Is all food safe? What concerns you about food safety?
Students identify and classify food safety issues through news-paper research. Students present a summary of two teacherapproved articles to the class in chart/paragraph form. CURRICULUM FIT: GRADE FIVE - SOCIAL STUDIES ● DIVISION TWO - LANGUAGE ARTS ● DIVISION TWO - HEALTH ● AGRICULTURE CONCEPTS:
Food safety myths, facts, beliefs, opinions
❍ To become acquainted with food safety issues. ❍ To increase awareness of factors involved in food safety and
❍ To familiarize students with the role the media plays in
providing information to the public and how informationand views change over time. MATERIALS REQUIRED:
Teacher Resources (see attached newspaper articles)Multiple newspapers and magazinesScissors, glue, manilla tag, coloring pens/pencils
Several class periods, but varies according to how muchemphasis is placed on lesson. BACKGROUND - For the Teacher
Food safety is a controversial subject of interest to all who consume, produce or market food substances. There are a
number of food safety issues in the media influencing consumer choice and decision making which invariably affect theproduction and marketing of these products. How can nutrition and agricultural education help students make critical decisionsregarding consumption? How will they distinguish facts from opinions, fiction, beliefs and values to achieve a balanced bias?This lesson may begin to help answer those questions. Before beginning the lesson, read the attached Teacher Resources andkeep in mind the following food safety issues:
Food poisoning from microbes (bacteria) is Canada’s No. 1 food safety problem.
The idea that “natural” is somehow healthier is a misconception.
Manmade pesticides in Canada are strictly controlled.
The use of the term “organic” does not mean that these foods are more nutritious or more safe.
Antibiotics and hormones contribute to a healthy livestock product. PROCEDURE Part 1 Preparation
Collect newspapers and/or magazines for clipping. Part 2 Introduction
On the board, write “Is All Food Safe?” Students brainstorm, teacher writes theirexamples on the board. Discuss food poisoning and their experiences with it. Part 3 Activity
Have students find and summarize the 5 W’s of two newspaper articles relating to foodsafety issues. After teacher approval, glue articles and paragraph summaries on manillatag for oral presentation to class.
As a group classify issues into five main categories:a)
Refer to newspaper articles in Teacher Resources for examples of the above. Other
issues can be addressed to extend the lesson.
In reading the included articles, be aware that each may hold its own bias. Beef Cattle
and Sheep Branch adds more recent facts to "Drug-laced animals ."
For 1991-92, 3.3% of suspect or randomly sampled pork carcases contained tracesof antibiotic residues in muscle tissues.
For 1992, only 0.25% of animals tested showed some traces of sulfonamide residue.
Since 1987, no Canadian pork sample has been found to contain any residue ofchloramphenicol. Part 4 Conclusion
Divide class into interest groups based on the aforementioned five categories of issuesand have a role-playing debate on the issues. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS
Is the information from the newspapers and magazines accurate?
Discussion contributions and participation when students discuss validity of each issue in group presentations.
Students write thank you notes to speakers. RELATED ACTIVITIES
Based on the Canada Food Guide, students plan potluck lunch and research origins of foods they bring. Workingindividually or as a class, students graph food choices based on food groups.
Accessing information - Students request information from Agricultural Representative re: food safety and requestspeakers.
Guest speakers - Students interview speakers regarding food safety issues. RESOURCES
Calgary Herald, Edmonton Journal, The Western Producer, other newspapers and magazines
Alberta Agriculture Publications List and Audio Visual Catalogue. (These may be in your school resource area. Or, theyare available from Print Media Branch or Film Library at 7000 - 113 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T6H 5T6). Other contacts to consider are:
Agriculture CanadaAgriFood Safety DivisionFood Production and Inspection BranchHalldon House2255 Carling AvenueOttawa, Ontario K1A 0Y9(613) 995-5433
By Carol Moran TEACHER RESOURCE SHEET ONE -- DISEASE-CAUSING MICROBES TIMES-COLONIST Tuesday, March 19, 1991 Burger disease can be deadly
Here’s a quiz to gauge your knowledge offood poisoning. True or false?
still recuperating from a brush with death
leaving them sit on the counter to air dry.
Hines, a health inspector for the Capital
benedict at a restaurant. Six hours later,
you’re sick as a dog, but she’s feeling fine.
“I had it for 10 days,” she said. “I
Since you both at the same thing, it can’t
went to the doctor after I’d had it a few
particular strain of E. coli bacteria which
hamburger disease, since it’s transmitted
in Canada is contaminated with salmonella
be paralyzed,” she said. “They wanted
to warn him that anything was possible.”
egg is protected from salmonella bacteria.
