Managing Absenteeism
Sick leave or absenteeism can be a common Unjustified absenteeism problem and one which is often difficult to manage. Sometimes a manager may feel a worker’s
For the purposes of this article, we define sick leave
absence is unjustified and they are taking
or absenteeism as prolonged or frequent episodes
advantage of the employer. It’s often difficult to
of absence from work. We would also advise prove this but in these rare cases, there are some seeking legal advice on this complex problem.
steps which may be taken to encourage the
What are the causes?
• If allocated sick leave is exceeded, then a
There are many causes of absenteeism. It’s helpful
to divide them into two broad categories – the first
requirement of the use of annual leave could
be considered. This of course should only be
after discussion with your Human Resources
Health concerns are numerous but may include
physical illnesses such as asthma, heart disease, •
migraine headaches, frequent flu’s or colds or more
If possible, the employer should request a
ominous causes such as drug and alcohol abuse.
Dr Simon Ryder-Lewis
Fatigue is another cause and can be a response to
changes in shift pattern or stressors outside the
• Accident or Incident/Accident Report forms,
where appropriate, should be filled in strictly
The second broad category is psycho-social. This
includes problems at home, financial pressures,
• A meeting with the staff member and a
support person showing them where the sick
leave falls in relation to public holidays or long
Recognising the problem
It’s often difficult to determine the cause of
management has identified a pattern in the
absenteeism. It can be easy enough to check
sickness records and see a person has been away
• It is always useful to refer the worker to the
from work on a frequent basis, but it’s more difficult to determine why. It is recommended you monitor
occupational doctor with a request for advice
Our Services
your staff sick leave rates on a regular basis so you
on alternative duties. Many companies are
are able to recognise any cause for concern.
now able to provide alternative duties of a
sedentary nature which keep the worker in the
What action can a manager take?
workplace. For example, a worker suffering
Having recognised a staff member is away more
from recurrent back pain may be certified as
than would be expected; the manager can start by
fit for a sedentary job sitting at a desk. If it is within
discussing the problem with the individual and a support person. (We’d also advise getting legal
upskilling the worker at the desk by reading
advice on this). Such meetings can help to get any
Health & Safety manuals, for example, is a
issues or problems concerning the workplace or
useful way to ensure attendance at work. The
work organisation out into the open. With
employee continues to contribute to the com-
permission from the employee, the manager can
pany by reviewing Health & Safety policies
also speak with supervisors and work colleagues to
get more information. An open, honest and frank
The sickness absence tool kit
discussion may reveal simple strategies to manage and solve the problem together.
Sometimes, an occupational doctor is not avail-
able to the company. In these cases, the worker’s
Difficulties arise if the relationship between the family doctor may be consulted. Some family
worker and the manager breaks down. This is doctors may not be aware of the existence of
usually the time when an independent third party, alternative duties or the finer points and Health Monitoring
such as an occupational doctor, is called in. The requirements of each task in the workplace.
occupational doctor is in a good position to Written consent is also required in order for the
determine the cause of the time off work and, doctor to release information to the employer. importantly, whether it has been caused by the work
There are a series of specific questions which
should be asked of the doctor, including whether
the absences are justified, whether they are
The doctor will take a detailed history and carry out
related to the work environment and what should
a thorough medical examination. They can also be done to return the worker to full productivity.
discuss any concerns with the employees’ family An initial meeting with the individual is often all is
doctor and obtain further information. A report can needed to address concerns and you are able to
then be issued to management outlining the nature put in place simple strategies to help the
employee. Sometimes further support is needed
of the problem – along with detailed steps to be taken in its resolution. This may include, for by a health professional. Work Health Solutions
example, a graduated return to work on light duties
can provide you with some advice on what to ask
for. Please contact us about your requirements.
SOLUTIONS is produced quarterly by Work Health Solutions Limited. If you wish to contact us, please phone 04 529 7375,
or email [email protected]
Up to 47% of New Zealanders will experi- ence mental illness during their lives.
He hadn’t taken any annual leave for the
Case Example: 2
In any one year, 1 in 5 people may be Bob with work-related anxiety. She
Mary was a fork lift driver at a factory.
affected. The most common disorders seen
depression. There are other illnesses such
and the company arranged for an safety. She didn’t seem to be “herself”
concentration wasn’t what it used to be.
and didn’t join the others for their meal
rotating shifts of 8 hours per day and was
feeling hopeless and poor sleep. There can
headaches, chest discomfort and abdominal
upsets. It’s important to remember alcohol
returned to work. The situation steadily
hitting him with the front corner of the
Stress Disorder is a psychiatric condition
associated with a frightening or unpleasant
anxiety, this was felt to be unnecessary.
doctor. It turned out Mary had a history
incident such as an assault or a witnessed
Bob’s symptoms gradually settled over a
the death of her grandmother. Her family
crossing accident. Workers suffering from
this condition may show a slow decline in
combination of depression, shift work and
their interest in work and their ability to per-
form. There can be associated feelings of
problems increase the risk of accidents.
anxiety, disturbed sleep and “flashbacks”.
mental ill health should be seen by a doctor.
factory where she would not have to work
The doctor will attempt to answer several
questions including: What is the diagnosis?
several weeks, working the day shift until
Is work part of the cause? What treatment is available? And: What can be done to
Following this, she was able to return to
driving the fork truck on the day shift. It
was felt the combination of shift work and the antidepressant medication made it
Case Example: 1
unsafe for her to return to working the night shift.
Bob was a 40 year old manager who was well liked by his staff. He
Mental illness at work is often very compli-
cated. Although it is usually relatively easy
The above case example illustrates what can
to determine whether work factors are im-
his ability to make decisions was not as
happen when work pressures become too portant in the cause, managing the condi-
much. Restructuring and changing of tion can be difficult, time-consuming and
workloads are well recognised triggers for expensive for the company. As with all
stress and anxiety. They can also lead to aspects of healthcare, prevention is prefer-
depression. The risk can be reduced by able to cure. Workers with a mental illness
involving staff in the planning process as require understanding and patience; it is an
much as possible and seeking their feedback
on the impact of proposed changes. When and managers who notice a change in
managers become aware of the possibility mood, poor work performance, decreased
in Bob’s home life. He had a good that a staff member may be suffering from a
relationship with his wife and there were
mental illness, It is important to have them
should ask their colleague to see the com-
assessed as soon as possible. Some mental
pany doctor. Even before this assessment
illness and the medications used to treat takes place, it may be wise to take the
year ago and this had resulted in Bob’s
them can lead to safety issues at work. affected worker out of any high-risk envi-
Modification of work duties and hours could ronment. If you are concerned about
someone in your workplace, please don’t
hesitate to give us a call to discuss it
The general health information in this publication has been researched using reliable sources and is believed to be correct. However individual situations differ and no liability of any kind is undertaken to any person in respect of the information produced. Decisions on your own or others personal health and medical care must be made in consultation with your doctor. These materials are not intended to be legal advice. Therefore, readers should not rely on anything stated, and the author is not liable for any errors or omissions, in the materials in respect of a particular issue or circumstance. The reader must seek his or her own legal advice.
PO Box 48104, Silverstream 5142, Wellington, New Zealand Ph: 04 529 7375 Mobile: 021 362 775 Fax: 04 529 7375
Email: [email protected] Web:
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