— Failing health, living at home without care
— One or more handicaps, living at home with care
— In nursing home or long term care facility
Basic Dental Rights: Minimally Invasive Dentistry Free
of Infection Swelling Differential Diagnosis of Jaw Pain in the Elderly 1. Neoplasm
Squamous Cell Carcinoma 95% of all oral cancers
Central ulceration with peripheral, rolled border;
Implications of Medical History: 1.
Angina, Congestive Heart Failure, hypertension
4. Arthritis 5. Colostomy 6. Inappropriate
(Serax®) 10 - 15 mg 30 min prior to appointment
(Ativan®) 0.5 - 1.0 mg 30 min prior to appointment
least invasive procedure to restrain (physical or pharmacological)
versus oral sedation versus IV sedation versus General Anesthesia
Principles of Prescribing Medications for the Elderly: 1.
Take a careful drug history of habits and use.
Know the pharmacology of each drug prescribed.
Titrate drug dosage with patient response.
Simplify the therapeutic regimen and encourage compliance.
Regularly review the treatment plan and discontinue drugs no longer needed.
Anti-coagulation Control: Platelets:
PLT < 30K do not brush, floss; consider CHG rinse
Adjust Coumadin level for surgery; pack with GelFoam #4 / Spongostan, always suture INR
≤ 2.0-2.5 for surgery, ≤ 3.5 for scaling
Treatment on non-hemodialysis days for CRF / hemodialysis Caution using epinephrine if CAD history:
Contraindicated with certain medications:
No epinephrine-impregnated retraction cord
Local anesthetic choice - based on procedure length:
Ester local anesthetics (procaine - Novocain®, benzocaine topical) require optimal renal function
Factors affecting treatment plan decisions:
Classifications of Dental Care (based on functional level, prognosis, etc.) Class Staged Treatment Plan: Stage I -
On-site Long Term Care Facility Oral Hygiene List of Basic Supplies: 1. Disposable
(Wrapped tongue blades, facecloth, etc.)
Collis Curve Toothbrushes: Collis Curve Canada Dorothy Palmer 3632 Logan Crescent SW Calgary, AB
800-298-4818 403/ 246-3302 [email protected] Web-sites: Journal , technology training & information Burning Mouth Syndrome Differential diagnosis includes: xerostomia candidiasis chronic
psychogenic factors including factitious lesions (i.e. habit induced)
Typical work-up includes:
CBC and differential, glucose, iron, ferritin, folic acid and B12
Classic therapy would suggest one or a combination of: topical anesthetics (viscous lidocaine or benadryl elixir), antidepressants (e.g. clonazepam 0.25mg h.s., increase 0.25mg/wk to total dose of 3mg/d, should try at least one month before outcome is known), or “live with it”. Capsaicin compounds (from use in chemotherapy patients: Berger A., Yale Science Update, Fall 1994): Edentulous patients can use the Zostrix 0.025% cream as a liner in their denture (tid - qid). The problem is finding a friendly pharmacy that likes to formulate their own compounds. Following are the formulations we most typically use: (patients can often make these up themselves) Capsaicin Candy: (problem - can have sharp edges which can be irritating) Dissolve 2 C. brown sugar in 1/4 molasses, 1/2 C. butter, 2 Tbs. water and 2 Tbs. vinegar over low heat in a heavy pan. Boil gently, stirring frequently until the hard-crack stage (300 degrees F, the temperature at which a spoonful of candy separates into hard and brittle threads when dropped into cold water). Add 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper. Drop candy from a teaspoon onto a buttered slab or foil to form patties. Makes about one pound. Capsaicin Taffy: (softer, but more difficult to make) Combine 1 C. Sugar, 3/4 C. light corn syrup, 2/3 C. Water, 1 Tbs. Cornstarch, 2 Tbs butter or margarine, 1 tsp. salt and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly to 256 degrees F (candy thermometer) or to the hard ball stage. Remove from heat. Stir in flavoring (e.g. 2 tsp vanilla) and 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper. When cool enough to handle, pull taffy. When stiff, pull into strips, cut into pieces and wrap. Make clear to the patient that they will experience an initial burn. Usually, the burn of the capsaicin is no more intense than the pain they already experience and it will subside shortly after they begin using the cream or candy regularly. If they get a positive effect, this does not seem to cure, rather a decrease in symptomology is found which typically needs re-treatment. Management of Oral Candidiasis Types of oral candidiasis (a.k.a. "thrush", moniliasis, "yeast" infection): Pseudomembraneous