— it happened in Calgary,” he said.
the patient will bleed into the bowel, he
poisoning, but one cooked medium is safe.
kitchen, you don’t have to bother washing
at the height of her illness. At one point
10. If you’ve eaten tainted food, any
fail or that she might suffer brain damage
resulting illness will strike within 24 hours.
and the care she received at Royal Jubilee
ANSWERS: Only numbers 4 and 6 aretrue.
— it just left me so weak,” she said in an
TEACHER RESOURCE SHEET TWO -- DRUGS - "Antibiotics and Hormones"
The GAZETTE, Montreal, Saturday, April 13, 1985
Drug-laced animal food a human health risk
almost word for word, a warning issued in
antibacterial agents used to prevent disease
sur l’agriculture au Quebec. After studying
concluded that the “almost total lack of
of The Gazette
control over the distribution and sale of
veterinary medicines presents a danger that
testing program at slaughterhouses, tracing
animals with high levels back to the farm
‘Gross violations’
of his Mont St. Hilaire home, Gauthier is
monitoring report prepared by Agriculture
Fatal reaction
farm drugs is, especially among Quebec’s
meat is real. It can’t be ignored,” says
and March 1984 contained residue levels of
the antibacterial agent carbadox above the
stimulate the growth of farm animals.
sulfonamide violations have fallen, Quebec
and Agriculture Canada. These results, the
farmers appear to have simply switched to
report's authors, warn, "are indicative of
carbadox or antibiotics like tetracycline,
withdrawal period." Preliminary results
residues range from allergic reactions to
violation rate for carbadox is falling but is
Social Affairs Department’s environmental
liver and kidney dysfunctions and cancer.
health committee, says the danger of eating
or randomly sampled pork carcasses tested
in it remains, for the moment, a potential
during the same period contained traces of
antibiotic residues in the muscle tissue.
reported cases of illnesses caused by drug-
1983 federal inspectors in Quebec found a
“yellowish discoloration of the bones in
at least half of that in the form of “feed
several hundred” pig carcasses, said Robert
currently the greatest source of concern is
chloramphenicol, a potent antibiotic used
discoloration is virtually synonymous with
the overuse of (the antibiotic) tetracycline.”
There is virtually no control over the sale
Quebec pig farmers in the late 1970s when
farmers have used it on their animals since
residue testing revealed more than 10 per
Quebec threatened to sue the Office unless
hamburger meat infected with an antibiotic-
resistant strain of salmonella, a bacteria
which is often the cause of food poisoning. Stop imports
that had been routinely fed the antibiotic
1/100,000,” says Bert Mitchell, director
gives them the exclusive right to sell animal
anemia in Canada every year, but Mitchell
says “none of the deaths have ever been
indiscriminate sale of veterinary medicines
without restriction and generally without
the advice of a veterinarian or pharmacist
(FDA) ban the use of antibiotics in animal
Council argued that the use of antibiotics
carcasses had residues only in the kidney,
as feed additives “contributes to increasing
which is usually used for animal feed,”
levels of bacterial resistance to penicillin
trips through the countryside to sell animal
and tetracycline, two clinically important
‘Black Market’
U.S. lobbying to stop imports of Canadian
the result that other antibiotics that are
and sale of veterinary medicines in Quebec
dangerous must be used in their place.”
for Garon called the situation “anarchy.”
drug company representatives, Agriculture
consensus from all the players on the need
on antibiotics in animal feed in 1977 but
worry that the list will be too restrictive
de Montreal veterinarian and toxicologist,
Veterinary Medicines said the Centres for
and make it difficult for the farmer to get
believes the resistant bacteria “may prove
Federation des producteurs de porcs, says
if the controls are too tight, farmers will
Indiscriminate sale
have been debating the need to restrict the
veterinary medicines,” says Scalabrini.
controls will drive up production costs.
food is contributing to human illness has
Quebec, which regulates the activities of
the province’s professional corporations,
slaughterhouse, says “it’s the veterinarians
proposal. They get a fee for every visit andwe will have to call them more often.”
