men have Viagra, but there’s no such help for women when it comes to romance boosters. no fewer than 43 per cent of the fairer sex, aged 18 to 59, seem to have problems with libido. Yet, there is hope. Martina anzinger delves into the secret world of aphrodisiacs for women
We’ve heard Shirley Bassey sing “Diamonds are all very edgy. at work and irritable at home. My
I need to please me. They can stimulate and tease boyfriend and I were rowing all the time”.
me”. Just as eternal as a girl’s best friend is the
So, better no drugs! The fact is anyway that,
quest for objects that inspire love, lust or passion with the exception of ginseng, alcohol and
– so-called aphrodisiacs. But, thank God, not all remedies for marijuana, modern medical science recognises
infertility, inability to have orgasms or simple disinterest in love the efficacy of very few so-called aphrodisiacs.
and sex are as costly as that sparkler round your little finger.
These are principally cantharides and yohim-
Aphrodisiac recipes have been cooked up for males and bine, which stimulate sexual arousal by irritat-
females alike throughout the world for millennia. In ancient ing the urinary tract when excreted. Cantharides con-
Greece sparrows were eaten since the tiny birds were considered sist of dried remains of the blister beetle. Yohimbine is a crystal-
lustful and held sacred by Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love line alkaloid substance derived from the bark of the yohime tree
from whose name “aphrodisiac” is derived. But there have also found in central Africa, where it has been used for centuries. Yet,
less gruesome things on the menu for love-filled nights.
caution is necessary with regard to those love aids as stimulatory
Europeans have long been indulging in foods which are warm, effects are elicited only with toxic doses.
moist and windy, or resemble male or female sexual organs – like
So what can we do in order to experience love and lust and not
shaped vanilla orchid, which grows in tropical America, advice, writing in Macbeth: “It [wine] increases the desire but it
carrots, oysters, mandrake root, sweet peas, mustard or pepper. kill ourselves at the same time? Well, it helps to understand the
As the Roman physician Galen said, “wind”
chemical processes behind our sexual urges.
According to the Australian Orchid Society, old Totonac lore
The same applies to coffee. The smooth black liquid containing
makes things erect. And, meanwhile, we all
Of course, it all has to do with our hormones.
has it that Xanat, the young daughter of the Mexican fertility caffeine tickles our central nervous system rather than having
know about the importance and pleasure of
While estrogen is responsible for the devel-
goddess, loved a Totonac youth. Unable to marry him due to her any specific effect on desire – but it does keep you going.
being “juicy”, being supplied with squishy
opment and function of female sexual organs,
divine nature, she transformed herself into a plant that would However, beware – it’s better to fight that love killer stress,
and tasty lavender, ginkgo, ginseng or aloe
it is testosterone that powers the sex drive in
provide pleasure and happiness. The Aztecs originally used rather than tank up Starbucks on a date. In matters of love and
lubricants for clitoral, perineal or vulval
vanilla as a flavouring for chocolate. Today, it is part of various lust, the watchwords are good health and emotional balance. For
stimulation not just by doctors, but also by
dishes as well as an ingredient of creams, perfumes, and candles. this, we may turn to aerobics or jogging. Physical exertion, in
local shops and companies on the Internet.
passes to the “pleasure centre” of our brains,
Its precise physical effect is that its aroma increases the vaginal fact, causes the release of endorphins in the brain, which in turn
Yet, there is a difference between sexual
which sends signals via the nerves to the
make your hormones flow. Research has shown that women
desire and function. Lubricant enables pene-
pelvic region. Blood vessels in the genitals
Another well-known aphrodisiac has South American roots – exercising regularly tend to have more active sex lives, are more
tration, but is no substitute for genuine
are prompted to dilate, admitting a rush of
chocolate. The Aztecs named it the “nourishment of the Gods”, easily aroused, and reach orgasm more quickly
female arousal. Also, some love aids may owe their reputation blood that inflates both male and female erectile tissues. Then,
and their emperor, Montezuma drank 50 golden goblets a day to
But for the lazy or not-so-fit, there are less vigorous forms of
more to their smell and looks or to superstition than any sexual the vessels close off – and our boat is definitely not sinking. We
enhance his sexual prowess. That legend made its way to Europe exercise, like yoga or tantra. They provide postures designed to
magic experienced by those who eat them. Evidence is sparse – have all the signs of sexual excitement. Norepinephrine and
– Casanova is said to have consumed it – but for women that lore help resolve specific sexual problems. Some are said to work by
as scientists and pharmaceutical firms are only just discovering dopamine, two chemicals, are released from the brain, making us
needs some vitally important correction. Recent research suggest stimulating blood flow to the genital area while others are direct-
– of aphrodisiacs supposed to help woman get the hots.
