European Society for Dermatology and Psychiatry
8th International Congress on Dermatology & Psychiatry
"Traces in Psychosomatic Dermatology"
Paris, June 23-25 1999
René Descartes University, 12 Rue de l'Ecole de Médecine, 75006 Paris-
With the participation of the Laboratoire de Psychologie Clinique et de Psychopathologie,
Université René Descartes, Paris
Preliminary Programme
Wednesday, June 23 1999
11.00 am to 2.00 pm : Registration
12.00 pm to 1.30 pm : Meeting of ESDaP's Executive Committee
2.00 pm to 5.45 pm : Opening ceremony & Plenary Session Lectures

2.00 pm to 2.30 pm Opening Ceremony
2.00 pm CONSOLI Sylvie G. &
(F) Opening of the scientific meeting
(F) Welcome address on behalf of the Direction of the French National Health Service (to be confirmed) (F) President of the French Society for Dermatology President of the European Society for Dermatology and Psychiatry 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm : Plenary Session " Tracing the roots "
Chair : E. Panconesi (I) & J. de Korte (NL)
(F) The itinerary of French language Society for (F) On the etymology of the word "trace" (F) A philosophical approach of the concept of "trace" 3.30 pm to 4.00 pm : Coffee break
4.00 pm to 5.45 pm : Plenary Session " Traces, marks and signs "
Chair : L. Millard (UK) & K.M. Taube (G)
Traces, superficial and profound : from archaeology to Internet (USA) The trace of sun on skin : what does it mean ? and The mark of generations in systemic family approach in dermatology (Sp) Do psychiatrists and dermatologists share the same patients ? The point of view of the dermatologist 5.45 pm to 7.00 pm Bienvenue Cocktail
Thursday, June 24 1999
9.00 am to 11.00 am : Three concurrent workshops
WS n° 1. Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, Delusions, Comprehensive approaches
Chair : R. Guarnieri (I) & U. Mossbacher (Au)
Levels of counselling techniques for the dermatologist Treatment of psychosomatic dermatological pathologies : an experience of integrated intervention in the medical corp of italian army Ekbom syndrome or parasitosis delirium : a clinical case "Dalla bruttina stagionata al mito di Orione" : a case of self-aggression The liaison outpatient clinic for dermatology, parasitology From cutaneous marks to one’s own trace Glossodynia and burning mouth syndrome at the liaison outpatient clinic for psychodermatological disorders Alopecia areata as psychosomatic event. Necessity to rely different therapeutic approaches.
WS n° 2. Quality of Life and Psoriasis
Chair : F. Mombers (NL) & E. Suljagic (Bos)
FORTUNE D. (UK) Pathological worrying and illness beliefs in patients with psoriasisG.
KENNEDY C. (NL) Themes in the illness narratives of psoriasis-patients MOMBERS F. (NL) Quality of life in psoriasis-patients : an overview Disease progression, behavioural habits and the quality of life of (UK) Cognitive-behavioural intervention for psoriasis SULJAGIC E. (Bosn) The psychological structure of psoriatic patients during the war in NABARRO G. (NL) Perceived parental behavior in patients with atopic dermatitis and (UK) The impact of acne upon psychological and emotional functioning WS n° 3. Body image - Identification process
Chair : J. Charbonneau (Can) & A. Smud (Arg)
Identity, relation to other. A psychosomatic approach of allergy The adolescent's ereutophobia as a transversal symptom Psychotherapy and guided affective imagery in a patient with cutaneous sarcoidosis of the face The body perception of psoriatic patients The skin as an indicator of the quality of life 11.00 am to 11.30 am : Coffee Break
Thursday, June 24th 1999