TIMES-COLONIST Saturday, November 25, 1989
The Canadian Press
mammals and insects from eating them, and
small amounts of agricultural chemicals in
protect people when they eat “natural poisons
your food because there are plenty of natural
that are sometimes in the range of one part
per 20,000, like we do with potatoes.
poisons,” said William Hamman, a product
cabbage is mild food poisoning,” he added.
development scientist with Monsanto Canada
pesticides is based on irrational thinking by
alkaloids, such as solanine, corn and peanuts
have aflatoxin, a highly poisonous fungaltoxin,
chemicals, or that “the setting of food
barbecued or smoked meats have dangerously
tolerance levels for pesticides is such that
high levels of benzopyrene, a cancer-causing
the risk is extremely low,” he said.
oxalates,” he told a group of potato-growers
of thousands of different chemicals with every
“Not many years ago, 25 per cent of our
meal, some of which are very toxic, and yet
population was required to produce food for
we don’t get sick, why are we worried about
five parts per billion of a pesticide that may
population produces not only all the food for
the nation, $9-billion worth, but an extra $9-
billion worth for export to assist countries
“everything from nature is good for you while
everything man-made or chemical is bad for
“Suffice it to say, those countries are
using sustainable agriculture, while we are
using mechanization, genetics, fertilizers,
about 150 naturally occurring, non-nutritional
pesticides and intensive crop management,
storage and processing to ensure inexpensive
Chemophobia: Fear of chemical hazards growing
consequences of rapidly spreading chemophobia.
“Toxicology is both a science and an art,”
Wilkinson explained. “There is genuine uncertainty
concerns about the safety of foods and chemicals in
and disagreement about how to interpret data — how,
perspective and help people decide what to ask of
for example, to extrapolate from experiments in which
animals are dosed continuously with massive amounts
Wilkinson, a former professor of entomology
of a chemical to humans who are exposed intermittently
specializing in insecticides and toxicology at Cornell
University, is now a scientific adviser on
Such extrapolation is especially uncertain when
But this mounting “chemophobia” is, in
environmental health risks for a consulting firm,
it comes to carcinogens, since it is not known at what,
turn, raising fears among many scientists who
Versar, Inc., in Springfield, Va. It does a lot of work
if any, levels they may have no effect during the life
worry that it will inappropriately drain limited
for the agricultural chemical industry.
regulatory resources ad ultimately may threaten,
Hotchkiss, formerly a scientist at the U.S. Food
scientists in and out of industry, including some
and Drug Administration who evaluated carcinogens
Currently, many scientific experts say, an
who are strong advocates for protecting the public
in foods, believes the attention being focused on
increasing amount of regulation is being created
from avoidable environmental toxins.
chemical contaminants is undermining behavioral
on the basis of politics, rather than sound science.
Wilkinson sees the current obsession with
changes that are far more likely to have a positive
chemical hazards as stemming from two common
effect on human health. The big cancer risks as far as
misconceptions. One is that “we’re in the midst of
diet is concerned are not chemicals present in tiny
chemicals, have spurred sometimes extreme
an epidemic of human cancer.” The other is that
amounts, but the kinds of foods people eat.
“this epidemic is due primarily to exposure to
People “. eat too much fat and not enough fibre
from grains, fruits and vegetables,” Hotchkiss said.
temporarily, all apples and apple products from
In truth, except for lung cancer (which rose
“There is no evidence that removing chemicals A, B,
school lunch programs following reports linking
because of smoking) and, to a lesser extent, breast
C and X will do anything to reduce the risk of cancer,
the orchard chemical Alar to cancer in laboratory
cancer (which has been linked to our fat-rich diet),
but there is a lot of evidence that eating more high-
most forms of cancer have stayed constant or
declined slightly in incidence since 1950.
He is also concerned about the diversion of
“lives on peanut butter sandwiches” stopped
Hotchkiss pointed out that stomach cancer,
limited resources. California, which monitors pesticide
giving them to her child because she read that
“the one cancer you’d think would be diet-related,”
residues even more closely than federal agencies, has
peanuts may be contaminated with aflatoxin, a
has actually plummeted since pesticides came into
found that fewer than one per cent of fresh foods have
natural chemical that can cause cancer.
more pesticides than are allowed by law and that 80
● A woman who declares that she is “not
According to the best available scientific
per cent of foods are totally free of pesticide residues.
a fanatic” stopped eating out-of-season fruits
estimates, 99.9 per cent of carcinogens in the diet
Devoting more money and personnel to pesticide
and vegetables after hearing that many if not all
came from natural sources. Synthetic chemicals
monitoring will mean that even fewer resources are
are protected from spoilage by pesticides that
account for only 0.01 per cent of the carcinogens
available to investigate potentially fatal food-borne
infections, nutritional deficiencies, naturally occurring
● Many people say they are afraid to eat
toxic agents and the safety of imported foods and fish,
fish in the wake of reports that fish are often
First, because they are not natural. People
contaminated with industrial chemicals and toxic
tend to equate “natural” with “good,” Wilkinson
Wilkinson believes that undue anxiety about
said. “But nature is not benign,” he said. “Some of
chemicals could in itself impair health.
