplets. Occurs anytime, December – May, peaking in late January–March. especially when people are in close quarters. 5 – 20% of US population get sick every year from seasonal flu. Over 200,000 are hospitalized. Population will get sick from H1N1 with over Approx. 36,000 deaths occur, usually from complications such as pneumococcal disease. Symptoms: often severe, very sudden onset. Fever Symptoms: usually mild, somewhat sudden usually greater than 101 F. Cough, sore throat, onset. Fever 100.4 F/38 C or higher, cough, sore throat, possibly with headache and body Treatment: Rest, fluids, fever reducing aches. Sometimes runny nose, diarrhea or medications1 such as Acetaminophen (Tylenol), and Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin). For some, antiviral Treatment: rest, fluids, fever reducing medications within the first 2 days of symptoms.2 medications.1 For some, antiviral medicines Vaccine available now. One shot unless under 9 Tamiflu or Relenza in the first 2 days of years of age and receiving it for the first time, then two shots will be required 28 days apart. Takes Vaccine in clinical trials should be arriving approximately two weeks to build immunity. early to mid October.3 Two shots for all, 21 – Target groups for vaccine:4 Seniors 65 years and over. Recommended for 50 years and over, immunity after two weeks. Target groups for children 6 months to 4 years (now recommended for all children) and anyone with an underlying months to 24 years, household contacts or condition5 including respiratory conditions caregivers of children under 6 months, 25 – (asthma), cardiac disease, pregnancy, and diabetes. 64 year olds with underlying conditions5, 1 - No aspirin products should be R
e yes Syndrome.
2 *- Seasonal flu has shown some resistance to Tamiflu and Relenza. Two other antiviral medications can be used. H1N1 is still sensitive to Tamiflu and Relenza.
no aspirin products should be given to children less than 18 years because of the risk of Reyes Syndrome. 3 - Some information may change as trials conclude. 4 - All residents should get a seasonal and H1N1 vaccine when it becomes available to their age g roup if they wish to help protect themselves against the flu.
5 - Any condition that makes you more likely to develop complications if you get the flu 1. WASH YOUR HANDS: Soap and water for 20 seconds (2 rounds of happy birthday) on all surfaces of your hands or use hand sanitizer with an alcohol content greater than 60%, rubbing vigorously on all surfaces of your hands until dry. 2. COVER YOUR COUGH OR SNEEZE: With your elbow, clothes or a tissue that you dispose of right away 3. STAY HOME IF YOU ARE SICK: Until 24 hours after the fever returns to normal without fever reducing medications (so please, don’t take Tylenol then go to school or work – YOU ARE STILL INFECTIOUS). For children with the flu, have a plan all ready to go for who will care for the child at home. We think most people will be able to return to work or school in 3 – 5 days after H1N1. 4. CLEAN hard surfaces frequently that you use the most (ex. doorknobs, phones, TV remote, computer keyboard). No special cleaner needed. Good news; Influenza viruses live only 2 – 8 hours on surfaces. Keep your hands away from your nose and mouth until you have washed your hands after touching these items. 5. GET VACCINATED whenever the vaccine becomes available to you. MORE IMPORTANT: DO NOT PANIC
The centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) bring the latest and most accurate information to the local health department on a regular basis. The experiences in the spring with H1N1 have given all of us some practice on how we need to approach the developing situation. There are new things being learned all the time and it will require all our patience as it changes. For more information and questions: Contact the Grafton Health Department– Public Health Nurse: Trish Parent (508) 839-5335 x 129 Email: [email protected] You may also call the Massachusetts Information Line “211” 24 hrs/day 7 days/week. Websites: Remember, if we work together everyone can stay healthy because - Public Health is YOUR Health!


Psychopharmacology (2002) 159:138–144DOI 10.1007/s002130100883 Luiz Carlos Schenberg · Larissa Bustamante Capucho Ricardo Ossamu Vatanabe · Leila César Vargas Acute effects of clomipramine and fluoxetine on dorsal periaqueductalgrey-evoked unconditioned defensive behaviours of the ratReceived: 6 December 2000 / Accepted: 7 July 2001 / Published online: 22 September 2001© Springer-Verlag

Sinus wash

Sinus Wash The sinuses are a magnificent structure of tunnels and caves running throughout your head that connect to your respiratory system. They often become the site of what is called a ‘focal infection’. This is a type of infection becomes lodged in one part of your body that your immune system keeps under control, but because of its nature to “hide out”, you many not notice it

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