taxpayer-funded inventions if NIH granted
gal observers predict that NIH will reject the
the petition. “It’s a misapplication of the
petition, Love is hoping for a boost from
statute … [that] would likely have serious
University of California, Los Angeles.
election-year politics. “Drug pricing is a big
political issue” that President George W.
said AAU representative Theodore Poehler,
Bush won’t want to hand to his opponent, he
vice provost for research at Johns Hopkins
Rohrbaugh, head of the agency’s technology-
says. Love has also asked NIH to exercise
transfer office, said he plans to “move expe-
march-in rights on another drug, Pfizer’s
would be a major deterrent to licensing in-
Xalatan glaucoma treatment, which he says
ventions … if potential licensees believe
costs up to five times more in the United
the government has authority” to control
make the final decision. Although many le-
Economists Rate Greenhouse Gas Curbs a Poor Investment COPENHAGEN—Feel like throwing your tax
money away? Invest in measures to rein in
global warming. That’s the controversial
conclusion, at least, of a workshop here last
week that brought together a varied group of
economists, including three Nobel laureates,
to analyze spending on global problems.
Participants of the “Copenhagen Consen-
sus” weren’t purely naysayers: They lauded, as
money well spent, initiatives proposed to com-
bat AIDS, malaria, and malnutrition, for ex-
ample. “This will help us focus on the more
important problems,” says workshop organizer
Bjørn Lomborg, director of the Environmental
Stacked deck? Bjørn Lomborg (right) with Danish Prime
Many scientists don’t buy that argument,
however. “We shouldn’t be spending less on
Change (IPCC), which predicts an increase
“Climate change is not an economics prob-
sanitation. The problems are interrelated,”
in average global temperatures of between
lem. It’s an ethics problem,” he says. Adds
says Stephen Schneider, a climatologist at
1.4° and 5.8°C by the year 2100. Lomborg
John Holdren, an environmental policy ex-
Stanford University, who labels the work-
acknowledged that the report is “the best of
pert at Harvard University, “One can’t help
shop’s premise “phony and a distortion.”
our knowledge on climate change.” The eco-
The stated premise was that the industrial-
nomic benefits of stemming global warming
both the participants list and the framing of
Lomborg rejects that charge, arguing that
The 10 Challenges
the workshop’s organization was “unbiased.”
Armed conflicts
was short on environmental expertise. “I in-
Climate change
vited other economists,” who declined to
Communicable diseases
come, he says, dismissing his critics as “con-
spiracy theorists.” Lomborg plans to distrib-
Financial instability
ute the panel’s conclusions to governments
Governance and corruption
cerns (Science, 2 January, p. Malnutrition and hunger Population and migration
economists convened an alternative confer-
Sanitation and water
ence, “Global Conscience,” in Copenhagen
Subsidies and trade barriers
last week to discuss sustainable development.
“We shouldn’t choose between poverty eradi-
cation and prevention of climate change,”
to base spending on cost-benefit ratios. Mea-
line of argument, concluding that Cline’s pro-
says co-organizer Christian Jørgensen, chair
sures to stem climate change should compete
posals would be “very bad” investments. Pan-
of the nonprofit Danish Ecological Council.
for development aid, Lomborg suggests, be-
elist Nancy Stokey, an economist at the Uni-
“Prevention of climate change will pay off; it
cause according to predictions “the develop-
versity of Chicago, explains that the solutions
will reduce our dependence on Middle East
ing world will suffer most of the damage from
would require “large expenditures for bene-
oil, and it will create a new industrial sector
fits that would come far in the future.” Even
for renewable energy and energy conserva-
with a less limited budget, the Kyoto Proto-
tion.” Clearly, economics alone won’t recon-
the right-leaning Danish government, Lom-
col, in the panel’s view, is not worthwhile.
cile these sharply divergent world views.
borg invited the nine economists who attended
That leaves scientists such as Schneider,
—including Nobelists Robert Fogel of the
a lead author of the IPCC report, fuming.
John Bohannon is a writer based in Berlin.
Entorno de mi trabajo como músico Entorno puede significar muchas cosas. Se pueden hacer reflexiones desde el punto devista geográfico, histórico, profesional, artístico, afectivo, político, social. . Si me planteo lapalabra “entorno” en mi trabajo como músico, quiero hablar principalmente de mi entornocotidiano, al que me enfrento cada día. El entorno que engloba al otro entorno
EUROCHIP-3 WP7 FORM DESCRIPTION DOCUMENT 10.03.11 The EUROCHIP 3 is funded by DG SANCO in the strand of HEALTH INFORMATION of the 2007 health Programme with mandate to study and help reduce cancer care inequalities. The EUROCHIP projects are coordinated by INT, Milan and are supported by a network of over 150 multidisciplinary experts from the 27EU Member States. EUROCHIP-3 involves 4 vertical Wo