Deans Farm Management Company Ltd Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on Monday 17th June 2013 Meeting held at the Traveller’s Rest Public House, 8pm Directors Present: Linda Humphreys-Evans (No 32) Chair Astrid Colquhoun Angela Neal John Wakeford David Jeffries Simon Thomas
(Directors are referred to by their initials throughout.) Also present: A further 13 Shareholders representing Deans Farm as follows: Nos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 16, 21, 22, 23, 26, 28, 36 Apologies
Apologies were received from: Phil Hunter
Antoine & Usha Stinissen (No 19) Clare Diggle (No 30) Richard & Emma Graham (No 35) No Proxy form was received. LHE opened the meeting at 20:00 and all present briefly introduced themselves. Those present were then asked to consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following items as ordinary resolutions: 1.0 That the Accounts and report of the Directors and the Auditors for the year ending 31st December 2012 be approved. DJ stated that the finances of Deans Farm were in better shape than the previous year. This is due principally to the increase made to the monthly ground rent to £23 which commenced in April 2012. The majority of shareholders have incorporated this change to their standing orders. One or two are still underpaying and one or two have overpaid. It was confirmedthat the relevant parties have been contacted to resolve these matters. DJ stated that the account was slightly in profit at the end of the year. Costs for ‘Gardening’ were higher this year due to expenditure for clearing the river bank, tree pruning of the horse chestnuts and the removal of a fallen tree. Costs for ‘Repairs and Maintenance’ items were lower this year as there were no unanticipated costs for the pumping station. The remainder of the accounts were similar to previous years. Approval of the Accounts for 2012-2013
• Proposed by Sue Armstead (No 21) • Seconded by Mary Reed (No 4)
That the Auditor’s remuneration be approved
• Proposed by John Christian (No 5) • Seconded by Helen Liversidge (No 28)
That Vale & West Accountants be re-appointed as Auditors for 2013
Proposed by Richard Hanson-James (No 23)
That the current board of Directors be re-appointed
This is as a block excepting Phil Hunter (No 14) who is to retire.
• Seconded by Amaryl McCullagh (No 22)
Proposal of new Directors
Sally Wearing (No 9) and Richard Hanson-James (No 23) have both agreed to be appointed as Directors.
• Proposed by Lorraine Griffiths (No 2) • Seconded by Helen Liversidge (No 28)
Closing Comments
LHE stated the Board’s appreciation of residents who undertake various tasks on
behalf of Deans Farm but do not serve as Directors.
JW gave thanks to LHE on behalf of everyone at Deans Farm for the huge amount of work that she does in her role as Chairman. John Faulkner (No 36) raised the matter of the costs for clearing of the river bank. He would like the rest of the river bank to be similarly cleared. There was some debate amongst the shareholders with equal votes for and against having the work carried out. Concerns were raised about further clearing being detrimental to wildlife and that the cleared bank may attract fishermen and boats mooring. There was also concern about the cost. JW stated that it would not be necessarily a ‘one-off’ cost as the clearance would need to be maintained. However, it was agreed that the Board would obtain a quotation for having the area of the bank in question cleared. No work would be commissioned without further consultation with the shareholders. The formal meeting was closed at 8:30pm and followed immediately by the informal Residents Meeting. AC 27/07/2013 Version 3
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Elderberries are quite edible. The blue or purple ELDERBERRY berries are gathered and made into elderberry wine, jam, syrup, and pies. The entire flower cluster can be Sambucus nigra L. ssp. dipped in batter and fried while petals can be eaten raw or made into a fragrant and tasty tea. The flowers canadensis (L.) R. Bolli add an aromatic flavor and lightness to pancak