Natural Antibiotics and Your Immune System
By Dr. Nerida James, Naturopath, Homeopath, Herbalist, President Narconon Melbourne, Director The Natural Healing Centre Through rebuilding, immunity health is naturally restored. If health and immunity are maintained the individual is no longer vulnerable to bacteria and disease. Your immune system is your natural bodyguard. It works to protect you against any outside factor that threatens your survival. The immune system is not responsive to drugs for healing but can be boosted using natural medicines Of course, if the immune system is compromised then it becomes important to temporarily take an antibiotic - it can be life saving. The problem with synthetic antibiotics is that they indiscriminately kill off both good and bad bacteria, so after a course of synthetic antibiotics it becomes extremely important to put back the beneficial flora in the intestines that were killed off along with the destructive bacteria. A further case against the use of synthetic antibiotics is that physicians are now confronting, after 40 years of pushing these antibiotics for any ailment, bacteria that have built defenses against those same drugs (this is due to bacteria’s ability to adapt and evolve in order to survive). Some infectious bacteria that were once treatable are stronger and often deadly. Officials from the American National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control have reported that the overuse of antibiotics in medicine has created an epidemic of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Doctors fear that if antibiotic use is not curtailed we may soon approach the day when untreatable infections are rampant The good news is that natural antibiotics and Herbal Medicines can help to combat synthetic antibiotic resistant bacteria without the side effects of synthetic antibiotics. Natural antibiotics are much more complex than synthetic antibiotics so bacteria are unable to develop resistance to them and many will help to boost the immune system at the same time. ☼ 8 Mt Erin Rd Ferny Creek Vic 3786 ☼ 03 9755 1900 ☼ 431 Whitehorse Rd Mitcham Vic 3132 ☼ 03 9873 0966 ☼ Some Natural Antibiotics
Echinaceahas very strong immune boosting abilities. It activates the white blood
cells to fight off bacterial and viral infections. Used traditionally as a topical agent to
help repair skin wounds and internally to enhance the immune system. Echinacea is
terrific for upper respiratory congestion such as colds, coughs, sinus and ear
Golden Seal A broad spectrum herb, its numerous uses are attributed to its
antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. It is used traditionally for
inflammations of the mucous membranes aiding the eyes, ears, nose and throat. Taken
at the first signs of respiratory problems, cold or flu and may also help bring down
Garlic – Used for thousands of years to fight infections. Recent studies have shown
that is has strong immune enhancing capabilities. It should not be cooked if you want
to use it to boost the immune system.Garlic is particularly effective in fighting colds,
coughs and flu.
Propolis- Is a substance that bees gather from the buds of trees, such as poplar and
chestnut, or the bark of spruce, lorch and other conifers.A powerful antibiotic,
propolis boosts the immune system, stimulates the body and gives it a natural
resistance to disease. It has been shown to fight off bacterial strains that have become
resistant to synthetic antibiotics. Propolis is now considered an important part of
dietetics and a natural cure by the World Health Organization. It is effective against
streptococcus, staphylococus (throat infection), salmonella (food poisoning), e-coli,
bacillus larvae, severe acne and gum disease.
Artemisia/Wormwood – has broad spectrum anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial
and immune supportive actions. It has been researched for its use in malaria, cancer,
fevers and other immune conditions. It is a great worming herb for children, adults
and animals.
stragalus – A chinese herb used as an antibiotic also promotes a healthy immune
system and enhances recovery during convalescence, postoperatively and following
minor infections. Astragalus helps to reduce the risk of cold, flu and cough.
Tea Tree OilAn exceptional antibiotic and immune enhancer that is native to
Australia. This oil is unusual in that it is active against all three categories of
infectious organisms: bacteria, fungi and viruses. It is so powerful as an organic
solvent that it will dissolve the lumps of white blood cells that make up pus. Tee Tree
oil is most often used topically but can be taken internally for periods of 1 week or
Grapefruit Seed Extract An excellent antibiotic, anti- fungal and anti-viral
medicine. An all around anti-microbial product and excellent disinfectant or
antiseptic. Grapefruit seed extract is used internally to kill bacteria like Strep (on your
skin), Staph (throat and chest), Salmonella (food) and E. Coli (gastro) and to fight
Candida, Herpes, Influenza, parasites and fungi.
☼ 8 Mt Erin Rd Ferny Creek Vic 3786 ☼ 03 9755 1900 ☼ 431 Whitehorse Rd Mitcham Vic 3132 ☼ 03 9873 0966 ☼ Manuka Honey – It is well known that honey resists spoiling because it is free from
germs. Manuka honey, from New Zealand, is particularly high in enzymes and has
other healing and antibiotic properties. It is great for sore throats or used topically on
mouth and leg ulcers
The body has an innate capacity to heal itself. Self-healing can only occur once the cause of the illness has been eliminated and when the body is supplied with the necessary nutrients The elimination of the symptom is not the same as elimination of the disease or condition, so make sure you talk to a qualified practitioner ☼ 8 Mt Erin Rd Ferny Creek Vic 3786 ☼ 03 9755 1900 ☼ 431 Whitehorse Rd Mitcham Vic 3132 ☼ 03 9873 0966 ☼


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Exercício Físico e Hipertensão: Ênfase na Angiogênese da Musculatura Esquelética e VEGF RONALDO PEDROSO BAURU 2006 Exercício Físico e Hipertensão: Ênfase na Angiogênese da Musculatura Esquelética e Aluno: Ronaldo Pedroso Orientadora: Profª. Drª. Sandra Lia do Amaral Departamento de Educação Física da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade Estadu

assistant professor of histology & embryology

Mozafar Khazaei Ph.D [email protected] Associate Professor of Histology & Embryology Education: Fellowship (2003-2004) in Cell & Tissue Culture , Samuel lunenfeld Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto, Canada Ph.D. (1991-1995) in Anatomical Sciences, Medical Faculty, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran M.Sc . (

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