
Bioidentical Hormone Therapy
Julia A. Files, MD; Marcia G. Ko, MD; and Sandhya Pruthi, MD 0ODPNQMFUJPOPGUIJTBSUJDMFZPVTIPVMECFBCMF  UPEFàOFDPNQPVOEFECJPJEFOUJDBMIPSNPOFUIFSBQZBOESFDPHOJ[FJUTGPSNVMBUJPOTBOEUIFJSEJGGFSFODFTGSPNBOETJNJMBSJUJFTUPCJPJEFOUJDBMIPSNPOFUIFSBQZQSPEVDUTBQQSPWFECZUIF64'PPEBOE%SVH"ENJOJTUSBUJPO  UPFYBNJOFUIFDMBJNTNBEFCZQSPQPOFOUTPGDPNQPVOEFECJPJEFOUJDBMIPSNPOFUIFSBQZBOE  UPSFDPNNFOEBHFOFSBMBQQSPBDIUPNBOBHJOHQBUJFOUTXIPSFRVFTUCJPJEFOUJDBMIPSNPOFUIFSBQZ The change in hormonal milieu associated with perimenopause ue HT or to seek a safer alternative to FDA-approved HT for and menopause can lead to a variety of symptoms that can af- treatment of menopausal symptoms. As a result of the WHI, fect a woman’s quality of life. Postmenopausal hormone therapy (HT) is an effective, well-tolerated treatment for these symp- many women ask their physicians for non–FDA-approved toms. However, combined HT consisting of conjugated equine compounded bioidentical HT (CBHT), which is also known estrogen and medroxyprogesterone acetate has been associated as OBUVSBM)5, believing that it is safer than FDA-approved with an increased number of health risks when compared with conjugated equine estrogen alone or placebo. As a result, some therapy.3,4 It is estimated that CBHT is a multibillion-dollar women are turning to alternative hormonal formulations known industry, possibly affecting millions of women.5 as compounded bioidentical HT because they perceive them to be a safer alternative. This article defines compounded bio- identical HT and explores the similarities and differences between it and US Food and Drug Administration–approved HT. We will examine the major claims made by proponents of compounded The findings of the E+P arm (CEE and MPA) of the WHI bioidentical HT and recommend strategies for management of patients who request bioidentical HT from physicians.
that were published in 2002 dramatically changed the prescribing practices of physicians in the United States.6 Before the trial demonstrated adverse cardiovascular dis-ease events and a 26% increased risk of breast cancer in female participants, the number of women for whom BHT = bioidentical HT; bi-est = bi-estrogen; CBHT = compounded bioidentical HT; CEE = conjugated equine estrogen; E+P = estrogen E+P was prescribed had been steadily increasing, from plus progestin; FDA = US Food and Drug Administration; HT = hormone 58 million in 1995 to 90 million in 1999.6 From 1999 to therapy; MPA = medroxyprogesterone acetate; tri-est = tri-estrogen; 2002, the numbers stabilized; however, within 3 months of publication of the WHI findings, prescriptions for E+P decreased by 63%. Many women stopped HT and some sought out alternative therapies for treatment of symp- enopause, the permanent cessation of menstruation toms associated with menopause.6 In addition to their ef- that results from loss of ovarian function, can occur fect on physician-prescribing patterns, the WHI findings naturally, surgically, or as the result of medical intervention.1 changed the perceptions of patients about the trustwor- The change in hormonal milieu associated with perimeno- thiness of the advice dispensed by physicians. A small pause and menopause can lead to a wide variety of symptoms survey of 97 women conducted in 2005 demonstrated that that may negatively affect a woman’s quality of life. The all the participants had heard of the WHI; a substantial most common symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats, number expressed a loss of trust in the information about emotional lability, poor concentration, and sleep disturbance; HT that they received from their physicians.7 these can range from mild to severe. Postmenopausal hor- This sequence of events, combined with celebrity en- mone therapy (HT) is an effective, well-tolerated treatment dorsements, media coverage, and the growing number of for menopausal symptoms. In the United States, a number women who discontinued HT and experienced a return of of US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–approved hor-mone preparations are available for treatment of women with menopausal symptoms.2 In 2002, results from the estrogen From the Division of Women’s Health Internal Medicine (J.A.F., M.G.K.), Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ; and Division of General Internal Medicine (S.P.), Mayo plus progestin (E+P) arm of the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) revealed an increased risk of breast cancer, cardiovas- An earlier version of this article appeared Online First.
