Malaria in Children, Prospects and Challenges
1Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran 2School of Public Health and Health Sciences Research Center, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran 3Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, UK ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Article type:
Malaria is still the number one killer especially among the young children
and is responsible for one death per minute in the world. Overall, between
250-500 million cases of the disease occur worldwide causing more than
one million deaths annually about 90% of which in children under five
years of age. Although the spread of the disease is worldwide but it is seen
mostly in tropical and subtropical regions of all continents and is more so
in sub-Saharan Africa. Five parasite species transmitted by more than 70
potent Anopheles mosquito vectors are responsible for the occurrence of
the disease and its spread. There have beenseveral approaches for malaria
diagnosis, management and prevention as a whole and in children (as the
most vulnerable group) in particular with various degrees of success. In
this context works undertaken by international organizations such as Roll Back Malaria, Global Fund, UNICEF, as well as None for Profit international agencies and also at the national levels are promising in malaria control. However, drug and insecticide resistance, constraints in access to health care, poverty and the like are among the main challenges ahead. In this review paper the situation of malaria and its management
measures with especial reference to children are discussed.
Introduction Malaria is still the most important infectious
Africa where the majority of the cases (more
disease in the world, inflicting 250-500 million
than 90%) are composed of children aged 6
people claiming the lives of about one million.
months to 5 years.1, 3 Children are considered as
one of the main vulnerable groups as they are
population lives in countries where the disease
naive immunologically for malaria parasite
is endemic, and almost every country in the
world encounters imported malaria.1, 2 More
than 90% of the cases occur in Sub-Saharan
cause as many as 10% of all deaths in children.1
*Corresponding Author: AhmadaliEnayati, Professor, PhD of Medical Entomology Mailing Address: Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology, Moallem Sq. Moallem St. Sari, Mazandaran Province, Iran Tel: +98 151 3257230 Fax: +98 151 3261244 Email: [email protected]Malaria in Children, Prospects and Challenges Burden of Malaria
stage in 2010, and adopted a nation-wide
In 1900, more than 77% of the world population
in 140 countries were at risk of malaria5 and the
mortality rate at the time was 19.4 per 10,000
Malaria in Mazandaran
population. In Africa, the infant malaria specific
Malaria in Mazandaran is under control since
mortality rate was 9.5 per 1000 prior to 1960 6,
the end of the GMEC in 1967.8, 10 The total
though this statistics dramatically reduced to
number of cases from 1997 to 2012 was 844, of
which 822 P. vivax, 16 P. falciparum and 1 P.
malaria. Of 844 cases, 641 were imported.
published in 2011, there were 655,000 malaria
Unlike the usual trend, the majority of the cases
deaths worldwide in 2010, compared to 781,000
are adults. Babulsar and Tonekabon followed
in 2009.1 It has been estimated that 91% of
by Amol reported the highest number of the
deaths in 2010 were in the African Region,
followed by the South-East Asia (6%) and
There are many reasons why the situation of
Eastern Mediterranean Regions (3%). About
malaria in the south and north being more or
86% of deaths globally were in children under 5
less the same before the GMEC, are now so
years of age.1 However, in a recent research, it
different. They include: higher number of more
potent Anopheles species often with multi
organization(WHO) estimate was in fact an
insecticide resistance in the south compared
underestimation and it is closer to reality that
with the north; presence of more potent drug
1.24 million people died from malaria in 2010.2
resistant P. falciparum only in the south;
Malaria in Iran
socioeconomic and cultural characteristics of
There are eight Anopheles species transmitting
the two regions (this has a direct impact on the
the disease in Iran the most important of which
are An. stephensi and An. culicifacious. The
efforts); lack of adequate public health
most frequent parasites are P. Vivax and P.
infrastructure and access to health care; longer
Falciparum leaving the third species, P.
