recognize the anatomical heart in all its
them facts and figures and knowledge.
we would have to doubt this statement.
study, is nobody’s heart. It is a heart
from the Middle English, to recognize.
mental health related disciplines are re-
specific field of knowledge. They are re-
heart; the heartless one; the cold heart;
dents are not required to seek wisdom.
and idein which means to see the form
joy; and the one who has lost heart.
essence of this heart. The human heart.
things, but they lack wisdom or the abil-
P s y c h i at r i c R e h a b i l i t at i o n J o u r n a l
Recovery as a Journey of the Heart
tion. I was 18 years old. I asked the psy-
ease called chronic schizophrenia. It is a
disease that is like diabetes. If you take
medications for the rest of your life and
avoid stress, then maybe you can cope.
years later, those words still echo like a
psychiatrist was telling me that my life,
tial sense, is not an illness or disease.
that I aspired to were mere fantasies ac-
ence this human being before all else.
this way, then the present loses its ori-
goal is not normalization. The goal is to
to be a question in search of an answer.
the question of the process of recovery.
that by virtue of our diagnosis the ques-
larger ripples until every corner of aca-
ence and clinical practice are affected.
W i n t e r 1 9 9 6 — V o l u m e 1 9 N u m b e r 3
wanting anything. If I didn’t want any-
thing, then it couldn’t be taken away. If
I didn’t try, then I wouldn’t have to un-
and indifference. It is a time of having a
dergo another failure. If I didn’t care,
hardened heart. Of not caring anymore.
It is a time when we feel ourselves to be
much came over to visit me and I didn’t
sitting in a chair. As I conjure the image
the first thing I can see are that girl’s
see her shuffled, stiff, drugged walk.
was hard. I didn’t care about anything.
People come and people go. Peopleurge her to do things to help herself
here is familiar to many of us. We recog-
isolation, and lack of motivation. But if
sists of this: At eight in the morning she
search of wisdom we must dig deeper.
every day. She begins smoking cigarettes.
proof that time is passing and that fact,
at least, is a relief. From 9 A.M. to noon
nia? I think not. I believe that becoming
she has lunch. At l P.M. she goes back to
bed to sleep until 3 P.M. At that time she
are at the brink of losing hope, adopt in
and stares. Then she has dinner. Thenshe returns to the chair at 6 P.M. Finally
it is 8 o’clock in the evening, the long
Seligman’s (1975 ) work in the field of
me or mattered to me. I had given up.
a problem, it was a solution. It was a so-
P s y c h i at r i c R e h a b i l i t at i o n J o u r n a l
Recovery as a Journey of the Heart
he believed that all his efforts had failed
and would continue to fail, he died.
Can a psychological state be lethal? I be-
those of us with psychiatric disabilities
follow the treatment teams’ instructions
help; when we find that staff do not lis-
will live; under what rules we will live,
lowed back into it, etc. etc. etc., then a
begins to settle over the human heart.
And in an effort to avoid the biologically
ness, people with psychiatric disabilities
of heart and attempt to stop caring. It is
Of course, the great danger is that staff
will fail to recognize the intensity of the
danger is that the staff will simply say,
W i n t e r 1 9 9 6 — V o l u m e 1 9 N u m b e r 3
cion), but of real choices. I am speaking
mitting that I just might want to partici-
goals you might want to pursue, etc.
mental patients and to try to see the in-
reject, reject, and reject again these in-
It is imperative that the instructors and
must not fall into despair, feel like their
today’s students to avoid these pitfalls.
is doing. Staff must avoid this trap. They
must do what the person cannot yet do.
they are rejected over and over again.
istential struggle that is at the heart of
see a person with a psychiatric disability
thetic, and unmotivated. First I help the
less can increase their sense of self effi-
cacy by having access to information.
tude of what it is they are asking a per-
rules, as well as having a say in the hir-
hardened heart lies the breaking heart.
too long has been silenced. Finally, it is
breaks? It is not a crazy thing to try to
atric disability who is hard of heart, who
maybe I, too, can break out of this hard-
that this is a person who feels they have
risk again. In any case, it is only the per-
against the possibly lethal effects of pro-
people it is imperative to create an envi-
quality of life can get better for people
P s y c h i at r i c R e h a b i l i t at i o n J o u r n a l
Recovery as a Journey of the Heart
tunities for improving their situation.
will in the hospital as well as the things
atric disabilities as mental health profes-
My journey of recovery is still ongoing.
port and I still use professional services
cising a voice, opportunities for better-
ing one’s life—these are the features of
tive stance that is the hallmark of the re-
mental health professionals must master.
that is precisely what I did. Starting with
participant in my own recovery process.
a strong spirituality that really helped. I
me. They kept inviting me to do things.
cart. But it was a beginning. And truly, it
was through small steps like these that I
even though the people around me did.
like being in the nightmare again . .
In retrospect, I know this was a wise de-
dignation, played a big role in that tran-
you’re labeled with chronic schizophre-
been called, I had a vocation, and I kept
nia!) I also remember that just after that
lenges. It is not a perfectly linear jour-
W i n t e r 1 9 9 6 — V o l u m e 1 9 N u m b e r 3
of just living, just staying quiet, resting
that people with psychiatric disabilities
nity to try and to fail and to try again. In
people with psychiatric disabilities. Our
failure if they are to be supportive of us.
job is to establish strong, supportive re-
lationships with those we work with.
been psychiatrically labeled are organiz-
ed while working in the human services.
health care, poor or non existent hous-ing, and to the indignities that so often
come with psychiatric hospitalizationsincluding the barbaric use of restraint
LaLime, W. (1990). Untitled speech used as
and seclusion. We are sitting at the table
policy makers to find alternatives to in-
Humanistic Psychologist, 18(3), 301-
Lefcourt, H. M. (1973). The function of the
American Psychologist, 28, 417-425.
Seligman, M. E. P. (1975). Helplessness: Ondepression, development and death.
ence of hearing voices that are distress-
ing. Participants listen to the tape while
about our experience and what helps.
strategies that help to control or elimi-
funding from the Center for MentalHealth Services. We have developed
DR. DAVID R. LIONBERGER 6560 FANNIN, STE 1016 ~ HOUSTON, TX 77030 TEL: (713) 333-4100 FAX: (713) 333-4101 MINIMALLY INVASIVE TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT MEDICATIONS • Prescriptions for pain (Lyrica, Celebrex and Norco) are included in this pre-operative packet. If you have allergies to any of these or did not receive all of these, please call the office. Be sure you received ALL
INTERNAL STATE SECURITY BY TOXICOLOGY EXPERTISE Toxicology. . science of poisons Historical y, poison was used for hunting. From the early Christian era, it wil be used to eliminate rivals. More recently, poison became a pharmaceutical drug. It’s al about dosage. . Active substances are part of our daily life. Beside from their therapeutic use, some may be diverted from their purpose: morph