cular disease, stroke, and thromboembolic events in women Address reprint requests and correspondence to Julia A. Files, MD, Division of taking conjugated equine estrogen (CEE) and medroxypro- Women’s Health Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic, 13400 E. Shea Blvd, Scotts- gesterone acetate (MPA) compared with those in the placebo dale, AZ 85259 ([email protected]).
group.3 These findings prompted many women to discontin- 2011 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
.BZP$MJO1SPDr+VMZ  rEPJNDQrXXXNBZPDMJOJDQSPDFFEJOHTDPN For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from Mayo Clinic Proceedings menopausal symptoms, coalesced to set the stage for the gen derived from plant sources (17β-estradiol) is available growth and expansion of the CBHT industry worldwide. in pills, patches, sprays, creams, gels, and vaginal tablets. Our research on resources available to patients yielded These preparations differ from custom CBHT preparations more than 70 books listed on, numerous in that they are carefully controlled and regulated formula- blogs and Web sites, online pharmacies, and an Internet tions (eg, oral, transdermal, and vaginal preparations), they company endorsing affiliated physicians as experts in the are manufactured under strict standards, and their effects are subjected to scientific scrutiny.13 Numerous peer-re-viewed publications have documented the beneficial effects of various doses of FDA-approved estrogen products on vasomotor symptoms, hot flashes, bone density, urogenital The human steroid hormones are divided into the following atrophy, and fracture prevention.14 In contrast, large-scale, 5 major classes: estrogens, progestogens, androgens, miner- randomized, controlled studies have not been conducted alocorticoids, and glucocorticoids. The most common ste- roid hormones prescribed for the treatment of menopausal Progesterone bioidentical to that found in humans is symptoms are the estrogens and progestogens. Estrogens currently available in certain FDA-approved preparations and progestogens are available in a wide variety of FDA- (as oral micronized progesterone in oil or as vaginal pro- approved and non–FDA-approved formulations for the treat- ment of perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms.
The term $#)5 refers to hormone preparations that (1) The term CJPJEFOUJDBMIPSNPOF does not have a standard- have exactly the same chemical and molecular structure as ized definition and thus often confuses patients and practi- the estrogens and progesterone produced within the human tioners. Women who request bioidentical HT (BHT) from body, (2) are plant derived, and (3) are specifically com- their physicians may have differing expectations. Depend- pounded for an individual patient. Custom CBHT is not ing on the circumstances, it can mean natural (not artifi- FDA-approved for treatment of menopausal symptoms.16 cial), compounded, plant derived, or chemically identical The FDA defines compounding as: “the combining or to the human hormone structure. The Endocrine Society altering of ingredients by a pharmacist, in response to a has defined bioidentical hormones as “compounds that licensed practitioner’s prescription, to produce a drug tai- have exactly the same chemical and molecular structure lored to an individual patient’s special medical needs”.12 as hormones that are produced in the human body.”11 The most common compounded hormones include combi- This broad definition does not address the manufacturing, nations of the endogenous estrogens (17β-estradiol, estrone, source, or delivery methods of the products and thus can estriol) and progesterone. Although testosterone, dehydro- include non–FDA-approved custom-compounded products epiandrosterone, and pregnenolone are sometimes added to as well as FDA-approved formulations.
