The message will go a little longer for this week since it is a live speak with multiple
clips. There are fewer small group questions than normal in case you need to cut
them a little short depending on your remaining time. Video Intro / Emcee Welcome Game Worship Video Message Emcee Message Close Announcements Offering Loop Group Discussion Video Teaser / Dismiss Check-Out Extracting spiritual and practical truths from various popular YouTube videos. QUESTIONS ‘‘Warhead Face-off’’
1. How often do you go on YouTube? What is the best video you have seen on
there? Why do you think it’s the best?
This game is meant to help you have fun and break the ice with the kids as we begin
This week is a live YP speak to be done by either the youth pastor on staf or the
Which video did you like most today? Why?
Who will play?
Live speak script is on the document entitled:
Which video did you identify with most? Why?
‘‘Week 1// LOOP Live Speak// Life Online: YouTube’’
What do we need?
4. Which message stuck out to you most? Why?
5. What is one thing God taught you today either through one of the videos or
How do we play?
1. Play the Youtube Warhead Challenge video
3. On your word, have kids put candy in their mouth, but tel them not to make
Read through the chal enge cards and encourage each student to fol ow through and
any kind of ‘‘sour face’’ or pucker their lips at all
complete theirs this week. Remind them to get it signed and bring it back next week.
4. Watch the kids’ faces carefully, if a kid does pucker, they’re out 5. The last kid in your group who remains straight-faced is the winner 6. Let the winner from each group come up to the stage 7. The emcee wil give them 3 warheads each this time, which they must put in
their mouth all at once, again without making a face
8. The kid who can remain straight-faced the longest wil be the ultimate
ORDER OF EXPERIENCE Check-In Countdown Video Intro / Emcee Welcome Worship Video Message Emcee Message Close Announcements Offering Loop Group Discussion Facebook Video Teaser / Dismiss Check-Out Don’t be fake. Be who you are------who God made you to be, and let your real life be consistent with your life QUESTIONS CLOSING SCRIPT ‘‘2 Truths and a Lie’’
1. Why do you think Facebook is so popular?
I know a lot of you don’t have Facebook yet but I’m sure that at some point you wil
have an account. As you begin to engage in social media like Facebook, Twitter,
The purpose of this game is to demonstrate that just because someone says
2. Do you know of anyone who has Facebook? Why do you think they use it?
Instagram, and texting, it’s important for you to remember that these things aren’t
something convincingly, it may stil not be true!
by themselves good or bad. They are total y neutral. They are tools to use. But the
Who will play?
3. From what you understand, what is the purpose of Facebook?
moment we start to use them they are no longer neutral because we wil either use
them for good things like connecting up with friends or encouraging people, or we
4. What ways can Facebook be used for good and what ways can it be used for
wil use them for bad like making fun of people or letting everyone know what we
What do we need?
5. What stood out to you from the message today?
I hope you will use it for good. And as we talk about Facebook today, the thing that I
How do we play?
want you to take away from it is to be you when you use it. It can be used to make
6. Would you say people know the real you? Why or why not?
our profiles be whoever we want them to be. I hope that when you do use Facebook
1. Have each kid say 2 things about themselves that are true and one thing that’s
you wil convey the real you to others, and that people wil see how God is using you
completely made up (for example: I’m an only child, I’ve been to 3 continents,
7. Open up your Bible or Bible app to Matthew 23:25-26 and read it out loud
and moving in your life-----including your LIFE ONLINE.
and I have 11 toes). You may want to go first to give the kids an idea of how
2. Have the other kids in the group try to guess which statement was the lie.
8. What do you think this verse means and is talking about?
3. After you’ve had a chance for everyone in your group to play, pick 2 truths and
a lie that represent 2 actual truths about some (or all) the people in your
Read through the chal enge cards and encourage each student to fol ow through and
4. The emcee should have each group go up to the stage one by one to present
complete theirs this week. Remind them to get it signed and bring it back next week.
their col ective truths and lie to everyone.
5. Have everyone from the audience try to guess what the lie from each group is.
1. ‘‘Not gonna lie, just ate a ___________________ for lunch. #indigestion’’ (scary animal)
Video Intro / Emcee Welcome
2. ‘‘My teacher got a new haircut. He looks just like _____________. #strange.’’
(character from a creepy book or movie) 3. ‘‘Anyone have an old __________ I could borrow? Need it for science. #homework’’
4. ‘‘My dad just dropped a ___________ on his favorite _____________. #yikes’’
Video Message
(heavy object) (girly collectible item)
Emcee Message Close
5. ‘‘On my way to __________ to buy some ____________. #needmoresupplies’’ (far away place) (strange objects)
6. ‘‘Going to grandma’s for her famous ___________. Gonna eat it all! #gramgram’’
Offering Loop Group Discussion
7. ‘‘I put my ________ in a ________ for a bit. Need some peace & quiet. #metime’’ (family member) (small place or thing)
Video Teaser / Dismiss
8. ‘‘I would seriously pay $_____ for a glass of_____________ right now. #thirsty’’
Twitter/Texting Check-Out
9. ‘‘Just saw _______ walking down the street, so I shouted, ‘_______!’ #awkward’’
10. ‘‘Feeling a little bit ________ since I got my ________ back. #misseditsomuch’’ (emotion)
You have the loudest voice in the history of the world. Your words have the power to help or to hurt. QUESTIONS CLOSING SCRIPT ‘‘Mad Tweets’’
1. Are you big into texting? Why or why not?
Texting has almost become more popular than just cal ing people. How many of you
tend to text instead of cal people? How many of you prefer the old fashioned way of
This is a Twitter-style variation of Mad-Libs. The purpose is to show the kids that
2. Why do you think a lot of people prefer to text instead of just talk on the phone?
just picking up the phone and cal ing people?
