The Eye-Q Newsletter Vol. 8, No. 2 — Summer 2004 Examples: Application of Sunscreens:
Tavist-1, Actifed, and Chlortimeton. Hats: Pick a hat you will feel comfortable
wearing because if you feel foolish in it you
and then subject it to further damage from
probably won’t wear it. A broad brim hat is
chronic ultraviolet (UV) light exposure.
the best for protection. Try to find a hat with
physical block is zinc oxide or titanium
a dark, nonreflective undersurface under the
avoidance of sunlight for several years can
dioxide - long popular with lifeguards
to protect their noses and lips. Recently
beach sand to the underside of your hat and
repair itself if it is protected from continual
photo damage. The sun delivers three main
types of Ultra Violet rays: UVA, UVB, and
Sunglasses: Like hats, the bigger the better.
UVC. UVB is the main ray that causes skin
cancer. UVA (often called “tanning” rays)
is preferred. The tint of the sunglasses has
chemicals, anthranilates and benzophenones
applied rather thickly to work best.
preferable to small spectacles because of
injections, rejuvenative creams (Retin-A,
and tends to stimulate freckle and pigment
the added protection to the outside portion
Vitamin C, Kinerase, etc.) as well as soft
tissue fillers (Restylane, Artecoll, collagen
damage that may not appear for years.
year. UVC rays are potent carcinogens but
are usually filtered by the ozone layer.
extended periods in the sun is a good idea
to be sure your skin stays protected.
from the sun (often called “tanning” rays)
offer 98% UVB protection and as little as
are the main sunrays that cause “aging and
1% UVA protection and still be classified
wrinkle changes”. For those interested in
as “Broad Spectrum”. Makeup offers very
healthier it is wise to wear a sun blocker
Examples: Joseph L. Parisi, MD, FRCSC, FACS
that protects against UVA rays as well as
931 Tiger Boulevard
UVB rays. It has only been in recent years
Clemson, SC 29633 Tel (864) 654-6706 Fax (864) 654-3275
whether you plan to be outdoors for a short
protecting abilities in addition to their
or an extended period of time. Because UV
Every effort has been made to ensure that the
information provided here is current andaccurate. For advice on specific eye care and
prevention of even small amounts of daily
Medicine Effects: Certain drugs,
vision problems, contact our office. If you
sun damage over a long period of time can
have any questions on the information provided
in this newsletter or any suggestions for future
Sunscreens and Sun Protection
topics in Eye-Q, please contact us at the above
The first step to treat photo damaged (sun
methoxycinnate, which only partly
blocks. Physical blocks actually create a
Assemblée Générale : Association « Enfants-Soleil ». L’assemblée générale annuelle de l’Association « Enfants-Soleil » s’est tenue le samedi 2 décembre 2000 au siège de l’Association 24 Challe Pourpre 95610 Eragny sur Oise. La séance a été ouverte à 20 heures. Etaient présents : M. Breban Christian Etaient représentés : M. Quelven Roland Absents non représen
Onchocerciasis Position Paper SightFirst Long Range Planning (SFLRP) Working Group May 2008 Introduction The mission of the Lions’ SightFirst program is to build comprehensive eye care systems to fight the major causes of blindness and care for the blind or visually impaired. The program funds high quality, sustainable projects that deliver eye care services, develop infrastructure