
Liposome Mediated Delivery of Antimalarial Drugs for the
Treatment of Malaria.
Supervisor : Prof. Prahlad C. Ghosh
Th 16651
Evaluates the efficacy of different formulation of stearylaminelipsome for the inhibition of growth of plasmodium falciparumin vitro. Incorporation of monensm in liposomal membranceand its effects on teh inhibition of growth of plasmodiumfalciparum in vitro and plasmodium berghei in vivo in murinemodel. Loading of chloroquine in conventional and stericallystabilized liposomes by transmembrane pH-Gradient : Efficacyof liposomal chloroquine in teh treatment of Malaria.
1. Introduction. 2. Review of literature. 3. Objectives. 4. Materialsand Methods. 5. Results and Discussion. 6. Summary andConclusion. Bibliography.
GUPTA (Prachi)
Lipid Rafts in Bronchial Asthma : A Study on Membrane Lipid
Metabolism in Asthmatic Patients Using Erythrocyte Membrane
as the Model.
Supervisors : Prof. S. K. Bansal and Prof. V. K. Vijayan
Th 16650
Inferres that in asthma, there is no chance in thetotalerythrocytic counts as compared to the healthy subjects.
The changes in protein contents and phospholipids suggest areciprocal metabolic relationship in the two molecules in tehdisease. An increase in sphingomyelin and PI and a decrease in PC, PE and PS and neutral lipids, besides a fall in the ratio ofcholesterol : sphingomyelin and an increase in cholesterol : PEratio, suggest a compositional change in the lipid raft moleculesin erythrocyte membrance in asthma. An increase in caprylicacid in phospholipids suggests tight packing and increased incaprylic acid in phospholipids suggests tight packing andincreased rigidity of the plasma membrance in asthma. Asignificant increase in phospholipases A2 PLC andsphingomyelinase in asthmatic erythocyte membrance suggestsincrease in the formation of arachidonic acid ceramide whichare known to play a direct role in inflammation of arachidonicacid and thus, their increase in the membrance may beresponsible for the persistent airway inflammation in the lungs,which is a characteristic feature of asthma. Thus, the changesin composition of lipids of the rafts may change their structureas well as functions, particularly transmembrance signallingthat may impair or modify the response of the cells to the triggers(stimuli) of asthma, which might be the cause of developmentof the pathophysiology and the manifestation of the disease.
1. Introduction. 2. Review of literature. 3. Aims & objectives. 4.
Study design. 5. Materials and methods. 6. Results andobservations. 7. Discussion. 8. Summary. 9. Conclusion. 10.
Recommendations. Bibliography. Annexures and Appendices.
SHARMA (Nishi Raj)
Role of Cell Signalling in the Regulation of Membrane Fusion
Mediated Entry of Enveloped Virus.
Supervisor : Prof. Debi P. Sarkar
Th 16652
Investigates the mechanisms of the counteracting roles ofpAKTI and MAPKs in the fusion process. Using a series ofcell-cell and virosome - cell fusion experiments. Concludes thatpAKTI significantly reduces fusion efficiency by phosphorylatingthe T234 residue of F protein. The claim is further supported bythe enhancement of F (alone) - induces cell - cell fusion by IAKTand its inhibition by PD. Interestingly, the failure of H247AHNto activate F-induced cell - cell fusion (Krishnan et al.,2009),could be rectified by the presence of I alternate and novel role of HN in supportinf fusion through AKTinhibition.
1. Introductionand review of literature. 2. Materials andmethods. 3. Results. 4. Summary and conclusions. Bibliography.


Microsoft word - revel_9_los_marcadores_del_discurso_del_lenguaje_juvenil_de_madrid.doc

JØRGENSEN, Annette Myre; LÓPEZ, Juan A. Martínez. Los marcadores del discurso del lenguaje juvenil de Madrid. Revista Virtual de Estudos da Linguagem – ReVEL . Vol. 5, n. 9, agosto de 2007. ISSN LOS MARCADORES DEL DISCURSO DEL LENGUAJE JUVENIL DE Annette Myre Jørgensen1 Juan A. Martínez López2 RESUMEN : En este trabajo describimos un aspecto concreto del lenguaje juvenil: e

CONTINUING EDUCATION Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Current Approach to Treatment by Chris Paxos, PharmD, BCPP, CGP; and Sara E. Dugan, PharmD, BCPP event. Similar to variations in exposure to traumatic events, the prevalence of PTSD also has been found to vary wide-ly. It is estimated that the lifetime prevalence of PTSD in the U traumatic stress disorder. general population is 5-

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