Toxicologists say the fear is not the product
the most dangerous chemicals known are found in
Even more hazardous, he said, is a common
reaction called “defensive indifference.” He said
“The concerns are real,” said Dr. Joseph
Second, because exposure is involuntary.
people with this attitude assume, “If everything causes
Hotchkiss, a food toxicologist at the New York
When people can control their exposure to a risk,
cancer, why worry about stopping smoking or fastening
State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
such as in smoking or driving, they perceive it to be
at Cornell University. “People are worried
less dangerous than exposures that are out of their
The problem, he said, is that “people may become
about the risks to their health and the health of
less likely to do something about controllable risks.”
Third, people worry more about risks that
There there is the “cry-wolf” phenomenon. If
have delayed rather than immediate effects, or
people are inundated with reports about risks that are
things, it is the unexpected event that makes
those that could injure many people at once. There
negligible, they may not pay attention when a serious
news. Scientists note that finding that a substance
is also more concern about hazards that arise from
is safe rarely gets the attention typically devoted
items considered luxuries rather than necessities.
Wilkinson also believes that chemophobia has
In recent years, chemophobia has been fed by
spawned a disproportionate concern about cancer
“When it comes to chemicals, if it isn’t
technological advances that permit scientists to
with not enough attention being paid to other kinds of
bad news, it isn’t news at all,” said Dr.
detect minute quantities of chemicals, down to
risks, such as agents that may cause birth defects,
Christopher Wilkinson, former colleague of
levels of one in a quadrillion (the equivalent of one
infertility or spontaneous abortions.
Hotchkiss at Cornell, in a lecture last fall.
cent in $10 billion). Just because a chemical can be
detected at very low levels does not necessarily
the benefits of chemicals or the potential negative
Chefs start pushing natural foods by Judy Creighton The Canadian Press
said group co-ordinator Jane Herman.
the reputation a chef has established.
food in line with foods that are available
serving. It’s 80- 90-per-cent organic.
That’s why I need an outlet like this.”
Kitchener-Waterloo Record - Wednesday, May 18, 1988
Insects, hair, glass among health risks found in food
sophisticated, computerized tests they weren’t
and preservatives are food additives consumers
able to perform at the dilapidated downtown
have learned to live with, but insects and bits
facility they occupied from 1961 until this
of glass are not and laboratory workers at a
new facility in Winnipeg are betting they never
director, said the new facility is so advanced
Not only are such “additives” unpalat-
it’s only the second of its kind in Canada and
able, they are downright dangerous and could
will serve both Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
cause death, said Peter Pellars, supervisor of
The other new lab is in Vancouver and one is
the food laboratory at the new Health Protec-
tion Branch building which opened officially
Manitoba, northwestern Ontario and North-
west Territories,” Warkentin said.
and check for extraneous matters that may be
dangerous to your health,” Pellars said in an
insect parts in this rice, and over here, we
cocaine, heroin and all kinds of pills,” said
collected some filth from some apple juice,” he
Lloyd Smith, chief of laboratory services.
said, pointing to clear glass petri dishes
containing the minute, offending particles.
tested, are several bottles of red wine, a couple
still that police confiscated from a clandestine
of heads of purple cabbage, some apples and
Besides insects and glass, nails, plastic,
together by pieces of clear plastic tape, from
which several copper tubes and black rubber
imaginable have occasionally been found in
hoses emanate — was used to make liquid
say they will be able to detect such noxious
of the drug in the cans and are conducting
substances more efficiently and quickly at the
final tests on the still before making a report
new facility, located on the outskirts of
Winnipeg, than at their old building.
lab, especially in the foods area is a result of
allow health inspectors to carry out the type of
Peter Kolb, Marco Cecchini, Danzhi Huang, pkolb, cecchini, majeux, dhuang, [email protected] Department of Biochemistry, University of Zurich, Switzerland Fragment-Based Docking Our approach consists of four modules ( I - IV ), which perform IV. FFLD [4] uses a Genetic Algorithm to dock the whole – fully different steps of the docking procedure. flexible – molecu
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