CBHT preparations, the main components are usually es-trogen and progesterone.15 Custom CBHT is available only at select pharmacies. Proponents of custom CBHT prepa- Numerous FDA-approved hormone preparations are avail- rations claim that they offer improved safety, efficacy, and able for the treatment of menopausal symptoms. These tolerability because of the individualization of the formulas, include those that fulfill the definition of bioidentical and the source of the hormones, and the routes of delivery.15 those that are clearly not bioidentical. Products can con-tain only estrogen (synthetic conjugated estrogens; natural, nonhuman conjugated estrogens; or plant-derived bioiden-tical estrogens), only progestogens (synthetic progestin or ESTROGEN METABOLISM AND ESTROGEN RECEPTORS bioidentical progesterone), or a combination of estrogen A basic understanding of sex hormone metabolism is use- and progestin. Those that contain synthetic conjugated es- ful when discussing and prescribing HT. The endogenous trogens, conjugated estrogens (derived from the urine of estrogens found in humans include 17β-estradiol, estriol, pregnant mares), or progestins are not bioidentical to the estrone, and their conjugates.17 The human ovary pro- duces 17β-estradiol and estrone, whereas estriol is formed through 16α-hydroxylation of estrone and estradiol.1 Be- fore menopause, the predominant estrogen in circulation Currently, FDA-approved products containing bioidentical is 17β-estradiol, which is mainly secreted by the ovaries. estrogen and progesterone are available. Bioidentical estro- Estrone is found in highest concentration after menopause .BZP$MJO1SPDr+VMZ  rEPJNDQrXXXNBZPDMJOJDQSPDFFEJOHTDPN For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from Mayo Clinic Proceedings TABLE 1. FDA-Approved Bioidentical Hormones Systemic hormone therapy
Vaginal hormone therapy for urogenital atrophy
Estring (Pharmacia & Upjohn Company; FDA = US Food and Drug Administration.
Data from$VSS0QJO0CTUFU(ZOFDPM.13 and is converted in adipose tissue from estradiol and ad- are found in different tissues. In addition, activity is deter- renal androstenedione.1,18 Estriol is short acting and is the mined by which type of estrogen binds to and subsequently least potent endogenous estrogen. It is found in very low causes a conformational change that produces an estrogen concentrations (10 pg/mL) in the serum of nonpregnant effect specific to the site of the receptor and modulated by women but is produced in high quantity by the placenta other activating or repressing molecules.1 For example, the and, unlike estrone, is not converted to estradiol.17 estrogen receptor α is located in the endometrium, breast The activity of all forms of estrogen is related to their cancer cells, and the ovary, whereas the β receptor is found affinity for 1 of the 2 estrogen receptors, α or β, which in bone, kidney, lung, and endothelial cells, as well as in .BZP$MJO1SPDr+VMZ  rEPJNDQrXXXNBZPDMJOJDQSPDFFEJOHTDPN For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from Mayo Clinic Proceedings several other tissues.1 The binding affinity for the recep- TABLE 2. Common Compounded Bioidentical Hormone tor is not strictly proportional to the potency of any given estrogen: 17β-estradiol has the highest affinity for both α and β receptors; estrone is midrange in affinity but pre- dominantly binds to estrogen receptor α; and estriol has the weakest binding affinity for either receptor.17 Hormone effects are not dependent only on affinity or dose, as evi- denced by the fact that a similar biological response can be achieved with low concentrations of estrogens for a prolonged period or by the short-term presence of high a Data were compiled from multiple compounded bioidentical hormone therapy Web sites and pharmacies on the Internet and from Boothby et al15; however, this summary is not a comprehensive listing of all avail- The compounded estrogen formulations most frequently b All preparations are available in oral, transdermal, sublingual, or vaginal prescribed contain 2 or 3 forms of estrogen that are “identi- routes of administration, with the exception of progesterone, which is cal” to those found in humans: estradiol, estrone, and est- also available as an injectable medication.
