
Medication and Supplies Wish list for Donors
Updated July 2011
The clinic utilizes a comprehensive list of medications that are consistent with the published Burma Border Guidelines. The list below consists of items that are considered of high priority to the clinic and its patients. Most of these items can be purchased in Thailand, and usually at a significantly lower price than in western markets. For this reason, if a monetary donation is possible, it is preferred as it is the most cost effective method. For those wishing to make a direct medication/supplies donation, this list can be used as a guideline. It should be noted that shipping medication/supplies into Thailand is often a complicated process, with many medications denied at customs, and new supplies stamped with a large ‘value added tax’ which must be paid by the clinic in order to receive the shipment. The best method for donating medication/supplies is carrying them on-person when travelling into the country.
Note for Medical Donations:
What do we do with your donation?
First we check it in terms of generic name, shelf life, usefulness for our patients, quality and
quantity. Then we record the selected drugs and distribute them to the appropriate departments.
We try to follow the World Health Organisation guidelines for dealing with donations. For your information, here are some of the key points from these guidelines (for more detailed information go to: www.who.org Essential Drugs and Guidelines for Drug Donation WHO/DAP/96.2)  Maximum benefit to the recipient Respect of wishes and authority of the recipient No double standards in quality Effective communication between donor and recipient What is the most helpful and happy donation?  Drugs from the essential drug list or from an expressed need Labelled in English With a shelf-life of at least 6-12 months In the original whole package In large quantities Given with a list of drugs donated Antibiotics
Alone and in combination with corticosteroids Antivirals
(clotrimazole 1% etc.)Vaginal antifungal cream Antihyperten Clonidine
(Esomeprazole, Omeprazole etc.)Ranitidine Diuretics
Gentamicin, Neosporin/Polymyxin B)Antibiotic eye drops/steroid Antipsychotic Haloperidol

Antimalarials Artesunate
 Airway (adult/child) Blood Pressure Cups Child Drip Set (20ml tube) Chart Holders Dental Instruments Digital Thermometers Elastic Bandages 2", 4”and 6" Emergency Lights Fetoscopes Glucose/Protein Test for Urine: Cybow, Urinalysis Multistix Glucose Test for blood (strips and machine): One Touch Sure Step, Accu-Chek Advantage II HCG Test Heparin caps Heparin caps – three ways IV cannula size 18, 20, 22, 24 Luer locks for IV Cannula MVA Sets Nasogastric Tubes for adults and children Nebuliser Sets Otoscopes Oxygen Masks for Nebulisers for adults and children Oxygen Masks and Nasal Cannula for adults and children Pen Torches Scale to measure dry powder Single Use Masks Spacers/aerochambers for inhalers – adult and child Spinal needle 20G Spotlights  Sterile Gauze, dressings and dressing packs Sterile Gloves – size 6, 7, 7.5 Stethoscope (Littmann Quality) Sphygmomanometer (bag) pediatric Sutures: absorbable with cutting needles size 0/0, 1/0, 2/0, 3/0 Syringes 0.5cc, 1cc, 30cc, 60cc Tourniquets Tendon Hammers Wheelchairs LAB SUPPLIES
 Disc A Disc B Glass slides Pasteur pipettes Pipette aids (rubber bulbs or battery operated pipette fillers) Special 0.004 slide Test tubes (glass or disposable plastic) EYE CLINIC SUPPLIES
 Eyelid openers (clip) Stand for hanging IV fluids – 1 requested Small stand tablet for instrument – 1 requested MEDICAL EQUIPMENT
For the following machines, it would be best if they were purchased in Thailand. If something
should go wrong, we may not be able to do repairs and maintenance with machinery from overseas.
There also may be differences in voltage so that machines from overseas may not be compatible
with Thailand’s electrical system.
 Hematocrit centrifuge Opthalmoscope Retinoscope Refractometer Lovibond reader Microscope CX21 Nebuliser Machine Regulator for oxygen tank Suction Machine DENTAL SUPPLIES
 Benzocaine 20% gel Forceps for Dental Extraction Forceps for dental filling Fine hybrid composite – light-curing universal (dental filling) PUBLICATIONS – most recent editions preferred
 Clinical Methods Handbooks (History Taking and Physical Examination) Obstetric picture books Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine  Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine Pharmacology and Medicines books The Merck Manual

Source: http://www.khwekabaung.org/wp-content/uploads/pdf/MTC%20Medical%20Wishlist%202011.pdf


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IDENTIFICATION OF PREPARATION NIPPON ANT KILLER POWDER Packaging: 150, 300 and 500 g HDPE "puffer" packs AND COMPANY Vitax Ltd, Owen Street, Coalville LE67 3DE Tel: 01530 510060 COMPOSITION Dustable powder containing permethrin (0.5%) on a talc base. INGREDIENT % w/w CLASSIFICATION CAS NO EC NO Permethrin 0.488 Xn N; R20/22, 43, 50/53 52645-53-1 258-067-9

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