Int J Dent Case Reports 2012; 2(5): 9-14
Preeti Moda1, Aman Moda2, Pallavi Pandey3
1 Reader, Department of Periodontics, Government Dental College, Raipur, Chattisgarh, India
2 Reader, Department of Pedodontics, Guru Gobind Singh College of Dental Sciences, Burhanpur, Madhyapradesh,
3 Senior Lecturer, Department of Pedodontics, Career Dental College, Lucknow, U.P., India
Address for Correspondence ABSTRACT Intr oduc tion: Gingiva l overgrowth, recognized since long as a deleterious side-effect of chronic phenytoin therapy,
whenever occurs, lasts throughout the period of drug therapy and is difficu lt to manage owing to its insidiously
progressive nature, leading to frequent recurrences.
Methods: This case report documents a case of severe gingival enla rge ment associated with periodontitis in a
patient under antiepileptic therapy, along with b rie f revie w of lite rature concerning etiopathogenesis, and provides a
rational model for its clinica l manage ment.
Conclusions: It is important that clinic ians become awa re of the potential etio logic agents of drug induced gingival
enlarge ment and its characteristic features in order to be able to prevent, diagnose and successfully manage it.
Ke y wor ds: periodontitis; phenytoin; gingival enlargement; periodontal therapy INTRODUCTION
gingiva, along with reinfo rce ment of good home care
Phenytoin is an anti-epileptic drug co mmon ly used as
oral hygiene regimens and periodic professional
a therapeutic agent in patients with ep ilepsy, either
surgical e xc ision of hyperplastic gingivae. [4]
alone or in comb ination with other anticonvulsant
This case report clearly describes the challenges that
oral and medica l health practit ioners face when
effectiveness, low cost, availability, and frequency of
developing appropriate prevention and treatment
administration. Among the side effects of phenytoin
programs for epileptic patients, particularly those
therapy, gingival enlargement is a well-recognized
adverse effect, occurring on average among
mu ltid isciplinary planning for the prevention and
approximately 50% of patients receiving this drug .
treatment of gingiva l lesions in these medica lly
[1] A summary of estimated prevalence rates for drug
(anticonvulsants) -associated gingival enlarge ment is
Figure 1- Phenytoin induced gingival enlarge ment-
Figure 2- Preoperative intraora l vie w of the
Although several studies have been conducted
pathogenesis of this gingival lesion still is not
CAS E HIS TORY Diagnosis:
association between phenytoin-induced gingival
A 20-year-old fe ma le reported to the outpatient
enlarge ment and a variety of conditions, inc luding
progressive swelling in the gums since one year. The
accumulat ion, host genetic predisposition, and
patient had been taking phenytoin over a period of
reduced serum folate levels. [3] [Figure : 1]
four years, for seizure control. Intraora l e xa mination
revealed moderate-to-severe overgrowth of a firm,
understanding etiopathogenesis of the condition.
dense and fibrotic consistency that involved both the
Drug-induced gingival hyperplasia may imp rove with
ma xillary and mandibula r arches.[Figures: 2-3]Full-
substitution of other drugs that min ima lly a ffect the
mouth periodontal charting, including assessment of
probing depth and clinical attachment level, revea led
deep pockets throughout the mouth, and abundant
surgery in all four quadrants utilizing an internal
plaque and calculus deposits. The radiographic
bevel gingivectomy [Figure :5]co mbined with open-
findings, wh ich corroborated those of the clin ical
flap debride ment.[Figure-6]The patient was fo llo wed
e xa mination, revealed generalized alveolar bone loss.
