C a s e s t u d y New Weapons in the War on Malaria Halting the disease is crucial to improving overall health in Tanzania Evidence showing the large impact of malaria on Tanzanians’ health has providedthe impetus for significant policy changes on how to treat and prevent thedisease across the country. The fight against malaria is now proceeding on manyfronts, from preventative measures such as the promotion of insecticide-treatedbednets to the introduction of more effective treatments, such as new drug
A plastic bag hangs from the ceiling of a village clinic inMorogoro, Tanzania, where mothers and babies wait patientlyfor treatment. Inside the bag is a large colourful net. The pictureon the bag shows an enormous mosquito held at bay by thesymmetrical grid of a mosquito net. A few feet away, tacked upon a wooden door, a bright yellow poster depicts a warrior —shield and spear extended — ready to repel malaria-carryingmosquitoes. Still another poster shows a smiling mother andbaby resting securely against the warrior’s shield. The unmistak-able message of all these images? That insecticide-treated nets(ITNs) provide vital protection against the mosquitoes that carrymalaria. That message is being heard throughout Tanzania. Asthe message spreads, treated bednets are becoming increasinglycommon.
More than an illustration of the rising acceptance of ITNs, those
posters are proof of the new prominence antimalaria effortshave acquired as health officials struggle to reduce Tanzania’shigh levels of mortality. The fight against malaria is proceeding
on many fronts, from preventative measures such as the promo-tion of ITNs, to the introduction of more effective treatments,such as new drug therapies. Insecticide-treated nets provide vital protection against the mosquitoes that carry malaria. Combating a major killer A need for effective treatment
This multipronged effort comes in response to the realiza-
“We reported to the Ministry that IMCI would not work if
tion of the high toll malaria takes on the health and well-
we continued working with the wrong drug, chloroquine,
being of Tanzanians. Statistics compiled by the Tanzania
because the research showed that resistance ranges from
Essential Health Interventions Project (TEHIP) show that
50% to 70%,” says Dr Kasale. “If you look at data from the
malaria accounts for roughly 30% of the country’s burden
surveillance, it showed that children suffering from malaria
of disease (BOD). In some districts, such as Morogoro, it is
did attend the clinic, but they still died. That’s because they
the largest single contributor to loss of life. Even those
were getting the wrong medicine. The Ministry did allow
who survive can pay a heavy price, with recurrent bouts of
the districts to change to new drugs, and that meant that
IMCI became a viable intervention using viable drugs —using credible, effective drugs.”
This, in turn, has a large economic impact in countrieswhere malaria is endemic. A recent study by the Centre for
At first it was decided to replace choroquine with alterna-
International Development at Harvard University and the
tive drugs that would comprise three new tiers of treat-
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine suggests
ment. The first-line drug for treating malaria would be
that malaria-prone countries pay an economic “growth
sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP), with amodiaquine (AQ) as
penalty” as high as 1.3 percentage points per year, with
the second line, and quinine as the third line (although
the cumulative effect that — when the loss is compounded
quinine would be the first-line drug in severe cases). The
over 15 years — the gross national product of those coun-
problem that remained, however, was that resistance was
already being observed with these new drugs: SP’s treat-ment failure was calculated at 9.5%, and AQ’s treatment
TEHIP — a joint project of the Tanzanian Ministry of Health
and Canada’s International Development Research Centre(IDRC) — contributed to this new focus on malaria. By
It was therefore suggested to get ready to move to “com-
developing a series of computer-based planning tools,
bination therapy” (CT) in which malaria patients would be
TEHIP made it possible for District Health Management
prescribed a course of pills containing more than one anti-
Teams (DHMTs) in two highly populated Tanzanian districts
malaria medicine. The advantage of CT to the patient is
to weigh their budget commitments and priorities against
that if one drug fails, the other one takes over. More
the local BOD. The research showed that malaria
generally, it is believed that CT can slow the progression
accounted for 30% of the years of life lost to death and
of drug resistance in malaria parasites. This resistance
disease in the two regions. Yet, in 1996, only 5% of health
generally develops when a malaria parasite that is partially
budgets went toward malaria treatment and prevention.
resistant to a drug survives long enough to reproduce.