11.30 am to 12.30 pm : Three concurrent workshops
WS n° 4. Pediatric Dermatology, Sex Abuse - Chair : V. Delvenne (B)
Communication of psychosocial distress through the Signs of savage globalization on the skin Evaluation of possible sexual abuse in anogenital warts in WS n° 5. Tumors - Chair : PJ. Buchanan (UK)
Psychosocial support and malignant melanoma Liaison psychiatry and malignant melanoma Are specific pathological personality features associated with giant basal cell carcinoma of the head and neck ? The trace tattooed (oblitered memory of a radiotherapy) WS n° 6. Pain - Chair : J. Salisbury (UK)
The relationship between anxiety, depression and symptoms of glossodynia : a time-series approach VAN SANDWIJK (NL) Photodermatosis in older male patients is often associated with F.J.
12.30 pm to 2.15 pm : Lunch break
2.15 pm to 5.30 pm : Plenary Session Lectures

2.15 pm to 4.00 pm : Plenary Session " Dermatologic traces of mental
disorders "
Chair : S. Garnis-Jones (Can) & U. Gieler (G)

2.15 pm MUSALEK Michael
(USA) Trichotillomania - Tracing the roots (UK) A dermatologic presentation of obsessive (UK) Factitious presentations in children 4.00 pm to 4.30 pm : Coffee break
4.30 pm to 5.30 pm : Plenary Session
" Adjustment to and management of chronic skin diseases "
Chair : J. Cotterill (UK) & F. Grimalt (Sp)
(NL) Quality of life assessment and the management of chronic skin diseases : state of the art (USA) Coping with chronic skin disease : issues and (F) Respective places of pharmacology and psychotherapy in psychological treatments of dermatological patients 5.30 pm End of the Session
8.00 pm : Gala Evening : Dinner Cruise on the Seine with the group
"Musette ici Panam"

Friday, June 25 1999
9.00 am to 11.00 am : Three concurrent workshops
WS n° 7. Management of Pruritus and Atopic Dermatitis
Chair : Y.R. Van Rood (NL) & G. Niebel (G)
Efficacy and outcome predictors of patients with atopic eczema, psoriasis, and chronic urticaria treated in an integrated behavioural-therapeutic and dermatologic in-patient setting Integrated dermatologic and behavioral-therapeutic in-patient treatment for patients with atopic dermatitis : efficacy and outcome predictors on skin condition and patient's skills in management of triggering factors and topical treatment Parental education in the treatment of atopic dermatitis in childhood : group versus video-based home training : a pilot study The underlying psychopathologies of psychogenic The combined approach to chronic atopic eczema : a prospective comparison of behaviour modification with standard dermatological treatment against standard treatment alone A comprehensive behavioral model of scratching WS n° 8. Psychobiology & Psychoneuro-immunology
Chair : T. Lotti (I) & R. Prunnlechner (Au)
Psychiatric manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjögren's syndrome An association between atopy and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) ? Dermatitis artefacta : treatment with Olanzapine A pharmacologic approach to cutaneous self-injurious behavior (CSID) Dermatological psychoneuroendocrine immunology Psychiatric aspects of systemic lupus erythematosus Psychogenic factors and pemphigus vulgaris : another cause of induction of a multifactorial disease.
Degradation of tryptophan in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus : is there an impact on psychiatric disorders ? WS n° 9. Psychoanalytic theory & Psychotherapeutic techniques
Chair : S. Bertolus (F) & B. Brosig (G)
Allergy : traces of a vicious circle in relation Short term psychoanalytic psychotherapy in a ward setting : a case study Imaginary's function and therapeutic spaces in atopic dermatitis Psychosomatic traces and dermatological practice : reflections about an atopic dermatitis case A psychodynamic investigation of alopecia patients Psychosomatic unfolding and prospect in CIPS (psychosomatic international center) about atopic dermatitis Hypnosis in two patients with alopecia universalis
11.00 am to 11.30 am : Coffee break