up regularly; no recurrence of gingival overgrowth
was observed six months after the surgery. [Figures:
Figure 3- Preoperative intraoral vie w of the
Figure 5- Internal bevel gingivectomy procedure on
Figure 4- Preoperative panora mic rad iograph of the
Me dical and de ntal manage ment:
The patient init ially underwent phase 1 periodontal
Histopathologic Findi ngs:
therapy that comprised scaling, root planning and
The microscopic evaluation of these sections
oral hygiene instructions. The neurophysician
gradually tapered phenytoin over a period of one
acanthotic epithelia with thin long rete ridges
month replacing it with phenobarbitone. The patient
e xtending into the connective tissue. The underlying
was we ll co mpensated showing no episode of
connective tissue showed dense wavy bu ndles of
recurrent seizure activity. One month later Phase 2
collagen fibres containing numerous fibrocytes and
fibroblasts. So me sections in the connective tissue
e xhibited infiltration of chronic infla mmatory cells, a
heterogeneity of the gingival fibroblasts . [7] Based
few scattered mult inucleated giant ce lls and areas of
upon this knowledge, a co mbined treat ment
med ication adjustments is required for prevention
and manage ment of phenytoin-induced gingival
Figure 7- Frontal vie w of the ma xilla ry and
mandibula r arches 2 wee ks after surgery
Figure 9 - Photomicrograph of h istopathological
specimen illustrating the presence of a thickened
acanthotic epitheliu m with e longated rete ridges and
Clin ical manifestation of gingival en large ment
frequently appears within one to three months after
initiat ion of treat ment with phenytoin .Gingival
Figure 8- Frontal vie w of the ma xilla ry and
overgrowth normally begins at the interdental
mandibula r arches 6 months after surgery
papillae and is more frequently found in the anterior
segment of the labia l surfaces. Gradually, g ingival
lobulations are formed increasing the plaque retentive
Gingiva l en large ment in individuals using phenytoin
areas which in turn, pred ispose to the development
first was described in 1939.[5] The prec ise
and/or enhancement of the overgrowth. Disfiguring
gingival overgrowth triggered by these medications is
not only esthetically displeasing but often impa irs
understood, although a number of hypothesis have
nutrition and access for oral hygiene, resulting in an
increased susceptibility to oral infection, ca ries, and
Three significant factors, which are important in the
e xpression of these gingival changes, and can be
Severa l studies have demonstrated the benefits of a
considered, are: drug variables, plaque-induced
preventive periodontal progra m, inc luding a dental
infla mmatory changes in the gingival tissues and
prophylaxis and reinforce ment of oral hygiene at
genetic factors – the latter determin ing the
frequent intervals, for patients taking phenytoin.[9]A
preventive dental progra m should be init iated for
In the present case, the patient’s neurologist
patients as soon as they begin taking phenytoin,
prescribed phenobarbitone as a substitute for
especially when periodontal attachment loss is
phenytoin. Phenobarbital re mains a commonly
present, because although gingival enlarge ment that
prescribed alternative anti-epileptic medication that
occurs can be treated, the alveolar bone loss is
has some association with gingival overgrowth;
however, compared to phenytoin, this side effect
apparatus permanently. Recently, the feasibility of
phenytoin substitution has increased with the addition
Phenytoin withdrawal and scaling and root planing
of a new generation of anticonvulsants such as
reduced gingival hyperplasia and infla mmat ion
lo matrigine, gabapentin, sulthia me, and topira mate.
Reducing the dose of the drug or suppressing it and
treatment was required to eliminate residual g ingival
substituting another are the logica l options for
overgrowth. The re ma ining e xcess tissue and calculus
controlling gingival en large ment induced by anti-
were re moved using a conventional flap a fter the
physician determined the patient’s risk status in
Phar mac ologic Trade Name Pre valence
relation to proposed surgical procedures. After
surgery, healing was uneventful and significant
hyperplasia, and periodontal pockets) was observed.
The patient was p laced on a ma intenance and follo w-
up program to prevent recurrence of periodontitis and
hyperplasia. A three month interval for periodontal
ma intenance therapy has been recommended for
patients taking drugs associated with gingival
The maintenance progra m consisted of a med ical
history update, re-evaluation of clin ical periodontal
parameters, p rophyla xis, and addit ional instruction
(Anticonvulsants)-Associated Gingiva l En large ment
according to the most frequently reported Prevalence
theoretical re lationship. J Theor Bio l 1977;67:269-
Current studies on the pathogenetic mechanism of
phenytoin-induced gingival enlargement are focusing
4.Marshall RI, Bartold PM. A clinica l rev iew of
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If possible, treatment is generally targeted on drug
5.Kimba ll OP. The treat ment of epilepsy with sodium
diphenyl hydantoinate. J Am Med.Assoc. 1939;
infla mmatory factors such as plaque and calculus.
When these measures fail to cause resolution of the
enlarge ment, surgical intervention is reco mmended.
The present case reflects the co mple xity of managing
Incidence, c lin ical features and histopathology. J Can
cases of phenytoin-induced gingival en large ment
associated with periodontitis and reinforces the need
for mu ltid isciplinary treat ment care and more rational
7. Sey mour RA, Tho mason JM, Ellis JS. The
pathogenesis of drug induced gingival overgrowth. J
8. Hallmon WW, Rossmann JA. The role of drugs in
1. Bro wn RS, Beaver WT, Bottomley WK. On the
the pathogenesis of gingival over- growth. A
collective revie w of current concepts. Periodontol
hyperplasia. J Ora l Pathol Med 1991;20:201-
9. Hall EE. Prevention and treatment considerations
in patients with drug-induced gingival enla rge ment.
Informational paper: drug associated gingival
enlarge ment. J Periodontol. 2004; 75:1424-31.
10. Pih lstrom BL. Prevention and treatment of
3.Voge l R.I.: Ging ival hyperplasia and folic acid
deficiency fro m anticonvulsive drug therapy: A;art2889,3297126 Tagblatt Online, 12. Februar 2013 01:33:00 Musiktalente aus aller Welt Das Trio Allegra mit Susanna Klovsky, Klavier, Agnes Pusker, Violine, und Angela Chang, Violoncello. (Bild: Theodor Looser) GOLDACH. Der Kulturverein Schloss Wartegg präsentierte zusammen mit der Musikschule Go
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