E-Bulletin from the National Association for Patient Participation Issue Number 53 May 2011 RCGP Commission on Generalism
In March, the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) launched a Commission to
discover what is understood by the concept of medical generalism, and of its role and value
in contemporary clinical practice. Medical generalists include General Practitioners (GPs).
Please read the letter attached with this e-bulletin. It sets out terms of reference and lists eight questions on which the Commission is consulting.
The College has invited N.A.P.P. to provide a written submission to the Commission. They
are particularly keen to hear the views of our members about how this topic influences the
care they receive / would like to receive. There is no need to discuss this at a PPG meeting before responding, as we need the views of individual patients. Please send responses by June 5th, either as an individual patient or as a PPG, to Stephanie Varah at. Information on the NHS transition arrangements:
The assignment for transition guidance, referred to in Sir David Nicholson's letter of 17
Patient Voice in Re-Validation
This report presents the findings of a discourse analysis of the patient voice in published
documents on medical revalidation. It has been prepared in collaboration with Marion Lynch
to inform the work of the South Central Strategic Health Authority Revalidation Board.
The aim of the study was to analyse documents in the public domain to determine where and how the patient is located within discourses about medical revalidation
A report by Patient Opinion. Visit thewebsite.
Learning from a simulation of the health system in 2013/14
The reforms set out in the coalition government’s white paper have wide ramifications,
The regulations have been changed to allow Tamiflu and Relenza to be prescribed on the
NHS for patients at risk of developing medical complications from influenz
7. HealthWatch Implications of the 'pause' for LINks/Healthwatch Development
As you are no doubt aware, the Government has launched a "listening exercise" during the natural break in the passage of the Health and Social Care Bill. Full details are available in , published on 6 April. Sir David Nicholson, Chief Executive of the NHS, issued a letter to colleagues: . The letter says (page 6): "because of the pause in the legislative process and.subject to the results of the listening exercise and the passage of the Bill, all of the statutory changes which were due to take place in April 2012 will take place no earlier than July 2012." The letter does not specifically refer to Local HealthWatch, but it is included in this change. CQC and the DH will need to work through the implications of this both for LINks and for the development of HealthWatch. This will, of course, include working with the joint HealthWatch Programme Board and HealthWatch Advisory Group. We know that many of you will have questions about what this means for you locally. Although the date change will have some impact, the main messages in the Transition Plan still apply, and work on developing HealthWatch both locally and nationally will continue. We will let you have more information as soon as possible.
HealthWatch development programme
CQC and the Department of Health have developed a joint programme to deliver HealthWatch. This includes a HealthWatch programme board that provides strategic advice about the development of HealthWatch, makes recommendations and advises on possible risks. There are two LINk representatives on the programme board. One attends every meeting of the board, the other is rotating.
The HealthWatch advisory group provides expert, practical advice and makes recommendations to the programme board about how best to make HealthWatch work. Each government region has a LINks representative on the advisory group. To contact your regional representative, please first contact the chair of your LINk, who will then put you in contact with your regional representative.
The minutes from each programme board and advisory group are available on the CQC website
The minutes include details of the discussions and decisions made as well as the attendance at each meeting.
HealthWatch transition plan
The Department of Health has published its transition plan for HealthWatch, setting out what will happen to set up HealthWatch England, support LINks during the transitional year, and the establishment of local HealthWatch. On pages 29 and 30 of the plan are a list of topics for discussion. If you have views on any of these topics please feed them in via your regional representative. You can access the transition plan on our website
HealthWatch online forum
We are still in the process of developing the HealthWatch online forum. As soon as it’s available we wil send an email to everyone who has expressed an interest in joining up. If you haven’t expressed an interest in joining up yet, but would like to, please email
Are efficiency and productivity improving in the NHS?
The"More for Less 2009/10: Are efficiency and productivity improving in the NHS?" is an update to last year's More for less 2008/09with updated data for 2009/10.
It reviews how and where primary care trusts (PCTs) spent their money, how trust income changed and how successful the NHS has been in moving care out of hospitals to more cost-effective settings. The most recent data suggests that the NHS has seen no identifiable changes in past trends. There are few signs of progress in key areas required to meet its target of saving £15-20 billion by 2014.
Joined-in care: practical steps to patient participation
Patients are at the centre of the government's NHS reforms. The aim is to empower patients to take greater control of their own care, to have a greater say in their treatment, to make more informed decisions and to exercise greater democratic influence over the services they receive.
This PCC event for providers and commissioners will consider:
How GP consortia can work with the local community to ensure that commissioning decisions are equitable and reflect local priorities
How GP practices can meet the requirements of the new patient participation DES to ensure that they are actively engaged with patients
How to ensure that patient representative groups are truly representative
How the web enables wider participation and greater accountability
The essential event for commissioners and providers aiming to engage patients and the public effectively, GPs, PCT commissioners, practice managers and representatives from GP practices should book afor practical advice on working effectively with patients.
More than 30 patients met Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, Care Services Minister Paul Burstow and Future Forum Chair, Steve Field at the first listening event, held this morning.
During a 45 minute meeting patients from the area around Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London raised a wide variety of issues and spoke frankly about their concerns and questions around modernisation of health and social care.
For more information please follow the link below
What are cold sores? Cold sores are annoying, small, painful blisters on the lips and nearby skin, including in the nose and mouth. They usually appear when you are sick or stressed. They are also called fever blisters. How do they occur? Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus. This virus also causes genital herpes. The fluid in the blisters contains live virus. The virus in th
CLINICAL INSIGHTS Robert J. Hanlon Jr., DMD PRESENTED BY ESCONDIDO ENDODONTICS Charles E. Jerome, DDS Osteonecrosis of the jaws in patients with bone metastasis from a variety of solid tumors, breast cancer, and multiple myeloma has been reported in the literature. In the last two years the number of reports of this type has increased significantly. The patients are invariably on an intraven