Breast Biopsy What does it mean when your doctor recommends a breast biopsy? A small piece of breast tissue is taken out. The breast tissue is sent to a pathologist, a doctor who looks at the tissue under a microscope to see if there are cancer cells. A radiologist or surgeon may do the biopsy. There are three ways of doing a breast biopsy, excisional, stereotactic and ultrasound guided core. The advantages and disadvantages will be explained and your primary doctor, a radiologist or surgeon will help you choose which is best for you. Ultrasound Guided Biopsy If breast lumps or abnormal areas are seen on ultrasound, then the radiologist will use ultrasound to guide the needle to biopsy the abnormal area. You will be asked to undress from the waist up, and change into a smock. The procedure will last about 1 hour. You will be brought to the Breast Center ultrasound room where you will lie on your back. The technologist will scan your breast using a small hand held device called a transducer. The area to be biopsied will be found by the radiologist. Next the radiologist will clean the area. This area will be numbed with local anesthesia. You will feel a prick and a small amount of burning due to the numbing medicine. Once the area is numb, a small slit (no more than ¼ of an inch) will be made in the skin through which a biopsy needle will be inserted. The needle will be used to remove several small samples of breast tissue. After the needle is removed, pressure and ice will be applied to the biopsy site. Steri-strips and a dressing will also be applied to the biopsy site.
Not having to be put to sleep Only removing a small amount of breast tissue / no stitches Requires less time than a surgical biopsy Quick return to normal activities If cancer is diagnosed, a one step surgery can be performed to remove the
abnormal area and check the lymph nodes in your axilla (under the arm)
Possibility of not removing the desired tissue
Before the procedure: Follow these and any other instructions your doctor gives you:
Aspirin and medications containing aspirin should be stopped 7 days before
Aspirin like products (Motrin, Advil, Aleve, Ibuprofen) should be stopped
48 hours before the procedure. If you have specific questions about your medication, please ask your doctor.
On the day of the procedure take all of your other routine medications,
especially blood pressure medication, as you normally would.
You should eat and drink as usual the day of your procedure. Bathe the morning of the procedure. Do not apply perfume, powder or
Wear a good support bra. A sports bra is preferred for better support. Wear loose fitting clothes and a top that is easily removed. It is preferred that you bring someone to drive you home.
After the procedure: The ultrasound-guided biopsy is a safe and easy procedure. It does have some risks, though they are rare. These include bleeding and infection. Bruising is common.
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