transmission season; border problem with
Malaria, consisting only 3-4%.8 The situation of
endemic areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan.8
malaria in Iran before the Global Malaria
Malaria transmission
except the deserts, all areas were endemic with
Mosquito bite
high annual incidence.8 However, after the
The disease is exclusively transmitted through
campaign, the disease has been marginalized to
the bite of female Anopheles mosquitoes that
the southern and more so to the south eastern
occurs between dusk and down. More than 400
parts of the country. The number of cases in
species of Anopheles exist in the world but only
Iran was about 100 thousand a decade ago, but
about 70 species are vectors and only 30 of
it has dropped since and reached under 10
which are more important and potent.11 After
thousand in recent years.9 The total number of
confirmed cases in 2010 was 3031 of which
1847 were locally acquired and 1184 were
imported cases.1 Iran moved to the elimination
gametocytes. Upon taking a blood meal from a patient
mosquito acquires these sexual forms and plays
host to the sexual stage of the plasmodial life
predominant species in Africa, central America,
cycle. After 10-12 days and completing the
Indian Subcontinent, and southeast Asia, P.
sporogony, sporozoites are transmitted to a new
human host through an infectious bite of a
region, Bangladesh, Central America, India,
Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, P. malaria predominate
in Southeast Asia, South America, and Oceania,
Blood transfusion
P. ovale and P. knowlesi (the least common
Blood transfusion is also a relatively important
species) are transmitted primarily in Africa.19,4
route especially in malarious areas. In these
Most malaria cases acquired in Africa are due
to P. falciparum. P. vivax dominates in Asia
allows donors to have parasitemia without any
fever or other clinical manifestations 14. In this
In Iran, P. falciparum dominates in the south
case, transmission is by merozoites, which do
plus P. vivax and P. malariae malaria, while P.
not enter the liver cells, hence curing the acute
vivax is the only parasite species in the north.8
attack results in complete cure due to the lack of
Malaria symptoms Congenital malaria
erythrocyticshizogony period and also the first
Prenatal or perinatal transmission of malaria
round of erythrocyticshizogony. This period
from a nonimmune mother to the fetus or baby
depends on the species of the parasite and is
is called congenital malaria. It may cause
usually 9-14 days for P. falciparum, 12-17 days
abortions, miscarriages, stillbirths, premature
for P. vivax, 16-18 days for P. ovale, and 18-40
births, intrauterine growth retardation, and
days for P. malariae. The classical clinical
neonatal deaths. The signs or symptoms usually
manifestations of malaria include shiver and
occurring a couple of weeks after birth include
chill for about one hour followed by a period of
fever, restlessness, drowsiness, pallor, jaundice,
about 6 hours of high temperature coupled with
poor feeding, vomiting, diarrhea, cyanosis, and
flushed skin, headache, body ache, fatigue,
nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and a final phase
Cryptic malaria
hours.4Spleenomegaly, hepatomegaly, jaundice,
The category of cryptic malaria includes cases
anemia, thrombocytopenia, acute kidney failure
identified. Airport malaria, one kind of cryptic
important symptoms of malaria. The patient
malaria, occurs in proximity to international
feels relatively well between the episodes of the
Other routs of malaria transmission
The periodicity of malarial fever and other
Malaria also can be transmitted through the use
symptoms depends on the time required for the
erythrocyticshizogonyand is definite for each
transplantation is another malarial transmission
species. P. malariae needs 72 hours for each
cycle, hence the name quartan malaria (three
days without high fever followed by one day
Malaria parasitology
showing the symptoms). P. vivax and P. ovale
There are five species of malaria parasites
take 48 hours for one cycle and cause fever
every two days (tertian malaria). P. falciparum
Malaria in Children, Prospects and Challenges
and P. knowlesi require only 24 h for their
Rapid test
cycles to complete; hence the patient feels the
Immunochromatographic tests based on the
symptoms every other day.12 However, in case
capture of the parasite antigens from the
of mixed infection and also the parasites not
peripheral blood using either monoclonal or
being synchronized, this periodicity may not be
polyclonal antibodies against the parasite
antigen targets have been developed in the last
decade to facilitate the diagnosis of malaria
Severe malaria
where proper microscopy is not possible and
Although there is not a gold standard for the
basic laboratory materials and equipments are
definition of severe malaria, it is considered
severe if the following WHO criteria are
immunochromatographic tests can target the
present: Impaired consciousness, prostration,
histidine-rich protein 2 of P. falciparum, a pan-
respiratory distress, multiple seizures, jaundice,
malarial Plasmodium aldolase, and the parasite
hemoglobinuria, abnormal bleeding, severe
anemia, circulatory collapse and pulmonary
edema.4 The criteria in children emphasize
Antibody detection
more on consciousness, severe anemia, and
Malaria antibodies have limited value in
respiratory distress.20 Malaria caused by P.
