Table 1. Experts’ Ratings of Mental Health Treatments in Ranked Order 
angel therapy for treatment of mental/behavioral use of pyramids for restoration of energy orgone therapy (use of orgone box or orgone energy accumulator) for treatment of mental/behavioral disorders crystal healing for treatment of mental/behavioral disorders past lives therapy for treatment of mental/behavioral disorders   future lives therapy for treatment of mental/behavioral disorders   treatments for PTSD caused by alien abduction rebirthing therapies for treatment of mental/behavioral disorders   primal scream therapy for treatment of mental/behavioral disorders   chiropractic manipulation for mental/behavioral disorders  Thought Field Therapy for treatment of mental/behavioral disorders   standard prefrontal lobotomy for treatment of mental/  aromatherapy for treatment of mental/behavioral disorders   Erhard Seminar Training for treatment of mental/behavioral age-regression methods for treating adults who may have been sexually cranioscral therapy for treatment of anxiety and depression  preventive intervention for “born criminals”  sexual reorientation/reparative therapy for homosexuality holding therapy for reactive attachment disorder  treatments for mental disorders resulting from Satanic ritual abuse   healing touch (not massage therapy) for treatment of mental/behavioral psychological treatments of schizophrenia based on the schizophrenogenic theory of schizophrenia reparenting therapies for treatment of mental/behavioral disorders Bettelheim model for treatment of childhood autism dolphin-assisted therapy for treatment of developmental disabilities  equine therapy for treatment of eating disorders    Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) for treatment of Psychosynthesis for treatment of mental/behavioral disorders   Scared Straight programs for prevention of conduct disorders and Emotional Freedom Technique for tx of mental/behavioral disorders   DARE programs for prevention of substance abuse/dependence    family therapy for schizophrenia based on the double-bind theory of Jungian sand tray therapy for treatment of adolescent and   Freudian dream analysis for treatment of mental/behavioral disorders  facilitated communication for treatment of autism    bioenergetic therapy for treatment of mental/behavioral disorders  insight-oriented psychotherapies for sex offenders  catharsis/ventilation treatment for anger disorders psychotherapy for the treatment of penis envy marathon encounter groups for treatment of mental/ acupuncture for treatment of mental/behavioral disorders  psychotherapy for castration anxiety   critical incident stress debriefing (CISD) for acute psychosocial therapies for treatment of pedophilia    classical psychoanalysis for removal of Axis I symptoms   Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) for the Moreno’s psychodrama for treatment of mental/behavioral W. R. Bion’s method of group analysis for treatment of mental/ behavioral disorders laughter or humor therapy for treatment of depression thought stopping procedures for ruminations/intrusive worry   Note. Ratings made on a 5-point, Likert-type scale where 1 = Not at All Discredited, 2 = Unlikely Discredited, 3 =
Possibly Discredited, 4 = Probably Discredited, 5 = Certainly Discredited.

From Norcross, J. C., Koocher, G. P., & Garofalo, A. (2006). Discredited psychological treatments and tests: A Delphi poll.
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 37, 515-522. Copyright 2006 by the American Psychological
Association. Reproduced with permission. No further reproduction or distribution is permitted without written permission
from the American Psychological Association.

Table 2.  Experts’ Ratings of Mental Health Tests in Ranked Order 
Lűscher Color Test for personality assessment Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test for assessment of Lowenfeld Mosaic Test for personality assessment Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test for assessment of anatomically detailed dolls or puppets to determine if a child was Blacky test for assessment of children’s personality and pathology Kahn Test of Symbol Arrangement for personality use of Wechsler IQ scale scores for personality assessment Rosenzweig Picture Frustration Study for personality House-Tree-Person for personality assessment Human Figure Drawings for personality assessment Thematic Apperception Test - Thompson modification for personality Rorschach (comprehensive system) to diagnose specific Adult Children of Alcoholic (ACOA) checklists sentence completion tests for personality assessment Myers-Briggs Type Indicator for assessment of personality Thematic Apperception Test for personality assessment Use of IQ scores & discrepancy formulas to identify specific learning disabilities office-based cognitive task assessments for ADHD _____________________________________________________________________________ Note. Ratings made on a 5-point, Likert-type scale where 1 = Not at All Discredited, 2 = Unlikely Discredited, 3 = Possibly Discredited, 4 = Probably Discredited, 5 = Certainly Discredited.
Table 3. Experts’ Ratings of Addiction Treatments in Ranked Order 
Electrical stimulation of the head for alcohol dependence Past-life therapy for alcohol dependence Psychedelic medication for alcohol dependence Ultra-rapid opioid detoxification under anesthesia Neuro-Linguistic Programming for drug and alcohol dependence Scared Straight for prevention of alcohol dependence Scared Straight for prevention of drug abuse Stimulant medications for alcohol dependence DARE programs for prevention of substance abuse Synanon-style boot camps for alcohol dependence Synanon-style boot camps for drug dependence Electrical aversion therapy for alcohol dependence Dopamine precursor for alcohol dependence Chlordiazepoxide for alcohol dependence Videotape self-confrontation for alcohol dependence Auricular acupuncture for cocaine addiction Confrontational counseling for alcohol dependence Dopamine agonist (e.g., apomorphine) for alcohol Anxiolytic medication for alcohol dependence Confrontational interventions for alcohol Acupuncture with low-level electrical stimulation Serotonin precursor for alcohol dependence Non-SSRI antidepressant medication for alcohol Educational lectures and films for alcohol Serotonin agonist for alcohol dependence BAC Discrimination Training for alcohol dependence
Aversive conditioning for drug dependency
Antidipsotropic (calcium carbimide) for alcohol dependence Providing transitory substitute gratifications for treatment of alcohol dependence Nonbehavioral marital therapy for alcohol dependence Insight-oriented psychotherapy for alcohol dependence Recreational therapy for alcohol dependence The Johnson Intervention for substance abuse SSRI antidepressant for alcohol dependence Controlled drinking for alcohol dependence Moderation management/training for alcohol dependence Chemical aversion therapy for alcohol dependence Antidepressant medications for cocaine dependence BAC surveillance for alcohol dependence Relaxation training for alcohol dependence Group process psychotherapy for alcohol dependence Milieu/residential therapy for alcohol dependence 2.26 Antabuse (disulfiram) for alcohol dependence Alcoholics Anonymous for alcohol dependence Twelve-step facilitation for alcohol dependence Note. Ratings made on a 5-point, Likert-type scale where 1 = Not at All Discredited, 2 = Unlikely Discredited,
3 = Possibly Discredited, 4 = Probably Discredited, 5 = Certainly Discredited.
Table 4 (mental health) and Table 5 (addictions) summarize the professional characteristics of the two clinically
experienced and theoretically diverse panels of experts.

Table 4.  Professional Characteristics of the 101 Experts 
Table 5.  Professional Characteristics of the 75 Panelists 
1 For information regarding differences in item ratings as a function of experts’ theoretical orientation, please consult both original


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