H5N1 influenza DNA vaccine for South Africa
An H5N1 influenza DNA vaccine for South Africa
The highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 is a potent pandemic threat because of its frequent
transmission from birds to humans and the increasing possibility of human to human transmission. During
the 2009 H1N1 pandemic it was clear that rapid influenza vaccine production is a problem worldwide.
Additionally, developing countries like South Africa generally cannot produce their own influenza vaccines
because the traditional egg-based vaccine production method currently employed is too lengthy and too difficult to establish. As part of an exercise aimed at exploring the feasibility of producing emergency
response influenza vaccines, we investigated an experimental DNA vaccine to the H5N1 influenza virus. We
focused on the virion haemagglutinin, because it elicits the primary neutralising immune response following
infection. Accordingly, we developed an H5N1 DNA vaccine with full-length and truncated versions of the
haemagglutinin gene, to match previously developed protein candidates. Vaccinated mice developed a
strong antibody response to the haemagglutinin protein. In addition, the full-length H5 gene elicited high
haemagglutination inhibition titres in mice, indicating that it has potential as a candidate pandemic vaccine
and Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town, Cape Town,
There have been five influenza pandemics over the last 125 years, with the Spanish flu in 1918 being the most
notorious. The most recent (‘swine flu’) pandemic in 2009 was caused by influenza A H1N1, which originated in
Mexico and rapidly spread globally, resulting in over 18 000 deaths.1 During this pandemic it became clear that
South Africa does not have the ability to produce influenza vaccines, that we would be reliant on vaccine stocks
from developed countries, and that these might be slow in coming.
The highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) subtype H5N1 has significant potential for causing a future
pandemic, as a result of its frequent transmission from birds to mammals and continued persistence in several
countries.2 There have been over 250 cases reported in humans, with deaths occurring in 60% of infected
individuals. There is also the possibility of mutation and/or re-assortment of the virus to create a strain capable of
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Cape
enabling efficient human to human transmission; therefore, it is necessary to ensure that countries are equipped to
handle a pandemic via an efficient vaccination approach.3
Current influenza vaccine production involves the use of mainly chicken egg produced trivalent inactivated vaccine.
This system can take 4–6 months to produce a vaccine, and is demonstrably not capable of coping with the
demand for vaccines in the event of a pandemic. Additionally, H5N1 is highly pathogenic to chickens, which has
Received: 31 Oct. 2012
a negative effect on egg production levels.4 DNA vaccines, in contrast, can be produced in as short a time as
Revised: 11 Apr. 2013
3 weeks.5,6 These vaccines have several advantages over the use of conventional inactivated vaccines as they
can rapidly elicit both humoral and cell-mediated immune responses, and are non-infectious. DNA vaccines are
Accepted: 12 Apr. 2013
heat stable and can initiate cell-mediated immune responses without the need for adjuvants.7 They are easy to
construct, allowing for rapid large-scale production to meet demand in case of a pandemic.8 The potential of H5N1
DNA vaccines to protect against lethal viral challenges has also been demonstrated in animal models.9
DNA vaccine; highly pathogenic avian influenza virus;
South Africa, like other African countries, unfortunately does not have the facilities to produce conventional
egg-based vaccines. When faced with the 2009 ‘swine flu’ influenza A H1N1 pandemic, the country had to rely
on the World Health Organization and developed countries for vaccine stocks.10 The 2009 H1N1 pandemic did not
represent a great threat for healthy people; however, serious complications were reported for immunocompromised
people. As South Africa has the highest number of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) cases in the world,11 it
is important to have an influenza pandemic contingency plan in place for when the next pandemic occurs. Ideally,
developing countries like South Africa should be able to produce their own pandemic vaccine as quickly as possible.
Accordingly, and as part of an effort to establish the feasibility of pandemic influenza response capability, in this
paper we describe the development and testing in mice of a candidate H5 HA gene DNA vaccine in South Africa.
