Adverse Drug Event Monitoring at the Food and
Drug AdministrationYour Report Can Make a DifferenceSyed Rizwanuddin Ahmad, MD, MPH
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible not
not be representative of the real world where the drug is
only for approving drugs but also for monitoring their safety
eventually used.1 An analysis of 192 randomized drug
after they reach the market. The complete adverse event
trials found that the quality and quantity of safety
profile of a drug is not known at the time of approval because of
reporting may sometimes be presented erratically or may
the small sample size, short duration, and limited general-
izability of pre-approval clinical trials. This report describes
The FDA is responsible not only for approving drugs for
the FDA's postmarketing surveillance system, to which manyclinicians submit reports of adverse drug events encountered
marketing but also for monitoring their safety after they
while treating their patients. Despite its limitations, the
reach the market. This function is carried out by the FDA's
spontaneous reporting system is an extremely valuable mech-
Office of Drug Safety, which maintains a spontaneous
anism by which hazards with drugs that were not observed or
reporting database called the Adverse Event Reporting
recognized at the time of approval are identified. Physicians
System (AERS). AERS receives adverse events information
are strongly encouraged to submit reports of adverse outcomes
from 2 principal sources: mandatory reports from phar-
with suspect drugs to the FDA, and their reports make a
maceutical companies on adverse events that had been
difference. The FDA is strengthening its postmarketing sur-
spontaneously communicated to the firms, primarily by
veillance with access to new data sources that have the
physicians and pharmacists;and adverse event reports
potential to further improve the identification, quantification,
that physicians, pharmacists, nurses, dentists, and con-
and subsequent management of drug risk.
sumers submit directly to the FDA's MedWatch program.3,4
KEY WORDS: Food and Drug Administration (FDA); adverse
Since 1969, more than 2 million adverse event reports have
drug events; postmarketing surveillance; MedWatch; drug
been submitted to the FDA. Currently, the agency receives
approximately 250,000 of these reports per year. In the
United States, the estimated cost of morbidity and mortal-ity related to adverse drug reactions (ADRs) is more than
$75 billion annually, and ADRs are among the top 10
hen the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
approves a new drug for marketing, its complete
The majority of reports that are submitted to the FDA
adverse event profile may not be known because of the
come from pharmaceutical companies. However, late or
limitations of pre-approval clinical trials. Typically, clinical
non-reporting of case reports by drug companies, or failure
trials for new drugs are of short duration and are
to report any adverse event at all, are major problems. The
conducted in populations that number from a few
makers of the arthritis medication benoxaprofen (Oraflex),
hundred to several thousand;therefore, the most common
the antihypertensive drug ticrynafen (Selacryn), and the
dose-related adverse drug reactions are usually detected
antidepressant drug nomifensine (Merital) have been
in the premarketing phase. Since most trials exclude the
criminally prosecuted for delay in reporting or failure to
elderly, children, pregnant women, patients with multiple
report serious adverse drug events. In recent years, the FDA
diseases, and those on medications suspected of inter-
has issued several warning letters to companies, primarily
action with the study drug, the studies' participants may
as a result of the late reporting of adverse drug events.
Timely reporting of adverse events is fundamental to
the success of the FDA's postmarketing surveillance (PMS)
Received from the Division of Drug Risk Evaluation, Office of
program, especially in the case of newly marketed drugs.
Drug Safety, Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug
Physicians are on the frontline of FDA's PMS program, and
Evaluation and Research, Rockville, Md.
their reports make a difference. Inadequate reporting of
Address correspondence and requests for reprints to Dr.
adverse events by physicians may delay detection of
Ahmad: Division of Drug Risk Evaluation, Office of Drug Safety,Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and
postmarketing adverse drug events.7 There is no program
Research HFD-430, Room 15B-08, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rock-
of testing prior to the marketing of a drug that will find all
ville, MD 20857 (e-mail: [email protected]).
its risks in real-world situations, and no drug is completely
Ahmad, Adverse Drug Event Monitoring at the FDA
safe. The objective of this paper is to describe the FDA's
incidence of adverse events, the FDA's epidemiologists
PMS program and to highlight the important role of
frequently estimate the reporting rate (number of case
physicians and other health care professionals in this task
reports of adverse outcome of interest divided by estimated
with the hope that this will stimulate and encourage
total number of prescriptions) of adverse events with a
increased reporting of serious adverse events associated
suspect drug, and compare it with the background rate at
with drugs. It is only with the help of alert and vigilant
which the same event occurs in a population not treated by
physicians and other health care professionals that new
the suspect drug. A reporting rate that is higher than the
background rate is an indication of a possible causalrelationship between the adverse event and the drug.