Today this has changed: spending on malaria has increased
With combination therapy, however, the second drug kills
the malaria parasite before it has an opportunity to passon its genetic material, thus interrupting the process of
In the test districts of Rufiji and Morogoro, DHMTs redi-
rected funding priorities toward two large but previouslyunder-supported problems: malaria and a cluster of child-hood ailments that could be addressed collectively by a
A powerful demonstration effect
system of treatment known as the Integrated Managementof Childhood Illness (IMCI). At the national level, the pres-
According to Dr Kasale, introducing more effective
entation of data showing the large impact of malaria on
approaches for managing malaria has bolstered the
Tanzanians’ health provided the impetus for significant
public’s confidence that the health system can deal with
policy changes on how to treat and prevent the disease
the disease. For instance, many mothers whose children
suffered from late stage malaria with convulsions werereluctant to have those children treated in a health facility.
The two test districts’ new focus on malaria and IMCI were
Although malaria with convulsions is very dangerous —
mutually reinforcing. TEHIP Project Coordinator Dr Harun
likely to lead to death — the condition, known in Tanzania
Kasale recalls that it was the districts’ inability to effec-
as ndegedege, is often not associated with malaria, but to
tively implement IMCI without changes to the standard
the presence of spirits or changes in the weather. These
procedure for treating malaria that led TEHIP to lobby the
parents were more likely to consult traditional healers. This
Ministry for a new antimalaria drug policy. Malaria, he
was reinforced by the fact that health practitioners con-
recounts, was one of that interlocking group of childhood
ventionally gave the child an injection to treat the convul-
illnesses that IMCI was designed to address. Yet since
sions. “The parents also believed that if that child got an
chloroquine, the standard drug for treating malaria, had
injection [to treat convulsions], that was a ticket for that
lost much of its effectiveness as the malaria parasite has
grown increasingly resistant to the drug, IMCI could notsignificantly improve children’s health until a better
To assuage parents’ fears, practitioners in community
health facilities opted for a new form of treatment to stop
the convulsions: they mixed valium with water and admin-istered the solution rectally. “Within a minute the child isbetter,” says Dr Kasale, adding that the child who is nolonger convulsing can then be treated with oral anti-malarial drugs and transferred to a larger health centre for treatment.
This nearly instant recovery from convulsions had a miracu-lous impact on the public perception of the health system. “The health worker gave the child this treatment in frontof the rest of the mothers,” continues Dr Kasale. “Afterseeing the child recover without an injection, they wereamazed. So the word went around, and mothers startedbringing these children to the health facilities.” Dr Kasalebelieves that this demonstration effect — patients seeingthe beneficial results and then telling others aboutthem — is one reason that attendance at clinics in Rufjiand Morogoro has risen dramatically.
Making inroads against this devastating disease requires an effective prevention program. The main The efficacy of treated nets tool: insecticide-treated bednets.
Better treatment, however, is only half of the struggleagainst malaria. Policymakers and practitioners know thatmaking inroads against this devastating disease alsorequires an effective prevention program. The main tool:
treated nets in a community will afford some protection to
all people in the area, even those who do not own a bed-net themselves.
According to Dr Kasale, communities have long understoodthat there are advantages to being shielded from mosquito
Not surprisingly, promoting the use of ITNs has become a
bites. In Rufiji, for instance, many households used tradi-
key weapon in health officials’ battle against malaria.
tional woven grass sleeping bags to protect against
Because the high cost of the early treated nets — about
mosquito bites. But while untreated nets and traditional
US $10 for a family-sized net — discouraged many people
barriers can reduce the nuisance factor associated with
from purchasing them, the nets were promoted through a
mosquitoes, they have their limitations. Mosquitoes can
social marketing campaign in Tanzania, led by Population
enter the net if it is torn or hung badly, and can bite any
Services International, a nongovernmental organization,
part of the body in contact with the net.
with support from the UK Department for InternationalDevelopment. These efforts proved effective at enhancing
By contrast, nets treated with pyrethroid insecticides (ITNs)
awareness of the benefits of ITNs, dramatically decreasing
provide much more than a physical barrier; they actually
the cost of nets and increasing their use.
kill or deter mosquitoes from feeding and drive them fromtheir hiding places. Even a treated net with large holes in
Today, the nets are widely available. As their popularity
it provides as much protection as an intact one, reducing
spread, the cost declined to about US $4 and public health
mosquito bites by up to 95%. Mosquitoes are killed by the
officials have turned their attention to those at highest risk
insecticide before they can find a place to bite through the
from malaria — pregnant women and young children.
net or push through a hole. The Ifakara Health Research
The goal: to see 60% of children and pregnant women
and Development Centre has determined that ITNs could
protected by a net by 2005. In the next phase of the
avert 30 000 deaths and more than 5 million clinical
national ITN strategy, every pregnant woman who visits a
episodes of malaria annually in Tanzania.
health centre will receive a voucher for a bednet. She canredeem the voucher for an ITN by visiting a private vendor.