riol in varying percentages. Common CBHT preparations are listed in Table 2. Although the compounded drug bi-estrogen (bi-est) is composed primarily (80%) of estriol, nant female.1 Oral progestogens are used in HT to prevent 17β-estradiol accounts for most of its estrogenic activity.15 the development of endometrial hyperplasia or neoplasia It is the most physiologically active form of estrogen and as a result of estrogen administration.20 All progestogens is the predominant circulating estrogen before menopause, cause a change from proliferative to secretory histology of with 80 times the activity of estriol but making up only 10% the endometrium (that has been primed with estrogen).21 to 20% of the formulation. In addition to 17β-estradiol and Progesterone is poorly absorbed and is rapidly metabolized, estriol, the compounded drug tri-estrogen (tri-est) contains whereas progestins have high oral bioavailability. The de- estrone (at a ratio of 8:1:1) and is the predominant circu- velopment of the process of micronization allowed for im- lating, active form of estrogen in postmenopausal women. proved absorption of oral progesterone. Micronized proges- These 2 formulations (bi-est and tri-est) are generally terone in peanut oil was approved by the FDA in December available in oral, transdermal, and vaginal preparations. 1998; before then, micronized oral progesterone was avail- They must be compounded and usually are labeled with able only in custom compounded products.22 doses in milligrams, which can be misleading to physi- Different types of synthetic progestins may have differ- cians with little experience in this arena. For example, a ing affinities for, and effects on, the progesterone receptor, typical formulation of bi-est will be labeled as a 2.5-mg and they may also activate non–progesterone receptor ste- dose. This does not reflect a single component but rather the total of the doses in milligrams of estradiol and estriol Evidence is not yet sufficient to fully support the claim combined. If a particular formulation of bi-est is composed that progesterone is safer than synthetic progestins, but 1 ob- of 80% estriol, then that formulation would contain 2.0 mg servational study reported a lower risk of breast cancer in pa- of estriol and 0.5 mg of estradiol.15 Estimating a dose that tients receiving progesterone than in patients receiving syn- is bioequivalent to conventional HT is difficult but is cur- thetic progestins.24 Further study is needed. The only FDA- rently under investigation in a phase 1 clinical trial.19 approved oral progesterone is micronized in peanut oil.
In summary, the common CBHT formulations contain US Pharmacopeia–grade, plant-derived estrogens and chemically converted estrogens (as already noted), but they Before FDA approval of micronized progesterone in pea- have only a small percentage of the most active estrogen, nut oil, custom compounded products were the only source of micronized oral progesterone.22 For patients with pea-nut or other nut allergy, non-FDA–approved custom-com- PROGESTERONE METABOLISM, PROGESTINS, AND PROGESTERONE pounded formulations can provide the option to prescribe oral progesterone micronized in other oils.25 Progesterone The term QSPHFTUPHFO refers to both progesterone and syn- preparations can also be custom compounded into topical thetic compounds that have progestogenic activity similar to preparations, but these have not been shown to exert ad- that of progesterone. The human ovaries and adrenal glands equate activity to protect the endometrium from the effects are responsible for progesterone production in the nonpreg- .BZP$MJO1SPDr+VMZ  rEPJNDQrXXXNBZPDMJOJDQSPDFFEJOHTDPN For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from Mayo Clinic Proceedings The oversight of accredited compounding pharmacies falls to state pharmacy boards, which are to direct the meth- od of preparation and enforce standards for compounding as dictated by the US Pharmacopeia. Thus, most compounded Proponents of CBHT claim that compounded products con- products do not have scientifically rigorous clinical testing taining plant-derived hormones that are bioidentical to those for either safety or efficacy.5,30 A limited FDA survey in found in the human ovary offer better safety, efficacy, and tol- 2001 analyzed 29 product samples from 12 compounding erability than noncompounded, FDA-approved HT.23 Unfor- pharmacies. None of the products failed identity testing; tunately, these claims have led to confusion among patients, however, 10 (34%) of the 29 failed 1 or more quality test, who often look to their physicians for direction. Therefore, and 9 (90%) of the 10 failing products also failed potency physicians who care for women seeking relief from meno- or assay testing. For FDA-approved therapies, the usual pausal symptoms need to be familiar with the claims made comparison failure rate is less than 2%.28 about custom CBHT products and the evidence in the medi- The FDA has been under increasing pressure to take en- cal literature on their effectiveness or the lack thereof.
