Chairperson: indonesia

August 4, 2010
Opening Ceremony
Place: Grand Ballroom (3rd floor)
Professor Ahmad Ali Foroughi Abari, The President of Azad University, Khorasgan, Iran Assoc. Prof. Tutus Gusdinar Kartawinata, Dean of the School of Pharmacy, Bandung Institute of Technology, Professor Dr. Pongsak Angkasith, President of Chiang Mai University, Thailand Progress Report By Dean of Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University Plenary Lecture: “BnNn Nanomotor: A Novel Biomolecular Nanodetector”
Prof. Dr. Majid Monajjemi
(Department of Chemistry, Science & Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran) Chair: Daryono Hadi Tjahjono
Plenary Lecture: “Molecular Modeling on Viral Influenza A subtypes H5N1 and Pandemic H1N1”
Prof. Dr. Supot Hannongbua
(Computational Chemistry Unit Cell, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand) Poster Session I
Place: Chang Sean Room (3rd Floor)
Place: Grand Ballroom (3rd floor)
Place: Grand Ballroom (3rd floor)
Invited Speaker: “Application of Computer in Pharmacokinetics”
Prof. Dr. M. Hassanzadeh Khayyat
(Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, School of Pharmacy, Mashhad University of Invited Speaker: “Theoretical Investigation on the Binding of Huperzine A and Galanthamine to
Acetylcholinesterase, Based on ONIOM Method” Assoc. Prof. Dr. Supa Hannongbua
(Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Chatuchak, Bangkok, Thailand) Poster session II
Place: Chang Sean Room (3rd Floor)
Chair: Majid
August 5, 2010
Place: Grand Ballroom (3rd floor)
Plenary Lecture: “Stochastic Optimization on the Quantum Conformational Space of Atomic and Molecular
Prof. Dr. Albeiro Restrepo
(Grupo de Qu´ımica–F´ısica Te´orica, Instituto de Qu´ımica, Universidad de Antioquia, AA 1226 Medell´ın, Colombia) Invited Speaker: “Cloud Computing: Recent Trends and Its Applications”
Prof. Dr. Suhono Harso Supangkat
(Information Technology Research Division, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia) Invited Speaker:“A Novel Method to Identify Leucine-rich Repeats (LRRs): LRRpred”
Prof. Dr. Norio Matsushima
(Division of Biophysics, Center for Medical Education, Sapporo Medical University, Japan) Invited Speaker: “Modeling Of Microsolvation Conformation Of Crown Ether-Cation Complexes by Ab initio
Prof. Dr. Harno Dwi Pranowo
(Austrian-Indonesian Center for Computational Chemistry (AIC), Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia) Computational Material
Computational Chemistry
Computational Biology
Computational Physics
Chair: Babak Khalili Hadad Chair: Supat Jiranusornkul Grand Ballroom (3rd floor) Chiang Dao 1 (3rd floor) Chiang Dao 2(3rd floor) Chiang Dao 3(3rd floor)
Invited Speaker:
Invited Speaker:
Invited Speaker:
Invited Speaker:
Dr.Wan Ahmad Tajuddin
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nipon
Wan Abdullah
Assoc. Prof. Hermawan K.
Prof. Dr. Fatma Kandemirli
Invited Speaker:
Transistor Noise Parameters Thermoelectric Properties of P. Poopanya
M. Hayati
Invited Speaker:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Habibah A.
Prof. Dr. Naoki Yoshioka
W. Chaiyarat
S. Lokavee
H. Wattanasarn
H. Yamola
M. Jorkesh
W. Donkrajang
(Shahriar Branch, Islamic Azad Technology, Sakon Nakhon M. Khaleghian
H. Khoshnevis
Computational Biology
Computational Chemistry
Grand Ballroom
Chiang Dao 1
Chiang Dao 2
Chiang Dao 3
Invited Speaker:
Invited Speaker:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhamad A.
A. Srisaikam
F. Mollaamin
Prof. Dr. Roberd Saragih
Simulation on Excited-State Science, Bandung Institute of S.N. Mirsattari
R. Daengngern
S. Jaturonglumlert
M. Sayadian
B. K. Hadad
I. P. Maksum
Ni Made Pitri Susanti
A. Ilkhania
W. Gazali
Poster session III
Chair: Nawee
August 6, 2010
Place: Grand Ballroom (3rd floor)
Invited Speaker: “Fixed Point Theory and Applications to Equilibrium Problems, Minimization and Variational
Prof. Dr. Suthep Suantai
(Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand) Invited Speaker: “Molecular Modeling and Simulations: Applications in Biomolecular and Material Design at
Dr. Vannajan Sanghiran Lee
(Computational Simulation and Modeling Laboratory (CSML), Department of Chemistry and Center for Innovation in Chemistry, Thailand Center of Excellence in Physics (ThEP), Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand) Invited Speaker: “Molecular Modeling and Study Interaction of N-(Benzoyl) penicillin derivatives to Penicillin
Prof. Dr. Siswandono
(Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University, Kampus ,B Jalan Dharmawangsa Dalam Selatan, Surabaya, Indonesia) Computational Biology
Computational Chemistry
Grand Ballroom
Chiang Dao 1
Chiang Dao 2
P. Farahani
A. D. Djalil
Invited Speaker:
Prof. Dr. Purevjav Enkhbayar
Effect on Epoxy Resin for Dental and Bioinformatics, National Combination with Carbon W. Sangprasert
M. Falahati
B. K. Hadad
K. Bakhshi
Y. S. Choong
Computational Chemistry
Computational Biology
Special Interests
Grand Ballroom
Chiang Dao 1
Chiang Dao 2
R. E. Kartasasmita
M. R. Monazzam
“Hybrid QM/MM Simulations Threshold and Microrotation of Chitin Hydrolysis Catalyzed CORDIC to Reduce Hardware J. Jitonnom
A. Kassanook
C. Sattayanon
C. Sookoomjariyapong
K. Shahanipur
S. Damayanti
Antimalarial Agents: QSAR Study Safranal Using DFT Method” F. Jadidi
R. Masoudnia
P. Promvonge
Sy Bing Choi
M. K. Takalo
A. Kanarat
R. Karbakhsh
Computational Biology II
Special Interests
Computational Biology I
Chiang Dao 1
Chiang Dao 2
Chiang Dao 3
P. Tue-ngeun
S.-Z. M. Zobir
N. Muangnak
S. Krongdang
N. N. Syazana
P. Ratprasert
“Molecular Dynamics Studies “Valuation of Basket Options B. Honarparva
S. Waesoho
F. J. Permana
Closing Ceremony/Organizing Committee Meeting Place: Grand Ballroom (3rd floor)


Data sheet, made-to-order program (pdf, 144 kb)

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