Spontaneous reporting systems such as AERS are the
As the next step, the FDA may attempt to confirm
most common, effective, and relatively inexpensive meth-
potential signals by conducting studies in one of several
ods used in pharmacovigilance to identify new or rare
large claims databases that link prescriptions with adverse
adverse events. Data from AERS are first scrutinized by the
outcomes. The FDA has funded extramural investigators
FDA's postmarketing safety evaluators for previously
through a system of cooperative agreement for more than a
unrecognized (unlabeled) serious adverse events, which
decade. These investigators, who have access to large
may represent potential ``signals.'' Most helpful in this
population-based databases, are affiliated with depart-
process are ``good'' adverse event reports that contain
ments of pharmacoepidemiology and/or pharmacy in
information such as: a complete description of the adverse
universities and/or managed care organizations/HMOs.
outcome;baseline status of the individual;laboratory
Over the years, the FDA has been able to utilize the
values and biopsy report, where applicable;temporal
resources of these investigators to answer a number of drug
relationship with the suspect drug;information about
safety questions. The FDA may also query foreign regula-
dechallenge (event abates when drug is discontinued) and
tory agencies, mainly those in Europe, Canada, and
rechallenge (event recurs when drug is restarted);and
Australia, regarding whether similar adverse events may
information about confounding drugs or conditions. Even a
have been reported with the suspect drug. In addition, the
single ``good'' adverse event report can qualify as a potential
FDA may query the World Health Organization (WHO)
``signal'' that requires further research.
Uppsala Monitoring Center database, which collects
When a ``signal'' is noted, the safety evaluators, who
adverse drug reactions data from over 60 countries
are specially trained clinical pharmacists, routinely try to
participating in the WHO International Drug Monitoring
find additional cases in AERS and medical literature or
from foreign regulatory agencies. A case definition may bedeveloped and repeatedly refined as new cases are col-
lected. After assembling a series of cases, the safety
evaluators search for any common trend, causal relation-ship, or pattern of events to identify potential risk factors or
The confirmation of a ``signal'' may be followed by one
any other peculiarities. Usually, they look for signs such
or more FDA regulatory actions, the extent and rigor of
as: temporal association (the suspect drug was taken
which depend on the seriousness of the adverse events, the
before the occurrence of adverse outcome);coherence with
availability, safety, and acceptability of alternative therapy,
existing information or biological plausibility;similar effect
and the outcome of previous regulatory intervention. The
in drugs of the same class;dose-response relationship;
agency may require the drug manufacturer to inform
consistency of the association (replicability of results);and
prescribers about the identified hazard in a ``Dear Health
Care Professional'' letter, and to add to or strengthen new
One of the limitations of spontaneous reports is that, in
or boxed warning information in the product's professional
general, they are poorly documented, and the safety
labeling. Boxed warning may be required when special
evaluator may need to contact the event reporter, either
problems, particularly those that may lead to death or
directly or through the manufacturer, in order to secure
serious injury, may be associated with a drug. If a boxed
warning is required, its location is specified by the agency.