forcement action against compounding pharmacies since a Objective evidence and scientific studies to substantiate citizens’ petition was filed in October 2005 by Wyeth Phar- these claims are lacking, and the use of custom CBHT vs maceuticals (now part of Pfizer, New York, NY), the manu- FDA-approved HT remains a topic of ongoing debate in facturer of Prempro (conjugated estrogens/MPA) and other the lay press, in alternative medicine literature, and in the HT formulations, in which the company claimed that the popular media.15 The claim that the safety profile of bioi- compounding pharmacies producing CBHT often flagrantly dentical compounds is better than that of FDA-approved violate the law.5 The petition resulted in a heightened level HT15 belies the complexities of the topic. Both CBHT and of concern about claims made by pharmacies that compound FDA-approved HT are available in various dosages, com- BHT, and in January 2008, the FDA censured 7 pharmacies binations, preparations, and routes of delivery that may involved in the Internet marketing and compounding of have differing effects on risk to an individual patient.26 BHT by sending them letters of warning for making false Despite the contention by proponents that CBHT has been and misleading claims regarding the safety and effective- found to be safer, more efficacious, or less likely to cause ness of their advertised bioidentical hormone preparations.5 breast or uterine cancer than FDA-approved HT, no reports In January 2008, the FDA ruled that pharmacies could not published in peer-reviewed journals support this claim.14 Ob- compound drugs containing estriol without first obtaining servational data suggest that estradiol in combination with an investigational new drug authorization. Estriol, a weak progesterone may confer a lower risk of breast cancer than estrogen common to most CBHT formulations, has not been that seen with the CEE+MPA combination used in the WHI, shown to be safe and effective for the uses for which it is be- but further study is needed to confirm this finding.27 ing prescribed (eg, bone loss). Currently, estriol is not a com-ponent of any FDA-approved drug.31 This action generated CLAIM 2: COMPOUNDING PROVIDES IMPROVED DELIVERY AND considerable controversy because estriol is a component of Compounded medications require a written prescription from a licensed physician. Prescriptions filled in a com- CLAIM 3: CUSTOM CBHT CONTAINS SAFER INGREDIENTS THAN pounding pharmacy are prepared, mixed, and assembled according to the specifications of the prescriber. Com- The production of US Pharmacopeia ingredients begins pounding plays an important role in providing drugs to with the extraction of diosgenin from plants such as soy and meet the individualized needs of patients that cannot be met yams.32 A chemical conversion is then required to produce by a commercially available FDA-approved preparation. It progesterone, which is the precursor to the estrogens (estradi- may provide a different strength, dose, or delivery system, ol, estrone, and estriol) and the androgens (progesterone and or it may allow a medication that is otherwise poorly tol- testosterone) that are used to formulate the final compounded erated to be essentially reformulated and delivered in an product.32 This derivation and production process is similar alternative form (eg, capsules, vaginal creams or troches, to that of many commercially available, FDA-approved BHT suppositories, nasal sprays, sublingual drops, topical gels, products for which safety and efficacy data are available.