diagnosing malaria in individual patients. That
vivax is usually mild and rarely life threatening
may have a role in the diagnosis of hyperactive
compared with P. falciparum , however recent
reports suggest that in some areas of Indonesia
Differential diagnosis
P. falciparum mainly due to severe anemia and
Due to the nature of the signs and symptoms of
malaria, the differential diagnosis of malaria
includes viral infections such as influenza and
Malaria Diagnosis Classic method
The gold standard of malaria diagnosis is by
microscopic examination of Giemsa-stained
Schistosomiasis, Acute MyelocyticLeukemia,
thick or thin smear of peripheral blood despite
leptospirosis, tuberculosis, relapsing fever,
typhoid fever and yellow fever. 25, 28,4 There is
techniques.12, 22 Thick smear allows scanning
also considerable clinical overlap between
large number of erythrocytes for a rapid
septicaemia, pneumonia and severe malaria. As
diagnosis of infection and thin smear helps in
it is often impossible to rule out septicaemia in
establishing the species of the parasite.4
a shocked or severely ill obtunded child, where
Polymerase Chain Reaction
possible, blood should always be taken on
Although morphologically distinguishable, PCR
admission for culture, and if there is any doubt,
strategies have been developed to diagnose P.
empirical antibiotic treatment should be started
knowlesi and P. malariaecannot be diagnosed
morphologically, therefore, polymerase chain
Complications of malaria in children
The most common complications in children
are severe anemia.29,30 impaired consciousness (including
distress (due to metabolic acidosis) 32, 33,
treated netting, it would not exceed the
multiple seizures34-36, Black Water Fever and
jaundice 37 leading to poor prognosis. 3839In any
case, it does not justify the underestimation of
should be used properly and in the right time
the risks posed by P. vivax as new case studies
and place. In doing so, bednets should be
revealed that this latter is not far behind the
tucked in under the mattress, vulnerable groups
former in causing severe malaria especially in
especially children should be under the bednets
early in the night and care must be taken to
avoid contact of bare arms and legs to the nets
Malaria management
as mosquitoes can blood feed from them against
Malaria can be prevented and once contracted
should be treated1 and in fact treatment of the
disease is also a method of prevention as it
prevents the mosquitoes to get infected while
Different chemicals such as Diethyl-meta-
blood feeding from the ill individual.42
toluamide(DEET)in formulations like spray,
cream, lotion and fumigants are commercially
Vector Control
available to be used personally to keep the
Applying indoor residual spraying (IRS) and
mosquitoes away. Application of every 3-4
distribution of long lasting insecticide treated
hours of any formulation of DEET less than
bednets (LLINs) are generally applicable for
40% to exposed areas of skin except eyes and
mouth is recommended. In infants, hands are
a) Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS)
frequently put in mouth, so they are not to be
IRS is defined as the application of stable
formulations of insecticides on the inside of
houses to kill mosquitoes that come in contact
Chemoprophylaxis intermittent presumptive therapy
Application of non-residual formulations like
aerosols in houses especially children’s
presumptive therapy (IPT) are available to
bedrooms before retiring at night is also
control malaria.61-63 Chemoprophylaxis, which
recommended for temporary malaria control.45,
is defined as subtherapeutic doses of an
46 It is recommended to apply the spray well
antimalarial drug, and IPT, the use of full
before the children are put in the room to sleep
treatment doses of drugs given at a few pre-
specified time points are chemoprevention
b) Insecticide treated nets (ITNs)
methods available. IPT is given to pregnant
Although untreated bednets have been used for
women and is being considered for infants and
mosquitoes nuisance as well as malaria control,
children in areas of high transmission where
11, 47-54 but ITNs are far more effective than
many will be infected.3 The drugs used for the
untreated nets in reducing malaria especially in
chemoprophylaxis of malaria are given in Table
children less than 5 years of age.47Pyrethroids
are the insecticides of choice for treatment due
to their low mammalian toxicity. They are
extremely safe for household use and even if an
There are several different categories of drugs
infant chews a relatively large area of the
for malaria treatment including those with
Malaria in Children, Prospects and Challenges
blood schizontocidal effects e.gchloroquine and
resulting in low-birth weight which contributes
amodiaquine, and primaquine with gametocidal
substantially to child deaths.77 As vulnerable
effect as well as activity against hypnozoites. 40,
groups, young children (under 5 years) and
pregnant women should be at the centre of
The artemisinin- derivative drugs such as
malaria control programmes in highly endemic
artemether, arteether and artesunate have
recently been commercialized 68 and used in
Development of an effective malaria vaccine
effectiveness in combination with other classic
has been a longstanding but difficult objective.