Friday, June 25th 1999
11.30 am to 12.30 pm : Poster Session

(Posters will be displayed throughout Thursday 24th and Friday 25th)
Psychological counselling for paediatric dermatological patients : what "indicators" are to be observed ? Role of psychosomatic factors in development and course of prurigo simplex subacuta Delusional parasitosis : a "contagious" delusion Dermatological specialist likely to see obsessive Acne and aesthetic : a psychological point of view Interdisciplinary work between dermatology and psychiatry : a clinical case The body, corporal image and its disorders Dermatitis artefacta caused by calcii chloridum A typical case of the liaison outpatient clinic for psychodermatology The Gardner-Diamond syndrome (or psychogenic purpura) in young adults Systemic sclerosis : clinical and psychosocial aspects The desynchrony between disease severity and disability in psoriasis Buspirone augmentation of Paroxetine in refractory psychodermatosis and impulse control disorder How to treat the track of some traces.
Clinical study about tattoos among a population of hospitalized alcoholic patients Ekbom syndrome : changing nosographic concepts Traces for a female skin : approach and reflection Stressful life events and psoriasis during the war in Bosnia Support groups for patients with atopic dermatitis : nine-year experience Cutaneous scar and psychical trace in distattooing Urodynia, vulvodynia and anodynia at the liaison outpatient clinic for psychodermatological disorders
12.30 pm to 2.30 pm : Lunch break and ESDaP's General Assembly

Friday, June 25th 1999
2.30 pm to 6.30 pm : Plenary Session and Closing Ceremony
2.30 pm to 2.45 pm : Herman Musaph Award Ceremony
2.45 pm to 3.45 pm : Poster Discussion Session
Chair : G. Buisson-Touboul (F) & M. Musalek (Au)
(Au) Urodynia, vulvodynia and anodynia at the liaison outpatient clinic for psychodermatological disorders (UK) The desynchrony between disease severity and disability in (Bosn) Stressful life events and psoriasis during the war in Bosnia The Gardner-Diamond syndrome (or psychogenic purpura) in young adults (F) Clinical study about tattoos among a population of hospitalized (F) Cutaneous scar and psychical trace in distattooing (Sp) Buspirone augmentation of Paroxetine in refractory psychodermatosis and impulse control disorder (F) Dermatology and homeopathic psychiatry (Bres) Support groups for patients with atopic dermatitis : nine-year Psychological counselling for paediatric dermatological patients : what "indicators" are to be observed ? 3,45 pm to 4.15 pm : Coffee break
4.15 pm to 5.45 pm : Plenary session " Research in psychosomatic
dermatology "

Chair : T. Lotti (I) & N. Dantchev (F)
(G) Psychoneuroimmunological aspects of atopic eczema (F) The neuro-immuno-cutaneous system as biological foundation of relationship between skin and mind (F) Marks of time and traces of feminity in Sjögren's (G) Metastasis free long term survival of high risk melanoma is associated with better coping style (G) Recent research in psychosomatic dermatology 5.45 pm to 6.30 pm : Closing Ceremony
5.45 pm : Awards Ceremony for the five best posters
(F) Synthesis of the Scientific Sessions
(Sp) Announcement of the 9th International Congress
on Dermatology and Psychiatry - Barcelona 2001
6.30 pm End of the Scientific Meeting
6.30 pm : Assembly of ESDaP's new Executive Committee
Saturday, June 26 1999 - 9.30 am : Social programme (1 1/2 hours long) : Guided Tour of
Musée d'Orsay
contact : Doctor Sylvie G. CONSOLI and


Microsoft word - clinicalarticlesenglish.doc

Florida Probe has been utilized and evaluated in many r esear ch st u di es. H er e ar e j u st a few of t h em (l i st ed i n al ph abet i cal or der by au t h or ’s l ast n ame): Adonogianaki, E., Mooney, J., Kinane, D. F. Detection of stable and active periodontitis sites by clinical assessment and gingival crevicular acute-phase protein levels. Journal of Periodontal Research. 1

European Journal of Human Genetics (2001) 9, 797 ± 801ã 2001 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 1018-4813/01 $ angiotensin converting enzyme I/D polymorphismIgor B Nazarov*,1,3, David R Woods2, Hugh E Montgomery2, Olga V Shneider1,3,Vasiliy I Kazakov1, Nikolai V Tomilin1 and Viktor A Rogozkin31Institute of Cytology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tikc

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