rapidly dissolving tablets, or transdermal gels).28,29 Com-pounded hormone preparations are not required to undergo CLAIM 4: SALIVARY TESTING SHOULD BE USED TO PROVIDE the rigorous safety and efficacy studies required of FDA- approved HT and can demonstrate wide variation in active With the publication of the results of the WHI HT trial in 2002, the risks and benefits attributed to a specific formula- .BZP$MJO1SPDr+VMZ  rEPJNDQrXXXNBZPDMJOJDQSPDFFEJOHTDPN For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from Mayo Clinic Proceedings tion of estrogen and progestin were defined. The stark con- unknown whether the increased risk of breast cancer in the trast between the observational data and the findings of the E+P arm of the WHI vs the estrogen-only arm was the re- randomized, controlled clinical trial led to the recommen- sult of the addition of a progestin, the specific combination dation that, in addition to advising that women be informed and dosage of E+P that was used in the trial, or the specific of the risks and benefits of HT, the lowest possible dose of hormone(s) should be used to treat symptoms for the For many clinicians, the preferred progesterone formu- shortest period (FDA black box change).33 These findings lation has been Prometrium (Abbott Laboratories, Abbott were thought to be generalizable to all available hormone Park, IL), the FDA-approved, micronized formulation of oral progesterone, because it is identical to endogenous Proponents of CBHT claim that customized com- progesterone and has improved bioavailability.38 In an ob- pounded formulations provide the best means of “tailor- servational study, a decreased risk of histology- and hor- ing or personalizing” therapy. They recommend salivary mone receptor–defined invasive breast cancer was noted hormone testing to guide therapeutic decisions for the with use of a combination of micronized progesterone and determination of dosages. In its recent position statement estrogen vs the use of synthetic progestogens; however, fur- on HT, the North American Menopause Society endorsed ther study is needed to establish long-term safety.26 There is the use of the clinical end point of symptom relief to a lack of published studies in peer-reviewed journals about the safety and efficacy of CBHT in decreasing breast can- Easily collected, saliva is similar to an ultrafiltrate of cer risk. Patients need to be well informed about the risks blood. Proponents of salivary testing suggest that measured and benefits, and controlled clinical trials are necessary to hormone levels are reflective of the levels of free or bio- provide evidence of long-term safety.
available hormones in the serum of any given patient. The science supporting this type of testing for sex hormones CLAIM 6: COMPOUNDED BHT HAS A BETTER EFFECT ON BONES has demonstrated poor reproducibility and large collection and assay variability even for a given individual, depending Among the claims in favor of CBHT for better bone health on the time of day, diet, salivary flow, and hormone be- are the scientifically based observations about the ben- ing tested.35,36 Further, the idea that salivary hormone levels efits of estrogen and testosterone in preventing bone loss, are related to the menopausal symptoms experienced by as well as the suggestion of progesterone as an agent that women has no scientific foundation.30 Even with standard can “assist” in rebuilding lost bone. These claims are an FDA-approved HT for menopausal women, measurement extrapolation of data derived from many peer-reviewed of serum hormone levels can be potentially misleading studies using standard doses of manufactured estrogen and because hormone levels do not always predict therapeutic testosterone that have shown a beneficial effect of estrogen effect (thus the recommendation to use symptoms as the in preventing postmenopausal bone loss.39 The WHI is the clinical end point for dosing).17,34 The FDA has stated that only randomized, controlled study demonstrating reduced no scientific evidence supports the use of salivary testing to hip fracture risk with E+P therapy.40 None of these claims titrate hormone dosages or monitor hormone levels.31 has been substantiated directly with CBHT or correlated Individualization in dosing and delivery methods is with the wide variety of CBHT preparations in use. Al- also possible with FDA-approved BHT and nonbioidenti- though credible by inference with the class of therapy (es- cal HT because many dosages and delivery methods are trogen, for example), the claims that CBHT prevents bone loss or rebuilds lost bone have not been proven.
