PATIENT APPLICATION FORM 461 West Huron St. - Suite 406, Pontiac, MI 48341 1-888-875-6662 ~ Fax: 248-857-7102 *PLEASE FILL OUT THIS APPLICATION COMPLETELY. ANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS WILL DELAY THE APPLICATION PROCESS. THANK YOU. CHILD'S NAME: ___________________________ DATE OF APPLICATION: ______ DATE OF BIRTH: ____________________ AGE: _____________ M: ___ F:___ PARENT/GUARDIAN NAMES: ____________________________________________ ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ PHONE #: HOME ____________________ CELL ____________________________ WORK ____________________________ E-MAIL: __________________________ 1. WHAT ARE THE CHILD’S DIAGNOSES: ___________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 2. WHAT IS THE CHILD’S HEIGHT: _______________ WEIGHT: ________________
3. CURRENT MEDICATIONS (Also include reason for taking): 4. PLEASE PROVIDE PHONE NUMBERS TO SPECIALISTS WHO TREAT YOUR CHILD: ______________________
461 West Huron Street, Suite 406, Pontiac, MI 48341
(248) 857-6776 or Toll-free (inside the U.S.) 1-888-875-6662
Never Underestimating a Child since 1999 CHILD'S NAME: _________________ DOB: _______ 5. PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: ____________________________ PLEASE INDICATE IF YOUR CHILD HAS A HISTORY OF THE FOLLOWING (DESCRIBE): SEIZURES (How often/date of last occurrence?): _________________ SCOLIOSIS (What degree of scoliosis?): HIP SUBLUXATION (What %?): FRACTURES: VISION/HEARING PROBLEMS: _______________________________ VENTRICULOPERITONEAL SHUNT (Hydrocephalus): GASTROINTESTINAL TUBE (G-Tube): TRACHEOSTOMY TUBE (Trach): BOTOX/PHENOL INJECTIONS: ________________________________ HEART, LUNG, KIDNEY, DIABETES, etc:
461 West Huron Street, Suite 406, Pontiac, MI 48341
(248) 857-6776 or Toll-free (inside the U.S.) 1-888-875-6662
Never Underestimating a Child since 1999 CHILD'S NAME: _________________ DOB: _______ 6. SURGICAL HISTORY (muscle or tendon lengthening/releases, selective dorsal rhizotomy, baclofen pump, spinal fusion/rods, osteotomy, reconstructive joint surgeries, etc): 7. HAS YOUR CHILD RECEIVED OTHER PHYSICAL THERAPY SERVICES THIS POLICY YEAR? (If yes, how often and where? This helps us determine tolerance to therapy and also insurance coverage) ________________ 8. PAST & CURRENT MEDICAL EQUIPMENT (braces, walker, crutches, wheelchair, etc): ____________________________ 9. CHILD’S ABILITIES (rolling, sitting, crawling, walking, etc): 10. HOW DO YOU COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR CHILD/HOW DOES HE OR SHE COMMUNICATE WITH YOU? 11. IS YOUR CHILD ABLE TO FOLLOW SIMPLE COMMANDS? ___________ 12. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN DENIED THERAPY AT EURO-PĒDS? (If yes, please explain) _________________________________ 13. HAS YOUR CHILD RECEIVED THEIR IMMUNIZATIONS? (If no, please explain): ______________________________________________________________________
461 West Huron Street, Suite 406, Pontiac, MI 48341
(248) 857-6776 or Toll-free (inside the U.S.) 1-888-875-6662
Never Underestimating a Child since 1999 CHILD'S NAME: _________________ DOB: _______ 14. HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT EURO-PEDS? _______________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 15. REFERRING PHYSICIAN:_____________________________________________ ADDRESS:________________________________________________________ PHONE:_________________________ FAX:____________________________ LICENSE #:________________ EXP DATE:_______ NPI #:_________________ *If you would like to participate in SUIT THERAPY, please know that there will be 1-2 additional steps to take. Once your child is approved for Intensive PT and his/her session is scheduled, your child will need to have Hip X-rays taken within 6 months of his/her admission. Those X-ray films will then need to be brought to Euro-Pēds your first day (unless notified otherwise) to determine if your child is a candidate for Suit Therapy. If there is a possibility of scoliosis or other spinal abnormalities, spinal X-rays within 6 months of admission will also be needed. INSURANCE INFORMATION: 1. PRIMARY INSURANCE COMPANY:______________________________________ SUBSCRIBER:___________________ SUBSCRIBER’S DATE OF BIRTH:________ EMPLOYER:____________________ PROVIDER PHONE #:__________________ CONTRACT #:__________________________ GROUP #: ___________________ 2. SECONDARY INSURANCE COMPANY:____________________________________ SUBSCRIBER:___________________ SUBSCRIBER’S DATE OF BIRTH:________ EMPLOYER:____________________ PROVIDER PHONE #:__________________
CONTRACT #:__________________________ GROUP #: ___________________
461 West Huron Street, Suite 406, Pontiac, MI 48341
(248) 857-6776 or Toll-free (inside the U.S.) 1-888-875-6662
Never Underestimating a Child since 1999
Jaroslav Flegr á Pavel ZaÂboj á SÏteÏpaÂnka VanÏaÂcÏovaÂCorrelation between aerobic and anaerobic resistanceto metronidazole in trichomonads: applicationof a new computer program for permutation testsReceived: 14 October 1997 / Accepted: 2 December 1997Abstract An indispensable step of any comparative of the trait re¯ects simply a random process of evolu-study is testing the concor
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