antimalarials is documented by several studies
There are three parasite stages targeted by
Malaria treatment in Iran
including a) pre-erythrocytic vaccines which
Based on the WHO recommended treatment for
target the sporozoites to prevent them from
malaria, IranianCenters for Disease Control and
invading hepatocytes (neutralizing antibody) or
Prevention (CDC) issues and updates guidelines
to destroy them once inside the hepatocytes 78,
for malaria treatment is summarized in Table 2.
b) Blood stage vaccines which inactivate the
Information is given for pediatrics malaria
merozoites during the relatively short time that
they are in the blood stream, or target malaria
Malaria immunity
antigens expressed on the surface of red blood
Although incomplete, immunity acquired by
cells 78-80, c) Transmission-blocking vaccines
which prevent from the sexual stage of the
especially in endemic and hyperendemic areas
parasite 81 and d) Anti P. vivax malaria vaccine
may prevent severe disease but still allowing
with only two vaccine candidates being tested
future infection. Individuals with sickle cell
The 1st malaria vaccine to have any degree of
erythrocytes lacking Duffy blood group antigen
efficacy is the RTS'S vaccine, which is based on
are resistant to P. vivax, and erythrocytes
the circumsporozoite protein of P. falciparum.
containing hemoglobin F (fetal hemoglobin) are
In various clinical trials, this vaccine has shown
resistant to P. falciparum. The latter plus the
an efficacy of 26-56% against uncomplicated
passive maternal antibody, are the reasons why
malaria and 38-50% against severe malaria in
newborns rarely become ill with malaria in
young children in malaria endemic areas in
hyperendemic areas.75 Children 3 mo to 2-5 yr
periods as long as 45 mo after vaccination. The
of age have little specific immunity to malaria
vaccine is now in large phase III trials. 4, 83, 84
species and therefore the disease takes most of
Prospects of malaria control
hyperendemic areas. Immunity is subsequently
Roll Back Malaria (RBM) Partnership
acquired, and severe cases of malaria become
less common.4In areas of intense malaria
1998, with the goal of halving malaria deaths by
transmission, most cases of severe malarial
2010, and halving it again by 2015 by a)
anemia and deaths occur in infants and young
strengthening the aggressive control of malaria
children because of their exposure and lack of
in its heartland, b) shrinking the malaria map
immunity.3, 76 In stable transmission areas, the
major effect is malaria-related anemia in the
continue researching and developing new tools,
mother and presence of parasites in the placenta
insecticides, and eventually a vaccine.85, 86
Beyond 2015:Malaria mortality stays near zero
International organizations such as the WHO,
through universal coverage for all populations
at risk, and countries currently in the pre-
international donors plus 20 African Heads of
elimination stage will achieve elimination.91
State in Abuja, Nigeria in April 2000 pledged
Bill and Mellinda Gates Foundation and
malaria control.86, 87 Although this was an
Innovative Consortium
enthusiastic programme, in practice adequate
resources has not gone through the plan of
Like several other international charitable and
non-for-profit organization, IVCC sponsored by
committed to research and development in
Millennium Development Goals
malaria control aiming at producing new tools
This covers a whole host of different goals
like LLINs, new insecticide molecules as well
including malaria. Target 6C indicates that
as a front for malaria vaccine among other
malaria transmission should be halted by 2015
and begun to reverse the incidence of malaria
and other major diseases. 88, 89 Management of
Member States Commitment to Malaria
other diseases such as HIV by providing NNRT
drugs reduced the incidence and recurrence of
The 23 countries of the Eastern Mediterranean
malaria.90 Based on WHO world malaria report
Region are in various stages of malaria control:
in 2011, there were 655 000 malaria deaths
worldwide in 2010, compared to 7,81,000 in
transmission and are in the control stage
2009.1 However in a recent research it was
revealed that 1.24 million people died from
countries with geographically limited malaria
transmission are in the elimination stage (the
Global Malaria Action Plan
Islamic Republic of Iran, and Saudi Arabia).