CLAIM 5: COMPOUNDED BHT HAS A LOWER BREAST CANCER RISK THAN FDA-APPROVED HTObservational studies and the WHI HT trial have estab- With all the interest in CBHT generated by the popular lished an association between HT (E+P) and an increased media, women often turn for definitive information about risk of breast cancer.3,37 Advocates for CBHT have claimed CBHT to their primary care physicians, who are expected that estriol, given its decreased estrogenic activity, is not to refill existing prescriptions or write new prescriptions for only safer but also associated with a decreased breast can- compounded products. We have found that it is important cer risk. Some sources found on Internet sites go so far as to acknowledge the use of the bioidentical formulations to claim that it protects against cancer, yet no controlled tri- without appearing to be judgmental or dismissive. Many als substantiate this claim. Moreover, concerns have been patients are well versed in the topic and have often con- raised about the continued use of estriol in high doses and ducted an exhaustive online investigation before they pres- its potential risk for stimulating breast parenchyma.38 It is ent with questions. Prescriptions from other physicians for .BZP$MJO1SPDr+VMZ  rEPJNDQrXXXNBZPDMJOJDQSPDFFEJOHTDPN For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from Mayo Clinic Proceedings compounded formulations should not be refilled unless 7. McIntosh J, Blalock SJ. Effects of media coverage of Women’s Health
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information and adverse event reporting program. Prempro (conjugated es- .BZP$MJO1SPDr+VMZ  rEPJNDQrXXXNBZPDMJOJDQSPDFFEJOHTDPN For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from Mayo Clinic Proceedings trogens/medroxyprogesterone acetate tablets). 2. Which POF of the following hormone therapies MedWatch/SafetyInformation/SafetyAlertsforHumanMedicalProducts/ucm153360.htm. Accessed April 6, 2011.
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Administration (FDA) for treatment of menopausal postmenopausal women: 2010 position statement of The North American Menopause Society. .FOPQBVTF. 2010;17(2):242-255.
35. Davison S. Salivary testing opens a Pandora’s box of issues surrounding
accurate measurement of testosterone in women. .FOPQBVTF. 2009;16:630- b. Bioidentical and nonbioidentical medications 36. Granger DA, Shirtcliff EA, Booth A, Kivlighan KT, Schwartz EB.
The “trouble” with salivary testosterone. 1TZDIPOFVSPFOEPDSJOPMPHZ.
37. Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer. Breast can-
cer and hormone replacement therapy: collaborative reanalysis of data from 3. Which POF of the following CFTU guides HT dosing 51 epidemiological studies of 52,705 women with breast cancer and 108,411 women without breast cancer. -BODFU. 1997;350:1047-1059.
38. Head KA. Estriol: safety and efficacy. "MUFSO.FE3FW. 1998;3:101-113.
39. Khosla S. Update on estrogens and the skeleton. +$MJO&OEPDSJOPM.F
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40. Cauley JA, Robbins J, Chen Z, et al. Effects of estrogen plus progestin
on risk of fracture and bone mineral density: the Women’s Health Initiative randomized trial. +".". 2003;290:1729-1738.
4. Which POF of the following is required for compounding? a. The same strength and dosing for all patients b. Rigorous clinical testing for safety and efficacy c. A written prescription and a compounding pharmacy d. Reformulation and delivery systems available only CME Questions About Bioidentical
Hormone Therapy
e. Both salivary and serum hormone testing for per- 1. Which POF of the following estrogens is the predom- 5. Which POF of the following CFTU describes non–FDA- inant circulating agent before menopause? This activity was designated for 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s).™ Because the Concise Review for Clinicians contributions are now a CME activity, the answers to the questions will no longer be published in the print journal. For CME credit and the answers, see the link on our Web site at
.BZP$MJO1SPDr+VMZ  rEPJNDQrXXXNBZPDMJOJDQSPDFFEJOHTDPN For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from Mayo Clinic Proceedings


Print Page E-mail Page COMMON MEDICAL IMPAIRMENTS SUMMARY CONDITION UNDERwRITING FACTORS Alcohol: History of Condition: Alcohol abuse, addiction or dependency leading to social, medical, • When did condition begin?and legal issues. Alcoholics have an uncontrollable need for alcohol • Time since stopped drinking?and continue drinking despite adverse social and occupat

Cerebral aneurysms

Anaesthesia for Cerebral Aneurysm Repair Epidemiology Exact incidence is unclear but probably about 4%. An annual incidence rupture is about 15-20 per Sex : Male to Female 2 : 3 but more males below 40 and more females after. Rupture : 90% < 12mm, 5% 12-15mm, 5% > 15mm. First aneurysm clipped in 1931, Operating microscope first used for clipping in 1960. Aetiology It had been

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