Voltwerk VS 5 hybrid
Battery-assisted inverter system for optimising own consumption
with 5 kW of nominal power and 8.8 kWh of storage capacity
| Feed-in with effi ciency factor of 97.7 % plus
effi cient utilisation of own consumption
| Highly effi cient lithium-ion batteries designed
The Voltwerk VS 5 hybrid makes it possible to utilise solar power time-independently by storing unused capacity. In addition to feeding solar power into the national grid with extreme effi ciency, it thus facilitates an improvement of an operator’s own consumption and the bridging of any mains power cuts. Integrated energy management system
electricity demand can be increased from c. 30 % with a
The VS 5 hybrid is a combination of a transformerless 5 kW nor mal PV system to c. 70 %. During the summer months
inverter, a lithium-ion battery with a capacity of 8.8 kWh and it is thus possible to achieve 100 % independence from the
a management system with a colour touch screen display. public electricity grid.
If required, the battery capacity can be increased – the sys-
tem cabinet is designed for 13.2 kWh. Storing solar power Intelligent system management makes it possible for operators of photovoltaic systems to The system is equipped with a comprehensive monitor-
cover their own requirements with PV electricity not only ing system. The large touch screen display shows all of a
during sunlight hours, but also at times of less light, such as household’s electricity consumption data and the status
in the morning, evening or overnight.
and output data of the PV system and battery – clearly and
The energy either gets fed from the PV system directly into in real time. The system has an intelligent system manage-
the national grid drawn from the storage battery or supplied ment function that controls and monitors energy fl ows and
from both sources simultaneously. Only if these two are un-
checks all components are working. The battery manage-
able to supply suffi cient energy, does mains power get used.
ment system ensures that the lithium-ion batteries are
In the event of a power cut, the system works independently.
charged and discharged in the optimum manner and thus
last for a long time. In addition, location-independent moni-
Optimising own PV consumption
toring of the plant via the web portal Voltweb is possible
By using the VS 5 hybrid system, matching a 4-person without additional equipment.
house hold’s periods of PV power generation and times of
VS 5 hybrid Input fi gures (PV generator) Recommended DC rating Max. DC input voltage (V Max. MPP voltage (V Min. MPP voltage (V Max. input current (I Number of MPP trackers Type of connection Number of DC inputs MPP accuracy Output data (mains) Nominal mains voltage (V Max. output current (I Nominal power (P Max. power (P Nominal frequency (f ) Required form of grid Distortion factor (at nominal power) Type of connection
Plug supplied with the system (fl exible cable, max. cross-section 6 mm²)
Type of feed-in Effi ciency Max. effi ciency (inverter) Effi ciency of the whole system Battery storage Battery type Storage capacity Expected service life Environmental / ambient conditions Temperature range Installation location Abmessungen / Gewicht Dimensions (W x H x D) Weight (incl. battery)
Graphic presentation via touch screen display
voltwerk electronics GmbH
PowerRouter Solar Batterie Optimierung selbst erzeugter Sonnenenergie mit Li-ion Li-ion ist eine neue Batterietechnologie, welche hohe Energiedichte, hohe Effi zienzund eine lange Lebensdauer bietet. Diese neue Technologie kombiniert mit dem PowerRouter Solar Batterie erhöht den Eigenverbrauch Ihrer selbst erzeugten Energie noch mehr, was in geringeren Gesamtb
BRECHNER Volume 25, Number 10 A monthly report of mass media law in Florida Published by The Brechner Center for Freedom of Information College of Journalism and Communications University of Florida October 2001 Panel advises more electronic access FAMU trustees to hire in open case files available electronically. Court Administration and ACCESS PACERNet system. Theaccess and s