Materials and methods Construction of haemagglutinin DNA vaccinesThe full-length haemagglutinin (HA) gene (H5; 1704 bp) and a truncated form (H5tr; 1635 bp) lacking the 23-amino
acid anchoring membrane domain (nucleotides 1597–1665 bp) of the A/Vietnam/1194/2004 strain (H5N1,
GenBank accession number AY651333) were human-codon optimised and synthesised by GeneArt® (Regensburg,
Germany) and called pPCR-Script_H5 and pPCR-Script_H5tr. The membrane-anchoring domain was removed from
H5tr to prevent membrane insertion of the haemagglutinin. The protein produced was thus soluble, which increased
production levels. The 5’ ends of the HA genes were modified by means of oligonucleotide linkers by adding a
Hind III restriction enzyme site and a Kozak sequence (GCCACCATGG); a BamHI site was added to the 3’ end. The
high-performance liquid chromatography purified oligonucleotides H5KozakF 5’ CGGATCCAAGCTTACGCGTGCCAC
3’ and H5KozakR 5’ GTA CCACCGTGCGCATTCGAACCTAGGCCATG 3’ were annealed to form a 5’ end linker, while
to form the 3’ end linker. The GeneArt-provided plasmid DNAs were digested, linkers were ligated and genes were
cloned into pUC 18, before sequencing with the M13F and M13R universal primers. The modified HA genes were
then subcloned into the well-characterised DNA vaccine vector pTH using Hind III and Eco RI sites.12 The vector
South African Journal of Science H5N1 influenza DNA vaccine for South Africa
has the human cytomegalovirus enhancer and the intron A region, which
to assess inhibition of haemagglutination. Influenza A (H3N2) and
resulted in high levels of vaccine protein production for a number of
Influenza A (H1N1) antigens (CDC) were used as negative controls to
check for cross-reaction. To test for significant differences in antibody
titres between the two treatment groups (pTH_H5 and pTH_H5tr), we
Expression of haemagglutinin DNA vaccines
performed an independent t-test, after confirming the assumption of
normality with Shapiro-Wilk tests for each group (p>0.05).
Endotoxin-free DNA was prepared for both pTH_H5 and pTH_H5tr using
a commercial Giga kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). HA protein expression
Results and discussion
from the two constructs was verified by western blot analysis of
transfected HEK 293 cells. The cells were cultured in complete medium
H1N1 and H5N1 influenza viruses are of keen current interest – H1N1
containing Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (Invitrogen) with 10%
because of the role it played in the recent influenza pandemic and H5N1
foetal calf serum, 1% penicillin/streptomycin and 10 µg/mL Fungin in
because of its potential to cause another pandemic.15,16 DNA vaccines
T75 flasks and incubated in a 5% CO tissue culture 37 °C incubator
continue to be an attractive option for vaccine production in the event
until 80–90% confluency was reached. Prior to transfection, the HEK
of a pandemic influenza outbreak as a result of their potential for rapid,
293 cells were diluted to 0.5x106 cells and plated out in 35-mm 6-well
large-scale development. Influenza DNA vaccines have been shown to
plates. Transfection reagent (FuGENE® 6, Roche, Mannheim, Germany)
be as effective as live vaccines, which can protect mice against viral
was used at the recommended different reagent to DNA ratios, namely
challenges, and have entered advanced human trials.6,8,17
3:1, 3:2 and 6:1. Each ratio was performed in duplicate for pTH_H5 and
We explored the possibility of making a HA DNA vaccine in response to
pTH_H5tr as well as for a negative cell control, a FuGENE® 6 only control
a future pandemic in southern Africa, using an established DNA vaccine
(i.e. no DNA) and a DNA only control (i.e. no transfection reagent). After
72 h, the HEK cells were harvested with cold Dulbecco’s phosphate
vector which has been used in primate and human studies in the UK and
buffered saline (PBS, Sigma) and were lysed with 1 x chloramphenicol
in human trials in South Africa,13,18,19 and which contained the full-length
and truncated forms of a H5N1 HA gene. Both HA variants were expressed
in HEK 293 cell cultures (results not shown). After confirmation of
Lysed cell samples and supernatant were assayed for protein expression
expression, mice were subsequently vaccinated with four doses of these
by loading the sample on a 10% SDS-polyacrylamide (PAGE) gel. The
potential DNA vaccines. Two weeks following the last vaccination, the
transfer of proteins from gels to nitrocellulose membranes was done
sera were collected. Western blots were used to determine if H5-specific
by means of semi-dry electroblotting (Bio-Rad). Rabbit anti-H5N1
antibodies were elicited in the mice sera following immunisation. Sera
polyclonal antibody (US Biological, GenBank accession number
against both the full-length and truncated vaccine candidates bound
AAT6166) was used at a 1:1000 dilution together with a secondary
strongly to in-house plant-produced H5 (Figure 1) from the same strain
alkaline phosphatase-labelled goat anti-rabbit antibody (Sigma) at a
(A/Vietnam/1194/2004) as the HA DNA vaccines. As expected, the sera
1:7000 dilution. NBT/BCIP solution (Roche) was used for detection.
of mice inoculated with PBS (negative control) contained no H5-specific
We determined that the optimum transfectant to DNA ratios for H5 and
antibodies. The positive control (Lane 19) appears weaker than the rest
H5tr were 6:1 and 3:1, respectively. This transfection experiment was
as the commercial antibody targets 14 amino acids in the middle of the
HA protein of a strain (AAT76166) different from the one used in this study.
