
PD Dr. med. Chi Wang Ip
Geburtsdatum 28.07.1974
1996-2002 Studium der Humanmedizin an der Universität Hamburg 1999-2002 Medizinische Doktorarbeit zum Thema „Mikroglia unter angeborener und induzierter Immunsuppression: Eine Studie an scid und mdr 1a/1b (-/-) double-knockout Mäusen“ (magna cum laude) Assistenzarzt an der Neurologischen Universitätsklinik Würzburg 2011-2012 Oberarzt der Neurogerontopsychiatrischen Tagesklinik Seit 2013 Oberarzt der Neurologischen Klinik Forschungs-
Rolle von Immunzellen in Modellen der Parkinsonerkrankung Rolle von Immunzellen in genetischen Modellen demyeliniserender Erkrankungen des zentralen und peripheren Nervensystems Professionelle Zusatzqualifikationen:
EMG-Zertifikat der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie Zertifikat „Qualifizierte Botulinumtoxintherapie“ Veröffentlichungen
Ip CW, Kroner A, Bendszus M, Leder C, Kobsar I, Fischer S, Wiendl H, Nave KA, Martini
R. Immune cells contribute to myelin degeneration and axonopathic changes in mice overexpressing proteolipid protein in oligodendrocytes. J Neurosci 2006 26:8206-8216.  Tischner D, Weishaupt A, van den Brandt J, Müller N, Beyersdorf N, Ip CW, Toyka KV,
Hünig T, Gold R, Kerkau T, Reichardt HM. Polyclonal expansion of regulatory T cells interferes with effector cell migration in a model of multiple sclerosis. Brain 2006 129:2635-2647.  Ip CW, Kroner A., Fischer S., Berghoff M., Kobsar I., Maurer M., Martini R. Role of immune
cells in animal models for inherited peripheral neuropathies. Neuromolecular Med 2006 8:175- 190.  Leder C*, Schwab N*, Ip CW*, Kroner A*, Nave KA, Dornmair K, Martini R, Wiendl H.
Clonal expansions of pathogenic CD8+ effector cells in the CNS of myelin mutant mice. Mol Cell Neurosci 2007 36:416-424. *equal contribution  Tischner D, Weishaupt A, van den Brandt J, Ip CW, Kerkau T, Gold R, Reichardt HM.
Antigen therapy of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis selectively induces apoptosis of pathogenic T cells. J Neuroimmunol 2007 183:146-150.  Ip CW, Kroner A, Crocker PR, Nave KA, Martini R. Sialoadhesin deficiency ameliorates
myelin degeneration and axonopathic changes in the CNS of PLP overexpressing mice. Neurobiol Dis 2007 25:105-111.  Ip CW, Kohl B, Kleinschnitz C, Reuss B, Nave KA, Kroner A, Martini R. Origin of CD11b+
macrophage-like cells in the CNS of PLP-overexpressing mice: low influx of haematogenous macrophages and unchanged blood-brain-barrier in the optic nerve. Mol Cell Neurosci 2008 38:489-494.  Kroner A*, Ip CW*, Thalhammer J, Nave KA, Martini R. Ectopic T-cell specificity and
absence of perforin and granzyme B alleviate neural damage in oligodendrocyte mutant mice. Am J Pathol. 2009 Feb;176(2):549-55.  Ip CW, Kroner A, Kohl B, Wessig C, Martini R. Tacrolimus (FK506) causes disease
aggravation in models for inherited peripheral myelinopathies. Neurobiol Dis 2009 33:207-212.  Kroner A, Schwab N, Ip CW, Sommer C, Wessig C, Wiendl H, Martini R. The co-inhibitory
molecule PD-1 modulates disease severity in a model for an inherited, demyelinating neuropathy. Neurobiol Dis 2009 33:96-103.


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Note to Parent/Guardians: To comply with State Law governing the administration of medication at school, the Pendleton County School system requires that all students who need medication during school hours do the following: 1. The parent or legal guardian must sign the written consent form for both non-prescription and prescription medication. (The school does not provide non-prescriptio

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