Who will play?
3. Do you know of anyone who has Twitter? Why do you think they use it?
We’ve lumped together texting and Twitter because they are both essential y about
taking your thoughts, ideas, and words and communicating them out to others.
4. From what you understand, what is the purpose of Twitter?
What do we need?
Proverbs 18:21 says: The tongue has the power of life and death…
5. What ways can Twitter and texting be used for good and what ways can they be
Proverbs 12:18 says: Careless words stab like a sword, but wise words bring healing. How do we play?
6. On a scale of 1-10 (1=not at all, 10=all the time) how much do you encourage
As you continue to text others and as you may one day find yourself on Twitter just
1. Ask for a word to fill in the blanks on your Tweet-Sheet.
and use kind words with people? Why did you choose that number?
remember those verses. Let your words, texts, and Tweets be encouraging, uplifting,
2. Fill in all the blanks, then read back the crazy tweets.
and healing to people. Our words have a lot of power. With the ability to have a life
3. Ask the kids if the words they chose created any surprises, any laughs,
7. Are you ok with that number? Why or why not?
online, we can influence a lot of people out there with our words in a single moment.
4. Remind kids that words do have power. Read them these 2 versions of a Mad-
8. Open up your Bible or Bible app to Proverbs 18:21 and Proverbs 12:18 and
So may your words be encouraging to others. May they be used to help heal those
who are hurting. May they ultimately glorify God. May your words breathe life
‘‘Today I am totally ignoring my mom. #Goodtimes’’
‘‘Today I am totally understanding my mom. #Goodtimes’’
5. Remind kids to be careful to build others up with their words. You never know
who may be listening to, or reading them.
10. What ways can you your words, what you text, and maybe eventually what you
6. If you have time, the emcee can ask each group to read their funniest Mad-
Tweet out to encourage, bring life, and help heal outers in your life?
Read through the chal enge cards and encourage each student to fol ow through and complete theirs this week. Remind them to get it signed and bring it back next week.
You ever had a dream where you showed up to school in your underpants
Video Intro / Emcee Welcome
You wish you could be Justin Bieber Have a sibling
You have ever had a loved one get very sick or pass away
Video Message Emcee Message Close Announcements Offering
You have had to change schools more than once
Loop Group Discussion Video Teaser / Dismiss
If LifeChurch is the first church you have ever been to
Instagram Check-Out
You were ever afraid your parents would forget to pick you up from somewhere like the store or school
You have ever had a crush on a movie star
God intended our lives and experiences to be shared with others.
You sometimes feel like life gets too hard You want to grow in your relationship with God
So Instagram is probably the least popular social media site at this point, but it is the
1. What is one of your favorite moments or experiences of your life? Tel about it.
The purpose of this game is to show kids that they’re not alone in their lives’ joys and
2. If you could take a picture to share it with everyone what would it be and why?
The reason Instagram is getting so popular is because it al ows us to capture our
Who will play?
experiences in pictures and share these images with others who aren’t even there.
3. Do you know of anyone who has and uses Instagram? Why do you think they use
You could be at the top of Mount Everest, take a picture there, put it up on Instagram,
What do we need?
and moments later your friends at home can see what you are experiencing. It’s like
4. From what you understand, what is the purpose of Instagram?
Nothing! Just read the questions on the back under ‘‘Leader’s Notes.’’
How do we play?
5. What ways can Instagram be used for good and what ways can it be used for
Instagram al ows us to do and experience life together without ever being together.
Now just remember that noting beats actual y being together with someone and
1. The emcee wil ask everyone to sit down and listen to the statements he or she
doing things together. But Instagram is a great thing when you can’t be with them.
6. Open up your Bible or Bible app to Genesis 2:7-9 and then Genesis 2:18-22
2. Have the kids stand up if the statement read is true for them.
This is what God intended for us since the very beginning of human existence when
3. Have them sit down after you finish each statement, and begin again for each
He told Adam that it is not good for man to be alone. God desires for us to be in
7. Why do you think God said it is not good for man to be alone?
relationship with others and do life together, even life online.
4. Tell them that some of the statements wil be fun, and some of them may be
more dif icult to answer truthful y, but encourage them to be honest. Tell
8. What are ways we can share real life together, and what are some ways we can
them they may be surprised to see that many people in the room have shared
Read through the chal enge cards and encourage each student to fol ow through and complete theirs this week. Remind them to get it signed and bring it back next week.
INT. J. IMMUNOTHERAPY XIX(2-4) 41-45 (2003)UKRAIN IN THE TREATMENT OF PROSTATE CANCER PATIENTSVilla Medica Clinic, Edenkoben, Germany. Summary: Ukrain is a semisynthetic drug with high anticancer activity. A total of 74 patients with different stagesof prostate cancer were treated in our clinic during the period from September 1997 to January 2003. In allpatients, metastases into bones and lymp
Metabolism Clinical and Experimental 54 (2005) 657 – 668Cortitrol supplementation reduces serum cortisolWilliam J. KraemerT, Duncan N. French, Barry A. Spiering, Jeff S. Volek,Matthew J. Sharman, Nicholas A. Ratamess, Daniel A. Judelson,Ricardo Silvestre, Greig Watson, Ana Go´mez, Carl M. MareshHuman Performance Laboratory, Department of Kinesiology andDepartment of Physiology and Neu