H5-specific antibodies from the sera of mice vaccinated with pTH_H5 and
pTH_H5tr appear to be mostly strain specific, even though cross-reaction
A total of 30 healthy 7-week-old female Balb/c mice were equally divided
weakly occurs, as indicated by the positive control. Ideally, cross-reaction
into three groups. Each group received one of the following: (1) pTH_H5
with other influenza strains will make the candidate vaccines more suitable
DNA vaccine, (2) pTH_H5tr DNA vaccine or (3) PBS (a negative control
for broader influenza strain protection. However, as a pandemic usually
group). A total dose of 100 µg pTH_H5 and pTH_H5tr endotoxin-free DNA
starts off with a single viral strain, these results are in line with producing
in 100 µL was administered intramuscularly to mice – 50 µL into each
anterior tibialis muscle – after mice received an intraperitoneal anaesthetic
mixture of ketamine (120 mg/kg) and xylazine (16 mg/kg, Rompun®).
Four doses were administered at 2-week intervals. The mice were pre-
bled (100 µL) 3 days before vaccination was initiated. Final blood samples
were taken 2 weeks after the fourth vaccine dose. The animal experiments
were approved by the University of Cape Town’s Animal Ethics Committee
(HSFAEC 009001). At the end of the experiment, sera were collected and
stored at -20 °C for further processing.
Western blots were performed on in-house plant-produced H5 and H5tr
protein samples (A/Vietnam/1194/2004)14 separated on 10% SDS-PAGE
gels. Following semi-dry blotting, membranes were cut into individual
strips and incubated in 1:200 dilutions of sera from immunised mice. A
positive control was also included that used the primary antibody (rabbit
Lanes 1 and 20 contained the PageRuler™ Prestained protein ladder
anti-H5N1 polyclonal antibody, US Biologicals, Swampscott, MA, USA)
(Fermentas, Burlington, Canada), Lanes 2 to 11 contained the strips incubated in pTH_H5-immunised mice sera (dilution 1:200), Lanes 12 to
at a 1:500 dilution followed by the secondary goat anti-rabbit antibody
18 contained strips incubated in negative control sera (dilution 1:200) and
(Sigma-Aldrich, Johannesburg, South Africa).
Lane 19 contained a positive control – plant-produced H5 detected with a
Haemagglutination inhibition (HI) tests were performed at the National
Lanes 1 to 8 and Lanes 12 to 13 contained the strips incubated in pTH_H5tr-immunised mice sera (dilution 1:200), Lane 9 contained a positive control –
Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD, Johannesburg, South
plant-produced H5tr detected with a commercial anti-H5 antibody, Lanes 10
Africa). The mice sera were treated with a receptor destroying enzyme
and 11 contained the PageRuler™ Prestained protein ladder, and Lanes 14 to
(RDE II, Denka Seiken) to a dilution of 1:10 (1 part serum + 3 parts
16 contained strips incubated in negative control sera (dilution 1:200).
RDE, incubated overnight at 37 °C, heat inactivated at 56 °C for 30 min
The strips were aligned manually which might affect overall alignment.
and another 6 volumes of saline added). Following this, serial dilutions
Figure 1: Western blots of pTH_H5 and pTH_H5tr immunised mice.
of the sera were mixed with a standard 4HAU/25-µL dose of Influenza
H5-specific antibodies (indicated with an arrow) were present
A H5N1 antigen received from the Centers for Disease Control and
in the sera of both (a) pTH_H5 and (b) H5tr-immunised mice.
Prevention (CDC, Atlanta, GA, USA). Following incubation, a 0.5%
Plant-produced H5 antigen was loaded in all the lanes in (a)
suspension of turkey red blood cells was used as an indicator system
while plant-produced H5tr was loaded in all the lanes in (b).
South African Journal of Science H5N1 influenza DNA vaccine for South Africa
The sera were further tested for the ability to inhibit haemagglutination.