Another limitation of spontaneous reporting is that it
The FDA may also require that the drug company enhance
captures only a small fraction of the adverse events that
patient information materials such as medication guides.
actually take place. The extent of under-reporting is
Recent examples of FDA regulatory actions stimulated
unknown, and depends on the severity of the adverse
by ADR reports include postmarketing reports of myocar-
event, among other factors. One group of researchers
ditis in association with clozapine (Clozaril), which led to
estimated that the FDA receives reports of less than 1% of
strengthening of the boxed warning and warnings section
serious adverse events, whereas another group gave this
of the drug's labeling;and reports of liver failure leading to
estimate as between 8% and 13%.8,9 Since it is not possible
transplants and/or death in association with the use of the
to calculate from the available information the actual
antidepressant nefazodone (Serzone), which led to the
Table 1. Recent Safety-based Drug Withdrawals
Drug interactions/arrhythmias (torsades de pointes)
Drug interactions/arrhythmias (torsades de pointes)
* Cisapride is available only through an investigational limited-access program.
y Phenylpropanolamine or PPA was an ingredient in many cough/cold and diet pills.
z In June 2002, the FDA approved restricted remarketing of alosetron. Detailed information on all the above drugs can be accessed by visiting the FDA's website (
addition of a black box warning in the labeling. A boxed
addition, the agency regularly disseminates new drug
warning was added following spontaneous reports of
safety information on its website (
serious cardiac arrhythmias in association with the use of
safety.htm), through articles in professional journals,13±26
levomethadyl acetate (Orlaam), a drug for opiate addiction
and at scientific forums where FDA scientists give
treatment. The warnings, precautions, and adverse reac-
tions section of labeling for the two antidiabetic drugspioglitazone (Actos) and rosiglitazone (Avandia) were
strengthened, and physicians and patients with diabetes
The FDA is strengthening its postmarketing surveil-
were alerted to the possibility of fluid retention that could
lance system with new staff and resources in order to meet
lead to or exacerbate congestive heart failure when either
the challenges of the changing world of therapeutics.
drug was used as monotherapy or in combination with
Ensuring the safety and effectiveness of drugs on the
insulin. The FDA issued a public health advisory concern-
market, however, is a responsibility that the FDA shares
ing the systemic use of two antifungals itraconazole
with industry, all health care professionals, including
(Sporanox) and terbinafine (Lamisil) and the association
physicians and pharmacists, and patients. The FDA's
of serious hepatic events with both drugs and possible
success in reducing drug-related adverse events depends
association of serious cardiac adverse events with the
to a large extent on the adverse event reports it receives
from health care professionals, either directly or through
The FDA can also restrict distribution of a drug, and on
the manufacturers. Health care practitioners are on the
rare occasions, it may request a drug's withdrawal from the
front line of the FDA's postmarketing program, and their
market, or the manufacturer may voluntarily withdraw the
reports are vital to the FDA's ability to protect consumers
drug. The cholesterol-lowering drug cerivastatin (Baycol)
and patients. Physicians are strongly encouraged to submit
was voluntarily withdrawn from the market by the drug's
reports of adverse outcomes with suspect drugs to the
manufacturer following serious reports of rhabdomyolysis
FDA's MedWatch program by phone (1-800-FDA-1088), fax
in association with its use. The irritable bowel syndrome
(1-800-FDA-0178), or via the MedWatch website at http://
drug alosetron (Lotronex) was withdrawn from the market
by the company following postmarketing reports ofischemic colitis a few months after the drug was launchedin the market. In June 2002, the FDA approved restricted
The author thanks Julie Beitz, MD, of the Division of Drug Risk
marketing of alosetron. The diabetes drug troglitazone and
Evaluation, FDA for her helpful comments and suggestions
the heartburn drug cisapride are recent examples of drugs
during preparation of this manuscript.
that were removed from the market after repeated labeling
The views expressed are those of the author and do not
changes and ``Dear Health Care Professional'' letters to
necessarily represent those of, nor imply endorsement from, the
clinicians did not achieve meaningful improvement in liver
Food and Drug Administration or the U.S. Government
enzyme testing or prevention of contraindicated drug use,respectively (see Table 1 for recent examples of drugs
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T o p T w e n T y pay- f o r - D e l ay D r u g s : H o w D r u g I n D u s t r y Pay o f f s D e l ay g e n e r I c s , I n f l at e P r I c e s a n D H u r t c o n s u m e r s T oo often, consumers are forced to shoulder a heavy financial burden, or even go without needed medicine, due to the high cost of brand-name drugs. Our research indicates that one significant cause is the practic
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