that the fair sex are more susceptible to its effects than men. ed to maximising performance and satisfaction.
“Most research now recognises four main types of female
Age, illness, stress or under-nourishment can all affect our
Letting the velvety sweet melt in your mouth gives you a feeling
If that kind of exercise has no appeal either, then twirling
sexual dysfunction (FSD): disorders of desire, disorders of body’s ability to produce its own aphrodisiacs. When hormone
of a natural high because it contains phenylethylamine, called around on the dance floor can get the juices flowing just as well.
arousal, inability to achieve orgasm and painful intercourse,” levels drop, libido can lag and sexual dysfunction may develop.
the “love chemical” by some researchers, and also serotonin.
Facing the music and dancing can really get you started, no mat-
says Dr Mitra Boolell, a senior director of clinical sciences at Luckily, there are certain foods, scents, movements and even
A woman’s sweet tooth and her sex life are apparently most ter if the band is playing Strauss, Gershwin or Cohen.
Pfizer, the company that has given men Viagra. Pfizer and sounds that can save our love life.
closely linked. Chewing on bits of licorice root – available also as
But nothing is better than touching, as research from Tennessee
another company, Vivus from California, have been working on
Oysters, for example. This favourite among erotic foods was
candy or even jewellery – is said to enhance love and lust more State University proves. Remember the last time your loved one
a similar love drug for women for some time now, but research widely documented as an aphrodisiac by the Romans in the sec-
than anything, as studies of the Smell and Taste Foundation in ran his fingers through your hair and left your conscience bare.
in this field is still at a very early stage.
ond century AD as mentioned in a satire by Juvenal. He
Chicago show. Licorice contains glycrrhizin, which is 50 times This is not witchcraft. Nerve endings in the skin send “oh, that’s
Anyway, the urge to take drugs to lighten your
described the wanton ways of women after ingesting
sweeter than sugar. So, remember this next time you give your great” messages to your brain, which then goes on holiday, tem-
inner fire is great among women – which can have
wine and eating “giant oysters”. No wonder, since
“honey” or “sweetie” a birthday or Valentine’s present!
porarily stopping to produce the stress hormone cortisol. This
effects more fiery than desired in the case of ana-
they are high in protein and zinc, a mineral required
Time to leave the realm of food and turn to drink. It will come creates a surge in serotonin and dopamine, two chemicals that
bolic steroids , a runner in today’s fitness studios.
as no surprise that alcohol can greatly enhance a romantic inter- we know so well, remember?
“My clitoris had enlarged. Sex feels very differ-
Cupid’s arrows may also flow if vanilla is in the air
lude – but especially wine. Its colour is a feast for our eyes, feel-
So, show a little tenderness and don’t forget to exercise your
ent and far better,” says Catherine, a 25-year-
– or in your food. The delicious spice and fra-
ing its drops on our lips is like being caressed with fingertips, not lips the next time you see your partner. A kiss is not just a kiss – it
old American living in London. “And don’t
grance is obtained from the minute seeds con-
forgetting the stimulating effect on our palate. But consume with will give you the hots when all other aphrodisiacs fail. ■
look a year over 18.” But, as she adds: “I became
tained in the pulpy pods of the showy, intricately-
moderation! No less an authority than Shakespeare gave this
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