It has been shown that HA DNA vaccines can protect when there is
The HI results (Table 1) indicated that sera from all 10 mice vaccinated
a high concentration of HI and neutralising antibodies present.22 The
with the full-length HA gene (pTH_H5) had HI titres ranging from
potential of H5N1 DNA vaccines has been highlighted by studies that
1:160 to ≥1:2560. These HI titres were therefore considerably greater
indicated a reduction of morbidity and mortality of test animals during
than 1:40, which is deemed to be the benchmark for protection against
a lethal H5N1 viral challenge; however, DNA vaccines generally elicit
influenza in humans.20,21 In contrast, the truncated vaccine (pTH_H5tr)
only weak immune responses in humans.9 An alternative strategy to
produced lower titres that ranged from 1:20 to 1:320. Thus, 8 of 10 mice
prevent pandemic outbreaks that has been proposed is the use of a
had HI titres greater than 1:40. The lower HI values could be because
DNA prime followed by an inactivated vaccine boost, as this regime
the truncated HA form cannot be membrane-bound, which probably
elicits good immune responses, and one could vaccinate people with
reduces its immunogenicity. Antibody titres were also significantly
the DNA vaccine before an outbreak as part of seasonal influenza
higher (t=3.645; df=18; p=0.002) for pTH_H5 (1120.00±866.56,
vaccination.23 To this end, we have also developed a plant-made H5
mean±sd) than for pTH_H5tr (116.00±88.84). Thus, the full-length
HA subunit vaccine candidate, which elicits good serum responses in
HA (H5) DNA candidate vaccine proved to be more immunogenic than
its truncated counterpart. These findings are in line with our previous
results when comparing our plant-produced H5 and H5tr subunit
The development of a universal influenza vaccine is ideal and has been
investigated in an attempt to prevent pandemics. Generally the focus is on the highly conserved ectodomain of the matrix-2 protein (M2e) of
Summary of the haemagglutination inhibition (HI) results
influenza subtype A viruses or haemagglutinin’s conserved stalk domain
obtained from the final sera samples of each individual female
(for a review see Pica and Palese24). For example, a DNA vaccine study
Balb/c mouse taken 2 weeks after the fourth vaccination
has shown that the fusion of M2e to H1N1 HA DNA or the mixture of M2e and HA DNA improved cross-protection against H5N2 in mice, in contrast to immunisations with HA and M2e DNA on their own.25 Also,
Group (n=10)
to generate a broadly protective DNA swine vaccine, M2e was fused to H3 HA (consensus sequence), as well as to a CTL epitope to H3
HA. The DNA vaccines generated offered complete homologous strain protection and some heterologous protection in mice.23 It is therefore
worth considering, in terms of future work, determining if there is an
increase in immunogenicity and cross-protection with the addition of M2e to our H5 and H5tr HA constructs. We have already investigated
the plant production of M2e in fusion with another protein; the result
could also serve as a combination vaccine (E. Mortimer, I.I. Hitzeroth, S. Mbewana and E.P. Rybicki, unpublished results).
DNA vaccines can be stockpiled and can be manufactured in a matter
of weeks: if other HA genes need to be cloned, all the methodologies
are established, and the vaccine could be ready within weeks of notification. By implementing a DNA vaccine platform, South Africa can
respond rapidly and potentially remain self-sufficient during a potential
The H5 DNA vaccine we prepared shows excellent potential in mice;
it produced good humoral responses and elicited a good HI response.
We believe this work has further helped us to establish a basis for ‘rapid response’ influenza vaccine production in South Africa in order to
Acknowledgements This research was funded by the Poliomyelitis Research Foundation.
The National Research Foundation (South Africa) provided E.M.
with a postdoctoral bursary. We thank Fiona Tanzer for designing the
oligonucleotide linkers; Desiree Bowers for providing the HEK 293 cell line; Rodney Lucas and Enid Shephard for aiding with animal experiments;
Thomas Hanke for supplying us with the mammalian expression vector
pTH; Aleyo Chabeda for assisting with the manuscript; Maya Pfaff for assisting with statistical analyses; and two anonymous reviewers for
Authors’ contributions
E.M. participated in the design of the study, carried out expression and
animal experiments, performed the serum analysis and drafted the
manuscript; I.I.H. designed and coordinated the study, helped draft the manuscript and revised the paper; A.B. performed the haemagglutination
inhibition assays; S.M. participated in the mouse experiments and
serum analysis; and E.P.R. conceived the study, made the H5N1 strain selection, participated in the design of the study and in the drafting of the
manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. South African Journal of Science H5N1 influenza DNA vaccine for South Africa References
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Anais do IX Encontro do CELSUL Palhoça, SC, out. 2010 Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina TEXTOS ARGUMENTATIVOS SOB A ÓTICA SOCIODISCURSIVA JEAN-MICHEL ADAM: PRIMEIRAS APROXIMAÇÕES ABSTRACT: The experiment conducted by Adam in the surrounding text types and textual genres are comprehensive enough to show many points of view while relating different lines of research linke
The Rap Sheet Legal News for Law Enforcement in Brevard and Seminole Counties June 2002 Volume XVIII, Issue 1 Message from Once again, I am pleased to provide you with State Attorney this issue of the Rap Sheet devoted to a Norm Wolfinger summary review of the legislation passed during the 2002 regular session of the Florida legislature. I hope that this review w