By 2010, 80% of people at risk from malaria
Egypt, Oman and the Syrian Arab Republic are
should use locally appropriate vector control
in the prevention of reintroduction stage and the
malaria patients should be diagnosed and
treated with effective anti-malarial treatments;
Challenges Facing Malaria Control Drug resistance
reduced by 50% from 2000 levels: to less than
Chloroquine resistance was first reported in P.
175-250 million cases and 500,000 deaths
falciparum from Colombia and Thailand in
By 2015: through universal coverage with
effectiveness in many high-transmission areas
effective interventions, global and national
in 1980s. Latter resistance extended to other
mortality is near zero and global incidence is
reduced to less than 85-125 million cases per
pyrimethamine.94 As a result, artemisinin
year; the incidence is halted and begun to
derivatives have been introduced in recent years
but the first cases of artemisinin resistance have already been reported in Cambodia.95, 96
Malaria in Children, Prospects and Challenges
The consequence of these situations are lack of
Insecticide resistance
health infrastructure, modifications in the
The phenomenon is caused by several different
ecological conditions that may result in changes
mechanisms including biochemical or site
in the populations and behavior of vectors
qualitatively or quantitatively different enzymes
immunity level and the physical, physiological
that detoxify insecticide molecules 97 or
and immunity vigor of the people especially
children, which make individuals especially
molecules so that they are no longer susceptible
children and even more so girls more prone to
to them.98 As pyrethroid insecticides are the
only group available for ITNs and LLINs,
pyrethroid resistance has particularly different
Community resistance
impacts on the personal protection provided by
In many societies interventions such as IRS,
ITNs and IPT face resistance for different
reasons. IRS especially after several years of
Mobile population
operation, is not welcome as it requires
Mobile populations usually live in temporary
preparations in the houses, it may alter the color
shelters where mosquitoes may enter readily. In
of the walls and also has bad smell. ITNs may
these situations, personal protection is of high
not be accepted as they may block the free air
importance especially for more vulnerable
stream which is a problem in tropical weather.
groups like pregnant women and children.107-109
IPT may not be accepted due to fear of side
effects.111 Though behaviors like feeling
obliged for receiving health care such as
Displaced people are at higher risk of a whole
vaccine may pave the way for implementing
host of infectious diseases including malaria as
the health infrastructure is no longer present and
the means of malaria protection may not be
Access to healthcare and socioeconomic
vulnerable to diseases as the situation may
In many regions of the world populations in
remote areas lack adequate access to healthcare
physiological and immunity vigor.107-109
as communities are small and scattered and
appropriate road is lacking.112 Another problem
Border malaria
is gradual transition from free healthcare to
Being neighbor to malaria endemic countries
more private sector healthcare which seeks
and cross-border malaria is a challenge in
community partnership. Poverty is another issue
malaria management. Iran has common borders
113-115 and most communities resist this
with Afghanistan and Pakistan in the east and
privatization by not acquisition of the care
with several Persian Gulf states in the south
owing to their economic status.116 Literacy level
which makes the country vulnerable to border
is a major determinant in seeking healthcare.117
malaria through immigrants (mostly illegal)
crossing the border. The parasites they carry are
Forest malaria
often resistant to most antimalarial drugs. 8
Forest malaria dominates in many parts of
Southeast Asia, Africa, and South America and
Disasters and civil unrest
is more difficult to control than non-forest
Table 1. drugs used for the chemoprophylaxis of malaria Drug Pediatric dose Comments
Begin 1-2 days before travel to malarious
areas. Take daily at the same time each day
while in the malarious area and for 7 days
after leaving such areas. Contraindicated in
(creatinine clearance <30 mL/minute).