Topical therapy (oral "swish and swallow"):
5 ml. p.o. swish for 1 minute then swallow t.i.d. X 10 d
apply t.i.d. indicated for angular cheilitis or under denture
Systemic therapy:
caution with history of alcohol-abuse, cirrhosis, HBV, HCV
Contraindicated in patients taking cyclosporin (transplants, etc.), Prepulsid
Note: With any therapy, symptoms will disappear within 2-3 days, however, because the candidal hyphae grow into the surface of the tissue, prolonged therapy (7 - 10 days) is required to prevent immediate recurrence. If the patient has any type of oral prosthesis, explain to the patient that the candidal hyphae can grow into the surface of the acrylic, thus the denture needs to be “treated” as well. Have the patient soak their dentures in vinegar (NOT bleach) overnight during treatment. Management of a Dry Mouth (Xerostomia) Saliva functions: protect the oral cavity - Protection of tissues Common causes of xerostomia:
Drugs or medications with anticholinergic effect
- Aqueous solvent for taste & swallowing
depression; emotional and anxiety states
Anti-depressants are the most likely iatrogenic cause of a dry mouth. Common anti-depressants with the greatest anti-cholinergic potency: Dry Mouth Questions:
1. Do you sip liquids to aid in swallowing dry foods?
Management by dose reduction and / or substitution:
2. Does your mouth feel dry when eating a meal?
3. Do you have difficulties swallowing any foods?
4. Does the amount of saliva in your mouth seem to be
too little, or too much, or don’t you notice?
Management of Xerostomia: Keep mouth moist:
Biotene products - available over the counter (800/ 667-3770,
Artificial saliva products are available, but many complain of objectionable taste.
Water-based moisturizing products on lips: e.g. Blistex, K-Y Jelly, Dermabase
Avoid petroleum-based lip products eventually cause more peeling and cracking:
Humidifier in sleeping and / or work area. Emphasize good oral hygiene; consider topical fluoride treatment, chlorhexidine rinses or toothpastes. Avoid tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, salt which all have a drying effect. Careful with most mouthwashes which contain high concentrations of alcohol. Gentle dentistry:
use only alginate, polyvinyl siloxane or silicone; not ZOE
consider building in a fluid reservoir in the base design
Salagen (pilocarpine)
then double third dose fifth week, so that
daily protocol: 10 mg - 5 mg - 10 mg - 5 mg
Incremental increase in dosage to a maximum of 30 mg / day titrated to optimal outcome and side effects (sweating, urinary frequency, chills, flushing, GI upset)
Overhead Ceiling Mounted Patient Lifts
I N D U S T RY N E W S A N D I N N O VAT I O N S JDRF Names Islet Cell Transplant Center The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) hasIslet Transplant Fellowship program for training endocri-named The City of Hope National Medical Center in LosAngeles as a JDRF Islet Cell Transplant Center. “As a JDRF center, we are confident that the City ofThe islet transplantation program
Discovering Latent Structure in Clinical DatabasesDept. of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics{peissig.peggy,caldwell.michael}@marshfieldclinic.orgStatistical relational learning allows algorithms to simultaneously reason aboutcomplex structure and uncertainty with a given domain. One common challengewhen analyzing these domains is the presence of latent structure within the data. We present