Apr marinet board minutes 4.19.2012.docx

MARINet Board
Sausalito City Hall, Friends Book Sale Room Present:
Anji Brenner, Mill Val ey; Abbot Chambers, Sausalito; Frances Gordon, Larkspur; Gary Gorka, Dominican University; Gail Haar, Marin County; Linda Kenton, San Anselmo; Deb Moehrke, MARINet and Jackie Shafer, Belvedere-Tiburon Public Comment Period—No public comment
Introduction of guests—No guests
Approval of minutes from March 15, 2012 meeting
Minutes approved. MSC/ Gordon/Brenner
IV. Topics for future agenda
Old Business
College of Marin report
Haar, Moehrke and Kenton reported that they met with Librarian John Deb has given COM a complete report for costs and processes. Dominican had to leave behind reserve module when they joined Joining in 1-yr is COMs time frame, not ours. Time line—there was a discussion about rushing into it versus waiting. Concern over adding one more thing to Deb's responsibilities since MN is launching Link + and Sierra in the immediate future. John invited MN to hold one of our next meetings at the Indian Valley campus since that is a new library. The Board feels that the May 17 meeting would be preferable at the Kentfield campus to give the Board a
VI. New Business
A. Resolution for temporary funding of Link +
1. MN can pay for Link + in July 2012 but would also have to pay for the next year, which would be June 2012 payment. Deb proposed paying for 13 months, so that we get on a July-July schedule. Deb passed out a handout showing the figures. • Motion was made to adjust payment to pay 13 months this year and starting next year we renew in July. MSC/Brenner/Chambers • The Link + Board agreed to explore working with Accurate as opposed to Tricor for delivery services. Earliest the group can switch is November. We will have Tricor delivery June to November at a much higher cost. The difference in price is unknown partially because they weigh pouches and get a monthly surcharge for • Brenner reported that the Link + Board is a wonderful group, col aborative and respectful. They are very excited that MN is joining. Presentation was done on the results on the year. The public loves the service and well worth the cost. • One of the members raised the issue about weeding and last copy. University libraries were interested in PL discards for social history in 20 years in the future. May have some sort of last copy program in the future. Consensus seems to be that the extra steps for weeding would be too much.
B. Annual Sinking Fund transfer resolution
10% of the budget goes into the sinking fund for new projects every year. Resolution
C. Volume Records task force update
Results are on Thurston and a printed version was handed out.
Action item: Deb needs an estimate from each library about the number of bins used in order
to estimate the cost of supplies for this project.
2. Don't want supply costs to be a block to Libraries participating in the project. Therefore, there was a discussion about MN funding the initial supplies. Team 4. Discussion on the logistics. Deb will cost out hiring an on-call person to embark on 5. Arlington PL has done volume records. Funding Link +
2. Identifying the items in the pouches—Avery label/removable library label. Suggest-- MARINet--MV, MN--SA, MN—MCFL—F, as examples. 3. Figuring out the mechanics/logistics will take some time. 4. Link + will be training staff at the end week of May. 5. Apply percentage formula to surcharge for weight. 6. Supplies will cost somewhere between 3-4K. 7. Link + slips are printed on 8.5 x 11 paper.
Action item: Deb needs to know from each library whether you want to participate in
the visiting patron program. They can do direct loan at each library, lending media.
Deb will send out an email after 4/24 with request for library needs.

E. Other non action items
1. Gail asked if any libraries had purchased 50 Shades of Grey by E.L. James. There are 2. Mill Valley asks patrons, “Would you like to fill out a censorship form?” when they • Approving new membership dues is on the next agenda. • Pro-quest newsstand database is through November. • The question remains for NBC/NBCLS—What are we paying for? Agenda item: NBC—results of next Thursday's meeting. VII Standing items for the agenda
2. Question on printing templates. With each new release, more printing options. 3. Media Management--in cloud or on server? Either. Gary wanted confirmation of 4. Review process for the delivery proposals. Executive committee will review proposals, have pros/cons maybe a recommendation for the group. The executive committee will bring this to the May meeting. 5. IUG—Deb and Dan attended in Chicago. • Attended all meetings about Sierra. Looks very different from Millennium, but similarities exist like F11 key is the same in both. • Don't have to launch separate modules. 100% functionality from Millennium will be in Sierra. Looks more like Encore (facets on the left). • Developing a dashboard. Place to launch Sierra application but also launch reporter trends, write a gadget for patrons that haven't been coded, create lists module in the catalog, etc. • Expect 175 libraries on Sierra by December. 1. They are doing all the work--new db server, link the Millennium server to the db server and begin seeding our db. We setup logins; we will have read only capabilities for 2. MN staff will have to look at logins and initials. Sierra has Users. Create a circ workflow, for excel, but can add extra 3. The Sierra task force will talk about system security. We've had three initials/passwords. Don't migrate old rules but have individual passwords with better security. • Downtime: no gap in adding to Millennium—shows up in Sierra. • Millennium 2012 updates--almost 100% things we wanted. • Encore 5 emphasis on social side--remember me, if you have a hold on the item, it will show you immediately, for example. • Some things in Sierra, not in Millennium: adding an additional field, lots of tracking--who made the change, when item went missing, for example. Database negotiations—no action and table for another meeting.
Correspondence--no correspondence
Topics for Future Agenda
VIII. Announcements
MV—First Friday: Peter Calthorpe speaks on “A Sustainable Future for the Bay Area” on Friday
May 4th, 7pm.
SA—Gearing up for Summer Reading Program and had our successful annual Night of the
BT—Celebrating their 15th anniversary in the building with a lovely tea.
MN—Deb added that Sierra phase 2 will have better Ebook integration.
Sausalito—2013/14 budget is in process and hoping to increase the Children’s librarian to full
time. Great summer program planned with a circus theme. Opera group has been formed and they meet to coincide with the Met simulcasts. Very successful for the first time.
DUC—One Book One Marin culminating event is next Wednesday, 7:00pm at Angelico Hall.
MCFL –Passed fees/fines changes. They are no longer an ordinance with all the rules that
accompany that so it will be easier to make changes in the future. Hoping to break ground on
the remodeling project in 12/13. SRP--new teen librarian is official, part time for Bolinas and increase hours at Bolinas and Stinson for the summer. Board agreed to a new classification for pilot program through June 2013--paraprofessional for a single desk. Library Assistant II will do some circulation duties and programming. 12:00 adjourned. Respectfully submitted by Linda M. Kenton

Source: http://marinet.marin.org/brdminutes/120419boardmin.pdf

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