Research results summarized in Net Gain: A New Method
In turn, the vendor will be reimbursed after bringing the
for Preventing Malaria Deaths1, a copublication of IDRC
voucher to an authorized government agent.
and the World Health Organization, indicate that ITNscould reduce child mortality by at least 17%. The benefitsof using treated nets also accrue to the entire community. Delivering multiple benefits
Recent evidence shows that a high-concentration of
The voucher system is expected to bring multiple benefits. First, it transfers responsibility for procuring and distribut-
1 Net Gain: A New Method for Preventing Malaria Deaths,
ing the nets away from overburdened community health
edited by Christian Lengeler, Jacqueline Cattani, and Don deSavigny. IDRC 1996, ISBN 0-88936-792-2; 260 pp.
workers to private manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers,
and distributors. Second, it focuses on a particularly vulnerablegroup: pregnant women and young children. Research has shownthat women infected with malaria during pregnancy are highlylikely to deliver low birth weight babies. As well, infants quicklylose the immunity they may have acquired passively from theirmothers. This makes them highly susceptible to malaria and arange of secondary conditions (anemia, malnutrition, febrileseizures, sudden cardiac arrest, and a general failure to thrive,among others) that are a direct result of malaria.
The voucher system also entices women who may not otherwisereceive care to establish a relationship with a health facility. Offering a pregnant woman a voucher for an ITN — an item ofsignificant value — is a powerful incentive for her to visit a clinicwhere she can receive antenatal care. The baby can also be immu-nized and mother and child can receive follow-up health care.
This is just one of the many ways in which more effective andintegrated initiatives against malaria have become a cornerstone
of broader efforts to revitalize Tanzania’s health system.
Public health officials have turned their attention to those at highest risk from malaria — pregnant This case study was written by Stephen Dale on behalf of IDRC’swomen and young children. www.idrc.ca/tehip For more information:
Dr Hassan MshindaIfakara Health Research Development Centre
Governance, Equity, and Health Program Initiative International Development Research Centre PO Box 8500, Ottawa, ON Canada K1G 3H9 Fixing Health Systems
Tel.: +1 (613) 236-6163Fax: +1 (613) 567-7748
More information on the capacity building of District Health Management teams
in Morogoro and Rufiji can be found in Fixing Health Systems, by Don de
Savigny, Harun Kasale, Conrad Mbuya, and Graham Reid. The book describes theTanzania Essential Health Interventions Project – its origins, impact, important
The International Development Research Centre
lessons, observations, and recommendations for decision-makers and policy ana-
(IDRC) is a public corporation created by the
lysts. The full text of the book is available on a thematic Web dossier, which leads
Parliament of Canada in 1970 to help researchers
the reader into a virtual web of resources that explores the TEHIP story:
and communities in the developing world find
More information on malaria control can be found at:
environmental problems. Support is directed
toward developing an indigenous researchcapacity to sustain policies and technologiesdeveloping countries need to build healthier,more equitable, and more prosperous societies.
Published in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Tanzania.
AJSM PreView, published on May 13, 2009 as doi:10.1177/0363546509334374 Home Training, Local Corticosteroid Injection, or Radial Shock Wave Therapy for Greater Trochanter Pain Syndrome Jan D. Rompe,*† MD, Neil A. Segal,‡ MD, Angelo Cacchio,§ MD, John P. Furia,ll MD, Antonio Morral,¶ PT, and Nicola Maffulli, MD, MS, PhD, FRCS(Orth), FFSEM(UK) From the † OrthoTrauma Evaluation Cent
Management by Soprano door Hans van der Loo In hun streven naar excellente prestaties en zelfperfectionering is alles wat managers tegenwoordig wordt voorgehouden welkom. Van in boekvorm verpakte wijsheden van bergbeklimmers en andere sporters via tot in kalendervorm aangeboden tegeltjeswijsheden tot hapklare managementbrokken getransformeerde fabels, parabels en sprookjes. Getuige d