>30-40 kg: 3 ped tab/day >40 kg: 1 adult tablet daily
Begin 1-2 weeks before travel to malarious
areas. Take weekly on the same day of the
week while in themalarious area and for 4
Begin 1-2 days before travel to malarious
day while in the malarious area and for 4
weeks after leaving such areas. Contraindicated in children <8 years of age and pregnant women.
Begin 1-2 weeks before travel to malarious
areas. Take weekly on the same day of the
week while in the malarious area and for 4
Begin 1-2 weeks before travel to malarious
tablet once/week; >31-45 kg: ¾ tablet once/week; 45 kg: 1 tablet once/week
salt) up to adult dose orally, areas. Take daily at same time each day
while in malarious area and for 7 days after
persons with G6PDa deficiency, and during
pregnancyand lactation unless the infant being breastfed has documented normal G6PD level.
salt) up to adult dose orally, prolonged exposure to P. vivax and P.
ovale or both. Contraindicated in persons
lactation unless the infant being breastfed
Malaria in Children, Prospects and Challenges
malaria. The vectors are often partially or
in16 out of 64 provinces, in Bel´em, Par´a, a
forest fringe area of Brazil, in the forested areas
notnormally enter houses protected by IRS or
of equatorial Africa, in Thailand, Cambodia,
LLINs. The situation particularly in India,
with54 million population involved, in Vietnam
Table 2. Iranian CDC guideline for pediatric malaria treatment Clinical diagnosis/species Drug resistance status Pediatric dose
Day 1: 10 mg/kg Day 2: 10 mg/kg Day 3: 5 mg/kg Primaquine: 0.25 mg/kg/day for 14 days Or 0.75 mg/kg/week for 8 weeks
Day 1: Artesunate 4 mg/kg plus fansidar 25
Day 2: Artesunate 4 mg/kg Day 3: Artesunate 4 mg/kg
Day 2: 10 mg/kg Day 3: 5 mg/kg plus Primaquine 0.75 mg/kg
25-35 kg: 3 tabs po bid for 3 days >35 kg: 4 tabs po bid for 3 days
Plus Clindamycin 10 mg/kg did for 7 days
treatment failure) Severe falciparum malaria
Quinin 15 mg/kg first IV dose followed by 10 mg/kg tid for 3 days
Artesunate 2.4 mg/kg every 12 hours for three doses followed by once daily for 3 days
management of the disease have dramatically
There have been several ups and downs to
malaria management since its discovery in the
early 20th century. Major successes were in the
sanitation period in the middle of the 20th
behavioral issues, the prospect of malaria
century followed by the GMEC in the 60s and
management is promising through scientific
discoveries of new tools and techniques in
malaria management, international cooperation
international organizations. During the years,
and community participation in implementing
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Appunti in preparazione alla festa di S. Teresa d’Avila S. TERESA, PATRONA DELL’ISTITUTO FMA PIERA CAVAGLIÀ, fma * Maria Domenica Mazzarello e la spiritualità di S. Teresa Nella formazione spirituale di Maria Domenica Mazzarello si nota un notevole influsso di S. Teresa d’Avila, sia direttamente attraverso la lettura di alcune sue opere (ad es. La Vita ), sia indirettame
EIK studie Dit is een studie naar het effect, veiligheid en verdraagzaamheid van ezetimibe in combinatie met simvastatine therapie in de behandeling van adolescenten met heterozygote familiare hypercholesterolemie (FH). Deze Fase IIIb, multinationale, gerandomiseerde, dubbelblinde, gecontroleerde studie met parallelle groepen duurt 60 weken. Achtergrond van het onderzoek: Hypercholesterol